• Published 8th Oct 2014
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The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 8 -- Dark Melvain - shysage

The 'Phantom Alicorn' helped Princess Twilight and Equestria face a number of 'bad guys' to varying degrees. But a bully from the past would exact a far greater price...

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Ch.45, Canterlot Recording

Well, I cried when we woke up the next morning.

I guess I had a bad dream about living in that shack near the orchard below Canterlot in the Past; this would have been before I remembered. I used to cry myself to sleep at nights, epecially when it was cold.

But I woke up next to my Stallion, and was surrounded by loving, caring friends, and I soon calmed down.

Evidently, Princess Twilight had a busy day ahead of her. But she also wanted us all to have our coats, even though it was another 'not too cold' day, so we all just put our coats on.

Then we group-hugged out in the Sun briefly, then she sent us off to our days.

As my Stallion and I walked to our home, he mentioned that he wanted to try to get started on the chapters for his last trip to the Past to come rescue me. He teared up as he said this. He didn't know that would happen, but it worked out that way.

Once we got home, we both changed into people, and the Canterlot Recorder started up the Compy and opened a new file.

Slowly, we got the chapter done covering the events leading up to the 'false alarm' Portal Beacon here in Equestria Present.

I really felt for my sister though, and so I cried a lot too.

This chapter ended as my Stallion and Fluttershy disappeared from the Present...

My Stallion opened another file, marked it, but explained that Princess Twilight needed to help us do that chapter. He said I would understand when we got it in.

It was still early in the day though, so we worked through another chapter about my Stallion and my sister Fluttershy arriving in the Past.

Cel quickly admitted that she didn't initiate the Portal Beacon, and from our vantage now, it was clear that the Portal did that itself, or maybe Equestria... I don't know.

Still, Cel (Princess Celestia) in the Past becoming close friends with my sister; that made me cry a lot too.

It was noon now, and we both decided to take a break and get a snack.

Still people, we quickly walked out our door, and headed to the meadow hugging tightly.

Between the looks we were getting, and the realization that we would be eating wild Oats, we realized that we should really be ponies for this. We both laughed together.

When nopony was around, we changed back into ponies, then went and had a snack together. And after crying a bunch that morning, laughing together felt so good...

But we were soon back at the Compy.

The next chapter dealt with a short period; my Stallion wrestling with himself, while holding back an ocean of pain...

He was honest with me that he really didn't know what his real motive was for busting into my jail cell that night. As far as he knew, I was gone. Still, he made it clear that he would NEVER pursue a 'one night stand' he called it, and I understood.

Overall, it didn't matter because he ended up face to face with me.

And that's how we ended that chapter.

This chapter was tough to write, my Stallion had to stop a LOT and we cried together.

But the next chapter was 'painfully amazing'...

Holding back that sea of pain, after the sudden realization that I was still alive... Then trying to reconstruct our relationship, as my Stallion, himself, slowly drifted towards hysteria... My Stallion desperately WANTED me, but he tried to stay calm for the most part.

I increasingly saw more pain than I ever thought possible inside a pony, and with each passing minute, I just wanted, more and more, to do anything I could to help this stallion... I knew this stallion desperately NEEDED me, but I took this slow and careful; I had already needed to kick a few stallions away.

Putting that chapter together; we both realized the, well, miracle of ANY of this working out, let alone us being married and sleeping next to each other only hours later...

...Even though I remembered NOTHING about our past together...

I think writing that chapter broke both our hearts for each other...

When we had proofed the results, we HAD to stop...

My Stallion laid on his side in our room, and pulled me close, and we cried together for a long time.

I won't EVER leave my Stallion...

About dinner time, we got up, helped each other into our coats, and snacked for a while in the meadow.

Just to check and see, we wandered over to Princess Twilight's Castle, and checked in.

Princess thanked us, and guessed everypony was doing ok tonight.

While we were there, my Stallion mentioned the possibility of Princess helping with a few chapters tomorrow maybe, and she said she would see.

We hugged our Princess tightly, then wandered out the door.

I think we both knew our next stop was Fluttershy's Cottage.

Our evening with my sister and Shyna was very peaceful and calm. I think we all enjoyed it. Sis and I talked together most of the time, and I think we cried softly together some too. And it seems like Shyna is doing very well.

Well, Fluttershy asked us to spend the night, and that was fine, I love my sisters! Well, her Cottage stays warmer at night than our home too.

The four of us laid on our bellies in front of the fireplace, and talked until very late. We all slept very good. And in the morning, Fluttershy fed is too.


Maybe mid-morning found my Stallion and I back in front of the compy, as people.

The chapter we worked through next covered the day after my Stallion had 'found' me.

First thing that morning, Cel (Princess Celestia) was furious when she heard what she was told about what my Stallion had done. Her voice was raised even before she was inside the jail cell, and that woke me up immediately. And I was sure Cel was going to yell at my Stallion (well, 'dad') when she found out it was him.

Cel's attitude turned around quickly; dad told her who I really was, and even though I was Blue, she recognized me... I quickly felt bad for her; she was trying so hard not to cry...

And Cel married us... My Stallion and I stopped, and hugged and kissed some after we wrote about that. And Cel was right, my Stallion really IS amazing...

Later that afternoon, still in that jail cell, I asked a bunch of questions... There were some things I really wanted to know.

My Stallion suggested a title for this chapter ('Under the Spotlight'), which I didn't understand at first. But after he explained what it meant, and that he felt like he was being 'cross-examined' (he explained that too) for a bunch of that day... That title really fit.

After we were done with that chapter, and had proofed it together, I said softly to my Stallion that, after he was done answering my questions that day, I was convinced, even without remembering our past, that I would never leave this Stallion. He just cried on my shoulder for a little while.


The Canterlot Recorder quietly asked me if I remembered what happened the next night.

I will never forget that night... I couldn't remember any of what he described, at the time, but it seemed so... amazing...

That night, I could only remember a string of stallions intent only on taking for themselves...

My Stallion described a night... He was intent only on giving; he had planned that from the beginning... I quickly WANTED to be a part of the special night... And this amazing Stallion let me... He gave... again... Even though all I could remember was two months ago... He helped me feel like I was right there that night... And he made me feel like a Princess that night too... In a jail cell, no less...

Getting this chapter typed in didn't take my Stallion long, he vividly remembered many details. That first night we called 'By the Moonlight', it just unfolded, so magestically, so quietly... That night in the Past in that Jail Cell, it unfolded just the same way...

After I 'remembered' everything, and especially remembering BOTH amazing nights... I will always remember them together now...

I just cried the whole time as he typed, and after he saved it and started a new chapter, we stopped, and I cried on my Stallion's shoulder a while after we were done...

Princess Twilight brought Filia in after that, and I tried to calm down. Princess was concerned, and asked if something was wrong.

I just hugged my Stallion again, and said "No... my Stallion is just amazing..." I didn't know if that was a good answer or not.

Well, anyway the next chapter we worked on was one my Stallion had started earlier.

And the whole tone of our time changed drastically... For the next two chapters Princess Twilight helped with, it was clear, our Princess didn't think she would even survive the day...

Our Princess cried a lot. I changed back into a pony, and Filia and I just hugged her. Fluttershy and Shyna showed up soon after, and we all hugged our Princess as she helped the Canterlot Recorder get the words down.

The morning after my Stallion and Fluttershy left through the Portal, Princess got a letter from Princess Celestia; Dark Melvain was in Canterlot.

This chapter, hastily written on a piece of paper, and in steps as the morning unfolded, included details about that terrible morning. My Stallion and the girls knew a 'looming cloud' was coming. Nopony knew it would be Dark Melvain... And Fluttershy was in the Past anyway...

Princess Twilight was honest in her expectations about the day...

It was heartbreaking... We were all crying...

The next chapter she helped us with; there were no notes for this...

After six hours of fighting Dark Melvain, Princess made some 'mental notes'. My Stallion just typed them in.

We all cried for that too...

After my Stallion finished that second chapter, and Princess Twilight thought it was ok, my Stallion saved the text, and turned the Compy off.

We all just hugged and cried together for a little while.

Still, after maybe fifteen minutes, Princess Twilight pulled herself back a little, worked on calming down, and quietly said this...

"Amazing friends...

"Maybe ten minutes after the events decribed in this second chapter, I watched the Shyna Twins run out together from under the magical shield. The Twins required the Portal, and the Portal required the Phantom Alicorn.

"I knew the tide would change. I knew Equestria would intervene.

"That morning hurt a lot...

"But I am still alive... All our Princesses and friends are still alive...

"And Dark Melvain is dead...

"I think we should look forward from that awful day, knowing that we have many more amazing days in store together..."

It was quiet for a minute, then my amazing sister... Flutershy said softly "Princess, lets ask Pinkie to put on a party at the Castle tonight."

Princess Twilight smiled broadly, then literally bolted out the door followed by Filia.

It was a 'done deal'... And the party that night was Epic! Well, Pinkie Pie put it on, so of course...

And we all spent the night together at the Castle too.

Such amazing friends...

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