• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 1,348 Views, 72 Comments

The Last Alicorn(Book One: Purpose) - Deathsia

Since before time immemorial, Alicorns have ruled over nearly every country in Equestria save for the griffon kingdom and a few other uncharted locations. However, when the world needed them most... They vanished...

  • ...

A City In Need Of A Hero


Snowbreeze dragged the Alicorn into a nearby abandoned house, closed the door, and looked over her friend. The Alicorn's side bared a crater-like wound that was bleeding profusely as she stared on. "I'm so sorry, Sapphire! This is all my fault! If only I hadn't ditched that disguise!" Snowbreeze exclaimed softly as she quickly looked about the abandoned home for something to at the very least slow the bleeding.

"The order of the dark what now?" Snowbreeze asked in a confused tone as the two evaded beams of magic being shot at them.

"I'll explain later! For now, lets ditch these guys!" Sapphire exclaimed as the two gained more altitude as the unicorns continued to chase them.

Sapphire gave one last glance behind her and gasped in horror. "Look out!!!" she shrieked as she shoved her friend as hard as she could out of the way only to be hit directly by a blast of raw magic at which point she let out a shrill cry of pain as she fell out of the sky.

At the exact moment this had occurred, the Pegasus watched in horror as she witnessed her friend get hit, blood splatter out from her side, and the Alicorn begin to plummet towards the ground.

At once Snowbreeze dove for her friend as she flapped her wings as hard as she could to fly faster than the Alicorn was falling. Once she had managed to get under her friend she gave a fleeting glance down, gasped, and flapped as hard as she could.

She barely succeeded in saving both their lives as the two hit the ground hard though Sapphire's impact was cushioned by her friend's body, Snowbreeze wasn't nearly as lucky as a loud snapping sound similar to a tree branch being snapped in two rang out. The Pegasus let out a shrill agonizing cry as she felt her wing bones snap as the two skidded along for a few feet and came to a stop just outside an abandoned home in the middle of the poorest part of the city.

"Don't blame yourself, Snowbreeze." Sapphire said weakly before she gave a soft pained cry as she attempted to move only for Snowbreeze to walk up her with a bunch of old blankets she had found and force the filly to lay back down.

"Don't move, Sapphire! You're hurt really badly." She remarked as she looked over the wound and sighed. "I'm going to do what I can to stop the bleeding but you need a professional doctor if you wanna to survive this." Snowbreeze remarked as she began to tear at the fabric of the blanket with her teeth, took the fragments of fabric and began to place them over the wound which caused Sapphire to cry out.

"Shhh! I know it's hard to do but keep your voice down! We don't know how close those unicorns in black are!" She whispered urgently as she gave a look outside for a brief moment to make sure nopony had heard before she continued to apply first aid to her friend.

"Okay, final part, this is gonna really hurt so I want you to bite down on this." Snowbreeze said softly as she placed a small piece of stone rubble in the size of a brick into her friend's mouth. Once she was sure that Sapphire had the brick safely secure in her muzzle, she quickly took a slightly thinner part of the fabric, wrapped around her, tied it into a knot and tugged hard which caused the makeshift bandage she had made to squeeze tightly onto the wound.

At once Sapphire bit down onto the stone block as she cried out and ended up shattering the brick in half much to the shock of Snowbreeze who gawked at her while the Alicorn spit out fragments of the brick between pained gasps and soft whimpers.

The Pegasus knew this was merely a temporary fix though and as if to further enforce this fact, the fabric was already being stained with the Alicorn's blood. "Okay, I'm gonna have to leave you here for a little while but I'll be back, okay?" She said in a whisper as she looked to her friend who had placed a hoof on her cheek and was looking at her curiously.

"I never noticed before but you're kinda cute when you're all worried about me and stuff." she said softly before she groaned out in pain.

"Oh dear Luna, don't go delirious on me now." Snowbreeze remarked aloud as she dismissed the remark almost immediately as the sideeffects of her losing so much blood while she walked up to the door, looked quickly for anypony watching, and quickly closed the door behind her as she snuck along the streets, keeping an eye out for any unicorn's dressed in black.


The Pegasus looked about the streets for anypony but quickly realized that she had no idea where to look. It was then she spotted it, the disguise that she had tossed aside, it was being used by a homeless mare who seemed to be using it to clean off her obviously broken teapot.

"Uh, hey. Could I borrow that outfit you're using to clean off that, uh, teapot?" She asked in an uneasy tone.

"No, mine!" The mare exclaimed in a mildly crazed voice.

Snowbreeze sighed aloud in annoyance before she spoke again. "Okay, look. That outfit was actually mine but I was ticked off at my friend and tossed it away but I really need it now." Snowbreeze asked in the most kindhearted manner she could muster.

"Mine!" the mare exclaimed once again, clearly refusing to relinquish what she saw as her newest cleaning towel.

Upon hearing this, the Pegasus's patience with this mare was all but gone now as she glared at her. "Okay, I tried being nice and asking for it so now I'm just going to take it by force!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as she latched her mouth on one end of the disguise and attempted to yank it away from the mare only for the mare to latch her own mouth on it and begin pulling on it herself.

"Give it up you loony mare!" Snowbreeze exclaimed between gritted teeth.

"Never!" The mare exclaimed back through gritted teeth as well.

The tug of war lasted a brief thirty seconds before a loud ripping sound erupted out and the outfit tore in half at the seams. Snowbreeze spit out the fit and gawked in both shock and outrage as the disguise that Sapphire's mother had worked so hard to make for them was no longer usable.

"You stupid leadhoof! You ruined it!" Snowbreeze exclaimed angrily to the mare who simply huffed at her, tossed the torn outfit to the ground and walked away.

Snowbreeze was just about to go and beat the horsefeathers out of the crazy mare when suddenly from nowhere, a pink face suddenly popped into existence before her eyes. "Surprise!" The pink mare exclaimed suddenly which caused the Pegasus to stumble away in shock and fall to her rump.

"Wh-Who are you and where did you come from?!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as she struggled to steady her breathing along with her heart rate which felt like it was pumping at two hundred miles per hour.

"I'm Pinkie Pie and I guess I'm supposed to be your super special spirit guide or something!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed enthusiastically as she bounced over to the Pegasus.

"Wow, talk about straight to the point. Rainbow Dash was a whole lot more mysterious about this spirit guide thing." Snowbreeze remarked aloud as her breathing and heart rate finally seemed to allow her to stand up to all four hooves and look at the hyperactive pink mare.

"I can be mysterious too! Wanna see?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed and seemed to dart to the left and into some random ponies makeshift cardboard box house with a single drape of cloth covering it. "Psst! Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie and I'm supposed to be your super special spirit guide or something!" The pink mare exclaimed in a loud whisper.

Upon witnessing this, Snowbreeze merely rolled her eyes and sighed aloud. "Look, I don't have time for this! My friend is in really big trouble and if I don't find her a doctor soon, she's going to die!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as she looked about the street and sighed once more aloud.

At once the pink mare popped from inside the box and rushed over to Snowbreeze. "Wow, that sounds really bad!" She remarked aloud with a frown for about two seconds before the same go-lucky grin appeared back on her face.

"You bet it is. Now are you here to help me find a doctor or are you just going to pull anymore stupid stunts like you were a few minutes ago?" Snowbreeze asked the pink mare calmly despite her tolerance of the mare already at its end.

"You bet I am. I know everypony in this city but I have one question: What city are we in exactly?" She asked curiously to which the Pegasus slammed a hoof against her face, groaned aloud in frustration, and walked away.

"Why couldn't the element of kindness contacted me or something?" She muttered aloud as she trotted away. "Instead I get some stupid leadhoof."

"What's a leadhoof?" Pinkie Pie suddenly asked as she materialized out of no where in front of the Pegasus, once again causing her to stumble backwards in shock and surprise.

Snowbreeze recovered much more quickly this time around as she stood to all four hooves, gave an irritated growl, and walked past the mare. "It's what you are! Now leave me alone, I need to find a doctor." She replied as she continued to walk away from the pink mare only for her catch up and bounce along side of her.

"Huh, I don't think my hooves are made out of lead." She mused aloud. "Then again, I don't really know what they are made of so maybe they are made of lead!" She continued on. "Or maybe they're made out of that stuff that gummy bears are made out of…" The Pink mare's rant went on for roughly another two minutes as she bounced along side of the Pegasus until Snowbreeze could take no more.

"Shut the buck up!" She screamed into the party mare's face before she continued walking, not bothering to care that Pinkie Pie's mane had deflated with a frown as she walked on. "What the buck Rainbow Dash saw in a leadhoof like you, I'll never know…" She added bitterly.

At the mere mention of the cyan blue Pegasus's name, the party mare's mane reinflated with a balloon like sound and quickly bounced to catch up to the Pegasus once more. "Oh don't get me started on me and Dashie!" She exclaimed only for her face to turn into what Snowbreeze thought was some kind of dreamy stare. "Every night with Dashie was a party." She remarked aloud in a dreamy tone.

"You can skip on the details… I really don't wanna know." Snowbreeze replied uneasily as she continued to walk down the street and was about to take a left when she saw several unicorns dreamed in jet black clothing walking towards her. The Pegasus let out a sharp gasp before she dove around the corner, clamped her mouth onto the pink pony's tail and yanked her back as well.

"Why are we hiding? Are we playing hide and go seek with those unicorns dressed in-Mmmph,mmmph!" She began to ramble on until Snowbreeze jammed a hoof in her mouth, silencing the mare.

"Quiet! They'll hear you!" Snowbreeze hissed as the two hid in a cardboard box next to the streetside.

Pinkie Pie yanked the Pegasus's hoof from her mouth and began to snort and laugh. "Silly filly! Only you can see and hear me!" She exclaimed with a smirk.

Once she watched the unicorns walk by she let out an annoyed sigh. "Wonderful." She remarked bitterly with an eyeroll.

"I know right?! I can be as loud as I want and no pony but you will hear me!" Pinkie Pie shouted at the top of her lungs which caused Snowbreeze to glare at her.

"Ugh, I'll even take the element of honesty at this point, just make her go away!" Snowbreeze pleaded to the skies only to seemingly receive no answer.

"Oh! I know this street! Come on, this way!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she darted to the left only for her head to crop back from behind the corner of the building. "You coming or what?" She asked curiously.

"I'd take that kind of public humiliation over dealing with you anyday of the week." Snowbreeze replied irritably and sighed.

"What is that supposed to mean?" The pink mare asked with a confused expression.

"N-Nothing!" The Pegasus replied quickly with a mild blush. "So, what's this way anyways?" she asked as she began to follow the party mare down the street though she often looked about herself for any signs of more dark clothed unicorns.

"The doctor, silly!" Pinkie Pie chirped as she bounced along.

upon hearing these words, the Pegasus's eyes lit up in shock for a moment before she darted next to the pink mare. "Why didn't you say so?! Get a move on!" Snowbreeze exclaimed urgently.

"What's your hurry? The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, lets enjoy the day!" The pink mare replied seemingly forgotten the situation with her friend.

"My friend bleeding out from her side is the hurry!" Snowbreeze snapped angrily.

"Oh, right! Silly me!" Pinkie Pie chirped and began to bounce a lot faster much to Snowbreeze's relief.


The two ponies finally arrived at what Snowbreeze assumed to be the doctor's house but this house looked far from what a professional doctor would work in as the rundown shack consisted of old wood, cracked windows, and the faint smell of something the Pegasus wasn't sure she wanted to know what it was she was smelling.

"So this is it?" Snowbreeze asked curiously.

"I'm super sure!" Pinkie Pie replied enthusiastically only to suddenly look unsure a mere second later. "Or was it the house down the other street?" she mused aloud much to the aggravation of the snow white Pegasus.

"Is this it or not, Pinkie?!" Snowbreeze snapped with a glare.

"Yep! I'm completely sure!" Pinkie Pie replied with a wide smile.

"Whatever…" The Pegasus replied as she knocked on the door. When nopony answered, the Pegasus's glare turned lethal as she glared at Pinkie Pie who smiled nervously at her. "There's nopony living here you stupid leadhoof!" She roared as she began to walk away. "I can't believe I wasted all this time following you! Now Sapphire's going to die and I have no idea where to look!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as her voice cracked while she plopped her rump to the ground, slammed both hooves over her face and began to sob loudly.

"Who's out there? I already told you that I don't know where this 'Alicorn' is so just leave me in peace!" An male yet cranky voice exclaimed from within the house which caused Snowbreeze to snap her head up and look towards the house.

Without another thought she ran up to the door and knocked on it. "Are you a doctor? Please, my friend needs help! She's hurt really bad and she won't make it without your help!" She exclaimed to the door.

"I'm not a doctor anymore so go away and leave me alone!" The cranky voice replied followed by silence.

"Oh, I know! mention the name 'Melinda' and he should know her!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed eagerly.

With no other ideas, the Pegasus decided to do as Pinkie Pie instructed. "Does the name "Melinda mean anything to you?" She called out only to get no response. She once again looked to pinkie pie who grinned sheepishly before her eyes lit up.

"Oh silly me! It was Matilda!" She exclaimed.

Snowbreeze gave an aggravated sigh before she spoke again. "What about Matilda?" She asked aloud.

At first it seemed as if this hadn't worked either until the door slowly opened to a crack and a donkey's head looked through the crack at her. "How do you know that name?" He asked suspiciously.

"Or maybe it was Melisa… or maybe it was-Mmph,mmph!" The Pink mare began to say until Snowbreeze shoved her hoof into the mare's mouth once again, just out of eyesight to the donkey.

"Look, My friend needs help and you're the only one around here I know of who at least has medical knowledge. Please… she's going to die!" The Pegasus pleaded desperately.

The donkey looked at her for a few more moments before he shook his head. "Sorry kid, I can't help you." He replied before he closed the door completely.

"Wow, I was sure he would help you. Especially after that promise his dad made him make all those years ago. Heck, every generation of this family did when they took of the doctor job." Pinkie Pie remarked aloud in a confused tone.

Though this seemed like just yet another random ramble by the pink mare, it did cause the Pegasus to think of the kind of promise her mother taught her.

"Now remember Snowbreeze! When a pony makes a Pinkie Pie Promise, they have to keep it!" A light green Pegasus with a jeweled rainbow gem cutiemark said to her foal.

"But mom, what if they break it?" Snowbreeze asked curiously.

Snowbreeze's mother then turned to look at her daughter with a sense of seriousness in her eyes. "Sweetie, nopony breaks a Pinkie Promise. That's a fact!"

"You Pinkie Pie Promised!" Snowbreeze shouted suddenly without bothering to think what she was saying fully through. For all she knew, the donkey would have no idea what she was talking about.

At first there was no response but once again, the door creaked open part way and the donkey's head popped out this time. "How in Equestria could you possibly know about that?" He asked in astonishment.

"Doesn't matter! The fact is that you Pinkie Pie Promised to help ponies in need and if you don't help my friend now, you'll be breaking that promise!" Snowbreeze exclaimed firmly to the donkey.

The donkey stared at her for a few moments longer before he closed his eyes, slunk his head into the house and closed the door. At first, Snowbreeze thought her ace in the hole had failed her until the door swung open revealing a dark brown donkey with a doctor's saddlebag strapped along his back. "Okay kid, where's this pony who needs my help?" He asked calmly much to the delight of both Pinkie Pie and Snowbreeze.


Snowbreeze opened the door to the abandoned house and no sooner the donkey laid eyes on Sapphire, his eyes widened in shock. "Wait a second, isn't that the Alicorn thing those unicorns in black are looking for?" He asked as he looked to Snowbreeze as she closed the door behind them.

Upon hearing this, Snowbreeze was at a loss for words for a short time before she finally managed to find the words. "Y-Yes but she needs help and you Pinkie Pie Promised!" Snowbreeze stuttered out only to notice the donkey turning back towards the door.

"No way kid, not even a Pinkie Pie Promise is worth helping a wanted fugitive. I value my life thank you very much." The donkey said as he reached to open the door only for Snowbreeze to jump in front of him.

"Fine! Forget the stupid promise!" Snowbreeze exclaimed much to the outrage of Pinkie Pie who glared at her.

"Hey! Pinkie Pie Promises aren't stupid!" She exclaimed angrily but was ignored as Snowbreeze continued to speak.

"Look, I know this looks bad but she's actually not as bad as those unicorns in black make her out to be, in fact she's helped many ponies in the time we've traveled together!" Snowbreeze pleaded with a desperate look in her eyes as she looked at the Donkey who sighed once more.

"Even if she wasn't, those unicorns in black mean business and if I'm caught helping her, I'm as good as dead." He remarked as he attempted to reach for the door again only for the Pegasus to push him back lightly.

"Look at her! She's dying! I don't care if you never want to see us again but please help her!" Snowbreeze shouted as she pointed to Sapphire who groaned softly.

The Donkey looked towards the injured Alicorn then, back to the door, then once more back to Sapphire, and sighed aloud. "Bucking conscience is going to be the end of me." The donkey remarked aloud bitterly as he turned around, walked over to Sapphire and began to examine her wound. "How long has she been like this?" He asked aloud as he began to check the Alicorn's vitals.

"I don't know, an hour maybe, two tops?" Snowbreeze answered uneasily.

"Hmm…" The donkey muttered as he began to undo the bandage to see the damage. "This is some really well done bandaging you've done here, Kid. Where'd you learn to do it?" He asked as he carefully removed the bandage.

"Uh well, I…" Snowbreeze began to say only to trail off at first until she spoke again. "Back in New Cloudsdale, I was in what you could call a bad crowd and well we got into fights a lot and I seemed to have a knack for patching my buddies up so they put me in charge of that." Snowbreeze replied though she seemed very nervous about revealing such information in the presence of her friend even though she was most likely in no condition to even properly understand her.

"Bad crowd you say? Well at least something good came out of hanging around with a bunch of Ironwings." He remarked much to the snow white Pegasus's shock.

"How did you know about them?" She asked uneasily.

"A few of the members hung around town and before they bucked up my life, I was able to witness their handiwork at patching each other first hoof. Your style of patching your friend up is identical to theirs so I just went out on a limb and guessed right, I suppose." The donkey replied as he finally managed to fully remove the bandage around Sapphire's side and got a clear look at the damage done to her.

"Wait, how did they manage to do that?" She asked curiously.

"Ancient history, kid. You're friend here looks like she got hit directly by a unicorn's ironflare spell. Darn lucky she survived the initial hit much less the damage she took from the blast. I'd have to say your patchwork is what's kept her alive so far. You should be proud, kid." The Donkey replied dismissing her question and commenting on the damage.

"Is she going to make it?" Snowbreeze asked apprehensively though she genuinely appreciated the doctor's complement, she was far more worried for he friend's health at the moment.

The Donkey sighed as he opened his saddlepack, took out a sewing kit, a needle, and a small vial of clear liquid. "I can't say for sure but I'll do what I can." he replied as he dipped the needle into the vial, withdrew some of its contents, and stuck the needle just outside of the affected area.

At once, Sapphire let out a high pitched cry much to the panic of her friend but not to the Doctor. "Don't worry, the anesthetic will kick in momentarily." He said calmly as he ran a hoof along Sapphire's cheek as she looked at him though she looked as if she was barely conscious at this point.

Moments later, the Alicorn's expression became relieved as the agonizing pain she had endured for the last couple hours slowly faded away and while not completely gone, was far more tolerable than before. No sooner the doctor was sure his medicine had fully kicked in, he stuck the needle into the skin just outside the wound and began to stitch it up.

Time seemed to crawl by as Snowbreeze paced back and forth, often looking to her friend's face to make sure she was still breathing. Eventually, the doctor stood up and walked away. "How is she?" Snowbreeze asked nervously.

"Well, I've never operated on any Alicorns before but I'll be danged if she isn't one of the toughest fillies I've worked with. I can't say for sure if she'll make it or not but we'll know in a week at the very least." He said calmly.

"What happens in a week?" Snowbreeze asked though she was pretty sure she already knew the answer.

"Well.. she either lives or dies. Simple as that." He remarked morbidly with one last glance to the Alicorn before he walked past Snowbreeze and to the door. "I'll be back to check on her daily." he added.

"Wait, so you're going to keep on helping us?" Snowbreeze asked in disbelief.

"Yes, kid. I'm going to keep on helping you. Celestia knows why though. I'd be better off leaving you two and going straight to those unicorns but I suppose its just not in me to be that cruel." He replied with a soft smile before he walked out and closed the door behind him.

The night crawled by and went and the next morning Snowbreeze awoke and was quick to check on her friend and much to her relief seemed to be sleeping soundly. "Don't you quit on me, Sapphire. I didn't let you drag my flank half way through this nation just for you to give up now." She said softly as she ran a hoof through the Alicorn's mane gently before she looked to the cracked window.

Snowbreeze looked back at her friend with a worried expression. "I'll be back. I need to get you some food to eat for when you wake up." She said softly before she silently walked away and out the door after she made sure no pony was looking.

The Pegasus was sneaking through town square when she noticed that quite the crowd had gathered. At first she decided to ignore it, that is until a certain pink mare spoke up. "Oooh, I wonder what they brought every pony out here for? Is it some kind of party?" The Pink mare remarked aloud excitedly.

Before, she would have just ignored the pink pony's rambles and went about for whatever she was looking for but after yesterday, she began to wonder if there wasn't some kind of secret method to the pink mare's randomness since despite her being an annoying pain the flank, she did end up leading her to somepony who saved Sapphire's life. Suspecting she had appeared here for a reason, she planted her rump down next to the element of laughter. "I doubt it." Snowbreeze remarked bitterly.

"Ponies of Manehatten!" One of the unicorns exclaimed aloud in a deep commanding voice that Sapphire immediately recognized despite the fact she hadn't heard it in over four months. It was a voice she wanted to forget but couldn't. "We come here today not as invaders but as your allies and friends in arms!" The unicorn exclaimed to the crowd. "We are looking for what we call an Alicorn. This filly has features of a Pegasus and a unicorn!" He continued and paused to let the crowd take this in. "She is a threat to you all and must be caught at all costs!"

"Ha! What a load of horseapples!" Snowbreeze exclaimed to the pink mare only for her to look at her and hush her.

"Shh! I think he's getting to the good part!" Pinkie Pie whispered as she turned her attention back to the unicorn in black.

"If we find out that any of you are harboring this fugitive, you will be considered an accomplice to her crimes and punished just as she will be!" The unicorn continued only to stop once more before continuing. "At sundown tonight, three of my best unicorns will be casting a citywide detection spell which will reveal the location of this Alicorn! At which point we will know if any of you are guilty of such an act! Rest assured that you have nothing to fear if you are innocent! However, if we find you guilty like this pony right here…" The unicorn said as an earth pony was dragged on stage.

"Hey! That's the jerk who tried to sell me that lame blueberry milkshake!" Snowbreeze exclaimed in shock as she looked at the stallion.

"Take your horns and shove them up your tail-holes you Spikeheads!" The stallion exclaimed angrily which was met with offended gasps from the crowd along with boos and insults.

"The punishment is death!" The unicorn exclaimed aloud which instantly silenced the crowd as one of the other unicorns in black began to charge a spell only for the lead unicorn to halt them. "However, we are not without mercy! Look to this crowd of unicorns Pegasi and earth ponies, if you recognize the fugitive our intelligence told us you were harboring, no matter how brief it was, we will spare your life!" He exclaimed more to the crowd than to the earth pony.

The crowd soon began to mutter about themselves as they dared not to move for fear of being called out as the mystery pony even though they were innocent. As much as Snowbreeze wanted to run, she couldn't will her body to move out of pure fear of being pointed out by the stallion but at the same time she knew he would be able to spot her out in this crowd easily. She was doomed if she ran and doomed if she stayed.

"Oooh! Now its getting good! I love this show! The actors really are good at their jobs!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly.

"P-Pinkie you stupid leadhoof… this isn't some act! They are really going to kill him unless he points me out in this crowd!" Snowbreeze whispered as quietly as possible to the pink mare who looked at her with a confused look at first until it dawned on her.

"Wait, they can't be serious! That would be downright evil!" The Pink mare exclaimed in shock.

"You guessed it Pinkie… they are evil. The Order Of The Dark Horn is pure evil." Snowbreeze whispered once again as quietly as possible.

"Wait! Those guys are members of the dark horn?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she hopped to all four hooves and gawked at the snow white pegasus. "No way! Twilight, me and our friends stopped those meanie-pants ponies a long time ago!"

The stallion looked to the crowd back and forth each time his gaze stopped on the Pegasus, Snowbreeze took a sharp breath expecting him to point her out but he hadn't yet despite the fact he had stopped to look straight at her in the crowd three times already. "Our patience grows thin, earth pony! Do you see them or not?!" The unicorn exclaimed at which point the stallion's gaze stopped dead on Snowbreeze much to her horror.

"I gotta run, I gotta run now!" Snowbreeze thought to herself frantically yet her body seemed to be frozen in fear since she couldn't will it to move as the stallion continued to stare at her.

"No...She's not here." The stallion finally replied as he hung his head low much to Snowbreeze's shock.

"Did he not see me? No, he was looking dead at me! So why didn't he point me out to save his own hide?!" Snowbreeze thought to herself dramatically.

"Very well, your fate is sealed!" He unicorn exclaimed at which point the other unicorn charged up his spell and literally incinerated the earth pony in front of the crowd much to everypony's horror. Cries of shock, terror and panic rang through the town square now.

"Silence!" The lead unicorn roared which instantly quieted the crowd upon hearing this.

Snowbreeze stared on in horror at the corpse of the dead stallion, a mixture of guilt, rage, and sadness filling her as she seemed to be unable to tear her eyes away from the smoldering corpse. "Why didn't he do it? He saw me, I know he did! So why? Why didn't he point me out to save his own hide?" she thought to herself as tears swelled in her eyes.

"Look upon this stallion well, citizens of Manehatten! This is the fate of all those who harbor the Alicorn and her friend!" He exclaimed as he looked over the crowd before he continued. "As we have said before, we are not without mercy! If you bring us the Alicorn before sundown, we will not only spare your life but also grant the ponies responsible for bringing us the Alicorn and/or her friend a generous reward of two million bits!" He exclaimed to the crowd which was once again muttering aloud. "Even if you have been harboring the Alicorn until now, we will overlook your transgressions and provide this reward!" The lead unicorn added.

"Oh wowie, i really hope that doctor donkey doesn't turn you guys in!" Pinkie Pie remarked which caused the Pegasus to look at the pink pony whose mane was now deflated with a sad look upon her face.

"Thank you captain obvious." Snowbreeze remarked uneasily as the crowd began to disburse, some who had openly announced they would be the first to find the Alicorn and her friend.


Snowbreeze returned to the abandoned home to find Sapphire awake. "Snowbreeze? Where did you go? You had me worried." Sapphire remarked aloud weakly as the Pegasus rushed over to her.

"No time to explain! We have to get you out of town before sundown!" Snowbreeze exclaimed frantically as she attempted to help her friend to all four hooves.

"Why? What's going on?" Sapphire asked in a confused tone.

"Those unicorns in black have the whole city after you, that's what." A voice that could belong to none other than the doctor as he walked through the door and closed the door behind him.

"S-Stay away from her! I won't let you turn her in!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as she stood in front of Sapphire to defend her.

"Calm your hooves, kid. I'm not here to turn you or her in." He said calmly much to the surprise of the Pegasus.

"So why are you here then?" Snowbreeze asked suspiciously, not fully trusting the donkey's words.

"I'm here to check on her or did you forget I said I would stop by to check on her." The donkey replied and sighed when Snowbreeze still didn't look as if she trusted him still. "My specie may be defined in the equestrian dictionary as 'ass' but it doesn't mean I am one, kid." The doctor added in an mildly offended tone.

"I'm still not clear on what happened. How does The Order Of The Dark Horn have the entire city out looking for me?" Sapphire asked weakly.

The doctor and Pegasus looked at one another briefly before Snowbreeze began to explain all that happened in town square. "And then… they killed him." Snowbreeze finished much to Sapphire's horror at which point she gasped aloud, placed a hoof over her mouth, and fought the urge to cry though much to her own shock, Snowbreeze had the full waterworks going.

"I still don't get it..." She sobbed softly.

"Don't get what?" Sapphire asked as she placed a hoof on the sobbing Pegasus's shoulder. "He saw me, I know he did! Why didn't the stupid leadhoof turn me in to save his own hide? WHY?!" She began to say softly only to shriek her final word as she abruptly bucked the nearest wall as hard as she could as she continued to sob. "He treated me like dirt when I was in his cafe… served me some sour milk and blueberry milkshake, kicked me out when I asked for my money back… so why? Why would he suddenly go all noble when he hated me so much?" She asked aloud shakily as tears dripped from her cheeks to the cold floor.

"Sometimes kid, things aren't always as clear cut as they look." The doctor began to say calmly as he walked up to the sobbing Pegasus and looked her in the eyes.

Snowbreeze sniffed loudly as she wiped her nose and looked at the donkey. "Rainbow Dash said something similar." She said aloud softly.

"Rainbow who?" The doctor asked curiously, he wasn't sure if he heard her right or not.

"Nevermind. We need to get Sapphire out of town before sundown or they'll know exactly where she is thanks to that massive detection spell their gonna cast." Snowbreeze replied although the donkey was staring out the cracked window at the sky now.

"Uh, kid? What kind of spell did you say they were gonna cast?" The doctor asked her uneasily.

"A massive detection spell." Snowbreeze said still not sure why he was looking out the window until she saw it herself.

"Kid, I'm not unicorn but I was on the frontlines near the end of the three hundred year war and I can tell you that the spell they are casting is no detection spell." The doctor replied uneasily.

"Then what kind of spell is it? And why are they casting it now? It's not even close to sundown!" She asked as a deep sense of dread began to overcome her.

It was at this point that Sapphire herself limped over to the cracked window and gasped. "They're going to incinerate the whole city!" Sapphire exclaimed aloud in horror much to the shock of the other two.

The three rushed out the door to look up. Beams of magic were still being channeled into the giant ball of flaming magic from three points in the city.

"We're all going to be roasted like that stallion!" Snowbreeze exclaimed in sheer terror as she looked to Sapphire only to gasp.

(Play "Dramatic Music" now!)

"No more innocent ponies are going to die today…" Sapphire said aloud only her voice seemed to have an eerie echo to it as her normally sapphire colored eyes now bore a blank white glow.

Right before Snowbreeze and the doctor's eyes, Sapphire's horn began to glow as the outline of her body seemed to blur as if multiple versions of her were standing in the same place until two other ponies phased from the center to the left and right. An earth pony, Pegasus, and Unicorn now stood before the Pegasus and Donkey for a short time before the three versions of Sapphire seemed to beam upwards in three Sapphire colored beams of magic towards all three sources of the spells being cast.

"How did she do that?" The doctor asked in a stunned tone as he looked to the Pegasus.

"You're asking me?" Snowbreeze replied looking just as stunned as the doctor was.


The unicorn version of Sapphire was the first to engage one of the unicorns, blasting him with a beam of magic so powerful a sapphire colored stream could be seen from the other two points the unicorns were casting followed by the abrupt canceling of the respective unicorn's spell.

Aware that something was amiss the second unicorn turned around just in time to see the Pegasus version of Sapphire jump to the skies and began to circle him. The unicorn began firing his spells at the filly in rapid succession though none of his spells seemed to have hit her and soon found himself swept away in a massive tornado atop the building.

The third unicorn was already in combat with the earth pony version of Sapphire, firing spells in rapid succession at the earth pony, each blast causing fragments of the rooftop to fly up as Sapphire narrowly evaded each one, moving with such speed that would give some of the fastest Pegasi in Equestria a run for their money.

However, just as it seemed the earth pony had the unicorn, he managed to get a lucky shot on her just before he was bucked fifty feet off the rooftop, hitting the exact spot the doctor had stitched up the day before. All three versions of Sapphire gave a shrill cry of agony in unison as the wound burst open anew in each of their sides and began to bleed profusely.

Despite this, the three versions of Sapphire soon zipped back to where the Alicorn had previously stood. Both the doctor and Snowbreeze immediately noticed the stream of blood trickling down the Alicorn's side but Sapphire wasn't finished.

The Alicorn's horn began to glow so brightly that magical sparks began to spurt and sputter from her horn. It was then that Sapphire's glowing white eyes gazed upon her friend and the donkey.

"Find some cover." was all she said before she turned to look at the skies once more.

At once, Snowbreeze grabbed the donkey by the tail and dragged him inside the abandoned building. "H-Hold on a second! She's bleeding out fatally! If I don't treat that wound as soon as possible, she's going to drop over dead before she even casts that spell she's channeling!" The doctor exclaimed as he attempted to rush back outside only for Snowbreeze to clamp her jaws around the donkey's tail and flapped her wings with all her might to halt him in his tracks.

"T-Trust me doc, you don't wanna be caught in the crossfire when she's like this!" Snowbreeze exclaimed between gritted teeth.

Sapphire's spell was now nearing its peak in power only for the Alicorn's strength to falter for a moment before she quickly regained it and prevented herself from falling forward. It was then that her horn seemingly exploded with magical energy in a wave of pure sapphire colored magic.

Meanwhile in town square, the lead unicorn looked on in shock as he witnessed the spell his unicorns were casting suddenly disappear and a few minutes later saw a tidal wave roughly fifty feet tall of pure magical sapphire colored energy rushing towards him "Blast that Alicorn!" He exclaimed fiercely as he witnessed several of his fellow unicorns consumed in the sapphire colored wave and seemingly evaporate.

The lead unicorn channeled magic into his horn and disappeared in a flash of magic mere seconds before the wave of magic consumed the exact position he was standing in.

Sapphire's eyes returned to normal and at once she fell to straightforward. The Alicorn's eyesight quickly began to dim as she glanced to her side which was coated in blood as more pooled next to her, then to a pair of snow white and dark brown hooves before her vision faded completely.


Sapphire's eyes fluttered open weakly as she looked about herself, she was in a hospital room with a life monitor beep aloud to the beat of her heart. She then looked a little to downward to see Snowbreeze who once again seemed to have fallen asleep and she could only assume that she hadn't left her side since she was brought here, yet she looked different somehow.

"S-Snowbreeze?" She called out weakly yet no sooner she had barely uttered her name, the Pegasus's eyes snapped open and looked at her.

"She's awake! Doc, she's awake!" Snowbreeze exclaimed at the top of her lungs. It was then that a chorus of hooves could be heard trampling towards her room and soon, a familiar donkey face met her vision along with five faces she didn't recognize.

"I can't believe it…" was all the doctor could say in awe.

"Wh-Where am I?" She asked aloud weakly.

"You're in Manehatten's best hospital, Sapphire." The doctor said warmly as he walked over to her and began to check her vitals.

"H-How long have I been out?" She asked.

"Almost a year." The doctor remarked calmly much to Sapphires shock.

"A year?!" She attempted to exclaim yet it only came out as a hoarse whisper.

"Yeah, you missed my birthday and yours, you sleepyhead!" Snowbreeze joked with a smirk in an attempt to lighten the blow of the shocking news
"It's incredible. You've been awake for less than ten minutes and your vitals are reading as if you're a perfectly healthy young mare. We had almost given up hope that you'd ever awaken." The doctor remarked aloud and sighed still in shock.

"In that case, I need to go." Sapphire replied as she attempted to sit up only for the doctor forcefully lay her back down.

"Don't even think about it. You have just woken up after nearly a year of being more or less dead to the world. We need to keep you under observation for at least a month." The doctor said firmly to which the Alicorn sighed aloud in annoyance. "Doctor's orders" He added with a smirk.

"Wonderful…" Sapphire remarked aloud dismally.

Author's Note:
