• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 1,233 Views, 7 Comments

Shadow of Evil - MoonShine

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The Viperox

Chapter 4: The Viperox

Last chapter:

<Two years later>

A lot has changed again, the ponies have had to put their land in full lockdown, nopony ever gets in or out because of the plague that spreads across the land known now as the Fade, which is lead by the malfunctioning creation of SEA, Bloodshade.

The ponies have had to do the same with their cities, bases and facilities now in lockdown; they have halted all future creation so that they don’t have any other faults like Bloodshade, Kieron has been all over the planet sending the died to the other side but still remains deeply in team with SEA.

A plague has spread, the Fade have consumed life as if they were mere pawns in a chess game, the Fade have spread to almost every sub-major city on the humans side of the planet due to their suburb areas within every city, the Fade took advantage and have overwhelmed the cities but not in an unorganised feral type manner but as if they were intelligent and worked in a pack hunting its prey.

The only cities that have managed to survive any over whelming spreads where Alverton, which has quickly put into full quarantine before the Fade could enter, and the city of Chronus which is currently in a half dead state, the city was able to stop the Fade from spreading further in the city but it has managed to take over 50% of the city and so they are fighting to contain the Fade before they can take the whole of the city.

No pony cities have been taken by the Fade but there have been small villages across Equestria that have had reports of ponies acting weirdly and possibly infected, Ponyville not being one of these villages.

The Fade have taken the human city of Manhattan which is now known as plague central due to it being the most dense area where the Fade reside, but they life there as if there was no plague, they life normally like any other people would except from there being ponies living there too.

<Alverton, Kieron’s house, 11:30PM>

He is laid on his bed with his cloak laid flat across the bed; his scythe hung on the wall by a pair of skeleton hands that project from the wall. He lays and thinks about the last four years as Death, his job is good for the fact he can now teleport and experience the ability of using ‘magic’ but it is getting boring with him not being able to kill, the old days were much better, all that death that he caused back then, those were the days where he really was death.

Moonshine walks into the house and doesn’t bat two eyelids whether he was asleep or not, she walks over to the bed and lays on it next to him and snugs up before closing her eyes to go to sleep, he lifts his arm to look at her, never seeing her like this before, in fact never at this time at all as she would normally be out and about with somepony else or at someone’s house doing things that people thought wasn’t possible for a pony.

He lowers his arm to lay it on her, her body warm and slightly sweaty, he rolls his eyes as he knew right away why she’s sweaty, “Trust you Moonshine....” he comments before closing his eyes and then adding, “You know what, I don’t want this job anymore, hear that world, I no longer want to be Death!” he shouts before getting up causing Moonshine to roll of the bed and fall onto the floor, he takes off the cloak and begins to unravel the bandages covering the whole of his left arm, as they come off he stares at the bones under them, the flesh from the shoulder starting to grow over them as his title starts to fade from him, allowing him to be just the ordinary person he was before the explosion.

The flesh quickly covers his arm so that when he pulls off the final part of the bandage the skin is already there and showing, he drops them onto the floor and they just turn to dust along with the cloak and scythe which are blown away by a gust of wind that comes from nowhere as no windows are open.

He looks over to where the scythe was and whimpers as he watches the dust blow out the front door that Moonshine forgot to close, he walks over to the door and watches the dust fly off, “Thanks Moonshine, I really wanted to keep that scythe...”

“But you...”

“Your fault, not mine, yours....” he blames before walking over to the bed once more and falls onto it with his legs hanging off the end, Moonshine pops her head over the side of the bed to look at him, he quickly lifts his hand over his head to grab right onto her head and pulls her over him and onto the bed, “If you’re going to sleep here you might as well get comfy, I won’t be going to sleep yet.” He comments before letting go of her and she sits looking at him.

“Great, that means I can...”

“No Moonshine, that’s called incest. I won’t allow that....” he barks at her as he interrupts her mid-sentence. He lifts up to sit on the bed, as he does he slaps her across the face to punish her for the remark she was about to say, Treacle walks into the house with a trolley and stops to see Kieron sat on the edge of the bed with Moonshine laid on it, sweaty and moaning in pain.

“Kieron.....please tell me haven’t just....please no.”

“What....?” he says before looking back at Moonshine then sharply turns back to her, “OH GOD NO, JESUS TREACLE!!” he shouts in disgust, “I would never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever do such a thing that disgusting.” He adds, she pushes the trolley towards the bed.

“You rip up people for fun...” she claims.

“Touché.” He replies as he points at her in agreement.

She stops and pulls the cover off the trolley as Moonshine sits herself up and rubs at her face where Kieron slapped her, he watches as Treacle pulls back the cover and his face changes completely as he looks at the trolley full of the best sweets foods she has ever made in her life, “Tuck in.” She comments before throwing the cover on the bed and jumping onto the bed to watch as he struggles to decide what to eat first, “Try the lemon flan.” She says to him to try and get him started.

“NO! I am going to have the strawberry flan....actually; I’ll have the Treacle Tart...now that just sounds wrong.” He comments as he looks back at her, to see her pinned to the bed with Moonshine on top of her, their lips locked, “Moonshine, what did I just tell you about incest.” He asks as he tries to keep calm.

She lifts her head, a smack coming from her lips as they come apart, “That if I was to shag you that would be incest, but this is Treacle, not you...now if you don’t mind.” She says before locking lips with Treacle once more, Kieron picks up the lemon flan form the trolley, picks up a fork and shuffles back on the bed to lay against the headrest, he lift the fork with a piece of flan on it and goes to put it in his mouth but stops as he gives a shifty look at the two next to him, a couple of moans erupt from Treacle’s mouth as Moonshine rubs quickly at her.

He rolls his eyes and bend his legs as he can feel the bed sheets getting damp, he shoves the fork into his mouth and tries to ignore them, he suddenly remembers something and puts the plate down to his left, he wouldn’t want to put it to his right as those two are there, he shoves his hand into a pocket and pulls out a pair of earphones along with a MP3 player holographic style, puts the earphones into each ear and puts on some heavy metal which drowns out the noises coming from the two of them, he picks up the plate and starts to eat it as he closes his eyes to block out all way of knowing they were laid next to him.

Thomas knocks on the door, only for no reply to come, he pushes the door ajar and is greeted by multiple moans, she must be close to the climax, he pops his head inside and can see Moonshine on top of Treacle with Kieron sat right next to them, his eyes closed but mouth moving, he knew Kieron was awake because of this, “KIERON!” he shouts but gets no reply from any off them, he turns and walks away from the awkwardness coming from the house.

He passes Rylie who is heading for Kieron’s house, “Don’t Rylie, you won’t want to go in there, not right now.” He advises him, he salutes and continues to the house anyway.

He turns back and shouts back to him, “I’ve seen really bad things in my life, I don’t think it can be worse than what I’ve ever seen.” He then walks up the house and pops his head in through the door, only to be greeted by a large moan coming from Treacle as she reaches climax and Moonshine keeps going, soon more moans, then more, all really loud as if she was screaming, Kieron with his earphones in still manages to hear it and pulls out the MP3 player and turns it up then places it down on the bed and closes his eyes.

Rylie slowly turns, with eyes wide in shock and walks away as if he had just had his mind raped. Thomas is sat on a bench and as Rylie passes him he comments, “Any luck? Didn’t think so.” He then bangs the cane on the floor to teleport him home but as soon as he does an earthquake scale shockwave rushes through the ground below, Rylie quickly snaps out of it and pulls out a holographic screen to see buildings collapsing in the city below, soon a large ship like object starts to rise from the outskirts of the city, he then looks in the distance to see some faint lights of some large objects in the night sky, had an invasion by the ponies been sprung?

He didn’t know but he knew it was bad, he runs for the nearest mech hanger just as some alarms start to blare across the whole of Alverton, a SEA ship’s armour flips as it comes out of cloak and proceeds towards the ships, it must have been stationed there to protect the city, then another ships comes out of cloak, it was the Malevolence, he watches at is fires at the rising ship a but the rounds bounce right off, it then fires more to concentrate fire, the rounds hit the ship and penetrate into slightly causing it to fall down and the impact against the ground causes it to erupt into flames.

Mathis then begins to talk over the speakers, “Warning, we have an unidentified invasion in progress, the units are highly advanced but lack shields, they aren’t of pony origin, they are much older, it’s the ancients, they’ve come to take their planet back, repeat the Viperox has risen.”