• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 1,232 Views, 7 Comments

Shadow of Evil - MoonShine

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Chapter 1: Recap

<2 years later>

SEA has been at peace with the ponies of Equestria, trading has been going on among the two races. There have been sightings of a shadowy figure now and then popping up in Ponyville and in the rebuilt city of Manehattan that has now been renamed to the Earth version of Manhattan. The figure has been seen to have taken ponies and people and then disappear with it and the victim never returning.

<Epsilon high-security facility, location unknown>

Thomas walks along a long dark corridor with two scientists to the side and behind him, his cane clanging against the floor as he walks, the corridor dark but light enough to see having light provided by some weak bar light that run the whole length of the corridor, at the end is a large bulkhead door. When they get close to it, the locks click open and the door slides open, the three of them walk in to see consoles all over the huge room, scientists and technician all manning them as they punch in coding and statistics.

Thomas walks up to one of the larger consoles as the two scientists he was with walks over to some screens and writes down notes. Thomas rests his cane against the console and puts both hands on it next to the small screen that is indented into it, “How is our subject doing?” he asks calmly to the technician next to him on a chair.

“He’s stable, life signs are nominal and we should have it ready for release any time soon...sir.” he replies as Thomas takes a look at some of the holographic readings in front of the him then takes a glance at the screen only to double take as the screen shows a large test tube like object in a large room with two scientists stood at a console making sure everything is working fine.

One scientist then looks back, up at the camera and puts a thumb up, the tube hisses as gasses decompress from the tube and the room starts to fill with steam, “Slight over the top with steam, must be decompressing more than expected, can’t see the tube, starting filtration in the room....wait, you hear that?” he says to the other scientist in the room, Thomas watching trying desperately to see something, the gas around the camera starts to fade slightly as the air rushes out into the filtration ducts.

A scientist can be seen waving his hand trying to move the steam away from the console, he then rears his head, “All life signs are gone, and the subject must be out.” He says, Thomas presses a button and begins to speak, “Be careful, we don’t know if this subject will be as....vicious as the others.” The scientist crouches down to pick up a stun gun from a small box by the side of the console and slowly stands up straight.

He looks about and then finally realises the other scientist is missing, “Connor, where are you?” he asks with a slight break in his voice, “Connor, c’mon man, this isn’t funny.” He calls; he then starts to make his way over towards where he thought the door to the room would be.

Thomas watches from the screen knowing he can’t do much to help but only watch, the scientist on the screen soon reaches a wall but the steam is still too dense to see much, he puts his hands against the wall to try and find the keypad to open it, he searches and searches but fails to find anything, as he turns to face the middle of the room a torso flies towards him and impacts against the wall as he dives out of the way, the torso was still warm and bleeding, even still moving as the head looks around slowly over to the scientist, “Run...Brian, Run.” He slowly says before exhaling one last time and then be dragged back by something, a shadow covering the arms as if it were holding it.

Brian starts to breath heavily as he know right away that something was off, the room hisses as the filtration system suddenly goes into full whack and the steam quickly leaves the room only for Brian to see bloody all up the walls and piece of a human’s insides dripping from the ceiling, he puts a hand to his mouth as he can feel himself going to be sick.

Over a speaker he can hear Thomas calling to him, “Get out Brian, it isn’t safe anymore, the subject is too dangerous, I am sending down some synthetics to kill it. Almost right away the door to the room opens on the far end of the room and two soldiers burst into the room, guns held ready to shoot, they search the room as one sees him and points, they both start to approach him, he can see something starting to move across the ceiling and lower down to them, he shouts and points, both of the synthetics turn to face it and immediately open fire on it as he rushes for the door only for it to close and lock right in front of him as if someone didn’t want him to get out.

He turns to face the two guys who are firing on the shadow like object that drips down to the floor in front of them, as they shoot it the rounds just hit but pass right through as holes form for the round to go through, they stop knowing they’re doing no damage, the shadow then starts to form into a 3D shape, the shadow climbing up itself soon coming to a large figure, it was pony like. The figure soon is fully ‘built’ as it has its head low, the shadow colour then shifts to a black with maroon coloured mane and tail.

The two synthetics look at each other before facing the figure once more, they raise their guns only to be stopped by a voice over the speaker, “Do not fire, this subject hasn’t failed after all, I want you to bring it to me, now.” They then look at each other knowing that won’t be easy, the pony standing with its eyes closed.

It then talks with a deep voice, calm and sinister, “That voice, it sounds like the ones from my dreams, I must find the one that voice belongs to.” He opens his eyes and looks at the two synthetics, they look at him and point whilst the other tells him to follow, the door opens and Brian falls back out of the room before scurrying away in fear.

<15 minutes later>

They arrive at the control room where Thomas is stood looking at a video of what just happened, “So, you have killed my scientist, he was good, very hard to replace, but you are something alright, I have noticed you have learnt your powers already, I created you so I own you, you will take orders from me and no-one else...” he says before standing straight, picks up his cane and turns to face the pony who pushes the two synthetics back with his magic for a bit of privacy, “You wish to talk in private? Come then, we will talk at my house...Bloodshade that is a good name for you, yes it shall do, come Bloodshade.” He adds before walking up to the pony that is already in full trust of the human walking towards him.

Thomas places his hand on the pony’s back and raises his cane in front of him to teleport them out of the facility and over to Alverton, a large city that has been built over the griffon city, part of the city floats above, this is where all the superior ones live, such as Thomas, his leading men and even a place for Kieron to live if her were alive.


Celestia walks into Luna’s room having now the time to be with her at last after a long day’s work filling in transfer forms for some supplies to SEA, she peeks her head in to see if Luna is in, she sees nopony but just as she goes to leave she can hear water running, it was the shower, she walks in slowly and peers round the bathroom door to see the steam gushing out of the shower cubicle, she steps in to get a better view of the shower, her horn begins to glow as she tampers with something, seconds later screaming can be heard coming from the shower as the steam gushes out in insane amounts, ‘Tia puts a hoof to her mouth as she tries not to laugh too loudly as Luna tries her best to turn down the hot water, nothing happens, she then turns up the cold which thankfully works and quickly cools it down, by then she had enough of the shower and opens the door, walks out onto a towel to stop the floor becoming wet.

‘Tia now in the bedroom peers round the corner to look at the scalded sister of hers, if she wasn’t a dark blue she would definitely be red raw right now. She uses her magic to pull a towel off the rail and begins to dry herself off, ‘Tia seizes the opportunity and slowly walks up to her, face directly in front of Luna’s, Luna finishes drying her face and goes to wipe her back, doing so is presented by a face right in hers which has a large grin upon it, eyes shut.

She shuts her eyes in shock but then slowly opens one to notice it is Celestia she then suddenly opens both and hits ‘Tia with the towel as she curses at her sister who walks out laughing.

<Alverton, Thomas Naythorpe’s house>

Thomas is sat in his large wingback chair, Bloodshade staring out of the window to look at the city, “So, do you like it, this planet is very fine indeed, it is similar to one that us humans used to live on but now we have to share.” He says to the pony sit at the window, not even giving any response but he knows that Bloodshade is listening as his ears turn to him as he talks.

“You share a planet? All I see is humans here, in this city of yours.” Bloodshade replies as he turns to face him and pointing out the window.

Thomas knods before correcting, “No, this is only one city we have, on the other side of the planet though are a race of creatures that you resemble very closely, you may be a human creation like one other person I used to know.” He says before putting a hand to his mouth to stop himself from getting emotional over the thoughts of losing Kieron. Bloodshade looks at him knowing what is wrong.

“You’ve lost someone close haven’t you?” he asks, Thomas looks at him and knods, he points at a picture of Kieron stood in full power armour diving the president of USA with a knife in hand up in the air coming down towards the president, a picture next to it has Kieron sat at his desk in the old SKULL complex stuffing his face full with sandwiches whilst offering one to a pink pony sat next to him, Bloodshade stares at the pony, picks up the picture with his magic and turns to face Thomas.

“Who is this?” he asks pointing at the picture, Thomas not looking says it’s Kieron but Bloodshade corrects him and again asks who it is pointing at the pony, Thomas looks to see the pony on the picture and knods to the side.

“Ah, that would be Moonshine, we created her too, and she’s a feisty one, always trying her best to screw as many people in one day, good fighter though. She was created from Kieron along with her sister, Treacle Tart.” He replies.

“Moonshine, huh. She looks very happy with this Kieron person.” He says as he looks at the two of them, he puts the picture back down and walks over to the window again, parks his arse on the floor and stares out of the window.

All of a sudden a shadowy figure appears in the middle of the room, it looks about as if something is wrong, Bloodshade never even noticed the figure but Thomas almost immediately jumps out of his seat to confront the figure who looks at him and smiles, “it has been a while Thomas, two seconds, I have the wrong place again.” It says to him before disappearing, almost right away he can hear a loud scream come from the city below, then after the scream dies down the figure returns, this time Bloodshade does notice it and immediately confronts the figure who puts his hand up to lock him on the spot.

“Do not come any further creature; I must say I have never seen you before, there are only two Alicorns on this planet, how is it you’re one?” it asks as Bloodshade tries to move, even use his magic to stop the force that is holding him in place but it does nothing, Thomas doesn’t do anything as he listens to the voice of the figure stood in front of him.

“I recognise that voice, but it can’t be.” Thomas says as he looks over at the pictures of Kieron then back at the dark, hooded figure with the scythe, “is it really you, Kieron?” he asks hoping it to be him.

The figure looks over to him, stabs the scythe into the ground, reaches up with both hands and pulls the hood back, his face not even changed but the scar he attained over his eye, “Yes, it is me Thomas. I’m sorry that I haven’t come earlier but I had to lay in secret as I am officially dead.” He replies as he walks over to Bloodshade, studies him then pats him on the head before letting him go, “When I pressed that button to destroy the IRIS base, I expected to die but I think the Elements allowed me to live and so I cheated death, and so because of that I have now taken his rightful place...” he adds as he sits down on a chair and picks up and apple in his leather gloved hand.

“So let me get this right, you’re death now?” Bloodshade questions after putting two and two together.

Kieron knods after taking a bite out of the apple, he then continues to explain to the two of them “Yes, I am now death itself, but that isn’t always a good thing as I have found out. I can’t touch people with my bare hands, I have to wear these gloves, I can cause pain, hurt, and torture but I can’t kill, that is one of the responsibilities of being death, I can’t kill unless it is their time.” He adds before taking another bite of the apple, Thomas sits on his chair to think about Kieron’s circumstances.

“So you can hurt but not kill, are you willing to still work with us knowing you can’t kill anyone?” he asks while having a hand against his chin to think, Kieron knods.

He stands up, walks over to Thomas’s chair and lowers onto one knee, scythe in other hand and head low before replying, “I am always willing to work for you, Grand Master.”