• Published 17th Dec 2014
  • 1,233 Views, 129 Comments

A Scratch at Romance - Midnight Ice Cream

Octavia is really really bloody bored with her mundane life at school. She doesn't care about the everyday intrigues of life. But then the thing we all knew was going to happen happens. Eyyup this is an Octo Scratch fic. Hope it's not over generic...

  • ...

Family Court

“Hey!” Vinyl greets me as I make my way into school for the morning, “How’s it going?”

“Actually, rather well.”

“Then why do you look so damn gloomy?”

“Oh, I’m just contemplating something.”


“Yes, my parents gave me an offer this morning. We’re to have a formal debate at my convenience to decide whether or not I’m allowed to have you as a friend.”

“Awesome!” Vinyl wraps herself around me in a massive hug.

Luckily, she does eventually let me go, “Bloody hell Vinyl, you could have warned me!” I joke, “Anyway, I’m not out of the woods yet.”

“Yea, but it’s a start. Will you want me there?”

“Absofuckinglutely not!” There was a pause, “No offense. I don’t think they’d take kindly to it. When my parents decide on policy, it’s done very formally.”

“It’s cool, I get it.”

“Thanks. I tell you, this is going to take a lot of preparation. Mother is going to be very difficult to sway. Father, on the other hand, seems very much on the fense,” I ponder as we walk into the school building.

Even though the debate is scheduled a few hours after school, I can’t deny my fear. This fear isn’t helped when Vinyl has a lesson first and I don’t. In my attempt to try to write notes, I just scribble triangles all over my page. By the end of the lesson my page has a few words at the top, and a heap of triangles all over the rest of it. Bugger.

I facedesk, causing a few giggles from the room. Right, yes, work room. Typical work room.

“You okay Octavia? Or has all that loving gone to your head?”

“Golden Tiara, please…”

She chuckles at that one, “Well Octavia, I can’t say I blame you. Somepony treats you nice and you’ll do anything for her,” She walks up next to me, and sits down, “You know Octavia you really are a fool. So tell me, what are you up to?”

“I may be a fool, but I know not that folly,” I say determined, “So please, leave me alone.”

“Ohh, feeling sensitive are we?”

“What would get you to bugger off?”

“Oh nothing, I just enjoy toying with you. Cruel I know, but it gets me through the day.”


“It’s fun. I mean no malice in it, but you’re fun to annoy.”

“So you don’t really hate me?”

“Why of course not! Why would I hate something so pathetic? Octavia, if you want my hate, you have to earn it.”

With that she buggers off. Huh. For some reason that puts me in a calmer mood. I feel now as if it’s not so important. With that, I am able to relax and actually get a few reasons down. Before long I think I’ve got a good case, and I start on some actual work, work.

By lunchtime I am much calmer and much happier. I lie down on the stage in the music hall, slowly chewing a sandwich and contemplating the day. Sure enough, I am eventually joined by Vinyl, “Hey.”


“What’cha doin’?”

“I have no idea,” I stand up, “What about you?”

“Neither do I, today’s just been a drag.”

“Well I could say the same, but it’s been a productive drag. I’ve got my case for you, and I’ve got me some major work done.”

“Hey, that’s awesome Tavi!”

“I actually feel so much more confident now.”

“So what’s got you so riled up?”

“I don’t know. But if I were to guess, it’s the feeling of unimportance.”

“Wha-? Don’t you think this is important?”

“Well I do, but… Well… Urm… How do I explain this? Thing is… Golden Tiara just said a few things. It just made all my problems seem so... small.”

“She said something helpful?”

“Well, in a sense.”

“I guess she’s got some use to her after all, but I bet it wasn’t intentional.”

“Regardless of the reason, the effect was positive,” I dance my way past the rows of seats, “I just feel really bouncy today. If I’m able to keep this up, that debate should be a piece of piss.”


“Alright Octavia, I believe it’s your turn to do the dishes,” Says Mother. My mood hasn’t held up, but at least Father is giving me a chance to compose myself. I normally hate washing the dishes, but today I welcome it. By the time I’m finished the plates are probably the cleanest they’ll ever be.

When I return to the dining room, Mother and Father haven’t moved. They are sat exactly where they were before, at opposite ends of the table. I take my seat at the middle of the table, before Father begins. “Alright. I assume everyone is ready?” Mother and I both nod. “Okay, let us first remind ourselves of the rules. So no foul language, no interrupting, and of course be respectful. Octavia, would you like to begin?”

“Thank you Father-”

“Oh, may I?” Mother starts. “If I may, I’d just like to ask exactly what we are debating?”

“Please don’t interrupt again Darling. But the exact question that The House is asking is, should Octavia be allowed to befriend, what’s her name?”

“Vinyl Scratch.”

Mother nods. “Pardon.”

“Sorry for that Octavia. Now would you like to begin?”

“Well if I may, I’d like not to begin. I believe it to be better that you should voice your concerns, and I will address them as they arise.”

“Do you have any objection to that?” Father asks Mother.

“No, not at all. Then may I begin?”

“But of course Darling.”

“My primary concern is what I saw on Monday night,” I raise my hoof in objection. Mother looks annoyed but addresses me, “What is it, Octavia?”

“What did you see?”

“I was getting to that. What I saw was you and Vinyl Scratch on the sofa of your study cuddling. It wasn’t something that I’ve seen in any normal friendship, that’s for sure. My concern is that you’ll end up in a homosexual relationship with her, which would jeopardize our chances of advancing the family. If you turn out to be in a homosexual relationship, there’s no way Filthy Rich would marry you. And from what I can gather, Vinyl Scratch is a homosexual. Is that correct?”

“Yes,” I answer.

“Do you have any homosexual tendencies?”

I look towards Mother, and then towards Father, “I don’t know. That’s the honest truth.”

“Alright, so it is very possible that you could end up romantically attached to her?”

“I should doubt it, but it is possible.”

“I rest my case.”

Father turned towards me, “Would you care to address these issues?”

“Of course,” I turn towards Mother, “While it may be true that there is a tiny possibility of a potential romance somewhere along the future; I don’t think it even matters. If I keep this behind closed doors, which I will, it won’t affect my marriage, and I’ll know it’s short term, so there’ll be no harm. I also know that I’m not at least fully homosexual, if I do have any tendency towards that way I’m half queer at worst, and at best I’m not at all. I think you underestimate how much I value my family, Mother.

“My main point however is that I just want a friend. How can it be wrong to show some affection, when drunk mind you, for a friend? You both know that I’m not the most sociable of ponies. So I’d have thought that you’d welcome the fact that I’ve finally been able to make a friend?”

“I don’t know about you Darling, but I think she has a point,” Says Father, “Octavia’s an honest girl. She’ll let us know if anything is going on. I’m sure there won’t be though. I honestly don’t see the problem here. And if one arises, we can always make sure to act upon it,” He turns towards me, “I’m sure even if we had to force you two apart, we could do so gradually and painlessly. So what do you think Darling?”

“I suppose you have a point,” She said hesitantly, “But if this all goes wrong, don’t say I didn’t warn you. And don’t think I won’t be watching either.”

“Oh thank you Mother. I appreciate this a lot.”

“Alright, alright. If that is all, I will head to my study. I’ve a book I’d like to catch up on.”

“Very well,” Says Father, “I think I’ll go for a walk. What you said yesterday sounded rather appealing. Care to keep me company Octavia?”

“No thank you Father, I’ll admit this was a stressful day. I didn’t see the debate as so easy. So I’d like to play a while.”

“Of course. Well if that’s all?” Father looks around at both Mother and myself, “Well then, I shall see you later.”

Author's Note:

I'd like to thank Forgotten Existence for editing. You're a bloody legend.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I did writing it.

I don't really have a very rambly AN this evening so yea! [insert appropriate emoticon here]