• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 31,786 Views, 2,028 Comments

A Ghost Story - Elemist

A human's insubstantial adventures in Equestria.

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Chapter 10 - Party gone right

Twilight’s eyes immediately grew to the size of dinner plates as she looks from the spot where Pinkie was to the door over and over again. Her horn starts glowing a deep purple and I see a line of magic immediately shoot off in the direction that pinkie went. The line of magic passes right through the wall and I can see through a window that it continues down the road towards Sugar Cube Corner. With a flash of light Twilight turns translucent and I see her form pulled off along the line of magic faster than I can follow.

“That…was really cool.”

Lyra looks up to me with a look of confusion, “What? You’ve never seen Twilight teleport before?”

“That was a teleport? Well that kind of makes sense then. I think I see magic a little bit differently then you ponies do.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I’m assuming when you levitate something all you see is the aura on your horn and the aura around the object you are levitating correct?”

“Yeah, what are you getting at?”

“Well I can see a string of magic connecting the two. I made the mistake of trying to touch it when I first saw it and it hurt like a son of a diamond dog.”

“That’s…really interesting actually.”

“Yeah, but don’t tell Twilight about it or I seriously doubt she would ever let us out of here.”

A noticeable shiver runs down Lyra’s spine as she most likely thinking about the hours upon hours of questions that would result if we told Twilight about this.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy is looking upon Lyra biting her lower lip. “Umm, L-lyra? C-could you tell me about Spooky? I mean if it’s alright with you.”

I squealed, I couldn’t help it. Her adorableness was just too strong. “Oh my god. I want to hug her and squeeze her and call her Shy.”

Lyra looked at me like I was crazy, of course I was crazy so she was correct to do so.

“Well, he’s kind of weird and I’ve only really known him for about a day. He’s definitely a little strange, he kind of reminds me of a less hyper Pinkie Pie.” I don’t know whether to squeal again or be insulted. “But I think he’s a nice guy…I mean he had the opportunity to leave me to Twilight when she went all research crazy but he stayed.”

“Of course I stayed Lyra; I wouldn’t leave a friend hanging like that.”

“Wait, you think of me as a friend?”

“Well anyone who can stand to be around me for the period of time you have I kind of have to call a friend.”

Lyra gets a thoughtful look on her face as we turn back to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy is trying to hide behind her mane at the moment and rubbing her hooves together, “T-that’s good to hear. I-I mean I was pretty sure he was nice after he made me that breakfast and all. I’m also p-pretty sure he’s been helping me around my house too.”

“Well, I have been weeding her garden about once a week. That’s a pain in the neck when you can only lift about two pounds at a time though. “

“So, you’ve been weeding Fluttershy’s garden?”

“Ohh, I-I had thought somepony must have b-been doing that. I-I haven’t had to weed out my v-vegetables in a long time.” Fluttershy smiles and then lets out a little ‘eep’ as she realizes that Lyra is staring at her.

Before Lyra can say anything a familiar purple string of light shoots out of the wall and forms a ball of purple magic about the size of my fist in the middle of the room.

“Uhh, I think Twilight is about to come back.”

Lyra turns to me with a look of confusion, “What do you mean?”

I merely point towards the center of the room when a translucent Twilight zips through the wall and materializes where the ball of magic was. Both Lyra and Fluttershy let out a yelp of surprise and Fluttershy dives underneath a table.

“How in the hay did you know she was about to teleport back here?” Lyra asks, her eyes wide in wonder.

I put on a serious tone, “I see all and know all, oOoOoOo…But in all seriousness I told you I see your magic differently then you.”

Twilight looks exhausted but happy, “Alright disaster averted. I couldn’t get Pinkie to call off the party but I was able to convince her to only invite ponies that already know about Spooky.”

Awesome, I like small parties, “Does that mean she’s going to invite the Crusaders?” I ask Lyra.

Lyra turns to Twilight, “He wants to know if Pinkie is going to invite the Cutie Mark Crusaders.”

“Why would she invite the…WAIT, THE CRUSADERS KNOW ABOUT HIM?”

“Huh, I thought the crusaders would have shown her the picture of me.” Apparently the three had decided to keep Twilight out of their ghost hunting activities.

“He said something about them having a picture of him.”

“He can be photographed? This is fantastic; I’m going to have to talk to them about this.” Both Lyra and I experience a full body shiver as we observe the glint in Twilight’s eye.

“Oh sweet Celestia, deliver me from this oncoming trial.” I whisper, and apparently my prayers are answered as the door slams open to reveal the one and only Pinkie Pie behind her Party Canon. Twilight and Lyra immediately hit the floor as Pinkie yells, “FIRE IN THE HOLE!” and yanks on the string.

There is a loud explosion and a large amount of streamers, confetti and a banner flies through my chest and then decorates the far side of the room.

“Ok, that felt weird.” I peer around the newly decorated room and I notice all of the decorations are variations of green, purple and orange with the black banner sporting ‘Welcome to Ponyville Spooky!’ in neon green letters.

“Ha, I love it. Very…Spooky.” Lyra rolls her eyes as I comment on the ‘tasteful’ decorations.

Twilight looks slightly peeved about the sudden interior remodeling that her once pristine library just went through, but she just sighed and began helping Pinkie decorate and set up.

“Hay Lyra, could I talk to you for a second?” Lyra looks up to me as I wave her to the side of the room. “Listen, I just wanted to thank you for all that you have done for me.”

“What are you talking about Spooky, all I’ve done is talk.”

“That’s the thing Lyra, talking is what I really needed. I didn’t really want to admit it to myself but I’ve been slowly going stir crazy not having a conversation that wasn’t one sided. What I’m really trying to say Lyra is thanks for listening to me and putting up with all the craziness.”

“Spooky…you don’t have to thank me for that. Now that I know I’m not crazy and talking to a figment of my imagination, I’m really kind of enjoying your company. I mean, you are fun to talk too and I’m really glad that I got this chance to know you.”

“Well, it means a lot to me Lyra and I was hoping I might be able to ask a favor of you.”

“I guess so; I mean it really depends on what the favor is.”

“Wellll…I guess what I wanted to ask is can I… ummm, I guess the term live with you wouldn’t apply since I’m dead, what I guess I’m trying to ask is can I haunt you?”


Oh my god, she looks adorable. Lyra’s head had tilted to the left and the corresponding ear laid flat upon her head. Her eyes grew wide in confusion and she was once again doing her impression of a fish. I had to admit she was getting really good with that impression.

“What I mean, is do you mind if I hang out at your house so I have somepony I can talk too? And if you ever need some privacy I’ll just visit somepony else for a few hours.”

“Well, I guess that would be alright. I would feel a little bad if I just up and left you with nopony to talk to.”

“Thank you so much Lyra, you have no clue how much this means to me.”

Lyra and I share a smile and then I notice that during our conversation the room had somehow acquired three additional mares. Apparently during our chat Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow had shown up and finished setting up the decorations. The door is then slammed open and my three favorite fillies burst in dragging a very confused Spike behind them who has a camera clasped in his claws.

“So who are we having a party for and why did you girls make me bring the camera?” Spike asked, confusion evident in his voice.

“We already told you silly. Pinkie is throwing a party for the ghost which means he will be here and we can finally get another picture of him.”

Pinkie pops up from behind a long table holding a wide variety of goodies, “Now that everypony is here, let’s PARTY!”

And party we most certainly did. Pinkie had brought a large assortment of snacks for all of the living guests. I found it hilarious that all of the cupcakes were either vanilla with green frosting or chocolate with orange frosting. Lyra broke out laughing when I mentioned that Pinkie had certainly gotten into the ‘spirit’ of things.

While the ponies enjoyed their snacks, Lyra and I mingled. With the help of the mint green Unicorn I was able to have actual conversations with all of the ponies.

Our first stop was with Applejack, who still believed that I was an elaborate prank of Pinkies. It took some convincing and some ghostly levitation of her half eaten cupcake to convince her otherwise. From there we had a fantastic talk about apple production ranging from various cultivars of apples to harvesting techniques. When Applejack learned that I had been going to college for horticulture and I actually had experience with apple orchards we couldn’t get her to shut up. I think by the time we were able to pull ourselves away from her Lyra knew more about apple growing then she ever wanted to.

Of course with the mentioning of my schooling Twilight had become intrigued and had pulled herself away from desert table to chat. She was incredibly intrigued with the education system I had went through and was pleasantly surprised to learn how much I loved to read. This then lead to a debacle of sorts when I insisted that fantasy literature was the best genre that one could find. This lead to an intense debate about whether factual knowledge was more important over ‘fanciful imaginings’, of course I pointed out that she was a ‘fanciful imaging’ in my world and vice versa was true for me. This gave her pause and we decided that both avenues of entertainment were valid. I did however get a large stack of books for Lyra to check out so I could read them later.

After our little disagreement, I got to have a lovely dialogue with Rarity. She was very interested in my “otherworldly” fashion as she put it. Of course the only real experience I had with clothes was the little bit I had picked up in 4-H, this amounting to me being able to sew up rips and tears in my pants but that was about it. She was disappointed but I was able to lift her spirits by bringing up an interesting exchange of whether complementary or supplementary colors were best for a complete ensemble.

After Rarity wandered off to enjoy some of the music that had begun playing on an old gramophone Pinkie popped up behind Lyra. Pinkie began to fire questions off faster than Lyra and I could answer. After a few minutes we were able to calm her down and I was able to steer the conversation to baking. Thankfully this was a subject I had some knowledge in. Where my years in 4-H had left me lacking in sewing expertise, it had left me with a wide knowledge of baking and cooking. I was more than happy to share some of my family recipes with Pinkie and she walked away with both my recipe for zucchini bread and strawberry rhubarb pie.

From there we approached the timid Fluttershy and the surprisingly quiet Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy was more than happy to talk with me and was tickled pink to learn that I had raised rabbits and chickens in my youth. Of course I didn’t have the heart to tell her that the chickens were raised for their meat and most of the rabbits I had raised were sold for their fur.

Rainbow on the other hand was incredibly reluctant to talk. She either was holding a grudge from my prank from two months ago or she was afraid of me. I pointed this out and she asserted she wasn’t afraid of anything. I then asked if she was too chicken to talk to a ghost and this got her talking. Of course I made the smart decision of letting her talk about herself. This allowed Lyra to take a bit of a break from being my translator.

After an in-depth explanation of all that is Rainbow Dash I found myself bombarded with questions from the Crusaders and Spike. This lead to me picking up small objects for their amusement and passing my arm through them so they could “feel” me. This of course led to numerous pictures, which Twilight insisted there be duplicates so she could catalogue them with her research. I think my favorite was a shot of me kneeling next to Lyra where I laid my hand on my shoulder. I still only showed up as a white vapor on the photos but Twilight thought she might be able to magically treat the photos to render me visible in them.

After all of this Lyra and I were enjoying ourselves. That is until I spotted Pinkie Pie having a staring contest with a cupcake. My natural curiosity got the best of me and Lyra and I went to investigate.

“Hay Pinkie, Spooky wants to know why you are trying to stare down that cupcake.” Lyra asked for me.

Without looking up from the cupcake Pinkie responded. “Well I’m trying to figure out the best way to kill this cupcake.”

“She’s what in the who know?” I asked, slightly perplexed.

“Uhh, care to clarify on that Pinkie?”

“If I can kill this cupcake then there will be a cupcake ghost that Spooky can enjoy, duh!”

“I don’t think it works like that Pinkie.” Stated Twilight as she joined the conversation.

“But why not? It’s not fair that Spooky doesn’t get to enjoy the party to the fullest!”

“Oh, that silly filly. Lyra, tell her that I’m enjoying the party just fine and she doesn’t need to brutally murder an innocent cupcake to make me happy.”

“Umm, Spooky says you don’t have to worry about the cupcake and he’s having a good time as it is.”

“Okie Dokie Lokie then. How about we play some pin the tail on the pony then?”

I look over at the wall where there is a large poster of a tailless pony hanging. “Umm, I don’t think that would work out since I can’t wear a blindfold….Hmmmm… Hay Lyra, can you ask Pinkie if she brought any board games?”

“Pinkie, I don’t think Spooky can play that, but he was wondering if you had any board games.”

“OH, what a good idea. I’ll be back faster than you can say cherry chimichanga.” With that Pinkie zoomed out the door heading towards what I could only assume was Sugar Cube Corner again.

With the mention of board games, Twilight quickly trotted upstairs and returned with box of some kind. She set it down on an empty table and upon emptying it I found it was a masterfully crafted Chess set. “Oh heck yes. I’m going to get my butt handed to me by this purple pony but I’m going to love this.” I said as I floated over to help Twilight set up the board.

My prediction proved true as by the time Pinkie got back with a towering stack of games Twilight had beaten me four out of the five times we had played. I really only won the last game because I learned I had to play defensive with her and plan everything out at least five to ten moves ahead. The rest of the evening ended with me learning the rules to about ten apparently classic pony games which included variations on battleship and monopoly.

We ended our parade of games with a round of poker. I was surprised as heck that these ponies new how to play Texas Hold ‘em, of course they only called it “Hold ‘em”, but it was still incredibly fun. We played with the leftover snacks as our “chips”; this of course led to Pinkie getting out early because she kept eating all of her wagering materials. Applejack was surprising good at keeping a hard to read poker face for being the element of honesty. I guess when you think about it she wasn’t really lying when she was bluffing about her hand, just letting us draw our own conclusions based on her bets. Rainbow, however, was horrible at this. I could read her like an open book whenever she got a good hand (hoof) of cards. Of course the only pony that could read my poker face was Lyra and I just kept making faces at her the whole time. I ended up winning the whole pot at the end and since I couldn’t eat any of the snacks I gave them away to the Crusaders.

With many a yawn and promises of future soirées, the library slowly emptied. Lyra and I were the last ones to head towards the doors when we heard a shout from behind us.

“Where the hay do you think you two are going? I have so many more questions.” Said the demon that was a knowledge obsessed Twilight Sparkle.

“RUN!” Lyra and I shout and Lyra bolts out the door.

As we are making our rapid get away I see a purple strand of magic shoot through the air and stop a few meters in front of Lyra.

“TAKE A LEFT!” I yell to Lyra as Twilight appears in a flash of magic.

Lyra quickly dodges down a side street as we hear a frustrated Twilight behind us.

With my ability to see where Twilight was going to be teleporting to, I was able to lead Lyra through Ponyville and back to her house while avoiding a certain crazy Unicorn.

Lyra opens the door and I float into her house. “So Lyra, what are you going to tell Bon Bon about me?”

“Well, I think I’m not going to tell her about you to tell you the truth.”

“Aww, are you embarrassed about bringing a boy home?”

“NO, it’s just that I don’t think she could handle knowing yet.” Says a flustered Lyra.

“I can’t handle knowing what exactly?”

Lyra and I look up from our little debate as a sleepy Bon Bon descends the stairs.

“Oh, I can’t wait to see you talk your way out of explaining this one Lyra.” I say as I float over to the magazine adorned coffee table and flip one open.