• Published 7th May 2012
  • 6,498 Views, 364 Comments

Intension - MadMan

Twilight gets a lucrative invitation for a top secret project. It seems like a dream come true, a true opportunity to help civilization advance, but soon the dream becomes a nightmare.

  • ...

Veiled Reverberations

Twilight sat on the edge of Luna's bed. She immediately felt a shift in the mattress, then a hoof reached around her back to pull her close. She sat in the embrace for a few long moments, eyes closed, enjoying this small comfort. She felt herself being pulled down onto the mattress. She allowed herself to be laid down, and felt Luna wrap around her. Twilight lay still for a few moments, but she could feel the thoughts gnawing at her mind, like an infectious disease. The moment was near to finally reveal to her lover the truth, and Twilight decided it was to be the whole truth. She needed somepony else to help her decide what to do, and there was none better than Luna.

"Twilight, what's bothering you?"

Twilight pushed Luna's hoof from around her shoulders and sat upright. She took Luna's hoof in her own, and braced herself. She wasn't sure exactly how this was going to sound out loud, but there was no way it could sound good.

"It's the research we're doing."

"Something go wrong again?"

"No. Well, yes. But it's more than that."

"I don't quite follow."

"I haven't quite told you everything."

A small light flared at the end of Luna's horn, then flew to the ceiling, lighting the chandelier. In the flickering light, Twilight could see Luna's troubled expression as she sat up and began to massage Twilight's hoof.

"Well, you know you can tell me anything."


So Twilight took a deep breath and began her story. She started with the night the letter appeared, and then the night she got her wings. As her story went on, Luna's expression went from troubled, to worried, to amazed, then settled on thoughtful. Throughout the whole story, Twilight could tell that there were several thoughts going through the Princess's mind, but she never said anything.

When Twilight began to describe the research herself and Axion had been doing, Luna leaned forward in sheer rapture. She asked a few questions, mostly about the machine, and Twilight described in more detail about what they were attempting to do. When she was done, Luna reclined onto a pillow, temporarily dumbfounded.

"I... I thought that was impossible! Over the years, many have tried what you're trying to do, but none succeeded. Why are you so sure it will work?"

"The Moon Stone and Sun Stone. We believe they are what has been missing."

"The Celestial Stones.... I see..."

"The what?"

"That is what they are called as a pair. More of Celestia's vanity. That was her decision. About a hundred years before Nightmare Moon, she thought they needed a name."

"I see. Well, as it turns out, we need one. At the very least, we can use the power within them to create another stone strong enough to contain the forces that will come out of the machine. If not, one of them should work adequately."

"I understand. However, you still haven't answered my question. What has you so worried?"

"Well, we need a Stone."


"And Celestia has them."


"Well.... Axion thinks that Celestia will not allow us access. I am inclined to agree."

"You are right. Celestia will not part with the Stones. And you need one. I see where this is going. And I dare say that I have had similar thoughts."

"You.... What?"

Luna stood from the bed and walked around the room. She eventually settled behind a writing desk, and turned back to Twilight, who was still on the edge of the bed.

"Yes. You're going to try to take one, without Celestia knowing. Probably the Moon Stone. And I myself have entertained a similar disposition. I have wanted to take it very much."

"Well.... I hate to hear it put like that..."

"Oh, Twilight. It's not to worry. You know you can trust me. Besides, it's anybody's guess how many times I've thought of stealing the Moon Stone back myself. I do miss it."

"We're not stealing! We're just....."

"Borrowing without permission? Liberating? Reclaiming? There's plenty of terms, but they all mean the same thing. However, as loathe as I am to have resorted to this, I think it needs to be done."

Twilight searched Luna's eyes for any hints of emotion, but found just determination. The Princess was being completely serious.

I was expecting anger, condescension, something. But, support?

"Well, yes, I guess so."

"As it happens, I believe this can work for a mutual advantage. I simply want my Stone back. It is rightfully mine, made for me, and given to me. And you need it for research that I think is a wonderful idea."

Twilight looked up from the floor she had been scrutinizing to Luna. The Princess had leaned forward, one hoof leaned against the desk, the other on her chin. It was a familiar pose from all the meetings they had attended together. Twilight called it her 'Politician Mode.' She smiled and shook her head.

"I love it when you talk business."

"I know. Now, as it happens, I have been doing a little light plotting the past few years. I think I know where she keeps my Moon Stone. I think I can get it back."

"But, you mentioned once the power was locked away or something like that."

"Yes. I think I know how to unlock it, and then I will be truly independent of Celestia again."

Twilight stood, and walked over to Luna, kissing her on the cheek.

"Well, if you think this can work out for all of us, I am disinclined to disagree. However, when Celestia finds out, she will not be happy."

"I will handle her. She has sat high and mighty far too long. She needs to be reminded this is a diarchy."

Twilight had to resist the urge to flinch at the venom in Luna's voice. But the more she thought about it, the more sense it made.

The past few years since Luna returned, she has always been second to her sister, where she used to be, and should still be, equal to.

Twilight decided that this was going the best way it could, and to just go with the flow.

"Well, Luna, do you have a plan?"

The smile that followed would have been terrifying if Twilight didn't know that the plans behind it were in her favor.

"Oh, Twilight, you know me. Of course I do. Can you be ready in a week?"

"I think so, yes. What do you need?"

Luna smiled again, the predatory smile of one on the hunt and closing in on the prey.

"I believe you are capable of a teleportation spell?"


A week later found Twilight in Luna's room again, but on less leisurely activities. She was dressed in dark clothing, with a black band holding her mane back and out of the way. She was stretching, testing out the limits of the clothes. She was hoping not to have to truly test it, but one can never be sure. She happened to catch a glimpse of herself in a mirror beside the couch Luna was reclining on.

I look just like the time I used time travel to try and warn myself about time travel. All I'm missing is the eyepiece.

Twilight chuckled lightly to herself, and finished her stretches.

"Well, I guess I'm ready."

Luna stood and walked over to Twilight.

"Are you sure? Once we begin, there can be no stopping. The guards will be on very high alert."

"I'm sure."

"Okay. Wait here until you hear the bang. Then, go like your tail is on fire and your mane is catching."

Twilight laughed at Luna's analogy. Without another word, Luna kissed Twilight, then headed out the door, going to the eastern wall to begin the operation with a distraction. Hopefully the guards on duty would move to investigate, leaving Twilight to the rest of the eastern wing, which was where the main treasure room for the castle was situated. Luna was sure that Celestia had hidden the Stone there.

Hiding a needle in a sewing shop.

Twilight sat by the door and waited for her signal. It wasn't a very long wait until she heard a very faint bang, quickly followed by running hoofsteps.

Going the exact opposite direction I need to go. Luna, you're wonderful.

Twilight ducked out of the door, and quickly looked around. When she saw the deserted hallway, she took off down the hall. Glancing around another corner, she continued to run down the deserted hallways until she came to a very large and very locked door. Smiling, Twilight closed her eyes and prepared her teleportation spell. Teleporting somewhere that was not visible was extra tricky, especially if the user had never seen the location before. Twilight had practiced her teleporting over the past week, and had the distances committed to memory. In a bright purple flash, she disappeared from the hall, and reappeared inside the room.

Twilight opened her eyes, then closed them again. The room was pitch black. But Twilight had been warned of this. Summoning a bit of magic, she sent a ball of light towards the ceiling, where it hung there, suspended. Opening her eyes again, she glanced around at the shelves of glittering miscellaneous items. Countless bits worth of treasure was around her, but she was looking for one. After many minutes of searching, Twilight found it, behind a stack of ancient scrolls that she was extremely interested in. But, business was business, so Twilight had to ignore them as she levitated the Stone out of its place.

At first, only the glittering dark blue Stone was visible in the enchanted light. Then, a large, ornate necklace followed, much like the one Celestia wore, except smaller and made out of silver rather than gold. The inlays were made of black wood, as well as the socket in which the Stone was laid. It was beautiful and dark, much like the Princess it belonged to.

Bringing the Stone to within hoof's reach, Twilight grabbed it and settled the necklace around her neck. It felt wrong, like she was trying to impersonate Luna, but she couldn't teleport and levitate at the same time. Walking back to the door, Twilight quenched the light, and closed her eyes to prepare to teleport. However, just before she released her magic, some feeling ran down her spine like a million ants. Opening her eyes, she turned and looked around the room for a moment. Nothing seemed out of place. The stacks of treasures were still glittering exactly like they were before. Suddenly, realization hit her like a boulder in a landslide.

I rescinded the light.... Why can I still see!?

Twilight quickly backed towards the door and summoned more magic, but as she released, she felt a sensation she had read about many times, but never wanted to feel herself. A faint tickling in the tip of her horn, where her magic was supposed to channel through, trying to escape and do her will, but was being blocked by an external source.

This type of spell requires the caster to be more powerful than the victim. There can't be many unicorns more powerful than me, and definitely not so much to make such a complete block. That means...

Twilight cringed as the light flared, and a familiar and dreaded voice rang out.


Twilight gasped and fell to the floor as Celestia appeared in a flash of white light; tall, dignified, angry, and terrifying.


Twilight whimpered in fear and tried to crawl away, but her back was already against the wall, and she could go no further. The Moon Stone was cold against her chest as she curled up into a ball. She was afraid, paralyzed from that fear, and could do nothing. Her mind stalled, and instead of trying to rationalize her way out of the situation, all she could think of was how dumb the whole plan was, how dumb she was, and how wrong all this was.

Wrong, wrong wrong, I'm WRONG this is wrong I shouldn't be here this was a bad idea what am I doing I should-


Again, the stones underneath Twilight reverberated from the force of the vocalization, and again, Twilight couldn't answer. Celestia took several slow steps towards Twilight, and as she loomed over the terrified librarian, her eyes blazed with the fires of the sun itself, and were laced with rage incalculable. Twilight simply couldn't concentrate enough to even utter a reply, no matter how much she wanted to.


Twilight whimpered again, a wordless mutter of fear.

This is it. The end. It's over.


Celestia leaned down, so that her face was mere inches from Twilight's own, who had finally managed to raise her head enough to look her former mentor in the eye.



Twilight amazed herself at her quiet demurral. She didn't think she would be say anything, but somehow the word had slipped out. Celestia's face showed that she was as surprised as Twilight, but also that her anger had increased at the rebellion.


"When I what, exactly!? Maybe I have a very good idea of what I'm doing, just like I did then! I'm not the naive bookkeeper egghead you sent to Ponyville years ago to learn of friendship! I have grown since then, and can think for myself!"

Celestia's eyes had dilated, and Twilight suddenly felt that her moment of bravado had been ill-advised. For several months, she had wanted to say what she had just said, but now that she did, she wasn't so sure it was a good idea. Celestia spoke again, but even without the Royal Voice, it was still full of scorn and disappointment.

"I never meant to anger you, Twilight. I cared for you. I was worried."

"That was no excuse to do what you did!"

Celestia's eyes narrowed, and her breathing became deeper.

"What was and wasn't excused is not the point. I made a decision, a decision that I made for YOU."

"I don't need you making decisions for me!"

Twilight finally made it to her hooves, and stood. Her flank was still against the door, but her head was upright, with the Moon Stone dangling about her throat. She gazed back into Celestia's eyes, desperately trying to at least appear less afraid than she was, though she was pretty sure she was failing. Twilight lowered her voice, suddenly overcome with sorrow with the situation.

Celestia used to be more than just a friend. She was like my second mother. Yet, here we are.

"I know you cared for me, but what happened was just not what I wanted. You were so caught up in what was right that you didn't let me-"

Twilight was suddenly cut off as a cloud of azure appeared and wrapped around her. She had just enough time to see Celestia's face, overcome with rage, before she disappeared, reappearing in Luna's bedroom, where the Princess Of The Night stood, looking very afraid.

"Twilight! Are you alright? When you weren't back, I tried to go in the room, but there was a block on the door, and I realized what had to have happened. How did she know? What did she say? Did you get it?"

"I'm fine, and yes, I got it."

Twilight levitated the necklace off her neck and over to Luna. She looked at it with some trepidation as the chain floated over her head, but as the Stone settled on her chest, a look of joy came over her face and she closed her eyes. Twilight immediately felt a current flowing through her coat as Luna's magical aura multiplied. Luna's mane and tail glowed bright, and whipped around as if blown by an unseen wind, and her horn seemed to glow slightly, as did the Stone. After a moment, the tumult around the Princess died down, and Luna's appearance turned back to normal. She walked over to Twilight and kissed her deeply for several moments.

"I cannot thank you enough, Twilight. You risked a lot to get this for me, and now you're in trouble with Celestia, just for me. You are amazing."

"You're worth it."

Luna smiled again and laid her head on Twilight's shoulder.

"You're too sweet."

Twilight reciprocated Luna's affection by leaning her head against her lover's neck, and the two stayed in the position for several moments. After a time, Luna indicated she had some business to attend to, not least of all was confronting Celestia.

"I would rather you weren't here for this."

"I guess I can go back to the lab and let Axion know what happened."

"Sounds good. Tell her I will send the Stone with you in a few days. I'll send you a letter and let you know when I will come."

Twilight pressed against Luna's chest, feeling the warmness from her body and the coldness of the Stone.

"I don't want to go."

"You need to."

"Please. I want to know you're safe."

"Do you think that things would get that dangerous?"

"I hope not, but I honestly do not know. Please. For me?"

Twilight looked into Luna's eyes, then closed her own and leaned back against her.

"Okay. I should be going then, or else I never will."

"Be safe."

Twilight kissed Luna one last time, then turned without a look and went to the open window, opening her wings and flying off into the darkness. She circled the castle once, then set off south-west for the lab.

Landing at the lab, Twilight looked up at the weathered stone and the moss, realizing she had never seen the outside of the lab at night. She was always flying away from it, and had never looked back. Now that she was looking upon it bathed in moonlight, it looked much more malevolent. Suppressing a shudder, Twilight walked in, and made her way to the lab. Opening the door, she was surprised to find the lights on, and a few of the various pieces of machinery as well.


Twilight turned to her left to see Axion step out from behind a table of instruments.

"Oh, hello, Axion. I didn't see you there. You're up late."

"I was just running some tests. You're back early. Did you think about what I said?"

"I did one step further than that."

"What do you mean?"

"I got it."

"The Moon Stone?"


Axion smiled wide, in a way the vaguely reminded of the nearly impossible way Pinkie Pie would, and took a few steps toward Twilight, as if to embrace her. However, at the last moment, she turned away and ran deeper into the lab, shouting back at Twilight the entire way.

"Oh, this is tremendous! Spectacular! We have been preparing for this moment for such a long time! Finally, we can see if this works! Darn it, where did I put that- Oh, here it is!"

Axion came rushing back from a the furthest corner of the lab, carrying in front of her a glass bottle with a golden and silver label.

"I was going to save this for when we actually succeeded, but I'm so happy now, I think we can afford a sip! Do you drink wine, Twilight?"

"Well, I haven't before, but I have had some of Applejack's special apple cider a few times."

"Oh, this is nothing like uncouth homebrewed concoctions. This is the finest of wines, direct from Stalliongrad, from the finest of wine makers. Not cheap, but worth every bit."

"Well, I've certainly never had fine wine."

"Well, prepare to have your world metaphorically rocked! Afterwards, we shall begin immediately!"

"Oh, well, about that..."

"Speaking of which, where is the Stone? I do not see it about you."

"Luna has it at the moment."


Axion got a faraway look on her face, as if she was peering into the distance, and the bottle drooped in the air a bit. Twilight hurried to bolster the situation and Axion's spirits.

"It was her plan to get the Stone back. The plan is that she allows us to use it to make a replica to use, but first she wanted to prove something to Celestia."

"To prove she is Celestia's equal, no doubt."

"Y.. Yes. How did you know?"

"Oh, my dear, it is only logical."

Axion's smile returned, and she trotted over to a nearby table, sweeping the various tools out of the way to make room for the bottle and conjured two wine glasses out of nowhere.

"The system is a diarchy, for sure, and I'm sure Luna just wants her place back in it. Anyone who keeps up with Canterlot politics can see that even though it has been years since her return, Luna is still far from the level of power she used to have. It follows logically she would want that back."

"Yes, that's true."

"Now, enough of this, I'm dying to try this wine! It been ages since I've had fine wine, far too long!"

A small cloud of magic covered the bottle, from which the cork was deftly removed, and two streams of the wine were gracefully lifted from the bottle and into the glasses. One floated towards Twilight, who quickly caught it with her own magic. She stared at the dark red liquid for a moment, wondering at the small amounts. There was barely enough for a single drink.

"Small amounts, I see?"

"Oh, yes. This kind of wine is best enjoyed a little at a time. Go ahead, try it, but be careful, it's very potent."

Twilight shrugged and took a sip from her glass. Immediately she was racked with coughing as fire raced down her throat. She barely was able to hold her glass upright as she struggled to breathe. She heard a small giggle from Axion, whom she looked at incredulously as soon as the coughing calmed enough to allow her.

"I told you it was strong."


Twilight had to cough again and tried to speak again.

"Ahem... What is this stuff?"

"Aged wine, like I said."

Twilight shook her head and glared at the glass in front of her.

"Try another sip. It usually gets easier as you go."

Twilight gave a sideways glance at Axion and did as recommended. The second sip still contained all the fury and fire as the first one, but less pain. Though it still burned her, Twilight was able to discern a taste this time. It was fairly pleasant.

"How does it taste, Twilight?"

"Like sunshine and hatred. I think I could come to like it, but this stuff burns like Celestia's sun."

Axion merely laughed again, and Twilight noticed her glass was already empty.

"You finished yours already? I didn't see you take a sip, or even cough!"

"Yes, with experience comes ability. I am used to this. Now, I am able to focus on the taste of which you can barely distinguish. Hints of apple and pear flavors with just a teasing of ginger. Crisp."

"If you say so..."

"I do. Now that we have celebrated, back to business. Did Princess Luna ever tell you roughly when we could expect the Moon Stone?"

Twilight finished the small amount of wine at the bottom of her glass. It was enough to make her close her eyes for a moment, but luckily not to cough.

"Not exactly. She just said a few days, and she would send a letter immediately before."

"Well, not a moment to lose! Duplicating the Stone will be easy once we have it, but we must prepare! Do you remember the procedures?"

"Yes. Shall I gather the other crystals we have and find the best, or do you want to do it?"

"No dear, you do that, and I will get the stands and et cetera."

"Sounds good."

The next few days were a flurry of activity at the lab. Twilight had literally hundreds of crystals to sort through, of all different sizes and shapes. She was looking for one of medium size, and of utmost clarity. Imperfections in the proffered crystal would lower its energetic yield, thus weakening it. So Twilight used a few simple spells to find the most pure. The task took nearly two days by itself, by which time Axion had completed the platform where the replication was to happen. It was fairly simple; two pedestals about four feet apart, with various wires coming from either side. The process was technically possible without any of this, but Axion wanted to be absolutely sure that the process was to be as successful as possible. Usually, such a reproduction was somewhat less potent than its predecessor, but Axion figured that with the careful application of science, their donor stone would be nearly as good as the original.

Another two days passed with Axion and Twilight working on the main machine, the one to do the magical combination, where the reproduced stone was to be utilized. It was on the afternoon of this fourth day that Twilight felt a magical field come to her, flowing into her horn. Knowing what was happening, Twilight cast her own retrieval spell, and a small letter appeared before her in a flash of purple fire. Twilight read it, and quickly ran to Axion to convey the news.

"Axion! Luna says that she'll come tomorrow! Right after she raises the moon!"

"That's fantastic! Only, how does she know where the lab is? And I was rather hoping that you would bring it yourself. Call me old fashioned, but I am stickler about outsiders coming in here."

"Well, the plan was that I cast a guiding spell, and she teleports here, than back to the castle when we're done. That way, she doesn't have to know the location. I have told her about your desire for secrecy. I guess I should have mentioned that part."

"Alright, I suppose I can approve of that."

"Awesome! I'll write her back and let her know."

The next day seemed like it was upon Twilight like the night never happened, but once she was awake the day seemed like it was trying to pass as slowly as possible, like Celestia herself was torturing her. Twilight busied herself with checking and double checking the various machinations on the machine, and the pedestals, and eventually dusk arrived. As soon as the sun had reached the western horizon, the small alert spell Twilight had set went off, alerting her to the impending dusk. She quickly ran outside to await the moon's raising.

It wasn't very long until the pale glow of the moon came over the horizon, and Twilight closed her eyes and cast her guidance spell. It was designed to be used between two ponies, and so Twilight was able to feel it when Luna locked on to the magical strand and began to follow it. An instant later, and muffled bang echoed throughout the small clearing, and Twilight opened her eyes to find Luna directly in front of her, in full radiance, with the Moon Stone around her neck.


"Hello, my dear."

The mares embraced and shared a quick kiss, then Twilight led the way into the bare stone building. Luna looked about, obviously confused by the lack of laboratory, but before she could raise objections, Twilight smiled at her and pressed the hidden switch to open the door in the wall.

"How does it work? I never felt the magical residue from it. That's impossible!"

"You never felt the magic in it because it's not magical. It's all mechanical. Magical residues can be detected through enough empty space than it could theoretically be found from any unicorn walking past. The actual lab is deep enough that it is shielded, but this door isn't. So Axion invented this mechanism."


Luna stared at the door frame for another moment before following Twilight down the narrow stairs, having to duck her head to prevent her horn from scraping the ceiling. Once at the bottom, Luna walked into the lab with an expression of amazement, looking at the profusion of tools, machines, and other objects she could only guess at the use of. Twilight smiled at her.

"Like it?"

"It's.... Something, all right. I've never seen a laboratory quite like this."

"Ah, Princess Luna."

Both of the mares spun around to see Axion walk out from behind a bookshelf to their right. Twilight opened her mouth to greet her and introduce Luna, but was loudly interrupted by the Princess.

Luna had reacted immediately as she spotted Axion, Spinning her horn in a small circle, the Moon Stone disappeared from her neck in a puff of smoke and Luna took a fighting stance towards Axion.


Author's Note: