• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 1,348 Views, 72 Comments

The Last Alicorn(Book One: Purpose) - Deathsia

Since before time immemorial, Alicorns have ruled over nearly every country in Equestria save for the griffon kingdom and a few other uncharted locations. However, when the world needed them most... They vanished...

  • ...

The Legend

The sounds of a newborn foal rang out in the small town of Trotterson, deep within the earth pony nation. Shocked gasps were soon to follow as the foal came into clear view of the family who had watched the mother give birth.

"She has wings… and a horn?" A stallion exclaimed in shock at the sight that he beheld.

"This can't be possible! As far as the Swifthoof line has been recorded, no unicorn, Pegasus, let alone, and whatever the buck that thing is, has ever been born!" The stallion exclaimed in mild disgust.

"Father, please! You're upsetting Merrybelle!" A small yet strong looking stallion exclaimed as he put a hoof around his wife, whom looked like she was on the verge of tears.

The stallion's father huffed aloud in annoyance before sighing. "Listen, Steel. Whatever that thing is, it will only lead to problems down the road." he said in the most calm and collective manner he could muster.

"Stop calling our daughter a thing! She's a pony just like you or me!" Merrybelle exclaimed which caused the foal to begin crying in her arms. "Shhh, it's okay, Sapphire. Mommy's here." She cooed softly as she gently rocked the foal back and forth to calm her.

"I'm telling you, this foal is bad news for us! We need to get rid of it!" Mr.Swifthoof exclaimed which was met with a horrified gasp from Merrybelle, and a glare from Steel.

"It's time for you to leave." Steel said calmly yet threateningly to his father.

"Fine! Keep your freak foal! You'll regret keeping it once the locals find out just what it is!" Mr. Swifthoof yelled, which caused Sapphire to begin crying anew.

Steel took several threatening steps towards his father, each step clearly heard as the stallion approached him. "Get out!!!" Steel roared into his father's face, reared his right front hoof back, and slugged his father square in the snout, which caused the stallion to go barreling back into the wall close to their front door.

"How dare you hit your own father?! We raised you to respect us! You're mother would surely turn in her grave if she knew of this!" Mr. Swifthoof exclaimed in both anger and shock of his son's actions as he held his bloody snout.

"I said, get out!!!" Steel roared once more as he rose his front legs up and for a moment his father thought he was going to trample him only for the stallion to stomp the floor just an inch from his hind legs. "I never want to see your face around here again!" he added as his father stumbled to the door, opened it, and left.

Merrybelle did her best to calm Sapphire as she cried loudly and eventually quieted. "What are we going to do? Your father surely won't let this matter rest." Merrybelle remarked fearfully as she rocked their daughter back and forth.

"You let me deal with my father." Steel said as he calmed himself and walked over to rejoin his wife. "Today is a joyous day. Today we are officially parents!" Steel said happily as he leaned in and kissed his wife.



Steel and Merrybelle slept soundly next to one another as Sapphire slept in a cradle next to their bed. However unknown to the couple, a shady figure appeared inside the home in a silent flash of magic.

The figure then levitated a small dagger from their belt and silently walked towards the unsuspecting foal. The unicorn was about to thrust the dagger at the infant foal when suddenly he was tackled to the ground by Steel, who had heard the figure’s hoofsteps. This action caused both Merrybelle and Sapphire to awaken, the latter of which began to cry loudly.

"Who are you, and why are you here?!" Steele demanded before he looked to his wife. "Take Sapphire and run!" Steel commanded at which point Merrybelle bolted from her bed, lifted up the still crying Sapphire from her crib, placed her into a foal carrier, quickly put the foal carrier on, and began to make a dash for the door as Steel fought against the unicorn, only for the door to be magically sealed by the assassin.

"The Alicorn will not leave here alive!" The unicorn exclaimed, channeled magic into their horn, and blasted Steel against the wall, knocking him out.

Merrybelle was next to be attacked as the unicorn used their magic to levitate her and Sapphire and threw the two against the wall next to Steel. Sapphire cried out more loudly than ever now as the unicorn approached her while both her parents lay unconscious before her.

The unicorn once again drew their dagger and approached the Alicorn, positioning the dagger precisely in order to silence the infant foal once and for all.

Sapphire looked to her father for help as she cried, then her mother, and then looked back at the unicorn and cried even louder, if possible.

Just as the unicorn was about to thrust their dagger into the infant's head as they stood mere inches from her now, Sapphire's crying suddenly came to a halt and the infant foal began to float into the air as a great sapphire colored magic began to surround her.

The assassin wasted no more time and thrust the dagger at the infant foal with all his magical power only for the dagger to bounce back as if it had hit a solid wall. The unicorn slowly backed away from the foal as its eyes snapped wide open, staring straight at him, yet the infant’s eyes did now hold their normal sapphire appearance. In their place, two blank white and glowing eyes stared at the unicorn. Soon a great current of wind and magic began to swirl under the infant Alicorn as she continued to stare at her assassin.

In a panic, the unicorn attempted to teleport to safety, only for the infant Alicorn's horn to glow brightly and seemingly stole the magic they had channeled to cast the spell away from them. "I-Impossible!" The unicorn exclaimed in fear as they ran for the door only for it to refuse to budge.

As a last resort, the unicorn manually drew another dagger from their belt and lunged at the infant Alicorn only to be halted mid-air by Sapphire's magic.

Meanwhile, Merrybelle and Steel began to awake from their unconscious states only to gawk in shock at the sight that beheld them.

The unicorn stared at the Alicorn infant in fear, though she had them suspended in the air, they realized were still able to move all their limbs and were close enough to strike the infant. In a last ditch effort, the unicorn thrust a hoof forward in hopes of knocking the foal out, only for their hoof to be halted in its tracks by none other than Sapphire’s own right front hoof.

"It-It's a monster!" The unicorn blurted out without thinking just before Sapphire's eyes began to radiate with a light sapphire colored glow, and in the next moment, the entire house was blown to smithereens while the unicorn was launched from where they were held into the sky and soon faded from sight.

At the exact moment this had happened, Steel thrust himself over his wife in order to protect her, only to realize once the blast was over that they were completely unharmed.

Sapphire then turned to look back at her parents. At once as if a switch had been flicked inside the infant Alicorn. The magic that surrounded her disappeared, the wind suddenly calmed, and the filly's eyes returned to their normal state as she fell towards the ground.

Merrybelle bolted to her hooves and dove to catch her daughter on instinct, successfully catching her as Sapphire immediately began to cry aloud in her arms.

Steel and Merrybelle looked about themselves in astonishment of what their daughter had done. "They called her… an Alicorn. Steel, could the legend be true?! Did I give birth to the legendary Alicorn?!" Merrybelle asked in a semi-shocked manner as she looked at her husband.

Steel looked at his wife, the events that had just transpired were still sinking in. "I don't know, honey." He said softly as he held her and their daughter close. "But if somepony is willing to attempt to assassinate our daughter, you can bet they won't stop at their failed attempt to kill her tonight." Steel said calmly yet firmly.

"Oh dear, Luna. What will we do?" Merrybelle asked fearfully as she gave a paranoid glance at her surroundings, as if expecting another assassin to show up.

"We must leave town, now. No doubt the damage done to our home has already attracted the attention of more than one local. If we want to get out of here alive, we need to grab all we can and leave as soon as possible." Steel said in a matter of fact tone as he shifted some rubble to the side and began to pack whatever supplies he could salvage from their home.

Not long after, Steel and Merrybelle left town and after many months of looking, settled down in a remote town on the very borders of the Earth Pony nation...

Author's Note:

Wow, I'm really getting into writing this!:twilightsheepish:

Turns out this is a lot of fun to write! Hope you all enjoy!
Proof read by: Izanagi:twilightsmile: