• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 1,233 Views, 7 Comments

Shadow of Evil - MoonShine

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Return of harmony

Chapter 13: Return of Harmony

Last chapter: Thomas is lead to an emergency drop-pod that will get him off the ship but the weapon suddenly overcharges and starts to blow the ship up, the hologram disappears as the explosions blow up Mathis’ core on the ship, the electronics all go off and Thomas panics trying to get the drop-pod to launch but nothing as the fires draw closer.

Soon the fires reach him and he closes his eyes accepting the fact that death has caught up with him and this is his time to die. The flames completely engulf him and burn him instantly, the whole ship quickly turns into one big flame and then explodes in a huge fireball.

The Fenrir lights up the sky with a huge flame, which never goes away due to the infinite supply of fuel from the generators, all the ponies in Equestria look up to see the flame, Kieron, Rylie and Moonshine also look up and stop knowing that their leader is now dead, “Shit, I guess SEA won’t rise after all.” He says to himself.

Kieron presses a button and his helmet folds up behind his head, he looks up at the blazing fire in the darkening sky, he puts a hand to his ear and speaks into the earpiece while Rylie and Moonshine stand on guard, “Mathis, what the hell just happened?” he asks, there is a slight bit of static before Mathis finally replies.

“Connection re-established. That explosion was the Fenrir, Sir. The Grand Master is no more, you lead us now. It was Bloodshade, he had Claire backed up against the console for the main cannon, it overloaded and caused the ship to blow itself apart, along with one of my cores.”

“Yes but at least you have the two others, hopefully that should be enough to keep you going.”

“Yes sir, it should be enough as long as.......OH SHIT NO!” he shouts before the connection is lost and Kieron calls into it loudly, Moonshine looks about frantically then over to Kieron.

“Kieron, my HUD is gone, I don’t know why.

“Mine too Kieron.” Rylie pipes up to add. They all look over to the castle to see an electrical shockwave emit from it and a loud electrical burst causes them to cover their ears, once gone Kieron looks back at it and calls into his earpiece for Mathis but gets nothing but static and crackling noises.

“SHIT! Mathis’ second core in the castle has been found and now destroyed, he’s too powerful to run on one core, the ships....they’ll start to fall, and most of them are over ALVERTON, SHIT!! All of the human race will be killed!” he shouts in anger then puts his helmet back on and runs for the castle but stops after a few steps and turns to face the others.

“As the last humans, what do you plan to do Rylie? Do you want to stand and fight to the death and hopefully cause as much destruction as we can or do you want to surrender and most likely be put into life in prison or slavery?” he asks, Rylie slowly walks up to him only to cower a little as a large amount of dirt and mud is shot up into the air by an underground explosion where a hidden SEA facility was and the reactors had failed due to Mathis unable to control them all.


The ships start to fall all around the city after being pulled back once the sweep killing all the Fade had finally finished, some of them falling onto the outskirts of the lower city, suddenly the floating part of the city jolts down as something hits it, a shimmer of electric shows the outline of a very big ship, it was the Malevolence, the ship explodes into a huge ball of flames, people can be heard screaming as they run from the flames, some actually on fire as they run out of the blaze.

A couple of other ships hit the floating city, one of them landing on the exact place where Mathis’ last core was placed and now wiping him from existence full stop, the floating platform then starts to give way a little before sinking out of the sky like a rock in water and crushes the entire city below and pretty much killing all the humans that remain on the planet apart from two.

The platform lands on the city and erupts into one huge fireball that consumes the whole city, explosions going off all over the place as ships fall from the sky like flies.

<Edge of Canterlot>

“WHAT WILL IT BE RYLIE?!” Kieron asks him as he starts to get a bit impatient.

“YES, I have made my mind. I’m going to surrender, I don’t care if we are the last, and I am going to turn myself in.

Goodbye sir.” He says before dropping his helmet down by Kieron’s feet and walks off to the border, Kieron stands and watches as he walks off, he looks back at Moonshine and the two of them run off towards the castle to the entrance the exited from.

Once there they sneak in through the entrance and head for the stairs, a couple of royal guards pounce on them and Moonshine fights back to keep them at bay but Kieron does nothing allowing them to take him captive, they hold him to the floor before dragging him up the stairs and up to Celestia’s room.

They open the door and throw him into the room before closing the doors behind him, “So you have come once more to try and kill me, have you?” she questions him, he stands up to face the princess and reaches up to take his helmet off but she lowers her head ready to attack thinking he is going to hurt her.

“Worry not princess, I don’t wish to hurt you no more...” he reassures her then pulls off the helmet and holds it in hand to his side, “My kind, humans, have been killed, all of them....you have won, this planet is yours, has been and always will be....” he says before turning away to look at a painting on the wall, “I only wish for one last thing, I now live for nothing, as one of the two remaining humans left in the universe, can you let me live among you?” he asks, he waits for a reply but gets nothing, he turns to face her and is met with a knife to the side of his neck, a hoof on the other end of it, she pushes it right into his neck and leaves go, he drops to his knees, eyes wide open and grabs the handle but doesn’t pull it out.

He sits there gasping for breath as he looks up at her, “So...so this is what it comes to....me, the bane of death, killed at the hand of the princess in her own room....” he asks in a gruff voice, she stands over him and stares as only a few drops of blood start to run from the wound, “Huh? A world that claims to be harmonious and peaceful and yet here you are killing me, not a good.....role model you are for others......” he adds before stopping to take a large breath to get enough oxygen into his body, “Us humans, we are very foolish...we cause war no matter where we are.” He slowly get to his feet and looks at her, “Strange thing war, we have lived in war for thousands of year and yet we can’t live without it...we live and create war....and war, war never changes.” He says before taking a step towards her and collapsing to his knees again, he quickly pulls out the knife and stabs it into her shoulder before falling to the ground by her hoofs, blood shooting from the wound and across the floor, soon stopping as hit heart fails.

Moonshine bursts into the room and shouts, “NOOOOOO!!” she runs for him and slides next to him to grabs his head and place it on her lap, “Kieron!....DAD!....Why, why did you kill him?!” she questions as her voice starts to break and her helmet unfolds to show her crying like made looking up at her.

As she looks at the princess stood over them she can see her horn start to glow and is thrust back and up against the wall, Kieron knocked over to fall onto his front and splash into the pool of blood that had formed around him from the constant river coming from his neck.

“Ngh, so...so what now princess, you’ve killed by family....you going to kill me too now?” she questions as she grabs at her throat with both hooves and suspended in the air against the wall, Celestia walks up to her and looks into her eyes, uses her magic to slowly pull out the knife from her shoulder without any sign of caring about it and places the blade edge against Moonshine’s neck.

The princess stares into the eyes of the pony in front of her who closes her eyes as a tear runs down her cheek and waits for the blade to pierce her neck but she is suddenly dropped as the princess is thrust down against the ground with a creature on top of her, wings spread out wide, it lifts its head and roars loudly into the air before looking down at her, Moonshine looks over to know right away who it was as Kieron’s body was gone.

The creature lifts its head once more as its jaw opens up into four separate parts and it quickly lowers down to cover the princess’ face with its mouth, Celestia shouting and struggling as it does but then she screams as it sinks its teeth into her face, it also starts to claw away at her chest, soon becoming red at it digs deeper into her chest, Moonshine finally finds her feet and watches, not knowing what to do, the knife being over the other side of the room after being thrown back by the creature, it glows and starts to slide over to them, Moonshine doesn’t notice until the princess grabs hold of it and thrusts it up into the chest of the creature who immediately lifts its head and stops clawing and roars out in pain, she pulls it out and thrusts inward again, then again and again, but no blood is spilt, soon the creature quietens and falls to the floor next to her, Moonshine shaken up by the situation.

Celestia pushes off the arm of the creature and stands over it now knowing it to be Kieron, she puts a hoof to her chest as blood runs down her face from four different holes that pierced her soft face, Moonshine looks at her and rears her head as the princess looks quite scary with the ‘war-wounds’ on her face, she stares at the blood dripping from her face and down onto Kieron who is finally dead and laid on the floor, “So Celestia, what now, you’ve killed him twice, my sister is dead, in fact all the people I know are dead, and your sister is dead....” she comments before slowly getting close to the princess who’s head is low as the blood runs off her face.

“Yes, they’re all dead; finally dead....you will be next.” She says to Moonshine who after hearing that takes a step back, “You are next little one, come....you can join the others, join them with the dead.” She adds as she lifts her head to look at her, the princess’ eye tiny and a huge grin upon her face and staring at the lavender pony, Moonshine backs up against the door before calming down.

“I can offer you an exchange princess, you’re sis’ is dead and so is mine, I have nothing to live for anymore too....how about this, I will sacrifice myself so that Luna can come back to you....how about that?” she offers, ‘Tia lowers her head with her grin still on her face, she uses her magic to slide the wet knife out of Kieron’s stomach and place it in her hoof and then calls her near. Moonshine slowly heads closer to the princess whose grin had taken to a new level, it didn’t look scary no more but more maniacal and psychotic than anything else.

The princess suddenly lunges at her and pins her up against the wall once more but with her hoof this time, “I will spill all of you blood to get her back, I will slice you right open and make you watch.” She says in a giddy little voice, Moonshine starting to sweat from being scared. Celestia raises the knife up and places the tip of it against Moonshine’s neck, she presses forward to have the tip push against her, but just as it penetrates the coat she stops as she hears a noise come from the balcony.

She drops Moonshine and looks over to it, she can see a pair of metallic arms holding onto the rails, she walks over to see that it is a pony in power armour and the eyes are bright orange, “You will not harm her, you hear me princess? HEAR ME?” the pony shouts, Moonshine’s ears prick as she recognises the voice.

“It can’t be, she can’t have...no way.” She says to herself, Celestia looks down at the pony and goes to swing for the pony with the knife but misses as it lets go of the rail and teleports back into the room behind her.

Celestia looks back to see the pony stood backing up slowly to Moonshine and stand over her, Moonshine looking at the pony, the helmet folds back and Moonshine bursts into tears while hugging the pony, “TREACLE!! I thought you died.” She shouts in happiness.

“I did too, but ended up falling through space down here and last I remember I was falling through the air and heading for the castle, and now I’m here, I overheard your conversation too...” she explains as she stands on guard while ‘Tia slowly walks towards them.

“I have a new proposal princess, how about we....” Treacle is interrupted as they all hear a thud, they all look to see Kieron now on his front, his arm then twitches and he slides his right arm forward to come to next to his head and pushes so that his body lifts, then the other arm does the same, he drags himself forward to get closer to the princess who slams the knife right into the top of his skull when he reaches her, he ignores it and slowly gets to him feet.

Once up he stands and stares at the princess, “So, Treacle is alive, let us now bring YOUR sister back, gather some unicorns, then you Treacle can teach them that resurrection spell you so love. We will need at least five or six unicorns to do it.” He explains before grabbing the knife and pulling it out.

Celestia starts to calm down, her eyes now normal, he stares at her before telling his two girls to go and get Miss Sparkle, Trixie and a couple of others. He walks over to a chair and sits, “Do you know why I am not dead princess?” he asks, she shakes her head before heading to the bed and sitting on it, “It is because this isn’t my time to die, when it is, then I will die.” He explains before sitting back and waiting for them to return.

<2 hours later>

Both Moonshine and Treacle return to Celestia’s room with Twilight, Trixie and Lyra following, even Rarity had been brought here when he said that she might not be able to do it. They all enter the room, Lyra immediately after seeing the princess bows to her but nopony else does as they know her enough, she looks about to see nopony else bowing and stands back up and watch as Kieron get to his feet and walks over to the princess then waves his hand to let her take the lead. All of them follow her to the hospital in complete silence apart from Kieron who clangs all the way in his metal boots off his power armour.

When they reach the hospital, Kieron opens the door and holds it for the others as they walk in past him and can see the dead body of princess Luna laid on the bed with a knife in her skull. He leaves go of the door once they all had entered, he pushes past them and walks straight over to the body and grabs the knife, “I believe that is mine Luna.” He says to her but obviously gets no response, tugs on the knife and if slides right out with some blood on the blade, he shakes it to throw off the blood a bit and places it in its rightful place of its sheath on his armour.

Celestia walks up to him and looks at the body, “Alright everypony, let’s do the spell.” She orders, the four other unicorns then walks up to the bed and lower their head to have their horns pointing at the dead princess, they all start to concentrate on their magic as treacle takes the lead with the spell, a wall of magic starting to form round the princess as it starts to take effect, the wall get brighter but suddenly stops and pushes them back for some reason that nopony can explain.
Kieron walks over to help them up then looks at the dead body still on the bed, “I don’t understand, why didn’t it work?” he asks himself before looking down it his hands then back at Celestia, “It’s time, my time has come, I was meant to kill and now I will bring a life, I will give my life to bring back your sister, she deserves to live more than I do....” he explains, then looks over to his girls, “Take care of yourselves...I’m sure you will.......I’m ready ‘Tia.” He says before facing the princess and putting a hand on her hoof.

Celestia slowly approaches him and places her horn on his back, then starts the spell again, everypony else watches before Treacle starts to so the spell to, the others following suit, the wall forms again and Kieron along with Luna start to glow and hover a little, Kieron looks as though his soul is coming out of him and flowing into Luna, as it does his body goes limp and Luna gasps for breath as life returns to her, the wound in her head gone and she looks about in shock, Kieron’s body then falls to the ground as the spell wears off and the ponies stop the spell.

Luna takes heavy breaths while looking about confused, ‘Tia immediately dashes to her and gives her a huge hug, Treacle dives for Kieron and holds his dead body while starting to well up with tears, Moonshine already crying in full flow.

<A year later>

Peace has finally come back to this planet, all the humans that once came to this planet has been eradicated along with the Fade and Viperox, all the pony ships have been put into orbit so keep protecting the planet but without interfering with their lives.

Luna has managed to get back into the swing of life alongside her sister, she is still a bit suspicious about life now, she tends to stay indoors a bit more and when she does go out it isn’t without her sister.

Moonshine and Treacle have been given their own house to live in, in Ponyville. They live next-door to Sugarcube Corner, Treacle doing what she does best, baking and Moonshine helping now and then but mainly now runs the nightclub after its previous owner, Claire was killed in the Fenrir.

Life has finally been put right for the ponies as the peace they were so used to has returned to them, but the war the humans brought with them hasn’t gone, that memory will always stay with them, statues of Kieron, Thomas and the SKULL emblem have been erected in their honour.

But war itself, now that it has come, will never go away, once war starts and comes to a time of peace, it will return...sooner or later.


Author's comments - The sequel is done, i hope you enjoyed it.
If there is anything you think I could improve upon, please tell me.
And if you think there could be another sequel then please feel free to do it.
I have really enjoyed doing this story and hope that everypony who has read it has too.

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