• Published 7th May 2012
  • 6,498 Views, 364 Comments

Intension - MadMan

Twilight gets a lucrative invitation for a top secret project. It seems like a dream come true, a true opportunity to help civilization advance, but soon the dream becomes a nightmare.

  • ...

Until Exodus

Twilight's breath frosted in the cold night air as she stood on the frost covered hill. Luna was on her left, and Wildfire on her right. They stood, not talking, and gazed at the scene below. Not quite a mile distant stood the Diamond Dog city of Salam, but it was hardly recognizable. Nearly all the buildings around the edge showed signs of damage or had fallen, and most of the ones in the center did as well. Countless griffons circled the city, and many more were crouched on rooftops. The Diamond Dogs that had inhabited the city before were nowhere to be seen.

"So, we're going there?"


Wildfire shook his head at Twilight's reply and walked off the hill, going back to the rest of the Black Berets behind them. Twilight leaned against Luna's shoulder, who leaned back, the soft pressure reassuring.

"Are we so sure that this is the best idea?"

"I am. I have thought about it very hard over the past three day's journey. Either Axion was behind the Diamond Dog's terrorist attacks, or she convinced the griffons to attack, and made up a reason. It may be neither of those, it may be both. Either way, this is where we need to be. We'll have to keep a sharp eye out for anything out of the ordinary while here, there could be clues as to what's going on. But first things first, we need to go and make sure the imprisoned Diamond Dogs are being treated fairly. Griffons have a history of being.... Less than kind to prisoners of war."

Luna stood for a few more moments, then turned and went back down the hill to the Black Berets. Lifting their heavy packs and continuing down the path to the city, the party steadily approached the outskirts. Rubble cluttered the streets, and Twilight saw several dark splotches that looked suspiciously like blood. Soon, some griffons soon spotted them, and swooped overhead silently. None accosted them until they neared the city center, when a contingent of professional looking guards stepped forward and barred their way.

"Halt! Speak your names and intentions."

"Queen Luna, Twilight Sparkle, and the Black Berets. We were sent by Lieutenant General Grous to assist."

"Come with us."

Four large griffons turned and walked towards a large tent set up in the city center. Brushing aside the front flap, Luna, Twilight, and the Black Berets walked into what was obviously the command center. The middle of the tent was dominated by a large map of the Diamond Dog's territory. Red lines and X's were scattered about it, and a small carved wooden griffon sat on top of the spot marked 'Salam.' Ten chairs were arranged around this table, but currently only two were occupied. The first griffon was older, the graying of his white head feathers was very pronounced. The other griffon was younger, and so dark brown he was almost black. Both stood and bowed to Luna, and nodded to Twilight and the Berets. The older griffon spoke first.

"Queen Luna, it is nice to see you. I am Colonel Rin, and this is Sergeant Major Dark Sky. Lieutenant General Grous told us that you would assist us."

"We have come to assist in finding the source of the Diamond Dog's magical assistance, nothing more."

"Yes, of course. We would not ask you to fight with us. We merely want it to be a fair fight. This underhanded trickery is despicable."

"Do you have any leads?"

"No, but we have several high ranking officers of the Diamond Dog military in custody. Would you like to interrogate them?"

"We merely want to question them. Where are they?"

"They are in the courthouse just behind this tent."

Colonel Rin leaned over the table, scribbling a few sentences on a piece of paper.

"Here, this will allow you access to them. I thank you in advance for your assistance."

Luna took the piece of paper, folding it neatly into one of her saddlebags.

"We simply want these hostilities to end. I will notify you when we are finished."

"Good luck, Queen Luna."

Returning the Colonel's bow with a nod of her head, Luna left the tent, Twilight and the Berets following. They gathered in a circle a short distance from the entrance to the courthouse.

"Berets, go and check out the prisoner's keeping. Make sure they are being fed and sheltered well. Twilight and I will go talk to the officers."

The Berets saluted as one and walked away, leaving Twilight and Luna before the courthouse. It was a tall and dark building, carved from stone. Walking to the entrance, Luna showed the guards the paper from Colonel Rin, and were allowed to enter. Inside, they got directions from a guard, who said the prisoners were in the basement. Going down the dark and gloomy stairway, Luna and Twilight emerged into the wide and unexpectedly bright corridor. Two griffon guards were at each door, behind each was a prisoner. Going to the first, Luna showed the paper once more to the guards, who opened the door, closing it behind them once they walked in. The room was small, but not claustrophobic. The furniture had been removed, leaving only a small bed in the corner. The Diamond Dog was sitting on this bed, looking at them silently. Remnants of his uniform remained, medals gleaming in the light from the single torch. Luna stood in front of him, simultaneously seeming friendly and intimidating.

"What is your name?"

"Major Roul."

"Do you know why I am here?"

"Has Equestria allied itself to punish the Diamond Dogs for the griffon's problems?"

"Did the Diamond Dogs have anything to do with the attacks on the griffon princess?"

"Of course not. We are happy to be left alone, digging our holes and mining gems. We care not for the problems of the griffons, or the ponies."

"Then why are the griffons saying you did?"

"I do not know. All I can tell you is that the Diamond Dig military had nothing to do with it."

"Are you sure?"


"Thank you for your cooperation."

They left the room, and went on to the next. After four other Diamond Dog officers had all said the same thing, Luna began to get irritated.

"This is tripe. They could all be lying, or all being sincere. Either way, we need more concrete answers! We're getting nowhere."

"What about a truth spell?"

"Of course! Why didn't I think of that? You're a genius, Twilight. Come, it's the last prisoner."

Going into the last room, Twilight could immediately tell there was a difference between this prisoner and the rest. He still wore his full uniform proudly, a white jacket festooned with medals and a pair of white pants, both pristine. He stood against the back wall, hands behind his back, bowing as they entered.

"Princess Luna. It is a pleasure."

"And you are?"

"High General Drek. I am the commander of the Diamond Dog forces, second only to the Chancellor."

"Well then, if anyone here could help us, surely it's you."

"How might I assist you?"

"Who was behind the terrorist attacks on the griffons?"

Drek's demeanor changed immediately. His ears lay flat along his skull, and his lips curled up on one side of his mouth, revealing several very sharp teeth. He began to pace, going back and forth between the walls of his cell.

"Hardly any know of this. I was only included in it by accident, and I wanted no part. I happened to walk into the Chancellor's office while he was talking to some unicorn. They were saying something about the griffon princess being vulnerable when I walked in. The unicorn acted as though they were going to attack me, until the Chancellor told them that I was okay, and might as well be included. So I joined them and listened as they outlined this ridiculous scheme to kill the griffon monarchy, one by one. I could hardly believe it! We have been ill at ease with the griffons for generations, but lately things have been calm, and these two wanted to ruin it! I have spent many, many years meeting with griffon delegates, and here was the Chancellor, a Dog that I had always known to be level headed and logical, discussing asinine plans with some pony! Not only were these plans poorly thought out, it seemed as if they were intended to direct the griffons right back to us! I was furious. As soon as the unicorn left, I demanded to know what the Chancellor thought he was doing. He simply sat back in his chair, an odd look in his eyes, and told me, "Drek, when you have looked down the mouth of a starving manticore as long as I have, eventually you just want to cut the blasted thing's head off."

At this point, Drek seemed to grow tired of pacing. Sitting on his bed, he placed his head in his paws, narration growing softer.

"So I shut my mouth and left. I only wanted to forget the whole ordeal, and hope the Chancellor would as well, but no beans. When I learned of the attempted assassination, I immediately prepared to head to the Chancellor's office to resign. That the day of the griffon attack. I never did get to resign. So here I sit, rotting, waiting for the griffons to execute me for nothing less than being one of the highest ranking officers."

Drek closed his eyes, running his paws over his face. Twilight looked to Luna, who looked as conflicted as she felt. Not wanting to voice the thought aloud, Twilight sent a communication spell to Luna.

Are we going to try to truth spell?

No. I believe he is telling the truth. His regret is honest.

How can you tell? He might just be a very good actor.

Look at him through your magic, Twilight. It is evident.

Doing as Luna asked, Twilight closed her eyes and looked deep within to her magic. Looking at Drek again, Twilight saw that the waves coming from him were deep and slow, tinged with dark colors that filled Twilight with a deep sense of sorrow. Opening her eyes, Twilight looked at Drek, nearly to the point of tears, sitting in his small bed in full uniform, medals gleaming in the low light. Twilight felt bad for him; being dragged into a situation he wanted nothing to do with, and now sitting in a cell, future bleak.

"General Drek, my name is Twilight Sparkle. I just have one question, then we will leave you alone. What did the unicorn look like?"

"Like misery and hatred incarnate. As for her physical appearance, she was black, black as the darkest ink, with a mane white like fresh snow."

Twilight looked at Luna with wide eyes, her fears confirmed.


Luna stepped forward, her voice low.

"General Drek, we believe you wanted nothing to do with the attacks on the griffons. We have good standing with the griffons. If you wish, we will talk to them, and try and secure your release, or at least extradition to Equestria."

Drek smiled at Luna, his eyes still sad.

"Thank you, but no thank you. I will face my fate here. I shouldn't have waited so long, I should have done something. I-"

The rest of Drek's words were cut off by the sound of an explosion nearby. The shock wave rippled through the floor, knocking Twilight down and causing the furniture to collapse. Dust fell from the ceiling, as well as a few small stones. A dark blue field instantly appeared around Twilight, saving her from getting several large knocks to the head as a few larger rocks dislodged from above her. Looking over, she saw Luna encased in a similar protection. Blue magic ripped the door open, and Twilight felt herself being lifted and flung out the door, Luna leaping behind her. As soon as she hit the floor in the hallway, Twilight heard a loud rumbling from inside the room. Looking back, Twilight saw the walls of the cell collapse, and then the ceiling, several tons of rock falling, crushing everything inside the room, including Drek.

"Twilight! Are you okay?"

Twilight coughed and rolled over to face Luna, who was leaning over her, wings spread over her lover protectively.

"I'm f-"

More coughing interrupted her as dust clogged Twilight's throat. Luna leaned in closer, concern rampant in her expression.

"I'm fine, Luna, really. What happened?"

"An explosion, nearby. Maybe even in this building. We have to get out of here. Whatever's happening, I don't want you anywhere near here. Can you stand?"

Twilight shook off most of the dust covering her and stood, a little shaky as the adrenaline of nearly getting crushed ran through her. Luna wrapped her in a hug, wings encasing them for a moment. Releasing from the hug, Luna started trotting to the stairs, barely under a gallop.

"Let's go. We need to rendezvous with the Berets."

Following Luna up the stairs, Twilight emerged from the basement to find the lobby they had passed through not minutes before a scene of chaos and violence. Parts of the walls had fallen in places, desks and chairs were overturned, pictures ripped off the walls and dark stains all around. Twilight took a few steps before she looked down and noticed a leg sticking out from under a large rock, red liquid seeping out from under it. Abruptly, Twilight realized that the stains around the room were blood, splattered across walls and rubble as if thrown, but from no discernible source. Looking closer, Twilight saw several griffons lay dead, crushed under rubble from the walls and ceiling. Luna and Twilight began to carefully pick their way across the room to the exit, when Twilight heard a cough. Stopping in her tracks, she looked around the room, not sure if to rush to the aid of a possible survivor, or ignore the possible trap. The cough came again, so weak she could barely hear it, but it was enough for Twilight to pinpoint the location of the noise. It came from under the large reception desk in the center of the room, which was now upside down and broken in half. Remembering her lessons, Twilight sunk down into her mind, looking at the desk through her magic. Waves were coming from under the desk, barely ripples, and a sickly shade of brown. Deciding that the ripples were that of a dying griffon, Twilight jumped across the rubble between her and the desk. She knelt down, finding a griffon pinned under the desk, bloodied and broken.

"Hold on! We'll get you out of there!"

Taking several steps back, Twilight grabbed hold of the giant desk with her magic, straining to lift it. Doubt clouded her mind as she barely was able to shift it. Another weak cough came from under the desk, followed by a weak squeal of pain. A dark cloud of blue floated from beside her, and Twilight realized Luna had joined her efforts. As soon as the dark blue magic melded with Twilight's violet, the desk suddenly launched across the room, shattering against the far wall. Twilight rushed back to the griffon's side, followed closely by Luna.

"Can you hear me? What happened? Luna, communicate with Wildfire if you can. Tell him we need medical assistance!"

Luna nodded and closed her eyes, trying to establish a connection. Cradling the griffon's head in her lap, Twilight felt a flutter of hope as his eyes opened, unfocused and looking around the room wildly.

"Hey! Can you hear me? What's your name? I'm Twilight Sparkle, and-"

"She..... She came......... Vengeance, she said...... Vengeance.................. Darkness.............. No sound, just dark emptiness..............."

"Who came?"

The eyes focused for the first time, boring into Twilight, a look of complete fear.

"Darkness............. So much darkness..................... Run."

"Excuse me?"


Twilight jumped at the sudden exclamation, dropping the griffon's head as she fell backwards. The griffon continued screaming, thrashing on the ground awkwardly. The wings flailed clumsily, flinging a drop of blood across Twilight's face.


The griffon unexpectedly stopped screaming and thrashing, the sudden stillness causing Twilight to hesitate before softly approaching again. The golden eyes were open, but unseeing, the feathered breast no longer moving. Twilight felt a wingtip brush her shoulder, and turned to find Luna beside her, wings open, glancing around the room as if she expected to be attacked any second.

"Come along, Twilight. He is dead."

Tearing her eyes away from the corpse in front of her, Twilight numbly followed Luna outside. Griffons were flying around in panic, and it was a few seconds until Twilight realized that several buildings were on fire and bodies were laying in the streets. Through the chaos, the Black Berets emerged, running full sprint towards the pair. Wildfire was the first to reach them, out of breath and covered in ash.

"Princess! Twilight! Are you okay? You said something about needing medical-"

"We're fine. Prepare to teleport!"

A flash of blue later, the group was on the hill they had looked down on the city from. Looking back, Twilight saw that the entire city was embroiled in chaos. Griffon soldiers flew in circles above the city, seeking an enemy to fight and finding none. Buildings were on fire and bodies lie in the streets. It looked to Twilight like a battle was taking place, but there were no invaders. Turning back, Twilight saw several Black Berets nursing bruises and cuts, but nothing serious. Luna barked to Wildfire, who was tying a cloth around a cut on his leg.

"Wildfire, report!"

"I don't know what happened, Princess. One second we're talking to Diamond Dog prisoners, the next there's fire and griffons falling from the bucking sky! We immediately came to find you. That's all. We never saw any soldiers other than griffons."

"Well, we believe we know who is behind the attacks on the griffons, and who is most likely behind this."


"Of course. Apparently she was plotting with the Chancellor of the Diamond Dogs. I can only suppose that she is behind this as well. Double-crossing swine, I should have expected no less. Everypony, prepare to move out!"

Twilight walked up to Luna. She met her lover's eyes and saw anger, deep and old.

"Where are we going?"

"Back to Canterlot. It's time I took a closer look at the Black Star files."

Luna and the Berets turned and walked into the woods, beginning the long trek back to Canterlot. Twilight made to follow them, but something made her stop; a tingling sensation running down her spine. A faint laughter drifted on the wind, making the violet unicorn twitch her ears. Looking back at the city, Twilight thought she could just barely see a shape, barely more than a shadow, standing between two buildings on the outskirts. The laughter faded, and when Twilight blinked, the shadow disappeared. Shaking her head to rid her mind of the villainous thoughts, Twilight followed the rest of the group into the forest.

Author's Note:

Huge thanks to Empsplosion. Go love on him.