• Published 8th Oct 2014
  • 542 Views, 8 Comments

The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 8 -- Dark Melvain - shysage

The 'Phantom Alicorn' helped Princess Twilight and Equestria face a number of 'bad guys' to varying degrees. But a bully from the past would exact a far greater price...

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Ch. 58, Not a Canterlot Wedding, Part 1

Fairly early, Applejack was up and tending to the fire. The livingroom in their farm house was soon warmed nicely as we all took our time waking up.

My Sister and I were on either side of Princess Twilight, and we both hugged Princess at the same time once we knew she was awake.

Then we moved, and a bunch of other ponies took turns welcoming our Princess into a new day with a hug, and maybe some tears too.

Well, somepony started saying what we often say, right then. Still trying not to cry herself, Princess Twilight said her part.

Next, we all took turns hugging Applejack. Last night was just an amazing break for everypony, and we all really appreciated Applejack letting us invade her home.

Starting the day surrounded by such amazing friends...

Once we all had our coats on, everypony walked together back to Ponyville. Well, Applejack and Rainbow Dash stayed at the farm "to knock out some more chores" Applejack said.

The CMC stayed at the farm too. Evidently, they had something planned. Applejack mentioned quietly that she hoped it wasn't dangerous.

On the way back to town, my sister and I talked for a few minutes. Shysage and I would work on Canterlot Recorder stuff at our home for the day, then we would spend the night at Fluttershy's Cottage. Sister time is still amazing, but I didn't want to leave Shysage, and this is what we worked out.

Our home was cold! We both changed back into people, and our sweatshirts helped a little. Opening our door helped too.

Shysage had me on the Compy, and I started working on when I went back to the past to find Shysage. I think I cried a lot.

Shysage used his 'clip' thing and worked out a rough outline for the time leading up to his capture by Dark Melvain. I told him I wanted to help with writing that though. I wanted to know what happened to my Stallion.

After reviewing what he had already done, Shysage realized that we were pretty far behind. We still had to cover the time from the our fight with Dark Melvain to rescue Cel after I remembered. Some amazing stuff happened, then we came back to the Present.

Of course, we had to immediately face Dark Melvain in the Present; he was that looming cloud. That fight and the aftermath needed to be done too. And Shysage said I could probably do a bunch of chapters in there.

But he still needed to do the chapters about him getting kicked across the Library lobby, then being whisked into the past by the Portal, only to be thrown out by the guards, then taken by Dark Melvain.

From there, I was already working on the chapters about heading back to the Past to rescue him, getting him through the Portal, and on up through today.

We had a lot of work to do!

That afternoon, Shysage did a more detailed outline for the fight with Dark Melvain and rescuing Cel, and our next few days in the Past following that.

I just kept working on the chapters about me going back into the past to rescue him.

I think we both cried a lot.

Near sundown, we stopped and shut everything down. Then we changed back into ponies, and went into our room. Shysage got his coat on, laid on his side, and quickly had me up against his chest and neck on that thick rug. We just cried quietly there for a while. Shysage said softly, a few times "Summer, I love you so much..."

Every time he said that, I reminded him that I love him a lot too.

When it started to get dark, I got my coat on too, and we headed to Fluttershy's Cottage.

It was nice and warm in her home, and we all had dinner together. Soon after, we were gathered around her fireplace on our bellies.

Shyna really is doing amazing. Shysage asked her about her life before he whisked her away to Fluttershy's Cottage. Fluttershy, Shysage and I listened as Shyna described her early life in the Past. Shyna cried, because it was very diffcult. We just cried with her.

Well, when she got to Shysage bringing her into the Present, she looked at Fluttershy and burst into tears. Shyna tried to say she was just so happy, for once in her life, but she had difficulty finishing, and was quickly sobbing. Hugging in a tight circle, we just cried with her. I love my family... I think I say that a lot...

We talked and laughed and cried until very late, and fell asleep just like that.

The next morning, it was pretty cold, and Shysage volunteered to get the fire back up, while us girls relaxed. The fire warmed Fluttershy's Cottage nicely after a while.

Fluttershy fed us, then we cried and hugged together some more, then Shysage and I headed off to another Canterlot Recorder day.

Again, our home was cold, but with the door open, it didn't stay too cold. We were soon changed back to people, and we spent some time on our couch hugging and kissing. Too soon, we were both back at the compy.

On that day, I worked some more on finishing recent events, while Shysage worked on detailed outlining for our fight with Dark Melvain in the Present, when Princess and her girls finally killed him.

I was 'back from the dead' it seemed, so he covered those events that I could not, but stopped when he felt I could take over the account. He mentioned quietly that he would let me do what I could, since he "had the wrong name or something."

I stopped what I was doing, and hugged him tightly. "Shysage, I love your name. I am not sure I even care what other ponies think about it any more." We kissed a little while after that.

I think I got a good rough draft for some of the more recent events after I went back and rescued Shysage. I still cried a lot. And there were healing bruises evident on his face, even as a people.

Still, by midway through the afternoon, it was clear we were both 'fried', Shysage said.

Like yesterday, we shut everything down, changed back into ponies, and were soon laying on our sides together in our room on the rug. We cried some too. And Shysage said the same thing a few times, I don't know. This whole chain of events was just scary for all of us; maybe that was it...

We spent most of the afternoon together in our room. It was so peaceful, and just being together like that... Late in the day, we got up, and I got my coat on, then we walked slowly to the meadow and had some dinner. It was cooling off pretty quickly.

A little before dark, we headed together to Princess Twilight's Castle. I think we needed a little warm!

We left our coats on a table, and ended up on the rug in front of the Portal, and just relaxed there next to each other for a while. It was very comfortable. Princess Twilight and Filia soon joined us. Well, Rarity and Fiona came in soon after, and they joined us as well. Being with such amazing friends... I think I say that a lot, too...

Out of nowhere, Shysage asked me if I would like to visit my Twin. Without even thinking, I said "Yes!" immediately, and smiled broadly.

Shysage asked Princess Twilight if that would be ok.

She said yes, but asked that we be very careful there. She mentioned that so much had happened recently...

Well, the Equestria Girls world was scary, but with Shysage near...

I was a little sad that I didn't even have time to ask about bringing my sister; Shysage took us quickly through the Portal to the Equestria Girls world.

According to the clock in the School Lobby, it was around 8:30 in the morning.

Shysage and I walked over to the Cake's diner, and we shared a soda, and just talked. It was quiet in the Diner, and being alone with Shysage was amazing.

He teared up at one point, and said quietly "Summer, I really love you..." I just smiled, and squeezed his hand, and told him I was never leaving him. Still, I wondered. I was hearing this quite a bit...

We sat next to each other in a booth there, and just talked quietly together for amost an hour.

Then we walked slowly back to Fluttershy's apartment. Shysage knocked on the door, and Fluttershy's mom had us quickly inside.

Well, we all hugged and cried together some too.

Shysage asked if he could run to his cubical and shave, and trim his hair. He knows I appreciate that, and I quickly said yes.

Fluttershy's mom assured Shysage she would take good care of me until he got back, and he was soon out the door. That wasn't easy, letting him go like that.

Fluttershy's mom asked me to take a shower. I realized that I spent a lot of time as a people in Equestria, so I probably needed one.

I was quickly enjoying a nice warm shower on this cold day. And I already knew how to use the shampoo and stuff.

Fluttershy's mom evidently brought in some other clothes while I was showering, and I put them on after I was done and had brushed my hair. These new clothes looked very nice, even the shoes! Again, this was fine; I was sure my jeans, t-shirt and sweatshirt all needed a good wash.

I came out, and Fluttershy's mom started crying right away. "Summer you are very beautiful, just like my daughter... Well, both my daughters... Oh, well, all of my daughters..."

I answered quietly "I love my family..."

We hugged briefly and cried together a little.

"Where is my Twin?" I asked.

"Well, we need to leave now, I will take you to her. It isn't far, and Shysage texted that he will join us there.

I honestly was a little apprehensive, until I saw that Fluttershy's mom's car was pretty big. Besides, the drive really wasn't that far. And we stopped next to a fairly large building surrounded by houses. It was very quiet when I got out of the car.

And I noticed Shysage's big Blue car right away, and relaxed immediately. I wanted to see my Twin, but I didn't like being away from Shysage.

There was a long walk-way leading into the building, and the Twin Link went active right away. I couldn't make any sense out of what I was seeing, so I just ignored it.

It didn't matter, my amazing Twin, Equestria Girls Summer Rain, was quickly walking down that walk-way towards me...

...in the most beautiful White dress I had ever seen! I mean, she looked absolutely amazing! The clothes I were wearing were very nice, but my Twin... And she had this most amazing thing in her hair, with a fine net or something, that flowed amazingly behind her as she walked. She looked absolutely amazing...

We were quickly hugging and crying.


I asked my Twin what was going on.

She just said quietly "Summer and Shysage are getting married today", then she burst into tears. I did too... I was actually here for my Twin's wedding, and in the Equestria Girls world, no less! I was ecstatic... Of course, I could rely on Shysage to work this out. I love him so...

We sobbed together briefly, then my Twin said she didn't want too many tears on her dress. Besides, I knew this was a big day for my Twin, and we both worked on calming down.

My Twin and I headed slowly back up the walk-way into the big building, arm and arm. I really love my Twin... She led me down a hallway and into a large room...

...filled with all of the Equestria Girls! Even the Principal Sisters were there.

But I really had to stop and look again. There were two of everypony! All of the Equestria Ponies were here too! Even Cel and Lu! And they ALL looked absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

How could...

I really wanted to hug them all... I just burst into tears again, right where I was. I really couldn't move...

Cel and Lu (Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, from Equestria!) came over and hugged me tightly. Even as people, our girls looked amazing... Now I really didn't want to move. We just cried softly together.

After a few minutes, my Twin walked over, and interrupted us.

She handed me a huge stack of boxes, and said "Twin, these are your clothes, go into that little room right there, and change." The clothes I had on were amazing, I thought so anyway. But my Twin's smile is priceless. I would not say no!

I headed into the little room, shut the door, and opened the top, smallest box. In it was... ...that same beautiful White hat/net thing my Twin was wearing. I pulled it out of the box, and stared at it a minute.

Then I opened the door, and carried this beautiful hair thing out to my Twin... I said quietly to her "There must be a mistake, I'm not supposed to be wearing this, you are the one--"

My Twin started crying right away, and couldn't talk. I felt bad...

Cel and Lu walked quickly over; both were crying, too.

Lu said "Mom, you and dad..." then she couldn't keep going.

Cel tried, but couldn't get any further either.

My Sister walked quickly over, and with tears in her eyes...

"Sis, you and your Shysage are getting married too. It's a double wedding."

I burst into tears and quickly hugged my sobbing Twin. We just sobbed together for a while... at the same time... in the same way...


From that point on, I think my Twin and I were both mush and cried a lot.

Both Shysages and both Summers were getting married today...

...And surrounded by all our amazing family and true friends...

This was just too good to be true...

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