• Published 17th Dec 2014
  • 1,233 Views, 129 Comments

A Scratch at Romance - Midnight Ice Cream

Octavia is really really bloody bored with her mundane life at school. She doesn't care about the everyday intrigues of life. But then the thing we all knew was going to happen happens. Eyyup this is an Octo Scratch fic. Hope it's not over generic...

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Triumph to Oblivion

Chapter 3

It’s probably one of the rarest events to see Mother in my study. What’s the reason? Is she angry at me being silly with a friend? Honestly I can’t tell why. I’d probably know if I were sober. “An explanation for what mother?”

Mother looks at me, then at Vinyl, and finally at the two bottles of red on my desk. She huffs. “Alright! My primary concern is you having pinched my two top bottles of wine. You know Father and I have that function this evening. So how am I supposed to woo Mr Cash into that contract without an offering of good wine? Surely two bottles is too much!

Also. What on earth are you doing? I didn’t think you’d be a bloody lesbo. I suppose all kids go through a phase of that nonsense.” She mumbles before barking “Father won’t be pleased at that at all.”

“Mother, this isn’t sexual. And how much will that wine cost me?”

Vinyl looks up. “Wu? S’not sexual. S’ just a niice cuddle.” She slurs.

“Erm Vinyl. Really not helping.” I kick her.


“Anyway Octavia. Obviously you know the rule. You pay for the wine. Then we’ll find a more fitting punishment. And as for you.” She glares at Vinyl. “I shall have to contact your parents as soon as possible.”

“Mother please! I take full responsibility. There’s no need to turn this into a big incident.”

“Oh yes there is! I will be speaking to your father soon. Anyway,” She checks a clock that was hanging on my wall. “I’ll be late. I have to leave early because of you two!”

Mother slams the door, as she leaves the study. I sigh.

“Shit.” I say quietly.


“I don’t regret that at all though.”


“Well my parents normally leave me alone, and when I do get attention, it’s normally negative.”

“Doesn’t that piss you off at all?”

“It used to.” I wrap myself just a little tighter around Vinyl. “At least I can get some affection.”

“Hey, no problem.”

“See Mother and Father, they don’t really have time for me. They seem to only care about their careers. This isn’t the first time I’ve had exactly the same row. I mean. At least they acknowledge my existence this way.”

“Wow that’s pretty fucked up.”


“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not especially. The way I see it, my life is just a depressing sob story. I could rattle on about my problems, how I find school, and how I find my parents. But in all honesty Vinyl. Life is life. I’ve not really done as well as either of my parents would have liked. I’m a musician, not a buisnesspony. I suppose that’s the point they stopped really caring. They wanted an heir, not a daughter. It’s one of the reasons, that they find it a bad idea for me to be a lesbian, so they can marry me off to a bloke by the name of Filthy Rich.” Don’t cry Octavia. This is just a self evident truth, not a problem to cry about. “It will do a great deal to advance the family’s fortune.” Fuck.

“Wow. That’s… Wow.” Vinyl popped out of my forelegs, moved to my side and wrapped herself around me. “Not gonna lie, that sounds awful.” I begin to sob. “Just let it all out.”

Why am I crying in the legs of a pony I’ve only met today? Am I really that lonely, that she is my best friend? Really? It would seem so. Not to say I don’t like it. It’s surprisingly nice. Comforting. It actually feels as if someone gives a fuck.

However, I can’t shake the fear, or the disappointment. I’ve been unable to find friends until now. It has taken Vinyl, what? A week? To find one. If she keeps at this pace, she’ll have no need for me. I should accept my fate and be damned. Enjoy good things while they last.

About five minutes later, I pull away from the embrace. “What do you fancy for dinner?” I offer. “We could go out, or stay here. I don’t really know.”

“I dunno, can you cook?”

“Not at all, you?”


“Alright then, we’ll find somewhere to eat out. Or should we order in, I don’t know.”

“I say we order pizza.”

“Eh, not normally my choice, but go on then.”

“Well if you have a problem with it?”

“No, not at all.”

“Are you sure, I’m not offended. It’s just if you don’t like pizza.”

“No! It was only a remark about how pizza- forget it. Do you know anywhere good for pizza?” I brush away one of the tears and start to chuckle.

“Urmmm…” Vinyl took a moment to think. “I don’t actually know anywhere good for food.”

“Okay.” I sigh, and walk towards my desk, pulling out a drawer and a book labeled ‘Rainbow Pages’. “Lets see.” I sifted through the book in search of pizza…


Half an hour later, we had ordered. Another half an hour later, our meal had arrived. Another half hour after that, we had eaten. All in all it had been a good evening, bar the interruption. A final half hour later Vinyl had left. Not a bad day really. Probably one of the best I’ve had in a long time.

Now Vinyl’s left I think I’m probably sober enough to play. I begin to play a tune, a quaint jolly little piece, sadly however it vanishes instantly after being played. I enjoy these few moments, like a calm before the storm. My parents are going to return, and it’s not going to be nice.


Yup, just as I thought. Father storms in, with frowns. And I was in the middle of a piece, they could have had at least the courtesy to let me finish. Oh well, no use crying over lost concertos. “Yes, what is it?”

“You know very well what it is Octavia!” Barks Father.

“Did you secure the contract?”

“Well that’s not the-”

“I congratulate you Father, and I apologise for your inconvenience.”

“Now listen here! Your mother has been telling me that you’ve been hanging around with that girl, in a way that I’d not approve of! Look Octavia, don’t you want what’s best for the family? You know you’d make a great couple with Filthy Rich, the son of Mighty Rich. With a marriage like that, we’ll be lifted into a permanent place in the Canterlot Aristocracy.”

“I understand Father. I apologise, what I did there was nothing but drunken folley.”

“Good.” Father looks as if he’s showing genuine concern. “It will advance our social standing.” He repeats.

“Of course Father.” No need to fight, that would just end in bullshit like it always does.

“Excellent. And don’t steal our wine!” He pointed his hoof at me, giving a wink. “When it comes to friends, just make sure to only take the medium level stuff. Unless it’s a special occasion. What I’m trying to say is, you should ask alright?”

“Of course.”

“Alright. That’s my girl. Have you eaten?” I nod. “Alright, we’ll be off then.” Just as Father is about to leave, he turns back. “Oh, and don’t expect that you’ll be getting off lightly. What was the name of the filly you were with? I shall call her parents. I’m not letting my daugher be subject to such a bad influence.” Oh Celestia, that’s going to limit things.

“She’s called Vinyl Scratch, and if I may protest-”

“No! You understand darling, I have to draw a line in the sand.”

I think I was the bad influence on her if anything. “Of course Father.” No use protesting.

“Alright then. Goodnight Sweetie.”

“Goodnight Father.”

And that’s that. It’s actually quite typical of Father. I rarely see him, but when I do, he gives me a bollocking in that kind of way. He doesn’t shout, he just points out my flaws and fucks off. This time it happens to be arbitrarily. Others he’s got a point.

Still. What now? Vinyl is most probably banned from this place. If her stepfather is one of The Guard, it’s likely that I’ll not be able to visit her. Urgh. It makes my head hurt thinking about it. I’m sure we’ll be able to arrange something tomorrow. As for now. I’m tired. I know it’s not late. But fun does take away energy.

Author's Note:

I know it's a short one. But I've decided that, the next day is worthy of a chapter in it's own right, instead of bunging it here.

Still I hope you all enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing.

Now I hope that I'll be able to get a lot more writing done throughout the rest of this holiday. All I've got now is New Years. What tends to happen is I'll end up watching a few fireworks at midnight, before promptly buggering off back home. Meaning I should be able to get some writing done even then. Unless I end up having too much fun. But I sincerely doubt that. Not to say I don't enjoy those events from time to time. But I only enjoy events like I said from time to time. I reckon, two parties a year is just the right amount for me, maybe three if I'm adventurous.
Anyway here's wishing you're having a great holiday.