• Published 7th May 2012
  • 6,498 Views, 364 Comments

Intension - MadMan

Twilight gets a lucrative invitation for a top secret project. It seems like a dream come true, a true opportunity to help civilization advance, but soon the dream becomes a nightmare.

  • ...

Research Abeyance

With deliberate slowness, Twilight flew towards her destination. She flapped her wings in a measured pace, just fast enough to maintain her altitude. She looked down upon the landscape under her, nearly ten thousand feet below. Individual ponies were nearly invisible, and buildings were mere spots. Entire forests passed underneath her in seconds, trees melting into a single green mass. Few birds, if any, were near her in height, so far up was she. Even some low hanging clouds were beneath her, even though the majority were higher or equal to her. One was directly ahead of her now, so Twilight tilted her wings and let some of the wind spill out of them, lowering her altitude by about a hundred feet before leveling off again. She looked around her, taking in the position of the sun and the features of the ground below, and calculated she only had a few minutes left before she arrived at her destination. She felt a pang of sadness at this, but then remembered the papers she had in her saddlebag and all regret was immediately purged.

If this works like the algorithms suggest, a new era of scientific advancement can commence!

That thought stuck with Twilight as she began her descent. Her target was a modest stone building, set in the middle of a small forest, almost a hundred miles west of Ponyville. By hoof, it was a long journey, but by wing it was fairly easy, provided the weather was favorable. Twilight had managed to fly the distance in only a few hours, which meant that she could commute from here back to the library almost every night.

She swooped low over the roof of the humble seeming stone building, then circled around to land in front of the doors. It wasn't a graceful landing, with Twilight skidding and almost falling onto her face, but she stayed on her feet and it was a successful landing nonetheless. Until recently, most of her landing had ended on her face or flank, but over the past six months she had gotten more used to it, and it helped Rainbow Dash had given her some lessons. Now when she flew, all that distinguished her from the other pegasi was her horn and slightly clumsy landings.

Twilight slid to a stop just a few feet shy of the doors, which had already begun to open. At first she had been unnerved by Axion's self identifying and self opening doors, but had soon began to realize the ingeniousness behind them. They would open themselves, but only to those that were permitted by Axion. Twilight casually strolled in the doors, not flinching when they closed behind her. The building was composed of one room, barely bigger than her library's main room, and mostly empty. A single table sat along the opposite wall, papers stacked precariously high. Twilight walked to the table, then off to the right. She pressed a stone at roughly shoulder height that looked like all the others, but as soon as it was pushed the wall began to move, a narrow hidden doorway revealing itself. Twilight walked through this door, and down the steps behind. Down she went, until she came out into a large and brightly lit room. As wide as the building above, but twice as long, this room was packed with many scientific apparati, some complete, some simply piles of wires and metal, waiting to be assembled.

"Axion! Where are you?"

"Back here, dear!"

The reply came from the back of the room, and Twilight carefully picked her way between the various obstacles until she reached Axion. The black unicorn was standing beside a giant red jewel, with one flat surface, and the other shrouded in a large metal funnel with a multitude of wires coming out of it from numerous angles. The jewel was nearly twenty feet tall, and the funnel went from that size to a small opening that was six inches wide over an extension of about ten feet. The opening was unblocked at the moment, but the notes Twilight had found described what was needed to go there in order to complete the device.

This contraption was what Twilight and Axion had been slaving over for the past few months. The giant jewel was the focal point to harness the two streams of magic that were to be directed to its flat surface. It had been cut and polished until there was not a single imperfection in it. The large funnel was filled with advanced and complicated circuitry, which would hopefully combine the two streams into one. All that was missing was the last piece, something to hold and store the new magic that should come out of the funnel. The pair had had some difficulties finding an appropriate container, as the force coming out would be extremely powerful, and would most likely cause a devastating explosion if the container was insufficient. Axion was currently inspecting some of the wires, but turned to Twilight when she approached.

"Ah, Twilight. It is nice to see you again. How was your weekend?"

"Very good! I found some old notes in the Canterlot archives about an old utensil used to store magical energy. It's supposedly strong enough to safely contain the power from multiple unicorns. The description is very vague, but I think that one might still exist hidden, or that we might be able to recreate it. I think that with a few modifications, it would be more than sufficient for our purposes."

"Very good! Do you have the notes?"

"I made copies. I was unsure if Celestia would approve of some of the oldest surviving writings in the archives being removed. "

"I agree. It is good you were able to take copies, although very risky. I'm sure you understand by now how sensitive the Princess is when concerning certain matters."

"Yes. Here, the copies are in my bag."

Twilight went to a nearby table and laid out the pages. They then spent much time deliberating over the notes, talking about the artifact described and what changes should be made for it to work. After several hours, they had arrived at one inescapable conclusion: A central piece of the artifact would be needed, one very secret and hidden, but seen by thousands every day. Hidden in plain sight, a small jewel with ancient and mystical powers, shrouded in legend that most had never heard, and those that had heard of it dismissed it as an old tale. Axion had first voiced the hypothesis, and although Twilight was slow to believe her, Axion was able to convince Twilight one such artifact was real.

"The Crown Jewel."

"The one set into Celestia's breastplate?"

"The one and the same."

Twilight was still and silent for a long moment. She had never realized that the shining purple jewel that was the centerpiece of Celestia's decorative ensemble was an old magical relic. The more she thought about it, the more sense it made that Celestia would want it nearby at all times. If even half the legends about it were true, it was a mighty tool indeed.

Legends surrounding the Crown Jewel, or the Sun Stone as it was often called, were as varied as they were many. It was said that it was given to Celestia when she became a Princess, and that it was the source of most of her power. It was said that it was what had enabled Celestia the power to move both the sun and the moon during Luna's banishment, and that without it she would only be able to move the sun, but that it would drain most of her energy and she would be powerless elsewhere. The legends also claimed there was a matching Moon Stone for Luna, but it had been lost long ago, which explained why Luna was so much smaller and less powerful than her sister. Twilight regarded most of these legends as outdated conspiracy theories, but here were notes saying that the Sun Stone was real, so maybe it was true there was another. Either way, they only needed one for their purposes, and they knew where to find it. However, a nagging thought came to her, and she could not see a way around it.

"But Axion, I don't think Princess Celestia would allow us to use it, even if it really is the Sun Stone, most likely because of that very reason. She would loathe to part with it."

"That is true. I am unsure how to proceed. You could possibly simply ask for it. You are her beloved pupil, possibly her most favorite out of the few she has had over the years."

"No, I don't think that would work..."

Twilight was silent for another moment, thinking.

"I wonder......Axion, what if we asked Luna?"

"About the Moon Stone?"

"Yes. Maybe she can help us find it, if it is lost and does exist. Maybe as part of us helping her find it, we can use it, and promise to return it to her afterwards."

"But, that would require us giving up what could be one of the most powerful artifacts in the Kingdom. As well, we would need it for some time, to study. And once again, I'm sure the thought of us altering something as legendary as that would give Luna pause about it. She may decide it is better left hidden."

This left Twilight silent again, this time for longer. But her brain had never failed to solve a problem yet, and soon Twilight had thought of another solution.

"Maybe we don't have to. If we had it to examine, I'm sure that between the two of us we could replicate it, or at least get close enough for it to work. That way, we wouldn't need it for near as long, and we would not need to perform experiments in it."

"No, I do not think that we could. The origins of the Stones are long hidden, and I am fairly sure it is far beyond even our power, possibly even the Princesses, to make another. We need the real one, Twilight. I can see no other way around it."

Consternation and indecision wrapped around Twilight's mind. They would either need to acquire Celestia's Stone, which would likely prove impossible, or find the lost Moon Stone, and possibly have it immediately taken.

One path ends as soon as it begins, and the other is a hard road to a dead end.

"I don't know. I think that if Luna was happy enough to have the Stone back, she might let us keep it for at least a little while. I mean, if she'd been without out it for centuries, a few more weeks wouldn't make much difference, would it? I think it's worth a try. Besides, she is slightly indebted to me and my friends from saving her from Nightmare Moon. It might be worth a shot."

At the words Nightmare Moon, Axion flinched a little and looked away. Twilight didn't think much of it,though. Many ponies were still terrified of Nightmare Moon, and even of Luna herself. She had wreaked much destruction and fear throughout Equestria in her reign of terror, before and after her banishment. What Twilight couldn't explain, however, was the small spark in Axion's eyes and the half grin on her face when she turned back to Twilight.

"Yes, perhaps you're right. It might be worth a shot. We don't exactly have any other alternatives. You should go now, it is getting late, and we have made significant progress today. Take some time off, go talk to Luna, and come back in a week. Maybe by then we will either be on the hunt for the Stone, or I will have found an alternative."

"Are you sure? There is still a lot we have to work on the machine. The oscillator still needs timing adjustments, and the superheterodyne circuit might still..."

Axion laughed lightly and laid a hoof on Twilight's shoulder, stopping her mid sentence.

"Nothing I cannot do on my own. But it will all be for naught if we don't get something to cap it all off. Besides, you deserve some time off, we've been working so hard. Now go. I don't want you flying at night, not yet. You're still new to airborne navigation."

"Yes, I suppose you're right. I guess I'll see you in a week."

"Take much care, Twilight."

Twilight had began to walk back to the entrance of the laboratory. She called back over her shoulder at Axion, now hidden behind machinery and experiments.

"I will, and you too. And I only got lost three times!"

A laugh floated back from behind the mess, and Twilight smiled as she left the room. When she exited the stone building, she saw that the sun was slightly lower than she had anticipated.

I'm going to have to hurry to get back to Ponyville before it gets dark. Well, good thing my wings are strong!

Twilight took off into the cool dusk air, reveling in her still unaccustomed-to ability to fly. No matter how much she flew, every time it was revolutionary, every time she found new feelings to bask in, and new ways to interpret the world around and beneath her. It was very relaxing, and a great time to think, which she did.

The next morning, Twilight woke thinking optimistic thoughts. She had spent most of the flight home trying to decide how she would word her request to Luna, and by the time she had gone to bed, she felt she had found a way that provided the best margin of success. She would try to appeal to Luna in the sense that the return of the jewel would help bring balance to the Princess's rule, and hopefully allowing Twilight and Axion to study the Stone would allow a major advance in technology in Equestria, ushering a new era of prosperity and security. Surely that would appeal to Luna's love for Equestria.

After waking, Twilight spent an hour writing down what she had come up with so far, and committing what she could to memory. This was definitely something best discussed face to face, rather than a scroll. After she felt she had the basis of her proposition memorized, she headed downstairs to have some breakfast before flying to Canterlot. It was a long flight compared to what she was used to, some three hours, and Twilight wanted all the energy she could get for the journey. She could smell Spike cooking, and abruptly realized she had skipped dinner last night, and was starving. Before she went down the stairs, she looked in the mirror for a moment, almost positive she would be able to see her stomach touching her spine. However, that was not the case, even though she felt like it. Twilight smiled at her own silly thoughts, and headed downstairs, following the tantalizing smell of food.

"Spike! What are you cooking? It smells delicious!"

Spike answered from in front of the stove, where he was just putting the finishing touches on two plates.

"Sauteed mushrooms and dandelion salad for you, and a sapphire sandwich for me. I realized you came in late last night and went right to bed without dinner, so I made you a double helping."

"Why thank you! You're exactly right, I was starving when I woke up, and I have a lot to do today, so I need a hearty breakfast to start the day. Studies have shown that a good breakfast can make all the difference in a busy day."

"Are you going to go work with Axion again today?"

"No Spike, I have to fly to Canterlot to talk with Princess Luna about some stuff. Axion gave me the week off, she said I deserved some after all the hard work we've been doing."

"But Twilight, doesn't Princess Luna work all night and sleep all day?"

Twilight froze in the middle of sitting down at the kitchen table. Spike was right, Luna might be asleep by now, and almost certainly in a few hours when Twilight would reach Canterlot. She had been so focused on what she would say she completely forgot about that. Now her plans were all messed up. She would have to go to Canterlot at night to speak to Luna.

"Well, I guess I have a day off then. What shall we do?"

"Well, I asked because Rarity came by yesterday and left a note for you. She wanted to invite you to one of her and Fluttershy's spa days, which is today."

"Oh, it is Tuesday, isn't it? Well, since I have a day off, I think I'll take her up on that. It's been a long time since I've been to the spa, which is a shame. It's so relaxing."

"Well, she said that they usually don't go until about two, so you have some time."

"Oh, good. I can relax and help you categorize and sort some books, then head over to the boutique at about one."

"Well, actually Twilight, there hasn't been much business to the library lately, and without you here to mess everything up, I've been able to sort everything pretty well on my own. I was going to take an easy day, myself."

Twilight chose to ignore his comment about her making a mess; it was true enough. She would often forgot to put books back in their place, especially if she had several of them out for reference.

"Well then. I guess you and me have a lazy morning! You want to play some board games?"


Spike and Twilight finished their breakfasts, and cleaned the dishes. Then Twilight went upstairs and brought down one of their favorite board games. Spike jumped out of his seat and cheered when he saw which one she picked.

"Oh boy, Trivial Pursuit! It's been awhile since we've played each other, and I've had a lot more time to learn more meaningless trivia. I'm sure I'll beat you this time!"

Six games later, Spike had only been able to win one game, and it had been mostly luck that he got easy questions, although he was sure Twilight had missed a few on purpose to let him win. Even so, he was just happy to win. Twilight was the self-proclaimed champion of the game, and sure enough, her losses were few and far between. After the last game, Twilight began to put away the game.

"Well, Spike, good playing. You are a lot better than you used to be. You were close a few times, and even won once! But it's getting close to time for me to go meet Rarity. You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not. You need some relaxing time at the spa. I think I'll just curl up in a quiet corner and read or something. I'll be fine for the day."

"Alright. I'll see you later!"

Twilight left the library and went out into the warm spring day. The sky was clear and blue, so she unfurled her wings and took to the sky. It wasn't very far to the boutique, but Twilight couldn't resist making a loop around town before meeting Rarity, and with wings she was able to do so and still make it there before she would have walking. Her gentle knock on the door was a hurried reply, as if she caught the seamstress when she was busy.

"Just a minute! Be right with you!"

Twilight took a step back to wait, but no sooner than she did the door was opened, and Rarity stood there, a measuring cord draped around her neck and her red rimmed glasses on.

"Oh, Twilight! So nice to see you! How may I help you?"

"I came to let you know I would accept your invitation to the spa. I have a gap in my responsibilities, and decided I would like to spend it catching up with my friends!"

"Well that is delightful to hear! Come in, I was just waiting on Fluttershy."

"Are you busy? You have your working glasses on."

"I was just fiddling with a dress, but it's not very urgent. Come in, I insist!"

Twilight followed Rarity into the shop, and through the main room the the sitting room where they sat on several large pillows scattered around.

"So, darling, how have you been? You've been so busy and secretive, none of us have hardly seen you in months!"

"I know, and I'm sorry. I just get so caught up in research that I can hardly have time to sleep anymore! It's just so exciting!"

"Well, if you could even hint at what you're working on I could share in your excitement."

"Sorry, but it's kinda secret. I promise you'll find out soon enough, though. It's revolutionary!"

"Oh, I believe you! First you show up with those magnificent wings, which I must admit I am jealous of. I know how glorious it is to fly, and I sometimes dream of having them back. Too bad the spell is as difficult and risky as you say. Then you're off all the time doing Celestia knows what at all hours! It's positively mysterious. It reminds me of a novel I am reading in which...... Was that the door? Fluttershy must have arrived."

They went to the door to find Fluttershy, who was as excited to see Twilight as Rarity had been.

"Oh, Twilight! Have you decided to come with us to the spa?"

"Yes I have. I decided I needed some relaxing after working so hard."

"Well the spa is a better place than any. Lotus and Aloe are simply marvelous at what they do. Are you ready, Rarity?"

"Yes, darling, let me just lock up and we can be on our way."

The trio was soon on their way to the spa, where the spa ponies Lotus and Aloe were already waiting on them, having been long accustomed to Rarity's and Fluttershy's regular visits. They were pleased to have another pony to doat upon, and at Rarity's insistence they began to give Twilight the "Ambassador's Package" which consisted of the finest of their treatments.

"Don't worry dear, I'll pay for this one. And Fluttershy, I'll get yours this week as well."

"Thank you, Rarity!"

"Oh, thanks Rarity. I'll get next week's for you."

While Rarity got her horn polished and Fluttershy got her wings groomed, Twilight was ushered off into a separate corner of the room and put into a relaxing mud bath. Aloe was attending to her, and began to manicure Twilight's hooves while she reclined in the warm mud. She tsked audibly over the shape of Twilight's hooves. She remarked on it in a thick accent.

"My dear, your 'ooves are simply worn to shods! You must 'ave been working very hard."

"Oh, yes. It's been very tiring, but rewarding."

"I would agree! I 'ave heard of your exploits with your wings! Simply amazing! We shall preen them shortly, it is part of the package."

"Why thank you! I've never had them groomed before. I bet it is wonderful."

"Oh, yes! We take the utmost care in making visits to our spa as relaxing and comfortable as can be."

And indeed, the spa visit was working miracles for Twilight. She was feeling more relaxed and rejuvenated than she had in a long time. During the massage, Aloe was able to work out kinks in Twilight's muscles she didn't even know she had. The wing grooming was also incredibly relaxing, making her wings feel better than they ever had. Twilight felt that a flight from Ponyville to Canterlot would not be nearly as taxing as it would be otherwise.

After all the massages and horn polishing and wing grooming, Twilight was rejoined with Rarity and Fluttershy on the hot tub, where they all had their hair up and were enjoying fine tea. They spent the time chatting, Twilight catching up on Fluttershy's animals and Rarity's dresses. They spent some time talking about Twilight's new wings, which was a topic both were fascinated by. Rarity was talking about the new dresses and fashions she could make Twilight to accentuate her wings, and Fluttershy was interested on what Twilight thought about flying. After what seemed to be too short of a time, the three were leaving the spa. Rarity turned to Twilight as they went out the door.

"Twilight, darling, what have you planned for the rest of the day?

"I was going to go check up on the rest of the girls. You're welcome to come, of course."

"Oh, I'm sorry, but that's fine. I suppose that dress does need to be finished soon, so I must bow out."


"I'm sorry, but I have a sick wolf I need to be getting back to. He has an awful cold."

"Well, that's fine. I'm just going to go to Sweet Apple Acres. I'll see you two later!"


"Goodbye, Twilight! Hope to see you soon!"

They all went on their respective ways, Twilight taking to the air once again to fly to Sweet Apple Acres. She made it in less than half the time it would have taken walking, and flew loops around the orchards until she spotted Applejack, tending to some trees in the eastern field. Applejack turned to Twilight as she landed, smiling and shaking her head at the graceful wings.

"Shoot, girl, no matter how many times I see 'em, I'm still havin' a hard time believin' it."

"I know, it's a lot to get used to. How have you been? I'm sorry I haven't been around much. Lots to do, and all."

"I hear that. I got all these here trees to take care of, and it's work from sunup to sundown."

"How are the trees? The apples look like they're growing nicely."

"Yeah, we're gonna have a big harvest here in about two months. Me and Big Mac are already gettin' ready for it, gettin' all the baskets and carts together, stuff like that."

"Has Rainbow Dash been able to push enough rain here to keep them watered?"

"Oh yeah. Speakin' of her, she's napping in one of these trees around here somewhere. Lemme see if I can find her."



A grunt came from a tree twenty yards away, and after a pause a rainbow colored blur came streaking out of it to tackle Twilight in a flying Dash Hug.

"Twilight! Where you been? You said you'd let me teach you how to fly awesomely like me!"

"I know, I know, but I told you I'm busy! It's nice to see you too."

Twilight managed to untangle herself from Rainbow Dash's hug and they stood.

"Yeah, it's been awhile. I see you flying around sometimes, and I gotta say, you've gotten better. All you gotta do is work on your landings you'll have flying in the bag!"

"Hey, my landings aren't that bad! But it's true, I am still a bit awkward."

"Well, it's only six months. It's taken me years to be as good as I am today. Don't feel too bad that you can't grace the skies with wonderment and magnificence like me!"

"Since when do you use big words?"

"Since always, Applejack! I just don't use them too often or they lose their punch, just like a good trick! You do it all the time, and ponies begin to get bored of it."

During the banter, the trio had walked to a nearby patch of white chrysanthemums growing in the shade of an apple tree and settled down to talk. It went much as it had with Rarity and Fluttershy, with much chatting about daily going ons and life in general, with a good bit from Rainbow about Twilight's wings and flying habits. They spent over an hour socializing, at which point Twilight realized the sun was almost halfway from its peak to the horizon.

"Oh, dear! Girls, I hate to cut this short, but I still need to see Pinkie before dusk, because I have some things to take care of tonight. I promise I'll come back as soon as I have more free time!"

"Alright sugarcube, see ya around!"

"Yeah, see you later! We need to go flying together sometime soon!"

"Agreed! Goodbye!"

With the their farewells in her ears, Twilight took off into the afternoon air. She flew back to Ponyville and landed in front of Sugarcube Corner, and went inside to see Pinkie decorating some cupcakes. Her visit there was much different than it had been with the others, as things often were with Pinkie. Twilight was force fed some of Pinkie's new creations while the pink party pony chatted nonstop about various things, some of which making no sense to Twilight, who simply nodded and kept eating whatever was in front of her. But Pinkie was undeterred, going on and on about anything that came to mind, with sparse input from Twilight. Before long, Twilight noticed the shadows from the windows were long, and the sun was almost to the horizon.

With much effort, Twilight finally managed to convince Pinkie she really needed to go, and promised to come to the nearest party she was able to. It was all she could do to convince Pinkie not to throw a party right then and there, but when she was able to, promised to visit often, then bade her adieu. She walked out of the shop and flew straight to the library, where she found Spike asleep. She quietly went upstairs as to not to wake him, and hurriedly packed a light saddlebag with what she would need to stay overnight in Canterlot, as she was certainly not about to fly all the way home in the middle of the night. Going back downstairs, she paused long enough to write a not to Spike telling him where she had gone and when he could expect her back. She then left and began the flight to Canterlot.

Author's Note:

Once again, thank you Empslosion for editing this and making it readable. :3