• Published 8th Oct 2014
  • 540 Views, 8 Comments

The Chronicles of Summer Rain, Vol. 8 -- Dark Melvain - shysage

The 'Phantom Alicorn' helped Princess Twilight and Equestria face a number of 'bad guys' to varying degrees. But a bully from the past would exact a far greater price...

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Ch.2, Scared to Death

Hi, it's me Summer, well Equestria pony Summer Rain. I'm the Canterlot Recorder's assistant. I love my job!

My Stallion and I had spent the last week maybe, trying to get a good first pass done for the account of our time mostly in Equestria for over two weeks, starting when my Twin and I were abducted.

We came back almost two weeks ago now, and my Stallion quickly transferred the eight chapters a bunch of the Equestria Girls had helped us put together.

My Stallion and I did the next chapter together. We decided to take my Twin's place, and so came back to the Equestria Girls world. We were there maybe ten days. This time was hard but amazing at the same time.

My Stallion did the next three chapters, and I did the three that followed. Then we went through all six together. We love doing our 'work' together like this. These chapters came out amazing.

We took a break yesterday, and went back to the Equestria Girls world to spend another delightful afternoon with the girls in the bleachers after school.

Well, it was yesterday, but we went through the Portal after midnight, so early yesterday morning, in order to get to the bleachers before school was out. My sister Fluttershy came with us too. I always feel bad when we don't bring everypony...

Still, time in the bleachers is always amazing. And even though we had only been gone a little over a week, it seems like I needed to get 'caught up' all over again.

My Stallion spent some time with the guys and his Twin. He said simply that the time was amazing.

At five maybe, everyone else wandered off, and my Twin and I just hugged and cried together. The Fluttershys and Shyna did the same thing.

Still, it was clear that my Twin and my Stallion's Twin needed to spend some time together tonight. My Twin said it had been a few days, because both of them had been so busy; he with work, and she with school.

My Twin mentioned though, that living here was a lot easier for both of them, well right now anyway. And having Shyna always with Fluttershy gave she and her stallion more flexibility. But they still included Fluttershy and Shyna a lot. It was just good all around.

My Twin and my Stallion's Twin were soon off together.

My amazing Stallion kept his promise, and took the rest of us (me, both Fluttershy's and Shyna) to the beach in 'big Blue'.

He had to dip into his stash of extra cash so he could put some gas in the car. He mentioned that there was mysteriously a lot more cash there, but he suspected what was going on.

Before it started getting dark, my Stallion and I wandered by ourselves hugging, and the Fluttershys and Shyna spent some time together by themselves, too.

For the last hour, we all walked together, and talked. Shyna seems almost like a different person now. Caring, loving hearts really are helping her life just blossom. But it's clear with each day, she is just like my sister... Well, like both of them...

At eight maybe, we pulled up in front of the Cake's Diner for some food. The five of us joined my Twin and my Stallion's Twin, and we had an amazing time together like that.

Nine o'clock found us all in front of the Portal wall, weeping softly and hugging together.

We were soon heading back to Equestria.

It was mid-morning here in Equestria; a long day lay ahead of us.

Princess Twilight quickly found us, and asked us about our trip. She smiled as she listened, but tears soon formed in her eyes. Like I said, I usually feel bad when we don't bring everypony.

Trying to calm down, Princess mentioned that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were coming to Ponyville this afternoon. Princess didnt need to say anything more.

A day that includes some time with Cel and Lu (Princess Celestia and Princess Luna) is always a good day.

My Stallion knows me so well... He suggested that Fluttershy and I spend some time together, and that he would join us at her Cottage for lunch maybe.

My Stallion and I hugged, then Sis and I were soon off to the Cottage.

I was a little concerned. I know Fluttershy is really worried about the possibility there is a needy Shyna here in Equestria. I just don't know how to handle that.

It only came up once. Fluttershy mentioned in passing that her Twin said she thought she remembered Shyna saying her Twin might be in Canterlot. She couldn't remember much more; she couldn't even remember the conversation. Fluttershy's Twin was afraid to bring such a touchy subject up with Shyna again.

I said I would mention this to my Stallion.

But our time together was just amazing. I love my Sister.

My Stallion joined us at lunch time, and Fluttershy made us a nice meal. The three of us spending time together is always such a pleasure.

After lunch, we left Fluttershy surrounded by her animal friends in the warm sunlight, and my Stallion and I headed off to the Castle.

An Air Coach arrived at the Castle soon after we did.

After everypony hugged Princess Twilight, Filia and Fiona, Cel and Lu requested some time together just as a family, and we walked to the Canterlot Recorder's house. Ponies we met on the way bowed, of course.

We were soon inside our home, and Crowns were on the table as my Stallion and I were people on the couch, hugging our girls. I cried a lot. It seemed like only yesterday, we were doing this in our tree house (it was a house in the base of a huge tree). We never thought then, that we would ever do it again. And it was clear that, even after 1300 years, our amazing girls deeply value this time. My Stallion cried a lot too.

At one point, I had both my arms wrapped around Lu's head, hugging her as she cried. 'What if we only thought about escaping the Cougars, and hadn't stopped...' I thought to myself. I cried really hard after that. Lu asked me what was wrong, so I told her. We were all crying hard for a little while then. That whole thing was just scary...

And my Stallion and I hugged and cried with both our girls. He and I love both of them a lot. Sooner than anypony wanted, we knew it was time to go. Well, sort of. When we were all four ponies, we hugged and cried some more. I guess there was no rush, so my Stallion and I gave what we could.

I think my Stallion is right, most ponies think good leaders just appear out of nowhere. I also think a lot of ponies don't realize how hard it is being 'ruler of the Realm'. Judging by the tears we have seen it must be pretty hard.

After we all calmed back down, Cel and Lu led us back to the Castle where Princess and Filia joined us (Fiona was with Rarity). We all headed next to Town Square.

We met a lot of ponies on the way, and they all bowed of course. Having three of Equestria's leaders in Ponyville was not an everyday occurrance.

Cel and Lu led us to Town Square, then stopped. I thought for a minute that we were heading to the Cakes for some food.

My Stallion was quickly smiling broadly, but it took me a minute.

There were 'bleachers' here now! And I had not even asked about them yet!

They were made of wood, but were still very strong, and painted White. And, since ponies can't sit on the seat part of the bleachers, there were just three raised, broad levels, that looked like three deep steps. These would work fine for ponies to sit on. There was also a wall at the back edge of the highest level, and along the sides, so nopony fell off. They were maybe forty feet long, and the highest level was maybe six feet high, plenty for now...

I was quickly crying as I walked up to the top step and sat down. Princess and Filia cried too, they made the connection right away.

Cel and Lu climbed up next to me, and sat down, one on either side.

Cel said that they will replace these with Marble bleachers, and also add more, should they work out well.

Lu then said quietly "Mom, it's up to you now" then she smiled. I quickly hugged Lu, then Cel, still crying.

This was an amazing start. All I, well we (Princess and her girls too!) needed to do was find a way to always be out here at the same time each day.

The Magic of Friendship would take care of the rest.

Cel and Lu are busy Princesses, and this was an amazing gift. I felt so honored... But our Princesses had to leave soon, so we walked back to the Castle.

Everypony hugged everypony, and the Air Coach was soon headed back to Canterlot with our two girls. We still cried after they left.

Princess Twilight mentioned that she and the girls were meeting at the Castle for dinner, and that we could come too. This was an amazing treat, and we told her we would be back.

Well, this would be easy, we hadn't wandered far. My Stallion and I walked over to 'my tree', and we were soon asleep next to each other. Evidently Fluttershy had joined us at some point; she was asleep next to me. The three of us hadn't slept since...

Princess woke us up at dinner time. My Sister and I yawned at the same time again, and laughed together too.

Spending time with Princess and her girls... It was so amazing... And I excitedly told them about the new 'bleachers' too. I think we all knew what to do now.

There was no official business, we just spent some amazing time together. At dusk, everypony hugged everypony and we all headed to our homes.

Well, my Stallion and I could spend some amazing time together tonight too. After our nap, neither of us were very tired. We didn't have any plans for the evening either.

We ended up on that little hill in the East meadow, and just talked together a while.

The Moon was high, but just a 'Crescent' my Stallion said. It just barely lit up the meadow. Still, it was very calm and very quiet.

My Stallion moved to face me, and we just rubbed noses together, for quite a while, and sighed a lot. It really felt good to relax and 'unwind' (I heard one of the Equestria Girls say this). I really needed my Stallion like this, tonight.

Before we knew it, my Stallion said it was probably close to midnight. We were sitting up, right next to each other, well really, up against each other. My Stallion put his head right against mine, and said he really likes having me close like this. I just sighed again.

I reminded him of when we first met 'Sue and Lee' (Cel and Lu, in the past), how he taught Sue to hug him by rubbing her head up and down against his. Then I did that to him. My Stallion just did it back. Then we both sighed together.

After a few minutes silence, my Stallion said softly "Summer, you are amazing... I lo--"

The loud steps of an approaching pony, running quickly, jolted us both, and we quickly got up and turned around...

...only to be almost run over by Princess Twilight.

"Oh, please, I need you both in the Library right away" she said quickly, and took off again, towards the Castle.

We followed of course. I said what we both realized "Shysage, she's scared to death..."

We both took to the Air, and were quickly at the Castle steps, and ran for the Library.

There was nothing there.

Princess Twilight soon joined us, then sat on the floor, just sobbing. Princess was almost hysterical.

My Stallion and I were quickly on either side of her, and we hugged her, and were soon crying with her. She was shaking with fear. It would be a while before she would calm down enough to speak.

Maybe fifteen minutes later, my Stallion said calmly "Princess, when you want to, please tell us what happened."

A few minutes later, Princess tried, still crying softly.

"I couldn't sleep, and was heading for a... ...walk..

"I came out, and saw them...

"They were round, Orange, very scary...

"And they made a terrible sound too...

"It was awful...

"I ran down the stairs, and sat...

"Nothing happened though...

Princess just cried a while. Then she added

"I don't wan... want another Fury..."

Then she cried some more. It was clear Princess cared about her town, and the ponies that she loved who were living in this Castle...

After a few minutes, my Stallion said again slowly "Princess, I think I can help you, but you need to calm down first. Still, take your time, we are in no hurry for now. And we will do anything we can to help you."

After maybe ten more minutes, Princess Twilight's crying slowed. Still sniffling, she said "Ok, Shysage..."

My Stallion asked "Princess, did you sit in your chair downstairs?

Princess said "Yes..." still sniffling.

"Princess, did anything happen when you did that?" my Stallion asked next.

Princess thought a minute, then said quietly "No..."

My Stallion said softly "Princess, trust Equestria. If there was something threatening Equestria, especially in this Castle, as soon as you sat in your chair, Equestria would have taken over, and your girls would have been immediately brought to you, and your 'elements' would have emerged."

Princess thought a minute, then stopped crying, and just hugged us both tightly.

A few minutes later, Princess said quietly "I really need you both tonight, thank you..."

I said quickly "Princess, we both love you a lot. We will do anything we can to help you."

It was quiet for a few more minutes. We hugged our Princess tightly, and she worked on calming down.

My Stallion spoke up "Princess, maybe you can go to your room and try to get some sleep, and Summer and I will sleep in here. We will let you know if anything happens. And maybe tomorrow night--"

Princess interrupted quickly "I'm not leaving you both tonight. We can all sleep together out here. I just don't want to be alo---" Then she started to cry again.

We both knew how Princess Twilight felt. We already had this discussion.

Princess laid on her belly on the thick rug in front of the Portal, and my Stallion and I slept on either side of her. That's what Princess wanted. She was soon asleep.

After a few minutes, my Stallion said quietly "Summer, I think we need to finish the account we are working on."

I quietly answered him "Shysage, I think I need you more than life itself.."

We both sighed at this, we were soon asleep, too.

Author's Note:

The names 'Cel' and 'Lu' to refer to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, along with the use of 'mom' and 'dad' to refer to myself and my Stallion, will make more sense if you have read 'Follow the Equestrium'.

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