• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 31,786 Views, 2,028 Comments

A Ghost Story - Elemist

A human's insubstantial adventures in Equestria.

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Chapter 16 - Hospital Hijinks

A/N: I would like to thank Bronymaster for editing this chapter.

Lyra lets out a deep sigh and glanced at me before turning back to Bon Bon. “I really don’t know where to start…Do you remember when we had Vinyl and Octavia over a few weeks ago?”

“Do you mean when you had your little slumber party?” Bon Bon asked while brushing a few stray tears away with a hoof.

“Heh, yeah my little slumber party…well that night I had a dream.”

“Did you have that nightmare about the Manticore again?” Bon Bon reaches over and drags Lyra into a hug again.

“Ye-yeah. I had that nightmare; actually I haven’t had that nightmare since that night. Well, the Manticore wasn’t the only thing that I dreamed about; there was a human there as well.”

“A what?” Bon Bon pulls back from the hug looking slightly confused.

“It’s a mythical bipedal creature, similar to a Minotaur or a Diamond Dog but with less hair.”

“Ok…Why were you dreaming about one?”

“I was getting to that. Well, in my dream the human ended saving me from the Manticore and we ended up talking. He told me what he was and that he was in fact a ghost. Then I woke and…well when I woke up he was still there.”

“What do you mean?” Ha, Bon Bon looks adorable when she’s confused as well.

“I mean that he was an actual ghost and he was in the house when I woke up.”

“Lyra I…” Bon Bon’s response was cut short by Lyra hoof.

“Bon Bon, I need you to let me tell the whole story without you interrupting me. Can you do that…for me?”

“I…Ok, Lyra. I can do that…for you.”

“Thank you Bon Bon.” Lyra leans back into her pillow and takes a slow steadying breath. “Well, this ghost was rather…insistent that I talk with him. No matter how hard I tried to ignore him. I ended up going to see Twilight to see what she knew about ghosts and to see if I was crazy or not.”

“Lyra, you were crazy long before you met me.” Lyra glares at me a second for my interjection before continuing.

“Well, it turns out that he was really there and I hadn’t lost my mind. So I spent some time getting to know him and…well he eventually asked if he could umm haunt me I guess is the best way to put it.”

Bon Bon opens her mouth as if she was about to say something but she closes it as Lyra continues. “I agreed and he has been with us ever since. He tends to just stick around the house and bug me but I guess he’s been helpful as well.”

I merely roll my eyes at this.

“He’s helped clean and cook around the house and he keeps me company whenever you’re at work.” God, Lyra’s making me sound like a nursemaid or something. “And…well he’s kind of the one responsible for us getting together.” Lyra blushes furiously at this and I can only giggle at the look on Bon Bon’s face, kind of a mixture of confusion, embarrassment and disbelief.

“The reason we were out last night was…well I was going to be a little short on rent money this month and I didn’t want you to get in trouble for my mistake.”

“Oh Lyra-“ Bon Bon is cut off from Lyra’s upraised hoof yet again.

“Bon Bon, we went to a tavern, you know that place down on Sidesaddle Street. We…We went to play poker in order to get enough bits to pay rent, and we got the bits, more than enough actually. In the process though we kind of upset a Griffon and well you can see how that turned out.” Lyra gestures to the wound on her forehead.

“Oh Lyra.” Bon Bon wraps Lyra into a deep hug. “Don’t you worry about a thing; I will get you the best help I can find. Oh my poor dear Lyra, you must have hit your head really hard.”

Lyra blinks in confusion and I burst out laughing, rolling through the air in my mirth.

“I will find somepony that knows about psychological trauma, I’ll spare no expense to make sure you get better.” Bon Bon pulls Lyra into an even tighter embrace and strokes her mane.

Lyra sputters for a second. “Bon Bon, I’m telling you the truth.”

“Shh Shh, don’t worry about it, everything is going to be ok.”

Lyra turns to me. “Spooky, she thinks I’ve gone crazy, back me up over here.”

Wrapping up my mirth I wipe away a none-existent tear from my eye. “What do you want me to do about it? I’m not going to go into her dreams just so you don’t have to convince her I’m not real.”

“Well, I don’t know, pick something up I guess.”

I grab ahold of one of the pillows on Lyra’s bed and I then proceed to hit Bon Bon upside the head with it.

Bon Bon laughs and Lyra looks horrified. Bon Bon places her hoof lightly on Lyra’s shoulder. “Well, I’m glad you’re feeling playful but I don’t think you should be using your magic so soon after a head injury.”

“But I’m NOT using magic, its Spooky that moving the pillow.”

Bon Bon raises an eyebrow, “Spooky? Is that the name of your ‘Ghost’, I thought you would have come up with something a little more original then that.”

Ohh, burned by the candy flank, time to take this up a notch. I reach out my tendrils and wrap them around Bon Bon who immediately shudders.

“Lyra what-“ I concentrate and raise Bon Bon off of the bed and she immediately lets out a squeal. “LYRA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” She starts wriggling and the pressure I feel on my extremities increases. Lyra’s earlier visage of horror reappears while I’m just thoroughly impressed with my own increase in “strength”.

“Spooky, you put her down right now!”

A pink blur rushes into the room and I almost drop Bon Bon on her face as Pinkie Pie appears out of nowhere. “Oh oh, me next, me next.” Pinkie starts bouncing up and down excitedly. I gently set Bon Bon down on the bed and wrap Pinkie up in my misty coils and lift her up in the air. I’m astounded that I haven’t exhausted myself at this point but Pinkie just laughs in merriment as I begin to spin her around the room.

Lyra and Bon Bon stare, slack jawed at the spectacle. I’m pretty sure we broke Bon Bon’s brain; right when the warranty ran out too, isn’t that always the case.

Three sets of hoofsteps can be heard from the hallway over Pinkies laughter and Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy appear in the doorway. All three of them stop in their tracks and stare at the spectacle of a flying Pinkie Pie. Twilight’s left eye twitches in annoyance and Fluttershy drops what appears to be a medical kit she was carrying in her mouth before uttering, “Oh…my…”

Twilight shakes her head and steps into the room, “Spooky, put down Pinkie right now.”

I pull Pinkie tight to my chest and wrap my arms around her, being careful not to pass right through. “NO, she’s my Party Pony and you can’t have her!”

Twilight lets out a sigh of annoyance as Pinkie giggles. “Ohh, this makes me feel all tingly, like my whole body fell asleep.” I laugh and gently set Pinkie onto the floor when I hear a loud thump. I turn towards the bed to see Bon Bon sprawled on the floor and I can almost see little flying Pinkies zooming around her head in circles.

Fluttershy immediately rushes over to her, medical bag in tow and starts examining her unconscious form.

Lyra meanwhile seems flabbergasted and shifts her gaze between me, the new arrivals and Bon Bon. Seeing the worried expression on her face as she looks at Bon Bon, I float over and lift the unconscious mare onto the spare bed next to Lyra’s which causes Shy to give out a squeak of alarm. After calming herself, Shy flaps over to the bed and continues administering to the unconscious Bon Bon.

Lyra turns to Twilight, “What are you all doing here?”

Twilight trots forward, “Well we did come to-“

Pinkie pops up between Twilight and Lyra, “We came so I can plan your ‘Get Well Soon’ party silly.”

Twilight gently picks Pinkie up with her magic and set her to the side, “WE, came because we wanted to check on how you were doing. I also wanted to let you know that somepony will be by later to ask you a few questions about the…incident.”

Rarity then steps forward, daintily stepping around Pinkie Pie. “Yes Darling, Twilight told us about what happened with that horrible ruffian and I wanted to let you know that if you need anything all you have to do is ask.”

Twilight reaches into her saddlebag and pulls a book out with a thin string of magic. “Yes, about that. After I sent my letter to the Princess I did some quick research and I found that there is a grant program that the Princess set up centuries ago for ponies in your situation. I just have to find the proper paper work and we can get it filled out for you. The only problem is that it’s been so long since anything like this has happened that it will probably take some time for all of the paperwork to go through.”

At this, the smile that had been forming on Lyra’s face falls into a frown. “Oh…I kind of needed that money within a few days…”

“Oh, don’t worry about a thing dear, I can lend you any number of bits that you might need until we get this whole fiasco behind us.” Rarity places a gentle hoof over Lyra’s own and gives her a small smile which Lyra returns.

Fluttershy then flies over and inspects Lyra’s wound. “Umm, B-bon Bon s-should be alright. S-she just needs a little rest. Umm, might I ask what happened, if that’s ok with you that is.”

“Oh, umm I was trying to tell her about Spooky and she really wasn’t buying it. So I asked Spooky to pick something up to prove it to her and I guess being picked up by him and seeing Pinkie zooming around the room like that was a little much for her.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow, “You mean you haven’t told her about Spooky before?”

“Yeah, she’s been rather stubborn about telling Bon Bon about me. Of course she’s probably embarrassed about the whole me getting the two of them together and how awkward that conversation is going to be later.” As I point this out, Lyra’s eyes grow large and she yelps, “SPOOKY, don’t tell her that!”

Twilight is blushing slightly while the rest of the group is wearing confused expressions. Pinkie suddenly gasps and looks at Twilight, “You can talk to Spooky? Aww, I wanted to talk to him.” She puts on an adorable pout and stamps her hoof onto the floor.

“Yes, as of this morning I can see and talk to Spooky. Speaking of talking, Spooky and I are due for a Talk, aren’t we mister?” Twilight turns around to me and practically growls the last part of that.

“Y’all never get me ta talk see, never ya hear!” I turn away from her and cross my arms in mock outrage.

“Now listen here, you are going to explain exactly how you got Lyra here or else.”

“Or else what? Are you threatening me Miss Sparkle, because two can play at that game.”

“What do you mean?” She backs away, looking a little nervous.

“Well, now that Lyra is awake, I might just accidently slip what I walked in on in your dreams.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her and I laugh as Twilight’s eyes bulge.

“Now, let’s not be too hasty.”

“Wait, what did you walk in on?” Lyra sounded very curious and of course I couldn’t disappoint. “Welll, I just might have walked in on young miss Sparkle here having a night with the girls, beating around the bush, brushing the beaver, fanning the fur, gagging the clam, tickling the taco, rolling the dough, nulling the void, buffin’ the muffin, I could go on if you like?”

By this point both of their faces have turned a brilliant fire-truck red and Twilight proceeds to hide her face in her hooves. I, with all of the tack and sophistication I can muster, laugh my ghostly ass off.

After both of their faces return to their normal colorings and my mirth has worn itself out Twilight turns to me. “That wasn’t funny!”

“You are correct my dear…It was hilarious.”

She growled at me, I mean literally growled. I did my best to keep from snickering as I’m sure she would have zapped me if I did.

“Alright Spooky, you owe me some answers now after that.”

“Yes, quite. I will answer your questions dear Twilight…If you can catch me.” I then immediately float through the ceiling and enter the second floor. I then stick my head back through the floor, “I’ll play fair and stay within the hospital, you can even use Pinkie as a Spooky Detector.” I then float upwards while cackling maniacally.

I hear a muffled cry of anger from below and decide to find an inconspicuous room to hide in. I float through numerous empty rooms looking for a good hiding place but I stop when I hear the sound of a slowly beating heart monitor and someone sobbing quietly.

I came across what appears to be an elderly mare, her coat was a faded pink and her mane was a light gray. Her eyes were closed and her chest was just barely rising and falling. Next to her bed was a younger stallion with a light blue coat and a darker blue mane, he was holding his head in his hooves and weeping softly.

The beeping stops and is followed by a long drawn out buzz which causes the stallion to burst into tears. As I watch, a mist rises from the old mare’s body and coalesces into what appears to be a younger duplicate of her. She looks down at her body and then looks over to the stallion. She sighs as she looks at the now howling stallion and I gently cough to see if she notices me.

She turns around slowly and to her credit her eyes only widen slightly in surprise, “Are you death sir?” She asks in a quiet and calm voice.

I give her a gentle smile, “Nah, I’m just Ponyville’s resident Ghost miss.” I float over next to her and look down at the stallion; I note that he had a cookie cutter for a Cutie Mark. “He’s really torn up over this isn’t he?”

She turns to looks down at him and I notice that her Cutie mark was that of a rolling pin. “Yeah, he’s a good colt. I told him to go on home and get some sleep but he stayed with me all through the night.”

I place my arm over her shoulder and we watch as the stallions tears slowly stop. He shudders and wipes away the moisture in his eyes before slowly walking over to the heart monitor and somberly unplugging it. The nurse that I met from the previous night has shown up at this point and leads him out of the room.

I offer the mare a smile which she returns. There is a flash of light off to the side and we both turn to witness what appears to be an ethereal forest where there used to be a wall. Directly in front of us appears to be a sunlight path leading into the woods.

The mare turns and begins to walk down the path but turns back to me, “You take care of yourself, you hear sonny.” I offer her a smile and wave as she continues down the path. My smile falls as she makes her away around a bend, I honestly felt a little ripped off. I mean, ponies get this awesome sunlight woodland path and what did I get? A dark tunnel, that’s what.

I shrug and begin to turn before a flash of red in the ethereal woods catches my eye. As I turn back I see a familiar miasma complete with two glowing red eyes that is sitting just within the tree line looking at me. “Hello ‘Keymaster’…” The Gatekeeper and I stare at each other for a few moments before she speaks again. “You better watch yourself ‘Keymaster’, you never know who’s waiting in the shadows.”

I feel an involuntary shudder go up my spine as the forest along with the Gatekeeper slowly vanishes to be replaced with the wall.

I stare at the wall for a moment. “Well….Schnitzel!”

Twilight’s voice behind me startles me out of my reverie. “What’s schnitzel?”

I whirl around to see a calmer Twilight and a grinning Pinkie Pie. “Uhh, it’s nothing you need to worry about. Now let’s go back to Lyra’s room so I can answer your questions.”

Twilight seems surprised at my willingness to cooperate but doesn’t argue as we make our way back downstairs, where we find that Bon Bon is still passed out, Lyra and Rarity were having a conversation and Fluttershy was busy wrapping Lyra’s head with fresh bandages.

I follow Twilight and Pinkie in and Twilight turns to me. “Alright, first of all let’s talk about you possessing Lyra.”

At this, Fluttershy’s eyes grow large and she starts shaking slightly and Lyra’s eyes narrow. “Yeah, let’s talk about how you used me as a ‘meat puppet’ and what not.”

“Oh, you don’t like the term ‘meat puppet’? How about we just call you a ‘meat marionette’? Oh I like that one it has alliteration.”

“Ok, enough with that, I want some straight answers. Let’s start with how you did it in the first place.” Twilight pulls out a piece of parchment with an accompanying quill.

“Welllll, I went to try and pick her up and I kind of got sucked inside of her and everything went black for a moment. I felt all scrunched up and I could feel Lyra’s injuries. I figured I could move her body around, which is a lot harder to do when you’re out of practice. I also had to remember to breathe for her, took me awhile to figure out why I was getting light headed.”

Twilight is currently scribbling away and I hear her mutter ‘fascinating’ under her breath. I continue to explain how I walked her to the hospital, how I yelled at a drunken stallion with my creepy voice, how I spooked the nurse, how I hooked Lyra up the heart monitor and finally how I released my control over her. Twilight continues writing for a minute or two after I finish talking.

“Soooo.” I interject when her quill finally stops moving. “What are you going to tell the nurse and the detectives about Lyra’s ‘symptoms’ that she was displaying last night.”

At this Twilight bites into the end of the quill and looks to be in thought. “Yes, we have to come up with something, I’m sure neither the guards nor the nurse are going to believe that she was brought in by a ghost. We also have to make our cover story convincing enough for Princess Luna since she is apparently going to stop by the day after tomorrow to speak with Lyra as well.”

“Oh boy, you mean I get to meet Luna? Awesome-sauce.”

“Quiet you, I’m trying to think!” Twilight snaps at me.

“Oh, is that what that smell is, I thought something was burning. Or maybe it’s just me because I’m on FIRE!” I lick my finger and then press it to my hip while letting out a little T’sssss. “Yep, it’s me.” I chuckle at Twilight’s exasperation.

“Aww, not even a chuckle? I suppose not everyone can apprecia-“ I suddenly double over in pain. I clutch my chest and see a purple glow appear over where my heart is. I look up to see if Twilight was doing this to get back at me but her horn wasn’t glowing and both her and Lyra are looking at me in confusion.

“Spooky, are you alright?” Lyra asks with obvious concern in her voice.

“I don’t know, I really don’t know what’s…” I double over again as the pain increases and the purple glow around my chest admits a string of magic that zooms westwards through the wall.

A sudden pressure on my chest pulls me through the wall and the pain intensifies again. I hear the startled cries of Lyra and Twilight as I feel the pressure increase and I get pulled over the countryside. My vision fades and everything turns hazy as the countryside zips past me and I finally succumb to darkness as the pain becomes too much for me.

What seems like a few seconds later, I open my eyes to find myself standing in a darkened room. “What?”

I look down at the floor to see what appears to be a circle of glowing symbols surrounding me, with what appears to be another circle of white sand surrounding that one. “What!?”

I hear a voice in the darkness and the pale blue form of a Unicorn I recognize steps closer. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has summoned you specter, to do her biddings!”
