• Published 29th Apr 2012
  • 31,786 Views, 2,028 Comments

A Ghost Story - Elemist

A human's insubstantial adventures in Equestria.

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Chapter 17 - Ghosts, Goblins and Ghouls

A/N Thanks to Bronymaster for Editing and thanks to Fragged42 for the song link, twas inspiring good sir.

I float there for a few seconds while I try to wrap my mind around what just happened. It was times like this that I wish I needed to breath so I could take a few calming breaths, but that wasn’t going to happen.

I do a quick scan of the room to try and discern where I was, unfortunately it was so dark that all I could see was the two circles I was standing in and Trixie; everything else was shrouded in darkness. The only reason I could see Trixie was the fact that the runes where glowing with a faint purplish light. I bent down to examine the circle of runes and couldn’t help but smirk, it looked like they were squiggles drawn by a four year old with a piece of crayon. My forehead furrows in confusion as I look at the second circle of what I had at first thought was sand.

“Is this salt?” I ask as I reach a hand towards it. As soon as I touch the granules I feel a shock run up my arm. I pull my arm back quickly and to my credit I only wince slightly.

“Yes, rock salt to be precise.” Trixie steps forward, a look of accomplishment adorning her face. “Struggle as much as you like specter, you will not be able to escape.”

Her horn emits a dim light, throwing shadows around the room. With the small amount of illumination I can see that the room is small, maybe 10’x10’ at most. There appears to be a small bed in a corner with rumpled bedding on top. There is a small bookcase in another corner, and I can tell there are at least thirty or so books in it, but there wasn’t enough light to read any of the covers. Off to my left was a table that had another book open on it with various bowls filled with materials I couldn’t identify.

“Spirit, it is rude to not offer your own name when somepony has offered theirs.” A grin slowly spreads on Trixie’s face as she stares at me.

I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms. “…My name's Spooky.”

“Ha, the Great and Powerful Trixie has outsmarted you.” Trixie begins rubbing her hooves together and lets out a cackle. As evil cackles go I would only give it two out of five stars, due to the fact that it was more adorable than creepy.

Trixie whirls on me and a flash of magic shoots from her horn and hits me in the chest. I feel the electrical tingle travel around my body, but it was nowhere near as painful as The Twilight Taser or even Rarity’s magic now that I think about it. A set of purple chains materialize around my chest, crossing over my heart and linking themselves around my back.

Trixie laughs again, but it was more of a schoolgirl giggle then a maniacal evil genius laugh, which honestly disappointed me. I look down at the chains around my chest and uncross my arms. As soon as my arms reach my sides the chains shatter and evaporate into mist.

Trixie stops giggling and stares at me and I just stare back. “…That wasn’t your real name was it?” She asks, looking a little crestfallen.


“You wouldn’t be willing to give Trixe your real name, would you?”

“Hmmmm, let me think about that… I’m going to have to go with a no.”

“Trixie commands that you tell her your name!” She stamps her foot on the wooden floor with a resounding clonk.

“Umm, no.”


“How about a nooooo?”

Trixie whirls around and paces back and forth a few times. She rushes over to the table and starts flipping through the book lying on it. While she’s busy I glance around the circle. Hmm, what to do, what to do. I slowly reach out a tendril towards the salt line and as soon as I start to pass over it I feel an electrical tingle between my shoulder blades and I couldn’t move my tendril any farther.

Trixie looks up at me and a smile appears on her face. “Yes, that’s right; you can’t cross over the salt so you are trapped. Now if you would be willing to cooperate with Trixie she would be willing to let you out.”

“So, let me get this straight… if I give you my name you will let me out?”

“Yes!” Trixie starts nodding vehemently.

“And I can’t cross over this salt circle?”

“Yes!” Trixie’s grin stretches farther across her face.

“I see, I see…” I look down at the floor and then back up to her. “I wonder…” Well, nothing ventured nothing gained. I float downwards through the floor, the familiar pins and needles fill me, but it’s accompanied with sharp jabs of pain in my shoulder blade and along my extremities.

I glance around but all I see is darkness, I assume that I’m completely immersed in soil. I pick a random direction and push forward. After a moment or so I encounter resistance and my progress slows. A sudden spasm of pain rushes through my body, and I have to suppress the urge to throw myself backwards. The pain is strong, almost as strong as dropping into a dream, but I’m a vindictive bastard and I push through it.

As soon as I feel the pressure stop I raise upwards through the floor to be confronted with a frightened looking Trixie. The pain in the middle of my back slowly fades to a dull throb but the tingle of passing through something remains in my limbs for some reason. I glance down at my arms and I try not to gasp in surprise. I blink, hoping that my eyes were just playing a trick on me. Unfortunately, my arms remain gray and colorless. My clothes have also lost their shine, I can still make out the color, but it has become dull and lusterless.
Trixie looks to be in a near panic now; she glances from side to side. Her eyes have grown large and even in the dim light I can make out that her pupils were dilating. Her horn suddenly glows and she squares her shoulders at me.

So I do the first thing that came to mind, I reach forward and swat her on the nose. Surprisingly my hand doesn’t go through her face but I feel her nose. Her horn dims and she looks up at me with an incredulous look. “NO, that’s a bad Trixie.” I shake my finger at her and put on a pout.

She shakes her head and then points her horn at me again, so I smacked her again. “What part of no don’t you understand? Is it the N or the O?”

“I.. bu…”

“Shhhh.” I place my finger on her lips and after a few seconds she seems to calm down. Which is really her just sitting there, hyperventilating slightly, but she isn’t pointing her horn at me anymore. “So, first things first… Did you really just summon me to try and get back at Twilight?”

Trixie lowers her head and she takes a deep breath. “Y-yes, Trixie summoned you to show up Twilight Sparkle, Trixie believed if she did something that Twilight Sparkle couldn’t then she could prove to everypony that she was better than her… wait… Trixie did not tell you about Twilight Sparkle?”

“Umm, that’s because, uhh… Twilight beat you to the punch, she summoned me first.”

Trixie stares at me and then slowly lowers her head. After a second or two a drop of water hits the dust covered floor. Oh dear lord, I made the girl cry. I may not be a fan of little miss brags-a-lot but I really can’t stand seeing ponies cry.

“Trixie, look at me.” She doesn’t respond and a few more tears disturb the floor. I reach out with a tendril and place it under her chin and slowly lift her head to face me. “Now tell me why you’re crying.”

She sniffs, tears still leaking out every now and then. “T-trixie is sup-pposed to be the best. Why does everything always t-turn out wrong? Trixie’s s-special talent is supposed to be m-magic, how can Twilight Sparkle show her up?”

“Trixie, your special talent is magic, you summoned me after all.”

“No, Trixie is just worthless, there is nothing special about Trixie.”

“Trixie…God you ponies are thick. Look at your butt.”

Trixie looks confused and then looks back at her flank and then looks back me.

“That mark on your ass shows the world that you’re special and don’t let anypony tell you otherwise. Now cheer up Magic-Butt, after all you did something that Twilight didn’t.”

Trixie whips away a residual tear. “Really? What?”

“You’re able to see me. Twilight had to have me go into her dreams in order to see me… How did you do that anyway?”

Trixie has a small smile on her face and she just points over to the book lying open on the table. In curiosity I float over and look down at it. I crinkle my brow in confusion, I couldn’t read any of the writing, and it almost looked Germanic in origin actually. There was a lot of small chicken scratch writing, obviously faded with age, and there was a diagram that matched the runes on the floor. I flip to the cover and see a worn picture of an eye surrounded by feathers.

“What’s this?”

Trixie slowly walks over next to me, hiccupping slightly. “Trixie comes from a long line of performers…we were what was known as Gypsies. There were times when Trixie’s family was not well liked, but they traveled. They did a lot of traveling and we kept the old knowledge so it wouldn’t be lost. It was difficult, Trixie found a spell that allows sight into the ghostly world.” She looks up at me. “Thank you, Spirit; you are… a lot kinder than the books led Trixie to believe.”

“Well, don’t get too attached to me, Magic-Butt, you’re not going to like me soon.”

She takes a step back while I slowly turn to her. “Wha-what are you talking about?”

“Well, Magic-Butt, you just ghostnapped me, dragging me Celestia knows where, aaaaand now you are going to help me get back to Ponyville.”

“Why would Trixie do that?”

“Well, I have no clue where I am, you know how to get there, and if you don’t help me you are really going to make me angry.” I say this in as calm a voice as I can but Trixie still shivers slightly as I look at her.

“Trixie will not go back to Ponyville, not without a new act that will prove to those Ponyvillians that Trixie is better than them.”

I bend down and look her directly into her eye. “You WILL help me.”


“Well, Magic-Butt, you may not know my name, but I certainly know yours.” I raise an eyebrow at this. I obviously had no clue what to do with her name, or even if I could do anything with this little tidbit of knowledge, but Trixie’s face suddenly blanches so she at least thinks I can do something. “Now, go pack your bags, we’re going on a little trip.”


I would kill Trixie if I wasn’t sure I would have to put up with her for the rest of eternity afterwards. Apparently Trixie had set up shop in a cabin deep within the Everfree. Good God, I hate the Everfree, creepiest place I have ever been and this is coming from a dead guy. When I was alive I was a plant nerd, I loved trees, I studied trees, I knew how trees worked, but these trees where creeping me the buck out. Every tree I looked at and I mean every single last tree, had a face. Some were hard to pick out, but a good deal of them had knot holes that resembled eyes and mouths and I could swear they were watching me.

What set me even more on edge was the fact the forest had what seemed to be a permanent haze to it. Creepiest part about this was the fact that Trixie informed me that she couldn’t see the haze until today.

I had spent an entire 24 hours with The Great and Powerful Blowhard and I wanted to rip out my hair due to the fact that we had at least a whole additional day before we get to Ponyville. I could have just had her point me in the right direction and I could have floated above the forest but noooo I just had to be a vindictive bastard and have her come along. Well, that bit me right in the rear, not only did I have to listen to her for an entire day but I had to watch over her while she was sleeping.

At least I got some good blackmail material out of that, who knew that Trixie sucked her hoof in her sleep.

Now I’m waiting here, in the middle of this creeptastic forest while she’s eating breakfast. I swear to God that she’s eating slowly just to piss me off, or maybe I’m just grumpy because I still have that nagging pain between my shoulder blades. Nah, I’m just going to assume she’s being bitchy and blame it on her.

Trixie finally packs up her supplies and levitates a pair of saddlebags onto her back. “Ahh, finally ready to go Magic-Butt?”

“Stop calling Trixie that!”

“Oh, how about I call you Wand-Ass instead? Does that work for you?”

“Gah, you are the most infuriating being Trixie has ever met.”

“Thank you, I try my best. Now let’s get out of here.”

Trixie and I begin our trek through the forest, we didn’t have a trail to go by but there wasn’t a terrible amount of underbrush. Of course I could just float through things, but everything in the forest that I phased through caused a slight twinge to pass through me instead of the usual pins and needles, so I was trying to avoid phasing at the moment.

“Sooo, Trixie-stick, are you going to talk to Twilight and the gang when we get to Ponyville?”

“Never! Trixie is only escorting you to the edge of the forest; Trixie will not give Twilight Sparkle the satisfaction of knowing more than Trixie. Trixie shall return to Ponyville, but only after she has mastered the arcane arts.”

“You know if you just sat down and talked with them like adults that the lot of you would most likely sort it out.”

Trixie just snorts and turns her head to the side as we walk. “So, you are just going to hold a grudge about this then, huh Magic-butt?”


Oh God, I got her to drop out of third person... third pony tense, I must have really pissed her off. I just grin down at her, “Well, if it makes you feel any better I was planning on calling Twilight, ‘Sparkle-Butt’ now that she can see me.”

Trixie continues walking, staring at the ground for a few seconds, until she lets out a slight giggle. There we go, made her feel better, even though she’s the most annoying pony I’ve ever met.

“Well, Trix, if you want to run away from your problems I’m not going to stop you. God knows that I did quite a bit of that in my life so I’m in no position to stop you from doing it, too.”

I gaze around at the gloom around us and I feel a shiver run up my spine. “Let’s hurry up; this place is getting creepier, if that’s even possible. I really don’t know how Zecora can stand to live here; heck I don’t know how you can stand to live here. I mean come on! There’s the creepy trees, the predators, all of the monsters, not to mention the smell.”

Wait, I recognize that smell. “Trixie, do you smell that?”

Trixe takes a sniff of the air and her nose immediately crinkles in disgust. “Yes, Trixie can smell whatever that horrific odor is, but she can’t seem to recognize it.”

“Well, I can. That, my dear, is the smell of rotting meat.” I glance around at the slight underbrush that surrounds us but I can’t seem to pinpoint where the smell is coming from. As I turn back to Trixie something catches my eye at the base of a tree. I float over to investigate and I find a small puddle of a dried black liquid…Definitely blood, and the black color means that there was a lot of it. However, it was the objects found next to the blood that worried me. Three long brown feathers, much longer than what a Pegasi would have.

“Shit…We better get out of here quickly, I don’t know how long ago-“ I’m cut off as a blur springs from the tree in front of me and I’m thrown backwards.

I gasp as I feel my back land against the ground and I barely have a second to contemplate why I wasn’t phasing through the ground before I feel a terrible pressure on my chest. I look down at my chest to see a small green creature sitting squarely over my heart. It was about the size of a small lap dog, but I couldn’t tell if it was bipedal or a quadruped. The first thing that came to my mind was a ‘goblin’ but I couldn’t really make out its features, which really terrified me because there was a familiar mist surrounding it but the haze was green instead of grey.

My vision starts to grow hazy and I hear Trixie’s scream off to the side, but it seems distant and far away. I try to call to her but I can’t seem to say anything. I try to raise my arms to push the creature off, but they feel like they are filled with lead. I hear a gruff voice, seemingly echoing in my mind. “Mistress?...You are not our Mistress…FOOD…”

The creature’s front appendages reach out, funny enough I couldn’t tell if it was hooves or if it had hands but I felt I sharp tug on my facial hair. “Not…the beard….” I gasp out before pain shoots through my head and images start flashing before my eyes. I see myself, lying dead on my mattress, dead as a doornail. I see Fluttershy, weeping in a darkroom as lightning strikes outside. I see Lyra, lying in pool of her own blood as that bastard reaches out to eat her. Pain, regret, sadness, anger… the whole time, I hear a women laughing in the background, a proper evil cackle that would put the wicked witch to shame.

That last image doesn’t fade, I watch as the Griffon raises its claws and then brings them down on the still form of Lyra. The Griffon grins and the darkness around the Griffon seems to seep up its arms and covers its body. I let out a gasp as I watch the blood drip off its talons and it raises its head up to look at me. The eyes stare straight at me, a midnight blue shinning in the darkness and the women’s laughter increases.

“…help...me…” I gasp. As the pain spikes again I see a black mist smash into the creature sending it flying into forest and out of sight. As soon as the creature breaks contact with me, I phase slightly through the ground. I shudder as the pain dissipates and I look over to where Trixie was.

My brow furrows in anger as I see another one of the creatures sitting on a prone Trixie, its appendages wrapped in her mane, and a small trickle of sparks traveling from Trixie’s horn to where I would assume the creature’s mouth is.

I rise off the ground and rush at the two of them and do what only felt right in this situation, I punted the little bastard. As my foot made contact with the creature, it too goes flying off through the underbrush, but I note it phases through the trees and shrubs.

I quickly look down at Trixie and I let out a sigh of relief to see that she’s still breathing. Wait… what was that black mist?

I whirl around and I almost let out a terrified little girl shriek as the blood red eyes of the Gatekeeper gaze back at me from out of her miasma that she called a body.

“Umm…Thank you?” I whisper to her.

I stiffen as she glides over to me and I flinch slightly as she raises an arm to my face and cups my chin. A chill runs down my spine as she looks into my eyes. “No one, hurts MY Keymaster.” I gulp as she lets go of my face and slowly drifts past me. I feel a sharp pain on my ass and a smacking sound. She just smacked my ass! I whirl around to see her glance back at me. Her left eye goes out for a second… Oh God she just winked at me. She turns away and I watch as she slowly fades into nothingness.

Sweet Baby Jeebus, I wish I had the ability to take a boiling hot shower because I have never felt dirtier then at this very moment.

I shudder before I turn back to Trixie. I let out a sigh to see that she is still lying unconscious on the forest floor. Man, I hope this isn’t the start of a pattern. I really didn’t want to do this, she was going to be really pissed when she found out…Actually that would kind of be funny.

Closing my eyes, I reach my tendrils out to her limp form and feel the sudden feeling of being crumpled into a space about half my size. As I feel the shiver travel down from my head to my tail, I open Trixie’s eyes and stretch her shoulders.

I stand up, making sure that Trixie’s bags don’t slide off and begin trudging in the direction of Ponyville. Huh, Trixie felt different than Lyra, I think Trixie may have been in slightly better shape. Perhaps I should get Lyra to exercise more. I wonder if I stole her lyre if she would chase me around the house. Yeah, that would probably be good cardio for her.

The images that I had just seen start running through my head. I shake Trixie’s head violently, trying my hardest not to think about what just happened.

I trudge along for what seems like hours and hours, the forest slowly starting to thin out. Trying to keep my mind off what just happened, I revel in the feeling of actually walking again, the feeling of the deep forest humidity against skin, and I even enjoyed the dull ache in Trixie’s legs.

Late in the afternoon, I feel a sharp twinge in my forehead.

“Uhh, where is Trixie… What’s going on?” Oh boy, here we go. I hear Trixie’s voice in my head take on a note of panic and she starts screaming in my mind.

“Trixie, calm down.” The screaming continues. “Trixie, shut up and listen to me.” The screaming still doesn’t stop. “MAGIC-BUTT, SHUT UP!”

Trixie’s screams stop but I can still feel her panic as if it was my own. “Alright, Trixie, I’m going to explain what’s happening ok?”

“Ok, Trixie w-will listen.”

“Alright…Well, after our little…altercation, you were unconscious. I didn’t want to just leave you there, sooo I took control of your body and I’ve been walking you towards Ponyville ever since.”

Trixie’s panic starts to rise again. “What? Well give Trixie back her body!”

“Well, that’s the thing Trixie, I don’t really want to.”

“WHAT, but it is Trixie’s body! You can’t take it; you can’t do this to Trixie!”

“I don’t want it permanently, just let me use it for the rest of the day.”

“Why would Trixie allow that?”

“Oh, maybe because I just saved your life and you want to be a little grateful?”

“No, give Trixie back her body.”

“Damn it Trixie, I just want it for one day. I want to FEEL, you don’t know what it’s like…Please Trixie, since I’ve been dead I haven’t been able to sleep, I haven’t been able to eat, and I definitely haven’t been able to have sex, and those were my three favorite things about being alive. I promise to give your body back after we get back to Ponyville.”

There’s silence for what seems like forever before I hear her speak up. “And what would Trixie get out of this?”

I roll Trixie’s eyes. “Umm, I’ll tell Twilight about how advanced you are in ghostly magic. Trust me, that will be bound to impress her.”

“And you promise to give Trixie her body back, no tricks?”

“No tricks.”

“Alright, you have yourself a deal spirit…Spooky.”

“Thanks Trixie-stick, you’re alright in my book.”

A few more minutes of walking and we stumble out onto a path. “Oh, a path, now all we need is…A SHRUBBERY!”


“Get me a Herring; I have to chop down the tallest tree in the woods.”

“You are making no sense, what in the name of Celestia are you talking about.”

“We are no longer the Knights who say Ni! We are the Knights who say Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG Zoom-Boing Znourrwringmm.”

“You are officially the craziest being Trixie has ever met, and Trixie has met a lot of creatures in her travels.”

Laughing, I skip down the path towards Ponyville and within ten minutes we find ourselves stepping out of the forest right next to Fluttershy’s cottage. I see that there weren’t any lights on so I assume that she wasn’t home.

Deciding that it wouldn’t be wise to hang around Ponyville in Trixie’s body, I head directly to the Hospital to check on Lyra. Since it was getting late, the sun having set a few minutes go, we didn’t run into any other ponies.

As I trot into the Hospital, the nurse looks up at me, her eyes growing large. “Sup?” The nurse’s eyes roll back into her head and she slumps behind counter. I glance over the countertop and confirm that she has indeed passed out.

I shrug and with Trixie’s laughter ringing in my mind I make my way to Lyra’s room. I walk in to find all of the mane six, along with Lyra and Bon Bon sitting around her bed. There were balloons everywhere, a banner saying ‘Get Well Soon’ and confections as far as the eye can see.

As I walk in eight heads turn towards us and sixteen eyes grow large. Twilight was the first one to speak. “Trixie?”

“Yes and no.”

“Spooky?” Twilight looks horrified and intrigued at the same time.

“Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Now, let’s get to the real important thing right now.” I turn to Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie, GIVE ME A CUPCAKE!”