• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 31,788 Views, 2,028 Comments

A Ghost Story - Elemist

A human's insubstantial adventures in Equestria.

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Chapter 7 - Ritualistic friendship

A few hours after Lyra had gotten home there came a knock at the front door. Lyra came rushing down the stairs as the door opened to reveal a smiling Vinyl and a stoic Octavia on the front step. Octavia had a huge case strapped to her back; I assumed that it held her cello and Vinyl had a stack of metal cases behind her.

Lyra lets out a joyous squeal and basically drags the two unlucky mares over the threshold. The trio makes their way upstairs and I follow closely behind. As I reach the landing I’m just in time to see Bon Bon stuffing two pieces of cotton into her ears as she barricades herself into her room.

Rolling my eyes I follow Vinyl’s trunks into Lyra’s room, making sure to keep my distance from her magic so as to not get an electroshock treatment.

My eyes widen as I enter Lyra’s room. Dang girl, you got enough string instruments in here to start a small orchestra! I wander around the room looking at the numerous Lyres, harps, lutes and even a ukulele.

I continue my inspection of the room as the three set up their instruments/equipment behind me. I’m amazed at the amount of music books that Lyra has scattered around her room, usually accompanied by an appropriate instrument.

After a few minutes of setting up the trio begins one of the most interesting jam sessions I have ever heard. Lyra and Octavia’s brand of music seemed to melt together rather seamlessly but Vinyl just seemed to be adding a supplementary background beat with her electronics.

I floated to the other side of the room to listen in, as far away from the turntable as possible since I tend to do a number on electronics if I’m too close to them.

After many hours of musical enjoyment the three mares finally stop playing, of course I applaud the magnificent performance but I’m pretty sure my attentions went unnoticed.

True to Bon Bon’s prediction, the two visitors plop down on a mattress that Lyra had pulled from under her own bed and they snuggle up to each other, quickly falling asleep.

Lyra plops down into her own bed, pulling the blankets up to her chin as she enters the sandman’s (sandstallions?) embrace. I float over and look down at the two cuddling ponies. Dawww, they’re so adorable, snuggled up against each other. Their either REALLY good friends or they must be dating. Either way they make a cute couple. I bend down and pull the blanket up over the two, tucking them in for the night.

I’m about to leave when I hear a little moan emanating from Lyra’s bed. I glance over, hoping to all reason she’s not doing what I was thinking she was doing. I’m slightly relieved to notice that her hooves are placed firmly at her sides, not where I had expected to see them. However, I was slightly concerned as I watch Lyra toss and turn, letting out a moan every now and then.

I float over to her bedside and I see that she is grimacing in her sleep. The poor mare, she must be having a nightmare. At this point she seems to have broken out into a cold sweat and a strand of her mane has fallen into her face. I reach down to move it out of the way.

As I make contact with Lyra, I feel an ungodly sucking sensation centered on my hand. I yelp in pain as I feel myself slowly start to stretch out and suddenly begin to condense. My whole form feels like it is being ripped apart and then mashed back together into a smaller form.

By the sweet heavenly pony sisters, this last time I had felt pain this bad was on that day. The one day that will forever be branded into my skull as one of the worst and best days of my unlife.

I think back to the day that I had made Fluttershy cry as I watch myself get slowly pulled into Lyra’s cranium.


By Odin’s beard, WHAT HAD I DONE? I was a MONSTER!

I wanted to weep openly, but of course I no longer had tear ducts. I wanted to repeatedly smash my head into a wall, but of course it would just pass through it. I wanted to kill myself, but of course I was already dead.

I hear a pop from over at the front door and I see Pinkie’s hair deflate, “Oh no, I’m so sorry Fluttershy!”

She exclaims as she quickly bounds over to the Pegasus, wrapping her into a hug. “I wasn’t thinking Fluttershy, I didn’t mean to scare you so much. Oh, please don’t cry, you’re going to make me cry.” Pinkie’s eyes begin to water.

“Wha’ in the Hay was tha’ Pinkie. How did ya’ll turn off da lights and do tha’ fancy floatin’ with the blanket.” Applejack says, dumbfounded as she continues to stare at the blanket.

By this point, Fluttershy’s waterworks have slowed to a small trickle but it was still breaking my heart. I just couldn’t stay and watch this. That poor innocent Pegasus, she had never done anything to deserve this.

I float out the front door into the pouring rain. I float through the downpour, feeling a weird sensation as the raindrops pass through me. My arms hang limply at my sides as I let my depression fill me. I float aimlessly around town, still in disbelief at my own carelessness.

After hours of aimless wandering the rain begins to let up as a few early morning Pegasi clear the clouds from the skies. I let out a sigh as I continue my depression filled sojourn.

As I’m floating around town I see a splotch of yellow and pink below me. I descend to see Fluttershy being escorted home by a now puffy haired Pinkie Pie. I follow them as they enter Fluttershy’s nature adorned cottage. Pinkie leads Fluttershy up to here bedroom and I hear Pinkie’s voice from upstairs, “Now you just listen to your auntie Pinkie and take a little nap. You’ll feel right as rain when you wake up. I just wanted to let you know our spooky friend didn’t mean to scare you, he was just going along with my ghost story.”

I assume Fluttershy responds to Pinkie’s rambling but it’s too quiet for me to make out from downstairs. After a minute or so Pinkie comes downstairs and quickly exits the cottage.

I sigh and look around the house. I notice that a number of the animal dishes are empty and I decide that I should do something about that. I look around the room and see different bags of feed tucked into a corner. Taking great care and small handfuls at a time, I slowly fill the animals dishes. As the morning’s light begins to filter in, different animals wander in from small entrances in the living room wall and begin eating from the dishes.

I feel exhausted from the amount of effort that I had to put in to get that small amount of reward but I feel a little bit better. As the animals enjoy their morning repast, I enter the kitchen to see if I can prepare something for Fluttershy. After exploring a bit I decide to make Fluttershy some eggs and toast. I’m grateful that there is a skillet already on the stove as there would have been no way in the nine pits of hell that I would have been able to lift that thing. I float over to the fridge and stand there for a second. How the heck was I going to get the eggs out of there? I don’t think there was any way I had the strength to pop it open.

As I’m pondering this particular brain teaser, I hear a rooster crow from outside. That’s it; I could just grab a few fresh ones from outside.

I float outside and into the chicken coup that rests behind the house. As I enter I hear the annoying clucking of numerous chickens as they rest in their roosts. I will myself over and I poke my finger through one of them a few times until it clucks in confusion and hops up. I look down at two freshly laid brown eggs and I reach down and pick them up.

I float the eggs out the little entryway in the chicken coup and through the slightly opened window in Flutershy’s kitchen. I lay the eggs down on the counter and I turn to the stove. Ahh good, there’s a layer of grease in the skillet already, that will make this so much easier. I turn the stove on with some pressure exerted on the knob and crack the eggs into the skillet.

I then float over to what appears to be a half-eaten loaf of homemade bread on a cutting board. I lift the serrated knife into the air, praying to whatever gods were listening that Fluttershy didn’t come down stairs while a sharp implement was floating in her kitchen, and I cut two slices of bread.

I place the bread into the toaster and press down on the lever. I leave the toast to fend for itself as I turn my attention back to the eggs. Luckily, there was a spatula in the sink that I used to flip the eggs over to make sure they are thoroughly cooked. I turn the stove off to let the eggs finish cooking from the residual heat as I retrieve the toast from the maw of the toaster. Fishing a plate out of the drying rack I deftly lay the toast down. Using the spatula I flip the eggs on top of the toast. By this point the plate is too heavy for me to lift, but I figured it would be fine on the countertop.

I hear the flutter of wings behind me and a curious sniff or two as Fluttershy enters the Kitchen with an Angel bunny in tow.

“Oh Angel, did you make breakfast for mommy?” She looks down at Angel who immediately shakes his head. “Really? Then who did?” She asks as she grabs the plate in her mouth and lays it down on the table.

At this point I decide to leave the mare to her meal and float off into town. I make my way to Sugar Cube Corner and enter into the front room. I can hear Pinkie working in the Kitchen as I enter. I notice that there doesn’t appear to be anypony in at the moment and look around the eating area. I notice behind the register is a stack of paper complete with a quill and some parchment with ink, most likely for taking down orders from customers.

Still exhausted from all the work I did this morning at Fluttershy’s, I grab ahold of the quill and dip it into the ink. I carefully scrawl a message onto the paper when I hear Pinkie enter the room.

“Twitchy Twitch. Are you here new Friend?” She asks as she looks around the room. I float the paper from behind the counter and lay it down on the floor in front of her. She immediately picks it up in her hooves and begins reading out load.

“Would you please apologize to Fluttershy for me? As you may have noticed I can’t really do it myself. Signed, your very sorry, spooky friend.”

“Aww, of course I’ll go talk to her for you.” She announces to the room, and immediately bounces off with the note clasped in her mouth.

Right about now my whole form is wobbling in exhaustion, but I decide I should make my way to Twilights to see if I can leave a note apologizing to the rest of the gang.

As I float into the Library I see Rainbow, Twilight and Zecora gathered in the front room. Drawn on the floor is an intricate spiraling design with a hemp sack of some kind placed in the center of the diagram.

“…with this spirit, if you truly wish for me to inhibit.” I catch the end of something Zecora is saying to Twilight.

“Yes, I think it is best if we get rid of him. With the way it scared Fluttershy there is no way it’s here for anything good.” Says Twilight as she looks down at the sack on the floor.

“This here is known as a Gris-Gris Bag, I made it myself but I do not wish to brag. Combined with the circle properly aligned, we can find the ghost we wish to bind. Now gather round and repeat after me, and we will find this spirit wherever he may be.”

She pulls a few items from a bag and sets them on the floor in front of her along with a small drum of some kind. She begins to beat the drum while incanting something.

“Hay walla walla walla, Hay Walla walla walla!” She calls out and Rainbow and Twilight begin to respond.

“Hay walla walla walla, Hay walla walla walla!”

“Spirit, Spirit go away. Come again some other day!”

“Spirit, Spirit go away. Come again some other day!”

At this point I’m floating there completely exhausted from my morning escapades and I begin to feel a pressure forming on my chest.

“Wave your hooves from side to side, show that ghost we got some pride!”

“Wave your hooves from side to side, show that ghost we got some pride!”

The pressure begins throbbing and spreads to the rest of my body and spikes of pain erupt through my chest.

“Walk around the circle twice. Take some sugar, take some spice.”

“Walk around the circle twice. Take some sugar, take some spice.”

The two mares follow Zecora’s instructions as I feel like red hot nails are being driven through my appendages and I feel myself being dragged to the center of the now glowing circle.

“Grab a cup of cottage cheese, through it on mister trees.”

“Grab a cup of…” Twilight stops and she watches in horror as Dash grabs a cup of cottage cheese and flings it around the room.

I would have laughed if It was for the agony running through my system as I feel myself being drawn towards the friggen’ jojo bag.

Suddenly, the door is flung open to reveal a disheveled Fluttershy and a twitching Pinkie Pie.

“STOP!” Fluttershy cry’s in a surprisingly load voice as she rushes forward and tackles Zecora to the ground.

“Oh, I’m so sorry Zecora, but I couldn’t let you hurt that poor being.”

“What is the meaning of this Fluttershy, we were binding the one who made you cry.”

“Ohh, no he didn’t mean to make me cry. Pinkie explained it all this morning that it was just a silly little prank that they played on everypony.”

Twilight and Rainbow are standing there, their jaws almost reaching the floor until Rainbow pipes up, “But shy, he’s really mean and stuff. Why won’t you let us get rid of him?”

“Oh, he’s not mean at all. I mean, I don’t think he is. I’m pretty sure he was the one who made me breakfast this morning, so I think he’s actually kind of sweet.”

At this point, I’m floating over the circle facing the ceiling while my eye is twitching from the diminishing pain.

“What do you mean he made you breakfast this morning?” Inquires Twilight, who had finally picked her jaw up from the floor.

“Well, I came downstairs this morning from taking a little nap to find that all of my animal friends had already been feed. I also found some freshly cooked eggs with toast on my counter. At first I thought Angel bunny had made it for me but he said that he hadn’t. Then Pinkie showed up with this letter and explained everything to me.” Flutter says as she pulls my note from under her wing.

Twilight pulls the note over to herself and reads it quickly. After a few seconds of consideration she puts the note down and looks from Fluttershy to Dash to Zecora, “Well, Zecora, I think we might have made a mistake. I think we might have just tried to imprison this spirit, whoever it may be, unfairly.” She looks thoughtfully down at the floor and then back up to Fluttershy, “Wait a minute, how did you two know we were trying to get rid of the ghost?”

Pinkie steps forward at this, “Well when I got done explaining everything to Fluttershy my Pinkie Sense went off. It was the same one I get when our spooky friend is around but combined with my one that tells me one of my friends is about to get hurt.”

Oh god, it seems I owe my continued unlife to Pinkie Pie.

“Oh, well I hope he can forgive us for putting him through that.” Twilight says, looking slightly downcast.

“I’m sure he’s already forgiven you Twilight. Now come on Everypony, GROUP HUG!” Pinkie grabs everypony and much to Rainbow’s and Zecora’s displeasure pulls them into a group hug. “Aren’t you going to join us, Spooky Friend?” She says as she looks around the room.

“Uhh, Pinkie… I don’t think he can hug us.” Quietly states Fluttershy and my heart breaks once again at the realization I can never hug that adorable Pegasus.