• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 1,232 Views, 7 Comments

Shadow of Evil - MoonShine

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Chapter 6: Uprising

Last chapter: The two mechs quickly reach the castle and land down in front of the mane doors, Ambush drops his guns and swings both arms out to the side as energy blade burst from them, Rylie looks at him then at the castle, “Orders are to kill the princesses, I say we kill them all, much more fun and more likely to confirm their deaths.” Kieron says before running at the castle and swings his arm to cut a large slice in the wall before punching with the other to knock the wall down, inside there are loads of ponies running about, some crushed by the rubble, others run off in fear while some stop and open fire on him, Rylie then opens fire them before being knocked to the side by a missile from Luna.

Kieron turns to face the mech as Rylie gets up and joins Kieron, soon another mech lands down next to Luna, he then comments to them as he points at them, “Ah, we found you, well....you found us actually but either way was fine, now princesses, you need to die.”

Kieron and Rylie stand as they look at the two mechs in front of them, the princesses mechs weren’t as advanced as the human’s mechs, they were more bulky and had an attachment on the ends of the arms that spins round to switch weapons rather than a back weapon unfolding, missiles were hidden inside the shoulders rather than being held on the side of the shoulders.

Ambush takes a step forwards only for the shoulders on Celestia’s mech, Shining Glory, to open fire on him and the shoulders open for some missiles to burst out and fly at him, he takes evasive action and quick boosts out of the way, Rylie doing the same to dodge the stray missiles, he then takes aim and opens fire on Shining Glory, Kieron enters cloak while he is out of sight, Luna in her mech, Eternal Shadow, searches for him as she also fires a few sniper rounds at Rylie, her mech kneeling down with the sniper cannon unfolded and a shield on the left leg deployed to help protect the stationary mech, she manually takes aim and fires, the round propels at high speed and impacts against Rylie’s mech causing him to fall back as he is boosting and land in large bush, the mech easily crushing them.

Just as Eternal Shadow folds up the cannon and stands tall Ambush uncloaks behind her and pulls an arm back to strike but is taken by surprise as Shining Glory suddenly slides up next to him and pulls back an arm then slams it into the core as the laser blade emits, the blade slicing right through the core and poking out of the other side, Rylie watching gets up and over boosts at Shining Glory only for her to pull the blade out and dodge back out of the way, the two of them then boost away to flee the battle and leave Kieron to die if he wasn’t already dead. Rylie hits into a wall then pushes off the wall to pop out of the mech imprint now in the wall, he rushes over to Ambush and punches the core then pulls with both hands to open it up, inside he can see Kieron sat in the chair with his armour on.

He stares for a second only to see a small stream of blood starting to flow out from a huge gash in his side, Kieron looks down at the wound slowly, and calmly comments, “Ow” before putting a hand to it and then looking at the blood on his hand, he then slowly gets up out of the seat and climbs out of the mech as Rylie holds it open, he falls out and onto the floor with a loud grunt, Rylie lets go and then looks about for anything only to have Shining Glory barge right into him and causes him to fly back into the castle wall again but this time shuts down so that he can’t move.

Celestia opens the core to her mech and jumps down to meet Kieron who is laid on the floor with his arms tightly wrapped round his stomach area, she stops as she looks down at him, he slowly looks up at her with a piercing gaze, his eyes begin to close as his arm start shuddering and his body going into shock, he overcomes the threat of dying once more and turns over and pushes off the floor to slowly get to his feet, Celestia backing up a little as he does.

Once on his feet he goes to turn to face her only to have a huge, long, white horn stab right through his chest and poking out of the front, he raises a hand to go and grab the horn but at the same time he doesn’t want to touch it in case it does more damage, he gasp several time as she lifts her head up raise him off the floor.

He stares at the horn as she grins, looking up at him, blood running out of him and down over her face, down her neck and dripping onto the floor like a little river, his body starting to feel weak as he starts to lose the will to live. Suddenly a figure teleports behind her causing her to turn her head quickly, throwing Kieron off and slam against the ground, she looks to see a human with a cane, it is the one and only Grand Master, Thomas Naythorpe.

He raises his cane and uses it to push her into the nearest wall then drag her across the floor towards him, he looks down at her as she looks up with sorrowful eyes, “Hmm, you’re getting weaker princess, or I’m getting to good for you.”
She tries to move but he lift her into the air and then looks over to Kieron who is pretty much clinging on to life, he throws her down into the ground and then uses his cane to lift Ambush up and slowly move it over her, he then suddenly drops it while teleporting Kieron and him out of there, Rylie already gone from the indent in the wall.


Twilight is heading for the library when she is stopped by Pinkie who bounces by like she always does, she watches her go by, taking a quick look at the distant explosion and battle that are taking place, “We are really putting up a good fight, I hope we can last till we find out what they are...” she says to herself before looking towards Canterlot to see a flash of light and a mech travelling away from the castle, at first she has no reaction but as she watches another mech lands down behind her and the core suddenly open throwing the pilot out.

She dashes over to it to see Luna against the floor; she lifts her head to spit out a mouthful of mud, “Twilight Sparkle, I need you to come with me right now. Canterlot is in danger, ‘Tia is in danger. Gather your friends we must help her...” she orders, just then a large beam of light shoots up from Canterlot castle and moments later a loud thud comes from behind them as mech crashes down in a heap of metal.

A loud static noise can be heard all around as a large flame like aura surrounds the castle, a loud voice then calls out, “I WILL KILL ALL THOSE DAMN HUMANS!” Twilight stands and stares at the castle as she looks at the aura, it could only be from one thing, a really pissed off princess. Luna glances at it after taking her eyes off the mech and gasp.

“Oh my, I don’t think ‘Tia is happy. We should go anyway, we need to get your friends to safety in case of a SEA attack, and I don’t think we could hold off both of them.” She claims before pushing at Twilight who looks back at her only to be in shock to see that she has no horn but a circular stub where one used to be.

“Princess, your horn, what happened?” she asks, Luna stops pushing, looks up with her eyes to look, sighs and continues to push at her, Twilight starts to walk normally and the both of them start to round up the others.

When they get all of the other bar Fluttershy the explosions in the distance stop as all of the Viperox ships are destroyed, Twilight leads them towards the cottage only for a tall figure to block them, it was very similar in fact exactly like Zeldax, it was a splitting image of Zeldax, if she didn’t know better it was him but something was off, the armour it was wearing, it was old style and wasn’t anything like what Zeldax was like.

She looks at the figure and goes to walk round it but it pulls out a handle for a sword which then jerks as a beam emits from it to complete the sword. She right away knew this couldn’t be good, as she again goes to walk around it the figure lifts the sword and shouts in an language that none of them had ever heard, it then charges at them with the sword high above its head, Luna pushes the others back and stands protective over them, she goes to use her magic but nothing happens, she then remembers that she doesn’t have a horn anymore.

“Yep, we’re bucked.” She says to herself as she prepares to be hit by the sword, moments later the creature is crushed against the ground as ‘Tia lands on it from a high altitude in power armour, she looks down at the creature and unfolds the helmet.

“My big arse did THAT?” she asks only to have Luna facehoof in despair, she gets up to see the creature dead as its neck has been broken from the weight landing on it. She looks at it once more before turning to face them, “So what are you lot doing?” she asks them, Twilight looks at the others then over to Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Getting them all to safety, those things will eventually get in and SEA won’t be far behind them.” Luna replies. They all then head for the cottage, once there Twilight knocks on the door only for a quiet voice inside to tell them to go away, after a little persuading she opens the door to see her stood waiting for her, she opens the door more to see Luna and the others then ‘Tia stood facing the other way in full power armour.

She slams the door shut only for it to open by Twilight’s magic, she looks at the armoured figure and cowers down onto the floor, “Fluttershy, what are you doing?”

“That pony looks scary, who is it?”

“Umm...the princess of course, silly”

“But I know that the princess has a wing after one was cut off, that’s just a unicorn.” She replies, just then ‘Tia turns to face her and the helmet folds up to show her face, “It IS the princess, oh my, I’m so sorry.” She says as she bows.

“No time, we gotta go sugarcube.” Applejack buts in as she points at the approaching group of Viperox soldiers heading for them, “Now would be a good time to go y’all.” She adds before grabbing at Fluttershy’s leg and starts to pull at her, the others then start to head for the library where they can hold out for a little while; Celestia takes position in front to stop the soldiers while they get away.

She stands and watches as they run towards her, swords held out high and some out to the sides, as they get closer she starts to concentrate her magic ready to attack, suddenly the soldiers are swept away to the side as a mech slide across the ground to a halt, crushing some of them and throwing the others of into the distance, the mech looks at her and knods its head at her before jumping up and boosting away to attack another group of soldiers over by Sugarcube corner, she stands and watches to see that the mech is not attacking ponies but protecting them, have the humans decided to help them? They can’t be, Kieron attacked her and Luna, but here is one helping them.

She thinks about it as she watches the mech shoot and slice at soldiers and Viperox dropships. As she watches, some Viperox ships slow down overhead and get ready to open fire, suddenly some SEA ships come out of cloak they are travelling at some speed, their main guns quickly charge up and open fire on the Viperox ships as they pass over them, the ancient ships stand no chance as they explode into flames, but then a large beam emits from the darkness over by where the Everfree forest used to be, the beam hits a SEA ship and causes it to go down just past Canterlot, the other ships then head away while some fighters exit form them and fly over to where the beam came from at really high speed, missiles and lasers firing all over the place.

She watches it all going on but then is distracted when a Viperox soldier jumps down from the cottage roof at her but is intercepted in mid-air by a Talon who tackles it to the ground and they engage in unarmed combat, she looks at them but then sweeps the area to see that there are more Viperox soldiers entering the area around Canterlot and Ponyville, but then suddenly huge amounts of SEA forces come out of cloak and she can see Talons, mechs, and soldiers all stood ready to fight, guarding the area, they must be making up at least 50% of the population here.

She finishes sweeping the area and heads for the library to catch up with the others, along the way she can see Viperox soldiers stabbing at SEA soldiers but then some Talons jump down from the building roves and literally rip them apart with laser blades. She quickly gets to the library to see that they have already got it barricaded. She knocks on the front door only to be shouted to go away, she rolls her eyes and uses her magic to teleport inside, they all turn to face her quickly with anything they can use as weapons, they lower then slowly as they realise it is her and they all settle down thinking that they will be safe here for the night.

<Alverton, Kieron’s house>

Thomas helps Kieron up onto his bed then walks over to a table where Kieron always, always keeps any type of first aid in the off chance that he might ever need it, he picks up a stimpak and pulls off the safety cover, Kieron groaning as he takes deep breaths to keep conscious, Thomas walks over to him and rubs at a patch on him arm to numb it slightly, “Now Kieron, you’ll feel a slight prick.” He says before stabbing the needle into his arm brutally. Kieron shouts out in pain and then lowers his head onto the pillow as the pain dies down quickly, the stimpak taking immediate effect.

He exhales as he starts to feel better; Thomas walks out of the house to leave to get better, on the way out Mathis begins to tell him whether Kieron will survive or not, “Sir, he will get better but due to the rapid healing and shock to his body he may experience psychological downsides, in other words, he might become a bit insane or crazy.” Thomas looks into the house at Kieron but then closes the door and heads home.


The city has been attacked by Viperox forces but the Fade has intercepted these attacks and now has spread to numerous ships that now roam the air space over the city. They have also managed to finally overcome the defences in Chronus that have fallen by Viperox attacks, the Fade has got through them and is now spreading to the remains of the city and into the Viperox ships without any notice from the humans and the ponies, and the infection is spreading farther and farther with every day.


Notes: The Viperox have armour like the arbiter's off Halo.
Here is what the Fenrir looks like