• Published 17th Dec 2014
  • 1,234 Views, 129 Comments

A Scratch at Romance - Midnight Ice Cream

Octavia is really really bloody bored with her mundane life at school. She doesn't care about the everyday intrigues of life. But then the thing we all knew was going to happen happens. Eyyup this is an Octo Scratch fic. Hope it's not over generic...

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Monday Evenings are Always Eventful

I wake up Monday morning feeling like total shit. I really shouldn’t have though; I had a good night’s sleep and everything. I think. I’m not sure exactly when I went to sleep, but I did get to bed at about eleven. Anyway, school, bleugh. Still, at least it’s a Monday, so getting back early won’t be a problem. I wonder how Vinyl is. It’s been such a short time, yet, damn these petty emotions. I tell you, last Monday I’d not have been feeling this at all. Last Monday I would have gone into school, accepted my fate, and promptly buggered off, content with the company of my cello. This Monday, I get all this teen angst about having offended a pony, that, by all rights, I shouldn’t care about. Honestly, I’m seriously debating the worth of this friendship thing.

Now, now, Octavia. I shouldn’t think like that. I’ve had a lot of fun come from this. I’ll probably have a lot more if I play my cards right. Now, all I have to do is get to school and hope that Vinyl isn’t getting cosy with Golden Tiara. Then again, that could be funny. Just imagining a lesbian Golden Tiara. But more depressing. Definitely more depressing. Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past her to do that just to spite me. No, Octavia, use logic. There’s no way she’d do that. I’m not important enough for her to do it. I suppose it doesn’t matter anyway. I’ve had a good week. Golden Tiara would have gotten her laughs, and Vinyl would go around being Vinyl. I’m sure, given some time, I could forget about the whole ordeal and get back into my normal routine. Which, let’s face it, I quite enjoy. C’mon, Octavia, no use overthinking stuff. Let’s appreciate that it’s a bright, sunny day, and enjoy the atmosphere as we walk to school. That’s one thing that I’ll never get bored of.

Upon reaching the school, it doesn’t take me long to find out that Vinyl isn’t with Golden Tiara. Actually, she’s quite excited to see me. We greet each other and enter school. I can’t say the day ends up being very interesting, but it’s not horrible. After all, work does have certain therapeutic qualities to it. But I’m glad when it’s done, and by the fourth lesson, I go quite quickly to the music hall.

This time, I’m the one taken by surprise. As I approach the hall, I am blasted by the sounds of a twangy electric guitar, and some lyrics that I can’t fully comprehend. It sounds like a more modern version of some of those oldies we were listening to by the river. There is occasionally a pause as Vinyl thinks about how to continue. I’m impressed.


I opened the door and the music instantly stopped. Vinyl blushed as I walked towards the stage, “What is there to be embarrassed about?”

“Oh, nothing. I was just writing a song, and I thought you were a teacher.”

“Oh? May I hear?”

“I’d rather not. It’s not your kinda thing, and I wanna get it just right before I play it to anypony.”

“Suit yourself. I’m just curious, that’s all. Anyway, do you fancy coming over to mine this evening?”

“Sounds fun. Will your folks be there?”

“No, don’t worry about them either. They’re a little harsh, but they’re good ponies. Their reasons for not wanting me to see you were indeed noble.”

“And a little homophobic, if you ask me.”

“Put yourself in their shoes; if a randomer comes over and your daughter is caught snuggling up next to her, you’d be concerned. Especially if you don’t know said randomer.”

“Uh, no. If I was in that situation, I’d be glad that my girl got it on, then disappointed to hear that she never did.”

“Really? That would be your mother’s attitude?”


“Wow, that’s a bit screwed up.”

“Well, the last part is, but feeling pride when your kid does well is a good thing.”

“I suppose so, but shouldn’t matters like that be private?”

“Well, kinda. I guess it’s weird from where you’re standing. Mom has always acted as support for me, though. So I’m pretty open with her.”

“That’s strange.”

“Tavi, what you’ve got goin’ on is strange. Your parents peeking into your business like that.”

“Well, I do have a reputation to uphold. I am to be married at some point. Can’t go round with the reputation of a lesbian.”


“Yes. A pony by the name of Filthy Rich,” Vinyl is just struck speechless by that one. After a few moments, I continue, “I’ve not met him very often, but he seems like a nice chap.”

“What? So you’re telling me that your parents just arranged that whole thing?”

“Why, of course. It advances the family. Can’t have me making rash decisions, can we?”

“So you get married for career reasons?”

“Pretty much, Vinyl. It’s rather important that I get a good marriage if I want to continue the family line. Especially since we’re not very high up at the moment.”

“Tavi, there are things more important than money.”

“Well of course, but I am of the belief that business and pleasure can go hoof in hoof. I won’t complain about it if he’s good, and with time, love can grow out of it.”

“But you get no choice! Isn’t that important?”

“Not really. Not everything is about me, Vinyl. Knowing that I have a small part to play in the history of my family is good enough.”

“If you get too caught up in the whole family thing, you might just forget what’s important.”

This is getting bloody tedious now, I say, “Seriously, Vinyl. What’s more important? What becomes of my family, or me enjoying myself in a silly fling that I’ll end up regretting?”

“Tavi, there’s no point to life if you can’t enjoy it.”

“And I plan to! Just in a different way.”

I think by now Vinyl is getting the point, “Okay, Tavi, whatever you say. But do you wanna get drunk tonight?”



It wasn’t long after school that Vinyl and I are in the same position as we were last week. The records are playing, we occasionally have a bit of a dance, the only difference this time is that the wine isn’t as nice. I really love this atmosphere. It’s good to be able to let go of everything, kick back and have fun. That’s why I like Vinyl, her carefree attitude is a breath of fresh air on an otherwise grey day. Pfft, almost sounds like I’m coming from a romance novel. But seriously, all of this dancing, drinking, and chatting is so much fun. To be able to just talk absolute shit for hours on end, not remember a word of it, and continue for longer is truly a wonderful thing. We can just sit there listening to music, side by side on the sofa without a word. Things like this make life absolutely wonderful. Still, quite drug-like though, isn’t it? Really, can I not get a moment without negative thoughts? Octavia. You’ve had plenty. You’re just feeling a bit skeptical at the moment. You’re seeing this whole thing as quite dangerous, correct? Urgh, correct. Exactly. Anyways, just try to think about it logically. Lying about this sort of thing isn’t what Vinyl would do, is it? Unless she’s a total psychopath, then she’s a genuinely good friend.

“Urgh, wine’s gone,” Says Vinyl, waving the empty bottle around. By this point, she has melted entirely into the sofa. Then again, I’m not really one to talk, am I?

“Urgh!” I grunt angrily in disdain, “I’m not getting another one.”

“But why, Tavi?”

“Too… too, d-runk.”

“Oh, Taaaavi!!!”

“Shudup. I’m not getting it.”

“Urgh! Fine! But I’m not playing the next record.”

“Oh, you bitch.”

Neither of us wants to get off the sofa, so neither of us do. I get a bit nervous, but not the kind I felt earlier. Vinyl is slowly and not so subtly moving towards me. Without words, I just accept fate and allow her to cuddle up to me. I can’t say it’s unpleasant, nor can I say I’m unfamiliar. Just something feels a bit iffy. Maybe it’s just general nerves that I’ve been getting since our last encounter. Or maybe it’s happened before and I’ve been too drunk to remember. Perhaps it could even be the fact that she is cuddling particularly tight this evening. Nevertheless, Vinyl is warm and cosy. I should just stop complaining and let her cuddle me. I just can’t shake that feeling, “Hey, Tavi?”


“You’re awesome.”

“Thank you,” All I want is sleep now. We can figure this stuff out later, but right now it’s time for a nice kip.

“No, like, really awesome,” My response isn’t a very graceful one, I simply grunt in acknowledgement that she’s talking to me, “I mean I like you.”

“Likewise, now can we just get to sleep?”

“No, I mean like… Nevermind.”

Urgh, she does fancy me, doesn’t she? Then again, what do I expect from a really good friend who happens to be a lesbian, and happens to be cuddling up to me right now? Actually, it puts me to rest. At least I know why she’s been such an awkward turd all this time. Urgh, but I don’t want to move. Nor do I really want to be her girlfriend. Would ignoring it do the trick? Or is that just accepting it? Alright, perhaps the best trick is just honesty, right?

“Vinyl, I understand you fancy me. I appreciate your frankness, I’m flattered, truly. But I can’t say I’m looking for a partner.”

I can feel Vinyl starting to move away from me.

“I didn’t tell you to stop cuddling… But! This is not a romance!”

I can feel that Vinyl wanted to dispute that. But I don’t think that she can really argue with my request.

“Thank you.”

“Of course. Now, just don’t make this any creepier for me than it already is. The only reason I’m not entirely uncomfortable with this is that I’m a bit drunk… And I’ll admit, it’s quite nice.”

Author's Note:

And so begins the romance. I'm likely to write another chapter, at least during this week so prepare for that. Maybe more. Although next week I will be on a sailing trip so no wifi for me.
As always I want to thank Forgotten Existence my editor for her great job in editing. I know I must be hard to put up with at times, but she's just so bloody great. However poor girl needed to get to bed as she finished my editing, and listened to my rambles, so sadly no banter for you.

Anyway we're now on 20,000 words! So nearly as long as The Prince. :yay:

Now enjoy this while I do my best to whip up another in your as many bill as I can fit in easter special.

Comments ( 40 )

Coming along nicely!


Glad you think so, I like to think it's getting there. Oh and sorry for the late response I thought I had already.


Well I certainly think that that's an interesting idea. I am a quite the fan of using modern instruments for classical music too. That was a great example. Or making more modern pieces instrumental like Kraftwerk.

I'm not sure though, do you think that Octavia would accept that? I've always imagined her as a classical purist wo- well then again she did enjoy the music that Vinyl played. Honestly I don't know, I'll have to give your post a good long thought.


No idea lol If it was me writing the story she'd fight against the idea once she sobered up then think about it a while then get in a fight with her parents that would make her feel just rebellious and rambunctious enough to say to hell with it time to do something new. She'd never give up pure classical music but she'd do it anyways because it's fun and for love and friendship!

Think of it as a kinda of symbolic stage performance to go along with a story of self discovery and self change. Maybe just a one time thing just to prove to herself that she can. It's like when the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra performed with Metallica https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PblCqNxincU not their usual style of music but I bet they had a blast doing that concert.

Again though it's not my story lol but you did ask. :3 The idea would probably require a few more ponies get involved in the act but enough back seat driving from me lol


I always appreciate this kind of feedback, I don't take it as you trying to write my story. But what you're saying is certainly something to consider. If ever you feel you have any ideas as to how the story could go, I'd always appreciate them. I may not always agree, but I adore bouncing ideas off people.

But also note, at this stage of her life Octavia has phenomenal stage fright; it's only been mentioned once I believe, but loud music that she's not familiar with might very well scare the shit out of her. But this actually gives me some ideas in of itself.

I think this highlights the point, that I haven't yet made as big a deal as I would like on their musical careers. Then again, I'm quite fond of that. It's just the thing they do, they don't need to speak of it. They take the piss about eachother for different types of music. But it's just what they do.

Anyway, if you'd like to continue this conversation as one on PM, I'd be very much obliged. I love bouncing ideas off people, but I'd rather not give too much away. I will not post publicly what I intend to do with the story.

What's important is that the beer is cold, and the Tavi is drunk.


5992426 so are you still working on chapters? Or is this story dead?

Honest answer, I don't rightfully know yet.

I've gone through a period of exams, which explains my absence, but this story doesn't really grip me anymore, in all honesty romance is relating to me less and less. By now I've, partly because of this story, found out that I'm an aromantic.

I've been feeling conflicted about continuing this story. On the one hand, I owe it to everyone to finish it, but on the other, I've got something much bigger cooking that really inspires me. This story just doesn't have the same spark that it used to.

Sorry for not being able to offer a fully clear answer. However, even if I don't finish it as I intended, I might very well write a shorter ending, but I couldn't possibly comment.

6014905 well you could always put it up for adoption and have someone else continue/finish it for you if it really doesn't grip you anymore.

Well if that's an offer, I'd gladly talk shop. If you want, I'll let you know what my plans were for this story, etc. Problem is, I'd want the story to end up somewhat as I've planned.

As I've said I'm conflicted. Tell you what, I'll write a bit more, see where it goes, and if I really can't be bothered I'll consider what you've got to say.

6016328 sorry. It was a suggestion. Im not a writer, im an editor. Im sure there are others who would love to finish it for you though

Not a problem, still, I will consider what you said very seriously.

Scouring thru my long track list, I realized I hadn't seen an update for this in a while. Proceeded to read the comment and had to do a dramatic cry of NOOOOO up to the sky. I can understand the problem you have with writing this and obviously cant be forced but wuld be true shame if you left it unfinished or made someone else write it (its your story and your style afterall). Its a gem of a story on its own afterall, and I really hope you continue (Im aware im just one Octascratch fanatic but still!).

I'll go slink back into th shadows now :derpytongue2:


Thank you very much!

And you're right about giving this story to someone else, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Even if it doesn't go as planned I feel as if it's mine and mine to do what I want with. That being said, I will always welcome comments like yours, or anyone who wants to give me suggestions and feedback. I write very well if I have someone to bounce ideas back and fourth off. Maybe that's one of the reasons I haven't actually been very inspired... Point is I might give it a crack, if you want to lend a hoof as it where, I'd be very much obliged.

However I do have a much bigger project I am working on over the summer, so this one certainly takes a side priority. But I think it'll still be a nice relaxing bit of work to do once in a while.

Uh sure, I suppose I could give it a shot. Not the best of writers but will gladly try to help with feedback and whatnot. :twilightsmile:

Well I intend fully to write everything myself, I just like to share ideas and everything, and I'm a sucker for having long conversations about my work.

Ofc, well feel free to Pm me if you have stuff. Im always in for talks, certainly if its Octascratch related.:rainbowwild:

Will do, and I'll send my contact details too.


Well, not to spoil, but I think you can guess the conclusion of a romance story.

i have currently read up to what one could call Chapter 5: Family Court and looking at how im currently almost done reading somewhat saddens me that i will have to stop =p but i will say i must also apologise as it took me this long to read so far in this story i am greatly enjoying it and i do hope more chapters will come. you are doing an amazing job keep it up

Thank you very much.

I'll be honest I'm simply having trouble staying invested in this story though. On principle I'd like to continue, but I just find it incredibly difficult to remain interested in Octavia's inner struggles, and thoughts. I do try, but it very often feels like a chore. This is why my new writing project will not be released until it is complete. But if I can find time and inspiration for this one, I will continue it to the best of my abilities.

6665864 like i said i have been enjoying the read of this story but don't try and push your self if it feels more like a chore thats never a good thing, though i will say it is interesting idea of having Octavia's inner struggles in it i would go on to day its one of the things that makes this story nice to read


Thank you very much, that's an incredibly high compliment. It's a style I like to work with, which is probably why it's particularly strenuous. I like to get into the mindset of a character I'm writing, so I can write down their thoughts. But this leads to some characters being more fun to write for than others.

I think the reason Tavi got boring for me was the fact that I get exposed to a lot of teenagers like that at the moment. I write essentially for escapism, and writing about teen angst when it's all around me anyway is rather annoying. I hope you understand.

6668926 aye don't worries i understand maybe you just need to switch the style around a tad and word from some other charters inner thoughts like maybe Vinly and how she is copeing with been around tavi assuming she has somewhat of an interest in her or maybe you should limit to how you do it.

im just giveing out ideas though im not a writer my self and at the end of the day its your story and even if nothing happens with it i can fully say i am pleased with what i have read

I know you warned me that it was discontinued, but it is still quite a disappointing fact. I rather enjoyed this story


Wouldn't be the first time I've heard that sentiment. Simply put it was horrible to write for towards the end, I lost my motivation with it and started to hate the characters. Under such circumstances writing becomes hard to impossible.

Oh,well at least you have a decent reason as to why it's canceled. Don't force it, but maybe one day you'll feel up to finishing it, but then again maybe you won't.
Its that exact reason as to why I suck at writing.

There were elements of this story in a previous work of mine, also cancelled, and not pony. But that one is potentially going to be rebooted, so I'm sure there will be elements of Scratch in there, but I doubt I'll ever finish this one.

Aww, tis such a shame, but I shath keep the candle hope burning


Well I'm glad you enjoyed my work so much.

I did very much enjoy it, and if you write any more TaviScratch (or Octoscratch, however you want to say it) fics, do let me know. I may not be able to write my own fics, but I am very much able to beta read for you. Hopefully there aren't any requirements to do beta work on FimFiction. If not, then I'd be more than happy to help if needed

That's a very kind offer, and no there aren't any requirements to do that. It's usually just an agreement made by people who want to mutually work on a project. But frankly I'll probably never do any more FiM related romance stories in general let alone Octoscratch. Now unless you're interested in a story that parodies the intros to shit 70s pornos, or one that examines the political landscape of Equestria, I'm not really sure what I can offer you.

Sorry for being so late to reply, I had a bit of a mishap that resulted in a hospital visit.
I can't say that I'm interested in the idea of a 70's porno to be honest, and me and politics? That's a combination just waiting to cause disature.

I hope you're alright? Not too sick I hope?

Heh, I wish it was just me getting sick. I actually went to the hospital for some rather nasty burns. That's always fun

I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you're alright?

I'm fine for the most part, thanks for askin' though

That's good to hear, I remember on my first day of work, I got a burn from a coffee machine that lasted me a week, wasn't good.

I'm giving a cancelled story a shot, wish it were continued already and I haven't even opened the first chapter

Well I hope you do enjoy it, and you'll probably like it more than I do to be honest.

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