• Published 17th Dec 2014
  • 1,233 Views, 129 Comments

A Scratch at Romance - Midnight Ice Cream

Octavia is really really bloody bored with her mundane life at school. She doesn't care about the everyday intrigues of life. But then the thing we all knew was going to happen happens. Eyyup this is an Octo Scratch fic. Hope it's not over generic...

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Oblivion to Triumph

Author's Note:

Well here we go Story no2.
I hope you enjoy.
And good luck catching any references I've put in, by mistake or otherwise. There certainly is one. Super bonus respect points if you get it.

“So she said to me…”
Urgh, I simply cannot abide by this this anymore. Bloody idle gossip seriously gets on my nerves. Simply put, I could not give a fuck who’s fucking who, pun certainly intended. All I bloody get nowadays. Doesn’t anyone have any other topic to discuss?

“Oh Celestia! Serious?”

Oh here we go, someone’s been honest and is paying the price. So I suppose this one’s backstabbing that one, and she’s sleeping with her coltfriend, or some other such nonsense. Bah I suppose it’s interesting to those involved.

As for me, I won’t be so pretentious as to claim I have anything better going on. Luna no. I’m just an angry cellist, with too much spare time on her hooves. Anyway I’d better explain the situation. I’m in the school common room during a free lesson. Listening to this shit. Not at all involved in the conversation. On the contrary, I’m just sitting in a corner trying to read a book. The sheer volume of these ‘confidential’ discussions is the only reason my literature is drowned out.

Of course there are better times. Normally what I do during free lessons is go to the music hall. Sadly it’s not available now. Well foals have to learn I suppose. It is in fact a school after all. Not that I learn much. Well, saying that, Honeycomb has been sleeping with her best friend’s sister’s friend with benefits, or was it? I suppose I fail the intrigue exam. Boo hoo.

Sod this. I’ll leave this bloody common room. Surely the library will be a bit more quiet.

Nope, just the same shit, different venue. This is going to be a long day.

I really wish someone would prove me wrong. I really do.


As the day draws to a close, I bugger off back home. So now it’ll be time for a good long nap, a nice warm meal, and perhaps some music. Not bad really, shame that school got in the way.

To be honest I don’t have much cause for complaint in my life. I assure you I’ve got two loving parents, a nice house in Canterlot, a superb education. So really, all I’m doing is complaining about nothing. Which depresses me even more.

Well I suppose being at home helps. Playing the cello isn’t at all depressing, seems to be the only good thing going for me at the moment. So enough with the whining shall we?

At midnight I finally decide to sleep. It’s a nice evening. I really appreciate that moonlight. Now I won’t try to ruin it with fancy words. As good as my elocution is, I’d hate to ruin a good view with dull words. I suppose that’s why I prefer music.

Here we go again. It’s pretty much exactly the same till I get to the weekend. Give or take the odd chance to play the cello. Still, when the weekend finally arrives, I can enjoy it.

During the weekend I don’t do much. But it does give me an opportunity to watch a few shows. I spend as much time as possible within Canterlot’s illustrious music halls. Other than that, I practice, I practice, and I practice. Sometimes I get drunk, and read a bit of bad literature too; but keep that one between you and me would you? Bah, it’s not like anyone cares. Mother and Father, are always too busy for me. If you ask me, that’s the problem with Canterlot; Rich pricks who spend more time on their career than their own family. Well at least it means I get the nice wine instead of that Luna forsaken stuff, that the poor or should I say, less well off drink.

Let’s face it Octy, my life is depressing. I’ve got no friends, no life, nothing really. Well a nice cello, and as much posh wine as I can drink. Bah, it’s all I need. Huzzah for Canterlot!

I suppose I have it better than most don’t I?. In that case, bugger the problems. The main cause is probably teen angst, or some other such bollocks. Perhaps my problem is not finding a purpose? So that could be why I enjoy weekends? Well you know what sounds like a good idea now?

That’s right!

A nice glass of wine. Like I said, bugger the problems. Wine and cello. I may as well enjoy the weekend while it’s there.


Note to self. Don’t drink too much wine on a Sunday, no matter how enjoyable it is.

Ah well. I’ve only two lessons today. And I’m pretty sure the music hall is free. So it’s a winner of a day.


Huh, I don’t even have any cause for complaint. Those lessons weren’t even that bad. They weren’t great by any means, but they weren’t at all bad. And now it’s about time to go to the music hall.

Now this is when I’m in my essence. I can play all I like here. There isn’t anything to interrupt me, nothing to hinder me, I can just escape into this world of music. I don’t really know any words that can describe such a feeling.

What’s the word for when it feels inside your heart, that everything in the world is alright? Well that one.

For at least half an hour, life is perfect. There is no trouble, there is no distraction, there’s no gossip. There’s only me and the music.

But like all good things, it ends.
I gain an audience. The door opens slightly. Right, am I about to get a bollocking for that homework?

“Umm, hey!” Ah it’s the new filly from Manehattan. White unicorn, headphones on all the time, big shades. Oh poor thing, she’s trying to put on a demeanor of self confidence, but this is getting pretty bloody awkward. “I thought the music hall would be free. I see it’s not so…” She hung around the door.

“Oh don’t worry about it, please come in… Err what was your name?” Damn my etiquette, if only I was nastier. Way to guilt trip me into an awkward moment Octy.

“Vinyl Scratch.”

“Nice to meet you Vinyl, may I call you Vinyl?”


“Well nice to meet you.” I smile. “I’m Octavia Melody.”

“Nice to meet you Octavia. Can I call you Octavia?”

“Of course. So what brings you to my lair?” I asked gesturing towards the spacious expanse of the music hall.

“Well I thought it would be empty so err. Well I thought I could get away, maybe play I dunno.”

“Pray tell, what do you play?”

Vinyl looked around awkwardly. “Well I like electronic music.”

Oh… Well, how does one respond? “I can’t say I’m a fan unfortunately.”

“Hey it’s cool, it’s cool.” She looked around awkwardly, venturing into the hall, and eventually taking a seat in the front row. “So I take it you’re classical fan right? A cellist? Well you gonna carry on?”

“Are you sure?”

“Hey, it’s better than the rest of what’s goin’ on here. Go ahead.”

I gave a small blush. This was awkward. Did I really want to do this? I stood on the stage, trembling at my audience of one. With a crowd it’s somewhat less scary. But one pair of eyes staring at me however is terrifying. I don’t know this girl. This is the first time we’ve ever met. So every action I make will be constantly judged.

“Do you mind if I don’t? I’m feeling a little creeped by this. Normally I take a lot of mental preparation for an audience. And even then I get scared shitless. Sorry. It’s just. Well” I blubber trying to explain it all. “Really for a performer, I’m pretty crap. But I suppose it’s something I’ve got to learn.”

“Hey hey hey… It’s cool. I didn’t wanna give you any pressure or anything.”

I sigh. “Thank you.” I make my way off the stage, to take a seat next to Vinyl. “So if I may, what have you experienced so far? It took me at least a month before I gave up on the common room. You seem to have found this sanctuary a lot faster than I.”

“I guess gossip aint my thing. And neither is being the new kid. Your guys are just so up tight.”

I chuckle nervously at that. “Well Vinyl, you know how to make me uncomfortable. I’m no stranger to that insult.”

“Hey you don’t seem too bad.” She gave me a sly smile. “Yet.”

“Please refrain from that. You’re making me even more uncomfortable.”

“Looks like I’ve got a hobby here then.”

“Oh no… Anyway, how have your interactions with others fared?”

“Like I said. Up… tight.”

“Care to Elaborate Miss Scratch, this description is rather vague I must say.”

“Well it’s pretty bitchy. Not more than my old school, but you know? Kinda shitty nonetheless. Plus being the new kid, means people ain’t very nice. You know? Nopony wants to talk to the new kid.”

“Well I’d beg to differ there. Rarely do I get such company.” I neglected to mention, that I rarely get any company.

“Well in Canterlot that’s not surprising.”

“Was Manehattan any better?”

“Boo yea! It was awesome!” She says. “I had a band. I had loads of friends. We’d spend hours and hours playing, and having an all round good time. I mean yea, there was some bitchyness, but what do ya expect?”

I can’t imagine enjoying that kind of life. But then again. Was it really that far from my own ideal of a good time? I get drunk, and I play music. The only difference being the choice of drink, the type of music, and the type (or lack thereof) of company.

“That sounds, strangely enjoyable.”

“Didn’t think a Canterlot pony would say that.”

“Well I’d rather classical, and I assume you don’t partake in wine if stereotypes have any merit. And from my experience there’s no company. But other than that… It’s more or less the same.”

“Not bad. But I bet you can’t party as hard as me.” Said Vinyl as if contesting.

“Probably not.” I admitted.

“What? Really? You’re not even going to try to beat me?”

“Course not. How do I compete with an obvious party pony? When all I have is cello and wine, with a dash of loneliness?”

“Not gonna lie, sounds pretty depressing.”

“Welcome my dear Vinyl Scratch, welcome to Canterlot. I hope you enjoy your stay. Might I ask, what brings you to our fair city?”

“Mom. She married an officer of The Guard.”

I gasp “Didn’t see that coming. Knowing what very little I know about you, I’d not imagine a Guard being into, well please don’t take it as offense, but your kind of people. What I mean to say is…”

“Dig yourself deeper, why don’t you?” She chuckled.

I stomped my hooves in defeat. “What I meant to say was.”

“Go on… Ruin yourself.”

“If you’d just let me.”

“Let you what?”

“The Guards are uptight okay?!”

Vinyl laughed. “Yea I’ll give ya that. But it’s cool. I never get to see him anyway. I practically get to do what I want.”

“And what might that be?”


“How long exactly have you been in Canterlot?”

“A week? But it feels like a month. Or more.”

“I’m sorry we’ve been such poor hosts.”

“Hey not your problem.” Says Vinyl with a smile. “You.” Oh Sweet Celestia, she’s doing an impression of me. “Have been a most gracious and noble host.”

“And you’ve been totally frickin’ awesome too now Vinyl!” I mock back, a strain on my voice.

“Not bad.” She says.

“Neither was yours.”

Oh bloody bell. Why must it cut such a nice moment short?
“Do you have any lessons now?” I ask, hopefully.

“Sadly I do.”

“Well Vinyl. I’ll be here through lunch, then I’ll bugger off home.”

“You can do that?”

I gave her a knowing nod. “Do you have anything after lunch?”

Vinyl looks inside her bag, taking out a little green book. “Let me see.” She said putting on an exaggerated concentrating face. “Nope.”

“Would you then care to join me?”

Vinyl smiles, a heart warming smile. “Awesome.”

I return the smile, and bid her farewell.

The moment she’s out of the hall, I return to the stage, and start playing an upbeat little tune. Not a bad day indeed. A conversation I enjoy is a rare one indeed. And while I’d not call her a friend yet, it’ll be nice to have some company for once.

Life is looking up.