• Published 7th May 2012
  • 6,498 Views, 364 Comments

Intension - MadMan

Twilight gets a lucrative invitation for a top secret project. It seems like a dream come true, a true opportunity to help civilization advance, but soon the dream becomes a nightmare.

  • ...

Writer's Remarks

Wow, guys. Here we are. What was originally gonna be a medium length adventure has degenerated into an epic journey, spanning the land in search of truth and justice. I have recently redone my plans for this story, and have decided to make it a trilogy. Everyone loves a trilogy, right!? RIGHT.

In reality, this silly little story has gone way past any of my expectations, and every favorite, vote, view and comment pushes it a little further still. And I would be nowhere at all if not for you guys, the magnificent readers.

This all started with a bit of inspiration, as these stories are wont to. Not any particular inspiration, but snippets from so many sources, I won't even try to name them. Okay, I might name a few.

Past Sins - Pen Stroke This story. Enough said.

Shawnay631 This little lady. You really have her to thank for everything, as her story Truth is one of the fics that inspired me to start writing at all. Thanks, Torch.

THIS MAGNIFICENT BASTARD who has wrought one of the best adventure fics ever. I love epic journeys, and have sought to make one myself. Needless to say, his beats mine with all limbs tied behind his back and a blindfold on. Incredibly inspiring.

And also, there's my buddy Winter, who so generously supplied the damn sexy cover art.

And last but probably most, the album Sing The Sorrow by the great band AFI.

I really hope you guys support my plan of making this into three separate stories rather than one super long story. There's so much room for development, both in characters and story line.

I know there are mountains of questions you all want answers to, but I PROMISE, they are coming. I like stories with closure, but in due time. I also plan on going back and fixing the most common complaints, mostly about those terrible timeskips. I know, I handled those horribly, but now I feel I've progressed as a writer to the point that I might be able to do something there. The main reason I used the timeskips is because some was happening (TWILUNA) and I really felt that skipping said scene and coming back to it later would be better than making a terrible scene and ya'll running away.

Thank you.


[addendum 8/29/13] This guy made a wicked cool song, featuring a slightly edited version of Axion's evil monologue in the chapter The Primary Fallacy. Go see!
HACKD - Amaranth

Author's Note:

Fun fact: Empsplosion did not edit this.

Comments ( 30 )

I saw this marked complete, and feared the worst. Now, after reading the two chapters, i'm happy that this will be continued. Make sure to add a link to the new story when you publish it, for others to go straight onto, if they wish, alright? Nothing bothers me more than having to hunt down a sequel/subsequent story when it's announced, but not linked.

nice, the only problem now is going to be waiting for the other 40 chapters like I'm some sort of addict that went awhile without a dose (I DON'T HAVE A PONY PROBLEM!!)

Anyways, best of luck with it!


1984272 Gomen (Japanese for thank you)

You, sir, have gained a watcher.

Looking forward to books two and three! Does Twilight ever get her wings back, btw?

he can't tell you that!:rainbowderp:

awesome work (all of you guys, the author and everyone credited)!; really really looking forward to the next piece!:raritystarry:

Maybe not right out, but he could insinuate something, ya? :duck:

well, giving her wings in the first place only to violently rip them off her back seems a little too much a buzz-kill if he didn't intend to compensate later. (hoping for full on alicorn for luna's sake)

That would be nice, yes. Well, here's to hoping! :twilightsmile:

Good place to cut off book one. I'm looking forward to the second.

1985297 I will. It might be a bit before I post anything, but i definitely will.

1985321 ahaha thanks, I'll do my best to do an update at least every three weeks.

1992562 I thought so as well. :]

1985963 Thanks! Oddly enough, after posting the last chapter I more than doubled my watchers. >_>

1986392 I can't tell you that.

1987532 thanks. :3

Too many authors forget to do that with sequels.

And as for:

It might be a bit before I post anything, but i definitely will.

I'm still waiting for composure to update, after all.

Edit - Wow, that sounded a whole lot less dickish in my head. Doesn't make it any less true though.

1998936 xD It's not that I'm writing at a slower pace, I'm just going to edit and fix some of Intension and get it properly readable before i start posting a new story. As well, by the time i'm ready, i'll have a handful of chapters to grace you with in a short time! Err'body wins!

2016385 as in don't get it, or never thought it was cute?

ohmygod dude, regarding the Writer's Remarks, thanks for the mention! I'm so amazingly honored, really.

I need to read this! How have I let this pass me by? I mean, yeah, as I've said, I don't read fanfics in general... so I'm gonna make this one my first (well, my first TRUE one). Especially with the sequel on its way!

I feel like I need to apologize for not doing this sooner... somehow, I just never knew this story existed! I really only visit fimfic to upload my own story and to read feedback and stuff... if you look on my profile you'll see I've starred/favorited/followed zero stories (or whatever it's all called). That's my excuse! But no longer. I'm gonna jump into this as soon as I can!

Anyway, cheers, and congrats on getting a story out and moving on to a sequel! In my own experience, it's one of the best and most rewarding feelings in the world. Enjoy it!

2056455 Haha no man, thank YOU for being so inspiring that I put you there. :D
And I'm deeply flattered that you're choosing my story to read. If you feel like changing the whole zero favs thing, you know where to come :raritywink:

And yes, having one moderately successful story out and making a sequel is am amazing feeling.

2090894 I agree completely. :] I see "Doctor Whooves" as his label that we may refer to him by, but not his name.

I also plan on going back and fixing the most common complaints, mostly about those terrible timeskips. I know, I handled those horribly, but now I feel I've progressed as a writer to the point that I might be able to do something there.

I actually thought the first half, including the time skips, was the better part of this story. The second half just seemed... choppy. It's hard to describe. (Edit: Attempt to describe it deleted because it came off too negatively)

I really hope you guys support my plan of making this into three separate stories rather than one super long story. For some reason, it just seems right. I know that I have seen fics with 100,000+ word counts and great reviews, and just not bothered to read. Don't get me wrong, I love long stories, especially if done right. There's so much room for development, both in characters and story line. However, on the other end of the spectrum, one of my favorite series is The Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelaney, which is a satisfying and great story, but all five books barely add up to the word count of a Harry Potter book. Length is just a byproduct of content while fluff is something to be avoided, and fluffing is something I fear I do a lot.

If you absolutely MUST chop it up into small 'books', I think that the first one should have ended with a short epilogue of Twilight waking up in the hospital.

The thing about making a bunch of separate books is, they have to actually be BOOKS. Each one must tell a story from beginning to end. The journey of Twilight's research, finding love, her moral conflict, stealing the stone, the success of her work and finally betrayal at the hooves of her partner—that is a complete arc. It's a tragedy, yes, but a complete one.

Recovering in the hospital, picking herself back up, getting a squad, making new friends, that's all perfect for the beginning of the second arc. The early invasion of Cantrerlot is a low point perfect for the MIDDLE of an arc, and that's how it's written. There is no climax in the invasion. There are small challenges, but no great, meaningful conflict. Twilight escapes Axion without so much as a monologue from her, and the whole thing from there on is just them running and losing someone in the process (to goons, no less). If this was a book I'd bought, rather than a fanfic I can just click to go to the "sequel" of, I'd be pretty angry.

So... yeah. Those are my thoughts. I hope you don't take this too badly, but it just feels a lot like you're trying to mimic something (Ie. the format of the books you mentioned) without actually understanding their purpose and how they work. To use your example, you can't just chop Harry Potter up into five pieces without consideration for the content. A story should be exactly as long as it needs to be—no more, certainly, but also no less.

Oh, and the less I say about the inclusion of The Doctor, the better. I have no particular dislike for Doctor Who, but having an unrelated cameo character just pass out answers is just bad writing—doubly so when you have characters whose primary trait is being smart and solving problems.

4076068 thank you for your feedback. :] There are many, many problems with this story, all of which stem from me being a novice writer. I hope that by the time I'm done, i'll be able to write something actually good. This story is my learning process, basically.

Interesting... Put on Priority list.

6671504 Yeah, it's rough for the first few chapters I would say. However, it gets better. I'll probably go back and fix it all up one of these days.

6699276 I do know, I just thought it contradictory, so I changed it. Different military, different rules.

6706300 Like you said, it was from the perspective of a herbivore, one that's never killed or had to eat a dead animal.

6998341 Yes, the title was very carefully thought out.

I don't have time at the moment, but i'll go back and make sure I didn't dun goofed with the eyes.

Star Wars reference intentional.

Time skips are bad. I want to go back and change them, but I'm not sure how just yet. Suffice to say, I know now that they suck and were handled terribly, and I'm trying to not do it anymore.

Thanks for reading, keep letting me know what you think.

7001485 This is the single best piece of praise I've gotten in a very long time. Thank you for understanding.

7463077 Do you now? :pinkiegasp:

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