• Published 7th May 2012
  • 6,487 Views, 364 Comments

Intension - MadMan

Twilight gets a lucrative invitation for a top secret project. It seems like a dream come true, a true opportunity to help civilization advance, but soon the dream becomes a nightmare.

  • ...

Deciphering Devotion

Twilight closed her eyes and let the chilly night air fuss with her mane. She opened her eyes and gazed at the stars from her vantage point on a balcony off Luna's bedroom. It was a clear night and the stars were shining bright, but that only served to deepen Twilight's anxiety. She was bothered by Luna's absence, that was sure, but there was something else, an elephant in the room, so to speak. The violet unicorn's thoughts were fluttering and distracted, and she had barely been able to read any of the papers she had been scouring for a clue to Axion's movements.

Instead, her thoughts were of air. How it had ruffled her mane similar to how it was at the moment, how it would pull at her coat, how it would make her eyes water at higher speeds, and how it had felt slithering about, over and under her wings. She missed flying, and all the sensations that came with. The freedom, the defiance of gravity, the adrenaline, and the delight that comes with flying could hardly be matched.

Twilight stood on the balcony for hours, staring into the night sky and reminiscing about flying. She was just about to go inside when she noticed a pegasus flying around the taller spires of the castle. She watched curiously, trying to figure out what they were up to, when they passed near enough to a lit window for Twilight to see they weren't just a pegasi. A huge grin broke her face as Luna swooped towards her, coming to land right beside her and enveloping Twilight in a hug in one fluid motion. They stayed in the embrace for several moments, neither saying a word. Eventually, they broke the embrace and just stood on the balcony, leaning against each other and observing the night. Twilight closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Luna's silky coat and her warmth. After a time, Twilight broke the silence.

"So, was your journey a success?"

"In a way. I found a diary from Black Star."

"Really? That's great! What's in it?"

"Just one page, to Axion. Here."

Luna opened the pouch she had around her neck and extracted the diary. Twilight took it in here telekinesis and opened it to the first page. She read the entry, eyebrows furrowed. Luna smiled as she saw Twilight slip into her academic mindset and immediately began deciphering it.

"Well, the graphology here is interesting. The writing is smaller than most, meaning that Black Star was most likely research-oriented, good concentration, methodical, and not always social. A lot of the letters are connected with a single pen stroke, meaning that he was also probably logical, systematic, and made decisions carefully, so the content here was most likely drafted first, and planned carefully. If you look here and here, you can see that he made slashes over his i's instead of dotting them. That often means that he is overly self-critical, and doesn't have a lot of patience for inadequacy or ponies that don't learn from their mistakes."

Luna smiled and looked back to the night sky as Twilight continued analyzing the writing.

"Now the actual content. This is a bit more interesting. The first sentence is about how he fears he has wronged Axion, indicating that he is anxious for her to understand his regret. He mentions his hesitation was because he didn't want them to get distracted from their goals. He's willing to make a lot of sacrifices to obtain his goals. From there it's pretty straightforward. He also mentions that he left Axion a picture, so he's apparently slightly sentimental, also indicated by him telling her where to find his grave. The last line, 'Take my likeness....'"

Twilight abruptly stopped, her mouth hanging open as she gazed at the diary, eyes unfocused as if she was looking right through it. Luna watched her for a moment, perplexed.


"Do you remember when you first met Axion?"

"Of course. She scared the stars out of me."


"Because she I thought she looked like an old nemesis. Near identical, in fact."

"Who would that be?"

"....... Black Star."


Luna blinked twice at this statement. she had never revealed that she had actually had an encounter with Black Star, yet Twilight hadn't batted an eyelash.

"Exactly what?"

"Black Star mentions that Axion was in love with him, so-"


Twilight shook her head once, a response to being interrupted mid-lecture.


"Black Star was a mare."

Twilight paused for only a moment, but nothing could stop her when she was in lecture mode. She took the information in stride and continued, adapting her lecture to fit.

"Her, then. Black Star mentioned that Axion was in love with her. Axion is still operating to bring forth Black Star's plans, meaning that obviously she cares for Black Star a lot. What if she took the last sentence literally?"

"I'm afraid I'm not following, Twilight."

"'Take my likeness.' What if Axion took that literally? What if she took it to mean to change her appearance to fit Black Star's?"

Luna stood, dumbfounded temporarily.

"Axion is obsessive......"

Twilight nodded and sat, a smug look on her face.

"It would seem. Axion is unstable. Black Star's death shook her emotionally, and she probably went mildly insane. She assumed Black Star's identity, or at least appearance, and is still working to bring her plans for Equestrian domination to fruit. She can barely think for herself anymore, instead all she can think about is Black Star's dreams and desires. Textbook identity crisis."

Twilight concluded her lecture, and simply sat, looking proud of herself. Luna smiled and kissed Twilight on the cheek, then turned to go inside.

"Come on, I'm hungry. All this analyzing has given me an appetite."

Twilight laughed and followed Luna inside, where they spent the evening theorizing and dining, eating fine cheese and sipping fine wine. A few hours before dawn, Luna caught Twilight yawning, and so sent her to bed, promising to follow as soon as she set the moon and ended the night. Twilight crawled into the large bed and quickly drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Author's Note:

Bam. Another short chapter, but nonetheless busy. Graphology has long interested me, so it was only a matter of time until I incorporated it.

Once again, like, fav, comment! You guys rock.


EDIT: Changed "About an hour before dawn..." to "A few hours before dawn..." due to a massive brainfart I had when posting this originally. .