• Published 17th Dec 2014
  • 1,233 Views, 129 Comments

A Scratch at Romance - Midnight Ice Cream

Octavia is really really bloody bored with her mundane life at school. She doesn't care about the everyday intrigues of life. But then the thing we all knew was going to happen happens. Eyyup this is an Octo Scratch fic. Hope it's not over generic...

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Embracing New Ideas

Morning comes like a bright warm beautiful slap in the face. The alarm clock rings like the prick that it is, until I twat the fucker into shutting up. I suppose my parents have already buggered off. If I ever do catch them in the mornings, it’s never for more than five minutes.

About half an hour later, I’m all prepared for school, as I walk over, I think on how easily I’d be able to get away with not going. Would anyone even notice? Would they even care? It’s a thought I get nearly every day. But today I feel motivated. I’ll see Vinyl today. It’s going to be a good day.

I walk into registration. Huh, I’m only ten minutes late, not bad, not bad at all. Of course Mr Redhart doesn’t think so,but he doesn’t protest. I won that battle a long time ago.

After reg comes the monotony of school life. Today doesn’t seem bad though. I’ve only got three lessons, all of which are at the start; double history to begin with, and then a music lesson.

I can’t say I enjoy either of the history lessons. Not to say I don’t like the subject. On the contrary. It’s a favourite of mine. However, studying in great detail the great peace that followed the banishment of Nightmare Moon leaves for dull reading. I get it Celestia was great. There was peace. Not much changed. On the bright side at least, the exam is a piece of piss.

Now music, that was more interesting. Mr Haymond Smallville, a lovely stallion teaches there. The graying unicorn does his best to encourage all types of music, but he’s incredibly fond of that awful racket they’re calling punk. In a genuine way though, not in a wannabe hit with the kids way. Or it could be both, I can’t tell. All the same, he encourages my tastes in classical. Still, Haymond isn’t the main attraction of the class today. I take my seat next to Vinyl.

Once he is satisfied that everyone has taken their places Haymond calls the register. “Ah morning Class. How are you all today?” A few conversational mumbles came his way.

“I’m alright Sir, how are you doing?”

Haymond smiled. “Ah doing alright.”

“How’s the missus?” Someone else called.

“Which one?”

“Sir!” The class called in unison.

“Alright, alright. Stupid little pricks, not letting me have my fun. Make it so my ponysona only gets one wife!” He said in mock annoyance. “Why can’t I be the sexy stallion, with the big house, and all the mares, huh?”

Vinyl nudges me on the shoulder, “Is this normal? I’ve only met him one on to one.”

“That’s just Haymond,” I say, “You learn to appreciate him.”

After about ten minutes more of this banter, Haymond looks towards the class. “Alright. Sadly, because of mock exams we don’t have the music hall available. So we can’t do any practicing today. So try to fit in as many hours of your free time as possible, like you Octavia. She’s bloody brilliant like that.” He then turned towards Vinyl. “Ah, good choice there Vinyl. May I call you Vinyl?”


“Well Vinyl, Octavia’s not into your electronic stuff. But she’s a goodun. Glad you’ve been able to find friends. Anyway, have you decided on what instrument you’d like to play for the examination?”

“Urmm… Keyboard? I dunno yet.”

“Don’t worry Vinyl, take your time. Life is a dick sometimes. Gutted that they don’t count turntable as an instrument.”

“I know right? What’s wrong with keeping the rest of the band in check?”

“Oi. Don’t ask me! I don’t make the policy. I know it’s a lot of pressure, and not having your band really does screw you. But you’ve got a good three months yet. Maybe you could even do a duet with Octavia over there. You seem to be getting on alright.” As entertaining as I find Vinyl Scratch, I think we can both agree that’s a terrible idea. “Right, yes.Class.” He says as if he’s just remembered his job “So who would like to show me their piece first? Oh come on. Don’t be shy. I won’t be a dick about criticising your work… Honest!”

Eventually a stallion in the back took the opportunity. His name was Lancer I believe, a sporty stallion and one of the best baritones in Canterlot. “If you don’t mind Sir. I’d like to sing The Large Sospan. It’s an old folk song from the land of my father, Sir.”

We all clap at the end of the performance. He deserved it too.

For the rest of the lesson a few more kids take their turns performing. It’s quite relaxing actually. Some of the performances aren’t half bad either. Not to say that all of them are good, but by the end of the class I’m in a far better mood.

Vinyl and I walk down the corridors to check, in a futile attempt, to see if the music hall is open. It isn’t, of course. I wish I could leave now, but they notice if you go anytime before dinner. Sadly there’s an afternoon registration, and I’ve been copped one too many times to get away with it.
“So Vinyl, what’s the plan for this evening?”


“I suppose you want to do something.”

“Sure but I dunno what. Mom got a call from your Dad. Mom just thought your Dad was being a dick, honestly. But my step dad tells me I can’t go to your house and piss everyone off.”

“Well may I go to yours?”

“Well, it might be possible. But my stepdad is a kinda dick, so prolly not. Unless we’re super duper quiet.”

“I suppose I could say the same, just as long as you keep hidden.”


“Anyway, no drinking this evening, that’s for sure.”


“Vinyl honestly, with that attitude you’ll make me an alcoholic yet.”

“So what do we do now?”

I sigh, “I suppose common room it is.”


When we arrive, the common room is stifling. The rancid stench of bitchy conversations fills the air like a cloud of social death. As we enter all eyes are on us, “Excellent that you’ve found a new friend in Octavia isn’t it Vinyl?” Asked a particularly nasty mare by the name of Golden Tiara, “What do you think of her then Octavia? Must be something special if you’re interested. Makes sense that you’d swing that way,” There were a few sniggers from the class. A couple of years ago I’d have retaliated, but doing so would make her win, quite honestly.

“Hey, got a problem with that?!” Vinyl challenged.

“Oh, so she does swing that way.”

I don’t. I really don’t.

“Well I do. She doesn’t. So what’s the problem?”

“What’s the problem with you? I don’t want a mare looking at me that way. It’s just gross.”

“Honey. I’d not look at you that way, bigots ain't my type.” Wit wins the day I suppose, at least for now. Vinyl and I take a seat in the corner.

“Huh, I guess we never did make a plan for later did we?” Vinyl mused.

“Honestly I’m just glad that you take the fact we’ll be spending time with this evening as self evident.”

“Well sure thing Octavia. What else am I supposed to do?”

“Well there are countless other ponies you could be spending time with.”

“Well none of them are you.”

“No need to fuel the fires of Golden Tiara’s suspicions is there?”

“Huh? Oh right, no.”

I chuckle at that. “Or to be cringy. I’ve only just met you. Did you say things like that with your ex?”

“Um... Yea.”

To that I chuckle, till I see that Vinyl looks uncomfortable, “Oh come on Vinyl. I didn’t mean any malice.”


“Soft spot?”


“Again sorry.”

“No problem. So what are we doing this evening?”

“Well it is summer. And natural beauty is something that Canterlot has in far more abundance than Manehattan. We could go for a walk?”

“Sounds okay,” Vinyl said halfheartedly.

“You sound troubled, what is it?”


“Are you missing Manehattan?”


“I’m sorry Vinyl.”

“Don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault. I just get here, and the first friend I get I get restrictions on. I hate my mom sometimes. Why did she have to fall in love with that dick?”

“I can’t claim to understand your problems Vinyl. But listen here. I don’t care what Father says. You’re the only friend I have, and I’d care to keep it like that.”

“Thanks Octavia.”

“So how about that walk?”

“Sure, it’ll be nice to get some clear air I guess.”


Vinyl gives me a thin, but genuine smile.


Vinyl huffed, “I don’t... get it, why... do ponies... walk... on mountains?”

“Honestly Vinyl, I don’t see the problem. Anyway it will do you good. And if that isn’t convincing, isn’t the view?”

Vinyl pants, “If… I… had… the… energy…”

“Okay, we’ll take a break.”


Vinyl and I take a seat under a tree overlooking the city, “Now you can’t not admire that,” It seemed as if the entire Kingdom could be seen from this spot, “Isn’t that just gorgeous?”

Even Vinyl seemed amazed, not that she admitted it, “Eh, not bad I guess.”

“Oh please. What’s Manehattan got on that?”

“Well we’ve got the sea.”

“Yes, but it’s a great big ugly grey city”

“Correction. My great big ugly gray city.”

“Fair enough.”

A few moments passed in silence as we admired the landscape, “But I see your point.”

“What? Oh yes,” A few more moments passed, “I like to sit here and wonder what ponies are doing. Watching Canterlot from here... Even Celestia and Luna look like ants from this height.”

“Yea, it’s pretty cool.”

“Although I don’t think it really matters. Up here, everything just seems so, insignificant really.”

“And you’re the one callin’ me cheesy?”

“Oh? Oh sorry. I was getting rather caught up in the scenery.”

“No problem.”

A comfortable silence passed as we simply sat there, looking at the view, “One would have thought that after knowing the landscape for so long, one would get used to it. But one never does.”


“Vinyl, may I ask you something?” She nodded, “Why do you wear those ghastly sunglasses?”

“They look cool I guess.”

“Even yesterday though, when were were cuddling. You had them on.”

“So? What’s the big deal.”

“Just spikes curiosity. Honestly I don’t know why I didn’t ask sooner. Do you need them?”

“Kinda, my eyes ain’t the best. So I got these instead of some awful dorky glasses. And I guess it stuck,” She took them off revealing purple eyes, not dissimilar to mine, “I can hardly see like this.”

“You look better without them.”


“How much can you see?”

Vinyl turned towards the landscape, “I can see the outline of the mountains and sky, but that’s about it. I can also see the sun.”

“Hrmmm. I suppose we’ve missed our chance to get to the peak before the sunset.”

“Does it matter?”

“Not at all,” I take a step closer to Vinyl, “Are you short or long sighted?”


“Okay, lets do a test.Tell me when you can see me,” I move my face in, to a point where we’re nearly touching.

“Octavia, I really don’t know if you’re that innocent, or if you’re tryna flirt with me right now,” Said Vinyl rather angrily.

“I’m just doing the thing that everyone does to ponies with glasses. Getting on your nerves.”

“Well have you heard about a thing called personal space?”

“Sorry,” I moved away slightly, “Did I cause offense?”


“Are you okay?”

Vinyl put her glasses back on, “Octavia. I won’t be okay for some time. I really appreciate what you’re doin’, and I feel really welcome in Canterlot. But I’m just a lil’ homesick.”

I put a comforting hoof on her shoulder, “Have you written them?”


“Has there been any response?”

“No. It’s probably just that mail takes forever to arrive. But I can’t help but shake the feeling that they’re not gonna reply. Or that they will, but slowly they’ll just forget.”

“I’m sure they won’t. How could they forget somepony like you?”

“Heh,” Vinyl let out a small chuckle.

“I’m serious.”

“Thanks Tavi.”


“Yea. Do you like it?”

“If I say yes, you’ll use it, and if I say otherwise you’ll use it. So in all honesty I may as well just get used to the name.”

“Alright. Tavi you are.”

“You know, most people call me Octy for short.”

“I prefer Tavi.”

“Alright. A name’s a name. And that can be your special name for me.”

“Well Tavi, I’m really grateful for your company, but you’re kinda making me feel homesick. It was easier when I had no friends.”


“Yea. I don’t know how to describe it. It doesn’t really make much sense does it?”

“Well I wouldn’t know Vinyl. I’ve never had to go through that. So I would have no idea, and I won’t pretend to do so.”

We took another few minutes to stare at the scenery. By this point the sun is only just atop the distant mountain range, its beams are beginning to change from the once bright yellow into a beautiful sunset orange.



“Can I have a hug?”

“Why of course,” I wrap myself around the lonely pony, “Is that better?” She says nothing, only nods, “Regardless of your friends in Manehattan you’ve got me, right?”

Vinyl mumbles something that sounds somewhat like a “Yes.”

“And I know I mean a fair bit less to you than they do. However, I probably mean as much to you as it is possible to do so after having known you for all of two days.”

Vinyl chuckled, “I guess that’s true.”

“So at this rate, we’ll be the best of friends within a week!”

“Yea!” Vinyl sounded slightly more enthusiastic.


As the sun melts into the mountains, the sky bursts into figurative flames. What is not burning has lost its azure colour and is at various stages of purple. Vinyl and I sit entwined in each other, in awe of the twilight sky, “Gorgeous,” I mumble.

“Yea,” Says Vinyl.

Day turns into night as the mountains become harder and harder to define, only outlined by the lack of stars and the glistening moon. It might be, it probably is actually, a bit late. Not that my parents would worry. Going up for these walks isn’t uncommon. I just hope Vinyl doesn’t get into shit from this, “Vinyl?”


“Do your parents expect you home at any point?”

“Prolly. But Mom would be cool if I was late. Stepdad? Eh, I’m sure as long as he got into no more trouble it’d be fine. That’s all he’s worried about.”

“Splendid,” Vinyl leans into me slightly.

“If you don’t mind though. I’d like to sit here for a lil’ longer.”

“But it’ll get cold,” I mock protested.

“Trust me, this position is pretty warm.”

“Alright, but not too much longer. As much as I enjoy your company, I am rather hungry.”


“All good things must come to an end Vinyl. But remember; this is Canterlot, experiences like this are repeatable.”


Ten minutes later, Vinyl and I are on our way home.

“Wow. I’ve never seen a night like this before.”

“How do you mean?”

“Well in Manehattan you never get to see all the stars and the moon like this.”

“Never once?”

“Nope. The only time I’ve been away from Manehattan was on a trip to a hotel in Canterlot with school.”

“How was it?”


“What happened?”

“Well we went to see the Castle. And we looked at how Equestria is run. We didn’t even get to see The Princess. It was really, really boring.”

“Sounds like it. Politics are so dull. I’d not mind if something happened. It’s annoyingly simple really. Celestia rules over, enough said. Nopony objects, and everypony is fine. Why you need to visit this city in order to see her throne escapes me. There are plenty of reasons to visit Canterlot,” I gestured towards the sky, “Like this for example. But I suppose praising Nightmare Moon isn’t going to be popular is it?”

“Well, she was kinda evil.”

“Fair enough. But her night is rather nice.”

“I’m not gonna argue, cos I don’t really care. It all happened a thousand years ago. Who knows if half of it’s even true.”

“Strange. I’ve never thought of it that way. But honestly, why would Celestia lie about that?”

“Dunno. But I remember reading a book about it, and I remember it being pretty convincing.”

“Do you have a copy of that book?”

“Maybe, I’ll have to check. But I think the gist of it was that Celestia used Nightmare Moon as an excuse to get rid of her Sister, who was challenging her for power. So, Luna never changed. It’s just that Celestia killed her, or banished her, or somethin’ and talked about Nightmare Moon. Eventually the ponies believed her. So that just gave her total control.”

“Sounds like a load of conspiracy nonsense, but I’ll have to give the book a read. It might be a laugh.”

“Honestly, I don’t remember much about it, so eh. Nor do I really care. I like the Princess. She seems to be doing a good job.”

“Hear hear. A crime that far in the past is hardly a crime anymore, and she’s more than repented. Anyway, that is all assuming that’s real. Which I can say with some confidence it’s not.”

Vinyl and I chatter on about this and various other meaningless subjects until I head off my way, and she heads off her way.


Upon reaching home I encounter Father, who is sitting on his living room armchair reading a book, “Ah, Octy. How was your evening?”

“Very good Father, I had a lovely walk up the mountain.”

“Splendid. Have you eaten?”


“Well then, neither have I. Shall I cook?”

“Alright. Oh, and where’s Mother?”

Father got up and walked towards the kitchen, “She’s attending a party or a function, or some such nonsense. As necessary as such events are, they truly are a bore.”

“Ah. Okay,” Such events aren’t uncommon. It’s rare to go a week without one.

“So how have you been Father?”

“Oh I can’t complain too much. Although I must admit, I’d like a little rest. Oh Octy, would you get a bottle of Château De Cartes? I should be punishing you for nabbing the wine, but bugger it.”

I make my way to the wine cellar and grab a bottle of said wine before returning to the kitchen, “Father, if I may, I’d like to do some practicing,” Father looks a little disappointed at the lack of company, but nods, and I leave.


About twenty minutes later, Father calls me down for our meal. Upon reaching the dining room Father is already sitting at the table, chomping on his salad and sipping his wine, “Good practice?”

“Well, it’s always a good reliever of any stress.”

“What kind of stress?”

“Oh, the usual. School. It’s quite the slog at the moment.”

“Any particular reason?”

“Well you know that my social life is void. That, and the prelude to exam stress isn’t a healthy combination.”

“I am truly sorry Octy.”

“I know you are Father.”

As if taking the thoughts from my head Father says, “Octy darling. I know how much it must have hurt yesterday when I dismissed your friend. Truly, I am sorry for having to do that,” Arguing would be senseless. Father is tolerable in civil conversations, but his word is final. He won’t get angry, but he’ll make sure I regret it, “I really am. When I was about your age, I was as worried as you were. I’d hardly met your mother at the time. It’s the same with you and Master Rich. At- Well- urm- What I’m trying to say is that I don’t want you, on a bisexual phase, jeopardizing your marriage to Master Rich. I’ve spoken to him several times. He seems like a decent pony, and if he’s not don’t hesitate to let me know. It may seem cold and heartless, but I have your best interest in mind here. What you’ll find out is that love grows. I’m sure Master Rich is feeling nervous about marrying you. But this benefits both sides. He’ll get a route into a Canterlot family, and our family will get a good financial investment. More importantly though, I’m sure it’ll result in a good pairing.”

“May I speak freely?”

“Of course.”

I chewed on a piece of salad, “I’m not romantically involved with Vinyl Scratch, nor is that my intent. True we were snuggling on the sofa, but I attribute that to the wine.Also, try to understand I have no other friends. So when I do get the chance I’ll probably latch onto them, more than I would normally. I implore you to let me have a friend like this.”

Father mulls this over for a moment, considering my words seriously, “I’ll have to discuss this with Mother of course,” He says before considering further, “Does she swing that way?”

“I’m not going to deny. She does.”

“Alright. What about you?”

Well do I? It’s wholly possible. Snuggling up to Vinyl isn’t unpleasant. But I’ll bet if I find the right stallion it’d be a whole lot better. I suppose I’ve not had enough experience to really tell. Either way, what’s important is that I’m not into Vinyl, “Honestly Father, I don’t know. I’ve not really had the experience to tell,” Father works with enough liars that it’s impossible to fool him, “But I’ve not thought of Vinyl that way.”

“And you think it’ll stay that way?”

“Probably. Vinyl is all hung up about an ex marefriend in Manehattan. As for me, I don’t aspire to more than a snuggle buddy,”

Father took a few more moments to consider, “Well, if your mother doesn’t object, I can’t see anything wrong with allowing you to keep your friendship. Under a few conditions of course.”

“Of course. What conditions?”

“Firstly, that if you feel at all romantically involved, you let me know. Secondly, that you’ll not act upon any of those instincts if you really have to use your hooves,” I roll my eyes, not something that one likes to hear from one’s dear Father, “And finally, respect the wine cellar. No need to take our two best bottles so easily. Right, feel free to take a nice one once in a while. But two! Of our best!”

“Seems reasonable. But if I am getting romantic feelings, what happens then?”

“Not even I am cruel enough to cut you off completely. I’d rather do it now, to minimise the pain. But if such a scenario were to arise, we’d have to do some damage control. I’m not sure exactly what that entails. But Mother and I will figure this out.”

“May I ask something Father?”

“Go ahead.”

“Why the sudden change of heart?”

“These complaints originate with your mother, not myself. However, I think she has a point. As do you. I think it’s the right of a pony your age to do something stupid. But sometimes, one has to put duty over enjoyment. Honestly Octavia, I am not decided where I fully stand on this issue yet. It’s one I’m going to have to give a lot of thought about. This is why I am allowing you to state your case. When I make decisions, I like them to be informed ones. So unless you’ve something to add, might we turn the discussion to more pleasant matters?”

“But of course. The moon was lovely this evening.”

“I can imagine, it’s been a long time since I’ve had the time for a good nighttime walk. I really should, but work is so tiring. Oh I do so look forward to being able to go down to four and a half days.”

“Oh, when is that?”

“Within the next couple of years, if all goes to plan. If your Mother gets the promotion she’s looking for, we’ll be able to afford it easily. Not that we couldn’t now, but I don’t want to cut back on our standard of living.”

In the unlikely event that I get to see Father, he’s a decent pony. I’d even say I enjoy his company. Granted it boils down to polite conversation about household affairs, but I get the sense that he appreciates his time with me. To speculate, I’d say that he’s regretted spending so little time with me. Eventually we both retire for the night. Father needs his early sleep, and I need to do some homework. All in all, I can’t even call today a shit one.

Author's Note:

Why is it always fatigue that breeds creativity? Quarter to three on a Monday morning is no time to be writing, well it is. But tomorrow is going to be fucked. Sadly I don't think I'm up to the task of proofreading, considering that I have a decent chunk of homework to do as it is anyway. So if there is any gaping flaws let me know. I gave it a once over, but didn't get into detail.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that chapter, and I hope that my additions Tavi's old man are welcome. I don't want to just make him the generic prick dad. I wanted to make him a generic prick dad with a little more depth. I don't know, tell us what you think.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing. I wish you all a good morning. Seeya soon.

Thanks very much to Forgotten Existance You're a bloody legend.