• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 1,233 Views, 7 Comments

Shadow of Evil - MoonShine

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Chapter 8: Repulsion

Last chapter: “Claire, is that.....the Elements?” he asks as he gently picks up one to look into the jewel to see his reflection.

“Yes, yes they are, I told you that you would like them. If you don’t know why then I will tell you why I went and got them.” She says to him, he looks at her while putting the tiara back, “We can turn them from being the Elements of Harmony into the Elements of Chaos, we will use them to rule this planet and wipe out all of them.” She adds.

He looks at her with a tear in his eye, his evil trait has finally rubbed off on somepony, and he puts a hoof on her cheek and comments, “Well done Claire, you may have just turned the tide of this war.”

<Three days later>

Chronus is no longer around; Cloudsdale has become captured by the Viperox as they are pushed back and surrounded by SEA and pony forces, Equestria is finally free from all Viperox attacks and the SEA forces has left to push them back, Alverton is the only human city that has been untouched by any attacks, all other human cities have been devastated by the Fade.

The grand Master has mysteriously disappeared from Alverton along with Claire, the only people who know of his current location is Kieron, Mathis and Moonshine, who listened in on a conversation he had once.

Kieron has unfortunately had a few episodes where he has gone a bit insane, the most disturbing one being where he had completely lost it and ran down the city centre butt naked, he ran past many shops where everyone could see, as he passed on of the shops, Thomas could see him running down the street and then see Moonshine pop her head out of the shop door to watch Kieron streaking, her personality then kicks in and she chases him down only to have Treacle running after her to try and stop her.

<Kieron’s house>

He is sat on a chair looking at the front door as if he was waiting for someone. He sits like lamb salad on the chair, not moving a muscle until Moonshine opens the door and walks in, as she does he scrunches up on the chair to hide his face like a little child, “Get out Moonshine, I can’t be bothered with anyone today....” he says from behind his legs. She looks over to him after searching the room.

“Have you seen Treacle anywhere?”

He lifts his head from behind his legs and stares at her, “How the fuck would I know?”

“Wow, you are in a foul mood today.” she says before walking over to him and putting her head on his knees to look into his eyes.

“Come any closer to my face and I will rip your head off, you whore.”

“Ok, you need to calm down, what got you in this bad mood, hmm?” she asks as she pulls up a chair and sits next to him while stoking his hair, he quickly lifts up and pushes her hoof away. She tries to cuddle with him to make him feel better but he just pushes her away and then gets up out of the chair, unfolds his power armour then walks out of the house leaving her there wondering what the hay he’s up to.

She runs up to a window and pokes her head out to watch him; he walks over top the edge of the floating part of the city, looks back at her, his helmet folds up to reveal a large grin on his face, he then slowly leans over the edge and lets himself fall off the edge, she jumps forward out of the window only to get to no further, she rushes over to the edge and watches him fall, she can see him falling with his arms out up at her as if he wanted her to join him.

She goes to jump but stops herself as she watches, he fall faster but then as he gets close to the ground he spins round to face the floor and just as he lands he punches the ground so that he lands head down and fist in the floor, the concrete cracked and a small crater made from the impact, he stands up tall and looks up at her with a sinister look, she stares at him as if he was right in front of her, he then start to walk away while looking at her then looks forward towards the border of Alverton.

<Two hours later>

Treacle is in Canterlot walking down a street looking for some things to buy from the market as she is competing in an annual bake-off held in Canterlot despite the current events. She walks over to one stall then the next looking for the right things to get that will make her products much better and different to the others. She looks behind to see a market stall selling some of the right things for her, she walks over towards it only to be rudely barged past by a blue pony, “Oh, I’m sorry.” She says to the pony that looks back at her.

“Watch where you are going, will you.” The pony replies rudely to her, she walks up to it and puts a hoof on its cheek.
“NO, YOU watch where YOU’RE going....” she shouts before pushing off the pony’s cheek and walking the other way, “Bitch” she mutters under her breath.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie does not allow for such rudeness...”

“Bitch please; you can’t even use your magic to lift my mane...”

“How dare you speak to the Great and Powerful...”

“Great and Powerful? More like a huge wimp who can’t do anything...”

Trixie stands and stares at Treacle who turns flank and walks over to the market stall, she stares while a tear wells up in her eye before running off.

She turns to watch Trixie run off down the street, when she turns to face the stall owner she is greeted by a tall figure covered by the cloths covering the stall, she jumps back a little and rubs her eyes and looks back up to see the stall owner looking at her as if she wasn’t right. She looks about to see that everything is fine, a couple of ponies looking at the stall as if something horrible had happened. She quickly buys a few things and walks over to them.

“Are you two okay?”

“Yes but we say something flash in that stall, right in front of you and then disappear, you looked really scared. What was that?” one of them asks her as the other rubs her eyes and yawns.

“I’m not too sure but I have a small grudge as to who it might have been.”

“Who was it, I thought it was a creature, like those ones attacking.” Said the pony rubbing her eye, Oh, I’m sorry, my name is Bon-Bon, that’s Lyra.” She adds.

“Oh, I know of you two, Moonshine has told me of you two plenty of times, and one known as Berry Punch.” She replies while looking away in disgust before facing them again, “Are you two here for the bake-off?” she asks, only to have her attention distracted by a small explosion down the street, a wall had been knocked down by it and a figure stood among the dust in the middle of the street.

As the other ponies run about in fear, Bon-Bon and Lyra included, she stands among it all and stares at the figure who looks up the street and seems as though to be looking right at her, she looks behind her to see nopony about, they had all quickly run off, all the stalls shut and covered.

She stays where she is to see the figure jump up as a few ponies run through the dust and exit on the side she can see, the figure then lands on top of one causing its back to be fractured killing it, the other goes to run but the figure swings it’s arms and laser blades emit from them and cut off the legs of the pony bar one, blood spurting from them as the pony screams in pain, the flesh around the cuts seared and hot from the laser blade.

“Thought it might have been you...” she says to herself before turning and walking off in the opposite direction, little did she know that the figure was running up the street towards her. Some ponies who had heard the explosion are running towards her and past her only to end up running past her again and back where they came from, Treacle not even batting an eye-lid as the figure runs past and starts to pull apart and kill the ponies.

As she continues to walk up the street she looks to the side to see an alleyway covered with blood and guts, a ponies head lay on the floor with blood still running from it and even a torso with the legs still moving slightly, as if it had been just cut from the head.

She looks away as the image starts to imbed into her mind, she opens her eyes to have the figure’s face in hers, “Get out of my face.” She says as she pushes it back slightly and continues walking, the figure watching as she does, it then slowly follows her while shooting some ponies as they pass by, soon some guards were rushing the area, and it runs off to leave Treacle walking calmly as if nothing happened.

The guards quickly swarm the street, some of them royal guards, some being border guards, even some mech guards. They look about at the mess and filth that has been quickly caused in this area, they then watch as Treacle walks out of the street calmly with her bags over her bag full of ingredients.

<Fenrir, bridge>

Thomas is sat looking at a large screen showing what Kieron has just done in Canterlot, “Mathis, how is it Kieron was able to get into Canterlot without being seen?”

“He has his ways, even i don’t know how, he just does.”

“Hmm....well, he did a good job, a few less ponies to worry about.”

As he swings round on his chair the doors to the bridge open to reveal Claire wearing a towel over her back and her mane and tail wet, “Oh Thomas, I’m all wet, I need help getting dried.” She says as she slowly walks over to him while dripping on the floor, he quickly swings back round to face away as he panics that she is hitting on him and now getting closer to him.

He tries to think of what to do but blinks and wipes him face then looks up to see Claire looking down on him from behind the chair and dripping on him, “Would you mind helping me dry off, I can’t reach some places?”