• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 31,793 Views, 2,028 Comments

A Ghost Story - Elemist

A human's insubstantial adventures in Equestria.

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Chapter 12 - Tricks and Treats

I floated around the kitchen gathering various ingredients to pack yet another lunch for Bon Bon. Today I was making her a peanut butter, strawberry jam and banana sandwich. As I wrote my newest note I couldn’t help but start singing to myself. “Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make me a match, find me a find, catch me a catch. Matchmaker, Matchmaker, look through your book, and make me a perfect match.”

I laughed into the empty kitchen as I slip the note into the bag. I had been writing these things for almost two weeks now and still nothing from Bon Bon. I really wanted to write down something like “Take me now my sweet piece of candy!” but I was worried I would come home to Bon Bon holding Lyra down and having her way with her. Not that it wouldn’t be funny, I just have the feeling Lyra might be the tiniest bit upset with me if that happened

Placing the bag on the counter where Bon Bon would find it before heading off to work, I floated upstairs to Lyra’s room. I floated over to the lump in the middle of the bed while picking up a pillow that had somehow found its way to the floor. I take a menacing stance over the slightly snoring bump and raise the pillow over my head. I wished there would be a perfectly timed thunder strike but I was out of luck. So I did the next best thing and I just started laughing maniacally while pummeling Lyra’s sleeping form with the pillow.

“AHH, WHAT… I’M UP, I’M UP!” Lyra screeches as she bolts out from under the blanket.

“Morning sleepy head, there’s breakfast on the table for you. Oh, and Happy Nightmare Night by the way.”

I make my way to the corner of the room humming to myself, “This is Halloween, this is Halloween, pumpkins scream in the dead of night…”

Lyra glares at me from a tangled mess of blankets and pillows, “I really should get used to that kind of thing by now…”

Laughing, I pick up my ‘costume’ for the night. Over the week I’ve added some metal wire underneath the sheet to make it take on a ghost-like form and I was even able to make a sort of handle in the middle so I could easily carry it and still see. With Lyra’s help I was able to get a glow-in-the-dark marker to make a smiley face on the sheet.

Continuing to hum I whirl around to Lyra and give her a great big smile.

“Are you okay Spooky? You’re acting more…like you I guess, than usual this morning.”

“I’m just freaking out that it’s finally Nightmare Night. Thanks again for helping me with the costume. Has Bon Bon finally told you what she’s dressing up as this year?”

“Nah, she said that it will be a surprise for when she gets back from work.”

“She’s such a tease. Anyway, have you thought about what I asked you?”

“I’m still not sure it’s a good idea. I mean I would really like to leave early with Bon Bon for all of the carnival games but it might not be the smartest thing leaving you here to give out candy.”

“I’ll be fine for a few hours you worry wart. It will give the children a treat and you get to spend time with Bon Bon…alone…at the carnival.” I raise an eyebrow.

“Yeah, that will be nice and all. Then after an hour or two you can come and join us.” She began to pick up her blankets and put them away.

She glances over at me again as I’m fiddling with my costume, “Are you sure you’re alright. You look a little weird this morning.”

“Dang, I was going for really weird.”

“No I mean it, your hair is waving around a lot more then it usually is. You never did tell me why it does that.”

I pull my hand through my lion’s mane of a hairdo and flop it behind me, “Ahh, my magnificent coiffure. It is simply too stunning to simply be and must flaunt it’s beauty…But in all seriousness I have no clue why it does that, maybe its blowing in an astral wind or something.”

“Huh, I guess it’s just a little winder then normal this morning then. That’s not the only thing though; the rest of you looks a little misty.”

“Misty? I don’t train water Pokémon.”


I look down at myself and I do seem to be a little less focused than usual, my outline is kind of hazy.

“I don’t really know, I feel fine so I don’t think anything is wrong.”

“Well as long as you are feeling ok.” The sound of the front door closing cuts off Lyra and we make our way downstairs. Bon Bon had apparently left for work as her lunch is no longer on the counter so Lyra and I turn our attention to the large pile of homemade candy that sits upon the tabletop. Lyra and I start wrapping them in bright pieces of paper and I have to scold Lyra to stop eating them or else there wouldn’t be any for the little foals.

After wrapping the candy Lyra and I spend the rest of the day talking and hanging around the house. Lyra had finally found out that I had been reading her music books, especially since I kept leaving them downstairs and they had formed a neat pile next to the couch. So of course we ended up talking about music for most of the day, she even offered to teach me a bit about playing string instruments but I turned her down. I enjoyed teaching myself these kinds of things, especially if I had books for a reference guide.

By midafternoon Lyra had started shivering and her teeth had started to chatter. I assumed that I was the cause for the sudden drop in temperature so I had forced her to go upstairs and get into her costume for tonight as it would help keep her warm. While she was upstairs Bon Bon had returned home, I noticed that she had the note that I had put in her lunch bag this morning clamped in her jaws as she ascended the stairs.

Lyra descended the stairs with her costume on and I throw my arms up in mock fear, “AHHH A GHOST, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!”

Lyra nearly trips down the stairs as I flee into the kitchen. I pop my head out of the doorway as she catches herself, “Oh, Bon Bon is home, I’m assuming she’s putting her costume on.”

She glares at me through the eye holes in her sheet as she makes it to the bottom of the stairs, “I hate you, I really do.”

“I love you too Lyra.” I float past her carrying a bowl of candy to the front door. I had gotten really good at carrying things by this point. I could wave around a few pounds at a time now. Hmm, maybe I should get a set of chains to shake in the night.

Lyra’s no doubt witty comeback is interrupted by the sound of Bon Bon joining us downstairs and I almost drop the bowl of candy as I catch sight of her costume. Bon Bon had apparently bought an extra roll of candy wrapping paper and she had wrapped it around her body and tied it off on the ends. She looked like a big piece of hard candy.

I lean down next to Lyra, “Kind of makes you want to unwrap her and have a taste doesn’t it?”


“So what do you think of my costume Lyra?” Bon Bon asks as she trots up to Lyra.

“Uh, very nice Bon Bon. It’s certainly very you.” Lyra says with a soft smile and I can see a very faint blush on Bon Bon’s cheeks.

“Shall we get going then Lyra, we got a lot to see tonight.”

“Yeah, I can’t wait.” Lyra and Bon Bon make their way out the front door and I pop my head out as their walking down the front steps.

“Have fun on your DATE you two!” I quickly pull myself back into the living room but I can hear a “WHAT?” from the other side of the door.

Chortling, I head over to the table to make sure I’ll have enough candy for the next few hours when there is a knock on the door and I hear the call of little voices outside, “Nightmare Night, what a fright! Give us something sweet to Bite!” God that was adorable. I floated over with a handful of candy and opened the door looking forward to seeing all of the foals.

…Dear Sweet Celestia! That chant got annoying quickly. After two hours of handing out candy I was really starting to miss a simple “Trick or Treat!” Ah but the looks on their little faces when I opened the door and all they saw was floating candy made everything better.

I think after the next round of children begging for tooth rotting goodness I will call it a night and head out to find Lyra and Bon Bon. While I’m contemplating this I hear the dreaded incantation of doom from the other side of the door that indicated that there were candy seekers on the doorstep.

I fling open the door and I am greeted by the cutest thing I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen Fluttershy. There were three little ghosts in front of me, the one on the left had a pair of orange wings sticking through her sheet, the one in the middle had a white horn and the last one had a bright red bow on her head. By the Gods, the crusaders get cuter every time I see them. Behind them stands what I at first thought was a gigantic peacock but on closer inspection I figure it to be Rarity, but her stunning gown is adorned with so many feathers that it was an easy mistake to make.

The three look around expectantly and I just chuckle. I pick up the bowl with the remaining candy and I float it over to them. As I dump the candy into their bags their looks of confusion give way to comprehension.

“SPOOKY!” They yell load enough to force a wince from Rarity.

I merely laugh and float over to my ‘costume’ and make my way back to them.

Applebloom and Sweetie look shocked at my ghostly contraption but Scootaloo seems to be vibrating in excitement and Rarity’s eyes grow wide and she lets off a toothy grin.

“Spooky, Darling, that is simply genius.” Rarity waves her hoof in appreciation of my costume. “Oh you simply must come with us out on the town and show off your wonderful design.” The three girls immediately agree and begin hoping around Rarity and myself. I simply laugh and turn off the front porch light as I make my way outside. With many a giggle and excited exclamation from the crusaders we make our way into town.

We made a few more stops at some of the cottages around the square for the crusaders to get more candy. All the while Rarity is making comments about the numerous costumes she created for the numerous ponies that are walking by. The conversation was of course one sided but I enjoyed listening to Rarity and I personally thought she liked talking to something that wasn’t going to interrupt her spiels. We were getting numerous looks from all of the ponies out and about, I wasn’t sure if this was caused by my ‘costume’ or from Rarity talking to said ‘costume’.

We made our way to the town square where there were numerous games and stands set up. The crusaders busied themselves by turning to the game booths and promptly set about seeing if they could get their Cutie Marks in carnival games.

As Rarity goes to make sure there isn’t too much property damage done, I decide to check around the square. I quickly spot Spike wearing yet another dragon costume, at least this year he went with a different color scheme, orange kind of looked good on him. I giggle at Twilights costume as she seemed to be trying to pull off a Madame Pinkie Oracle look, complete with floating crystal ball and purple turban. I make my way over to the apple-bobbing booth to be met by a cloak wearing Applejack, I think her and Big Mac switched costumes this year since I think I saw Mac dressed as a scarecrow a while back.

Applejack looks a little worried as I approach but I soon see a flicker of recognition form on her face. “Well howdy Spooky, long time no see. Actually it would be long time never see wouldn’ it.”

I merely chuckle at this and grab and apple from the barrel next to her and hold it out for her. She imitates my chuckle and then devours the apple in one bite. “Well thank ya kindly sugarcube.” She gives me a wink as a few ponies approach to bob for some apples.

I spot Ditzy as she approaches; she seems to have replaced all of her brown lunch bags this year with grocery bags.

I wave to her as she makes her way to the barrel, “Hay Ditzy, I see you went for plastic instead of paper this year.”

She tilts her head for a second, “Oh hay Spooky, are you enjoying Nightmare Night?”

“You know it Ditzy, how about you?”

“Oh I’m having a great time; I got to see Rainbow Dash. She pulled a prank on me.” She seems pleased about this.

“O’ Really? A prank you say, I think I might have to see about pulling one on her.”

“Oh I don’t know about that Spooky, it’s really hard to play a prank on Rainbow Dash.”

“Heh, don’t worry about me Ditzy I think I can handle myself. Now where was the last time you saw her?”

“She was over at the pumpkin toss with a thundercloud.”

“Thanks Ditzy, you have fun tonight.”

“I will Spooky.” She waves at me as I float skywards. She turns back to the apple bobbing. I hear Applejacks voice filter in as I fly away. “Wha’ was all that Derpy? Can y’all hear Spooky?”

I can’t hear Ditzy’s reply as I’ve gotten too far away, but I send a prayer to whatever is listening that Twilight never finds out that Ditzy can hear and see me, that would be a field day for the poor mare.

I decide to get more altitude to try and sneak up on Rainbow and I get a good view of the rest of the town. As I float over the pumpkin range, I spot a cloud that is suspiciously close to the ground. I slowly approach so my costume doesn’t flap in the wind. Sure enough I spot a rainbow colored mare sitting atop the condensed water vapor and I can only roll my eyes. She’s still wearing her Shadowbolts costume. I know it’s cool but she really should go for originality and try something new.

Ever so carefully I float up behind her. Hmm, there’s been something I’ve wanted to try out; I guess Rainbow will be a good Guinea Pig. I reach out my hand and begin to concentrate as if I was about to try and pick something up. I then make a mighty wind up and smack my hand down on Dash’s flank. Instead of going through her there’s a smacking sound followed by a yelp from Dash. She whirls around and I laugh maniacally as all the color drains from her face and her wings flare as if she’s going to dart off.

I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that her mane, coat and tail had all fluffed out; she looked like a startled cat. After a few seconds her wings fold flat against her sides and as the color returns to her face she simply glares at me. “Alright Spooky, that was a good prank, but I’m going to get you back for this one.”

I tilt my costume to the side a little, how the heck was she going to get me back? Throw a pie in my face? I merely laugh and float back to the ground as Rainbow goes back to spying on unsuspecting ponies to prank.

As I make landfall I hear a one Pinkamena Diane Pie behind me, “SPOOKY!” I turn around and I immediately drop my costume. Apparently Pinkie decided to dress up as a ghost this year as well but she pulled out all the stops. Somehow she had dyed her coat white and her tail and mane a neon glow-in-the-dark green, she even had a few chains wrapped around her body.

“What do you think Spooky? Pretty scary huh?”

I merely pick up my costume and nod it forward to give her an affirmative.

“Thanks Spooky, your costume is looking good too. Rather spooky.” She giggles at her joke. “Well I have to get going, so much candy so little time.” At this she bounds away with a large sack filled with candy clasped in her teeth.

“What is this I see, is it my new friend Spooky?” I turn around once again to be confronted with my favorite zebra. She had apparently decided to dress the part of a Voodoo Witchdoctor, dreadlocks and all.

“Lookin’ good Zecora, Lookin’ good.”

“Why thank you my friend, this look is to remind me of home, although I foresee trouble tomorrow when I pick up my comb.”

“Well it it’s a good look for you Zecora, I wouldn’t ….You just heard me respond to you didn’t you?”

“Indeed, even though you are dead, I have heard everything you have said.”

“Bu, guwah? Where you able to hear me when you were trying to banish me?”

“Sadly I could not my new friend, but I wish to apologize to that end.”

“So how are you able to talk to me now?”

“On this Nightmare Night, I have given myself the sight. With a special mix and brew, I can see and hear you. The potion allows me to see the ethereal, and interact with the immaterial. However it will only work tonight, when the veil is thin, so I took my chance to rectify my sin. So to that end I apologize, for when you I tried to ostracize.”

I smile down at her, “Don’t worry about it, I already forgave you for it. However, if you want to make it up for me could you do me a favor?”

“If my transgressions you will waiver, I will surely do you a favor.”

“Can you say ‘I’ve got friends on the other side’ for me?”

She raises an eyebrow at me, “Stranger things I have cried, but ‘I’ve got friends on the other side”

“Thank you Zecora, you’ve made my night.”

“It was the least I could do for you, but I think my night is now through. I must make my way back to the Everfree, I long to sleep within my tree. Before I go a warning I give, beware the things that have once lived. I have seen things tonight, which have given me a fright. They have filled my stomach with stone; beware Spooky for you are not alone!”

With that Zecora trots off towards the forest and I feel a shudder run down my back. Well that was creepy as hell; perhaps I should call it a night as well. I make my way back to Lyra’s house and I float in through her bedroom window. I drop my ghost costume off in the corner of her room; I will take it apart later and wash it so she can get her sheet back.

The sound of Lyra’s and Bon Bon’s voices filter upstairs from the living room. Hmm, I wonder if they had a good night. I float into living room to find the two mares sitting on the coach with their costumes draped over the coffee table.

“I had a wonderful night tonight Lyra, thanks for going to the carnival with me.”

“It was my pleasure; I had a lot of fun. I still can’t believe you won the pumpkin pie eating contest.” Bon Bon blushes.

“Well…I’m really good at eating pies.”

Oh my god, she did not just say that. I laugh my ghostly ass off and Lyra just glares at me from downstairs.

“I could definitely see that, you were-“

I let out a little gasp as Lyra is suddenly interrupted by Bon Bon leaning forward and planting a gigantic kiss on Lyra lips. Lyra’s eyes have popped open in surprise and I could almost see the gears inside her head grind to a halt.

Bon Bon hops down from the couch and makes her way to the stairs, “Thanks again Lyra, we’ll have to do this again soon.” Bon Bon winks and then trots up to her bedroom.

I turn to Lyra who is once again doing her impression of a fish. “So when are you two going to go on your next date?” I ask innocently.