• Published 8th Oct 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 8 -- Dark Melvain - shysage

The 'Phantom Alicorn' helped Princess Twilight and Equestria face a number of 'bad guys' to varying degrees. But a bully from the past would exact a far greater price...

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Ch.59, Not a Canterlot Wedding, Part 2

[This is really a 'Twins' chapter. Just like the previous Twins chapters, the only fitting background music is the slow, understated elegance of 'The Celestial Capital - Al'Taieu'* from the 'Chains of Promethia'* expansion OST for Final Fantasy XI* (*c2014 by Square Enix).]

It was Saturday...

And I had no clue...

My Twin and I were both getting married today...

...to our amazing Shysages...

We were both ecstatic...


Like I said, I knew we would both be mush today. I think we pretty much cried constantly almost the whole time.

And honestly, most of what happened was just a blur. I think my Twin had planned and practiced what we needed to do, so I just basically did what she did, and said what she said. And we cried together, and at the same time, in the same way; we did this a lot...

I am sure it took a while to get me dressed. Aside from the fact that I was crying, and wasn't able to help much, I really didn't know how all these Equestria Girls clothes were supposed to work. It took both Raritys and a bunch of the Equestria Girls to get me into that amazing White dress just like my Twin was wearing.

While taking a shower earlier, I realized that the ankle band that Princess Celestia put on me as a pony the last time we went to the Past... I was still wearing that band in the Equestria Girls world. It looked just as beautiful, Gold and White, and it was still small enough that it would never fall past my foot, but it wasn't tight or anything.

Well, at one point, the girls needed to put on these really thin 'hose' or something, Rarity called it I think. But they had to feed the whole thing through, under that ankle band in order to get them on. Everything else went ok, except I didn't have a clue how to do anything.

When they were done, they had me look in the mirror at myself. I just cried harder...

I was soon out standing next to my Twin. We both looked the same (beautiful), and were hugging tightly, trying to not cry too hard. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever wear clothes as amazing as this!

After I got dressed, both Fluttershys and both Shynas followed us around, crying, until it was time for them to go in. All us sisters hugged and cried together a LOT...

But they wouldn't let me see Shysage. My Twin said THAT needed to wait until the ceremony. It was still maybe two hours away, and THAT was just hard for me. Twin said it was hard for her too.

And Equestria Girls Pinkie Pie had this really tiny looking camera, and she was taking tons of pictures, of just about everything. And she was actually showing her Twin (Equestria pony Pinkie Pie) how to use the camera too. That must have been Twin fun! But my Twin said pictures are just a part of getting married. I didn't know. I'm from Equestria.

Well, I also kept seeing a beautiful girl with the rest of us, and I didn't know who she was. Twin smiled and said it was Princess Cadance. Wow, was she beautiful here too!

I think I made a mistake though. I walked quickly over to her, but forgot where I was and bowed. She helped me quickly up, and said quietly that she felt very out of sorts here too. We just hugged and cried together, as my Twin tried to clean the smudge off my beautiful dress.

I realized though, that if Princess Cadance was here, Shining Armor probably was too.

Well, both Twilights came up at one point, and the four of us hugged and cried together for a few minutes. That was just very meaningful to me. I love my Princess... Wait, I love both Twilights... Well, we both do.


I think the closer to the ceremony we got, the more Twin and I cried. She tried to explain the ceremony to me, and we both said at the same time we were mush. We didn't laugh together at this, we cried together. Still, I told Twin I would try to do what she did, and say what she did. She just needed to go slow for me.

Twin also tried to prepare me. She said this was a church, it was the church where her parents used to work, and where her Shysage worked now. But the room where the ceremony was to be held was HUGE, and there would probably be a LOT of people there. She tried to warn me to try to focus on doing and saying what she did.

Still crying, she also mentioned that making mistakes would not prevent us from getting married. Boy, was I glad about that!

Close to the start of the ceremony, I realized that all the Equestria Girls and all the Equestria ponies were weeping softly too. I started wandering around hugging and crying with as many as I could. I tried to thank each of them for taking time to be a part of this day with us. Twin was quickly doing the same thing.

The big room had an instrument in it called an organ; it sounded very beautiful. Twin said that, once we could hear that, then guests were coming, and taking seats in the big room. She said when a specific tune came on, that was our signal. I didn't know. I was mush.

It seemed like time was moving so slow...

And I was scared...

Twin called me over to some big doors, and told me it was almost time, and that we needed to walk slowly down the aisle, whatever that was. She said normally the bridal party would enter first, but this was a double wedding, and things would be a little different.

She couldn't remember which side my Shysage would be on, but Shining Armor was next to my Shysage and her dad was next to her Shysage. Then all of the Equestria ponies were next to Shining Armor, off to one side, starting with Princess Cadance. All the Equestria Girls were on the other side, next to her dad.

Two worlds were coming together for this...

My Twin helped me put that net thing down over my face. I don't know. I didn't want to kiss Shysage through that! But I did what my Twin did...

When the big doors opened... I gasped, the room really was huge!

Then I gasped again when I saw my Shysage... Oh my... I really wanted to run straight up to him, but Twin was holding my arm tightly.

And by the way, I could tell which was my Shysage because he had that same band on his ankle that Fluttershy and I did, and he had rolled his pant leg up a little so I could see it. I really appreciated that; it really would be hard to tell otherwise.

But I have to say... He looked amazing too... Twin later told me it was a tuxedo, but... wow....

My Twin had us switch places so we were both on the correct side. But she wisely held my arm so I stayed with her. I love my Twin... I think I said that...

I actually think she calmed down for the ceremony, which was good. I had no clue what I was doing... I just tried to follow her the best I could.

And that meant walking SLOWLY down a large walkway towards the front of this big room, to Shysage... Twin held my arm, held me back, and we were soon walking in step, very slowly. That was just the way it was done. And the tune the organ played was beautiful.

And, on the way walking, I realized there were a LOT of people here, and most were all our amazing girlfriends, the 'bleacher girls'... I honestly wanted to try to hug each one later.

I also think my Twin read my mind. She said quietly but sternly "Do not hug or kiss Shysage until the pastor says so. Just do what I do. This is VERY important."

I quietly replied that was mean, and she smiled.

"Twin, that's just the way it is done. Trust me." she said and smiled again. Well, her smile really is priceless...

It took more than a minute, then we stopped at the front, and there was another man there, in the middle. Twin had already told me, he was the pastor, and would do the ceremony.

Well, I just wanted Shysage, but still, we stopped down in front there.

Twin's dad was crying a lot, as he came down, stood between Twin and I, held our arms, then 'gave away' both Summers...

Finally, I had my Shysage back... Well, I wrapped my arm around his, just like my Twin was doing with her Shysage. I really had missed my Stallion. I hugged his arm pretty tight though.

Still, Shysage bent over just a little, and said quietly to me "I love you Summer, you are so beautiful." Twin's Shysage did the same thing... at the same time... in the same way...

Both of us Summer's just melted... But I think that also helped both us Summers relax some.

The actual ceremony was pretty much a blur too. The pastor talked some, he walked us through our vows, we exchanged rings (I don't know where they came from, but they were beautiful too), then he talked some about what marriage really is, and he prayed some. I don't remember a lot of detail, until the Pastor said "you may kiss the bride"...

I finally got to kiss my Shysage... He gently folded back the net stuff... But the kissing part was pretty short, because both us Summers burst into tears at the same time, and tightly hugged our Shysage. The four of us were quickly crying together...

Well, Twin pulled herself together, and tugged on my arm, then stood next to her Shysage facing the people, and I just did the same thing. Both Summers were still crying, of course.

The pastor said a few more words.

Then Twin and her Shysage walked quickly back out of the big room, and my Shysage and I followed them.

Twin called us into a little room and closed the door. The people who came, were now heading to another room with food and stuff. Twin said once they were all through, we needed to go back into the big room and Pinkie would take a bunch more pictures.

We had to wait maybe ten minutes in there, and both Summers just hugged both their Shysages tightly and wept softly. I was just so glad to have my Stallion back. After all Shysage and I have been through, I NEEDED him back. I think Twin felt the same way.

We were still crying as we went back into the big room for more pictures. ALL of the Equestria Girls and Equestria ponies were there, and Shining Armor was with his Mare, well Princess Cadance. They kissed each other a few times too!

Cel, Lu, Fluttershy, Shyna and I took a few minutes and hugged together and cried. This was just an amazing family time...

Both Pinkies just waited patiently. Then they got a bunch more pictures going, and some of the time we repeated some things that we had done. Shysage and I just stood where Pinkie said, and did what Pinkie said, and tried not to cry. I think we mostly smiled while we cried, I don't know.

Well, Smiling when we felt like we did, that was hard for both of us. I wanted my Shysage, and Twin did too. We were both so amazingly happy now, crying was all we could do.

The 'reception' was next, and I had to work hard on doing what my Twin did. I wanted to run into the sea of bleacher girls and hug every one. That had to wait until later, but I did do a lot of that.

The food was ok, but greeting everypony with Shysage, that was just amazing. And I just danced once, with Shysage. He did a lot better as a people!

My Stallion and I hugged and cried with as many of the girls as we could, and some of the guys too. There were so many to hug! I think the afternoon rushed by very quickly as a result. It had been maybe a week ago that we had almost lost Shysage, and his face still bore some slight bruising... I really wanted to hug as many as I could. I was pretty sure that, because of each of them...

I noticed that my Twin and her Shysage were doing the same thing, hugging as many amazing girlfriends as possible.

Well, at some point the people who came headed off, and it was just the Equestria Girls and Equestria ponies left. Well, Twin's mom and dad stayed with us. We all stood in a circle, and hugged and cried together for a little while.

Twin's mom and dad ordered pizza for everypony. Wow, that stuff was good! Twin mentioned a few times Pizza can stain my dress, so I was very careful.

Twin asked everypony to stay right where they were, and she and her Shysage, then me and my Shysage slowly worked our way around the entire circle, hugging and crying with everypony.

I could have spent all night with my amazing friends, but soon, it was time for us 'newlyweds' to leave. That was just hard. These were all... I love them all so much...

We hugged them all again, and thanked Twin's mom and dad for everything.

Shysage and I didn't even bother changing, not yet; we both loved what the other was wearing.

I quietly asked Shysage if I should keep these clothes on through the Portal, so I could wear them next time I needed to be the Phantom Alicorn.

He just said quietly "Oh, Summer..."

Evidently, Twin's mom and dad were taking she and her Shysage somewhere different than where we were going. I was sad at first, but then realized that the Twin Link would make for an awkward night otherwise.

But this just meant that Twin and I had to hug and cry a while together before we left. Getting us both married had been largely her doing, and I so appreciated that. And we both really were hopelessly in love with our Shysages. We sobbed together for a while... At exactly the same time... In exactly the same way... We were Twins...

All of the Equestria Girls and Equestria ponies came back out with their 'normal' Equestria Girls clothing. Princess Twilight said the Equestria ponies were heading back to Equestria tonight. Everypony still had plenty to do at home.

Both Summers hugged our Princess tightly, and wept on her shoulders together. We love our Princess...

Twin and I had planned this part.

Shysage and I climbed into his big Blue car, and headed to the Cake's diner.

Mom, dad, and our Twins soon joined us, and we just talked together over some soda. Did I say Shysage likes soda?

Then we all hugged again, and went our separate ways.


I have no idea where Shysage was taking me, but he called it a 'motel'.

He said normally, when people got married, they went on a 'honeymoon', sort of like an extended vacation together. He explained that one night was all we would do. He said he didn't think we needed more than that, because he felt that every day we spent together was a honeymoon for us.

I understood what he meant, and agreed of course, and he got a big hug for that. Then I warned him that I don't need a reason to give him a big hug. He got another big hug.

Well, we did have a bunch of Canterlot Recorder stuff waiting for us, too.

Our room was nice, Shysage said. Well, I'm from Equestria, so... And it was warm too. That was nice, because it was cold outside!

We did finally change into different clothes, but they didn't stay on long. And I am trying to be careful. Shysage made me feel like a Princess that night, and I helped him feel amazing too. We stayed people the whole time. It was an amazing experience.

After we showered, dried off, and got quickly back into bed (to get warm again), Shysage pulled me close with his strong arms, and hugged me tightly. We both sighed together. I didn't want to ever move from this spot...

It was quiet for a few minutes, except maybe we both sighed again. Then Shysage quietly said this.

If I could fly from East to West, in search of loving beauty,
I'd never find another near, the Mare that now comes to me.
A Ruby kiss, a heart of Gold, and hands that yearn to serve me.
True friend so near, devotion so clear, my Shila you always will be.

I just cried softly, and hugged him tightly...

"Shysage, I will always need you..." I said quietly

"Oh Summer, not a day goes by..." I don't think he could finish.

I love this Stallion so much...


But as we lay there hugging, in bed, in the dark, weeping softly together, I started putting together some of the things I heard the pastor say while he was marrying us. And honestly, I pulled some things in from the time we had spent together since Shysage had first rescued me from monsters. And that was maybe almost four years ago for us.

In Equestria, I remember Shysage telling me once that it seemed to him, more and more, here in the Equestria Girls world, if you decided you didn't like your wife, you just got another one. When he told me this, I sighed and said softly "That happens here too..."

Well, neither of us even thought that was ever a possibility for us.

Maybe the pastor had that in mind, I don't know. I think he tried to stress the permanence of getting married. Shysage and I both agreed with that as we talked.

But I realized that night, that a committment to permanence alone was not enough, and Shysage agreed. He had lived that, at great personal cost.

I knew something else was neccessary, and I suggested the word faithfulness.

Shysage said pretty quickly that here in the Equestria Girls world, people would immediately take this to mean not sleeping with someone else.

Well, this isn't what I had in mind, but I couldn't come up with a better word.

I explained it this way. Shysage, he and I both have been deeply committed to true friendship since before we met. That committment has never faded or changed. And true friendship means putting others first. As a result, Shysage and I spend a lot of time and energy putting each other first, and taking care of each other, as well as those around us. (More often than not, I think we try to take care of those around us first.)

Faithfulness to that committment to put each other first, that is what has given our relationship such stability, and honestly, made our time together so amazingly rewarding for both of us. I'm from Equestria, but I am convinced that this is what marriage is supposed to be like on both sides of the Portal.

My point was that this sort of faithfulness seemed to me to be a prerequisite for permanence. And permanence without that type of faithfulness...

At this point, Shysage said softly "quiet desparation..." and he didn't need to explain...

I know Shysage agrees with me. And I don't think either of us ever want to lose the other. We had come painfully close to that a number of times already, and it really hurt.

Shysage hugged me tightly, then we kissed some. Then we both thanked true friend for each other, sighed together, and were soon asleep. I think we slept in heavenly peace again.

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