• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 1,351 Views, 72 Comments

The Last Alicorn(Book One: Purpose) - Deathsia

Since before time immemorial, Alicorns have ruled over nearly every country in Equestria save for the griffon kingdom and a few other uncharted locations. However, when the world needed them most... They vanished...

  • ...

A Specieific Situation


A campfire raged just outside of a nearby town as the stars filled the sky with numerous constellations along with the moon which seemed to stand out the most. However the sound of food being scarfed down broke the otherwise pleasant silence the night offered.

"Snowbreeze! You've already eaten five plates already! If you eat anymore, we won't have enough to last us for the rest of the week!" Sapphire exclaimed irritably as the Pegasus scarfed down her fifth plate of food.

"But I'm so hungry!" Snowbreeze whined aloud before she went to pick up a plate of celery sticks only for Snowbreeze to grab it with her mouth and yank it out of reach.

"No! No more food for today!" Sapphire said firmly as she dumped the plate of celery sticks into their respective packaging box and placed them into her saddlepack. "Honestly, with as much as you eat, I'm surprised you've kept that figure of yours." She added bitterly.

"Ha! I burn it off by flying around all the time!" Snowbreeze boasted with a smirk.

"Yeah, well it'll be daylight soon and we need to look around this town for an odd job or two if we want to make it to the next city without starving to death thanks to your… eating habits." Sapphire replied with a mild glare to the Pegasus.

"Ugh, do we really need to wear the disguises though?" Snowbreeze asked with an annoyed glance over at her coat and hoodie.

"Of course not." Sapphire replied in oddly cheerful voice until her facial expression faded into an annoyed glare. "If you want a repeat of what happened in the last two cities we stopped in where you insisted that we didn't need them because you thought no pony would recognize us." She finished.

"Hey! How was I supposed to know those unicorns in black had wanted posters out for us all over the nation?!" Snowbreeze retorted defensively.

"Well maybe if you'd been listening to Butch nearly a month and a half ago, he said he knew what I was thanks to a wanted poster he read." Sapphire replied as she rolled her eyes while she began packing up the camp tents.

"I was too busy flying for my life to bother to listen to that creep! Besides, we both figured out in the last city that you have far better hearing than me." The Pegasus replied defensively once more.

Upon hearing this, Sapphire let out a sigh. "Good point." She conceded. "I just hope we find somepony in town who knows what I am." Sapphire remarked aloud as the sun slowly began to rise to the skies.

"Uh, I thought we were going undercover?" Snowbreeze remarked with a mildly confused expression.

"We are but that won't stop me from asking a few innocent questions while we're there." Sapphire replied calmly as she picked up a bucket of water and doused the campfire out.


Sapphire and Snowbreeze walked into the entrance to the Manehatten only for a very surprising sight to behold their eyes. Not only earth ponies but also Unicorns, and Pegasi populated the cities grounds as the bustling voices of the many ponies rang out through the city as the two walked through it.

"Wow, I didn't think a town like this existed since Ponyville was destroyed over three thousand years ago." Sapphire remarked aloud in astonishment.

"Ponyville?" Snowbreeze asked curiously which caused Sapphire to look at the Pegasus with a curious expression.

"Ya know, the last bastion of harmony which had stood for over three thousand years until the Unicorn's of Canterlot destroyed it?" Sapphire replied expecting the Pegasus to know what she was talking about but when she still looked as clueless as ever the Alicorn sighed dejectedly. "Didn't you pay attention in history class?" Sapphire asked with an annoyed look at her friend.

"Well not exactly but I know that we were never taught anything about that. Most of our history classes were about the unicorns and how they crushed Cloudsdale and many other Pegasi towns under their tyranny while we tried to plead for them to leave in peace." Snowbreeze replied casually.

Sapphire scoffed upon hearing this. "I don't know what history book you were reading but from what I was taught, you Pegasi were no more innocent than the earth ponies or the unicorn's during the three hundred year war." Sapphire remarked much to the outrage of her friend who glared back at her.

"I don't know what fairy-tale book you've been reading but that's a load of horseapples! We never attacked anypony!" Snowbreeze exclaimed. The two were quickly gaining the undivided attention of many ponies in town unbeknownst to them.

"My mother would not tell me some, some, fairytale!" Sapphire shouted at the Pegasus.

"Never said she did! But whatever book she read to you was telling you both a load of bucking nonsense! We never attacked anypony!" Snowbreeze shouted back.

"You're right! You all were too busy stuffing your faces with half a months supply of food to care!" Sapphire exclaimed back her temper quickly rising as the two began to butt heads with one another.

"What would you know, you, you… featherflanked spikehead!" Snowbreeze roared much to the outrage of the Alicorn whose eyes flared with anger.

"Look who's talking, featherflank!" Sapphire roared back.

"Bring it on! I dare ya to try anything!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as she shoved the Alicorn away.

"Keep pushing me and I just might!" Sapphire yelled back as she struck a combat stance.

"Like you could even touch me! The only thing you know how to do is go magical supernova and you can't even control that." Snowbreeze retorted as she struck a combat stance of her own.

"Ha! This coming from the Pegasus who would have gotten herself raped if I hadn't saved her flank!" Sapphire retorted back.

"Well I didn't ask you to save me! I can take care of myself!" Snowbreeze roared.

"Fine! I don't need you!" Sapphire exclaimed before she turned about-face and stomped off.

"You wouldn't last a day out here without me!" Snowbreeze shouted back as the Alicorn walked out of sight between the crowds of mares and stallions.


"That ungrateful, egotistic, little bucking featherflank!" Sapphire fumed aloud as she walked along the row of food stands and other goods.

"By Celestia… I can barely believe my eyes." An elderly mare's voice spoke up which caused Sapphire to look at a snowwhite mare with a royal purple colored mane and tail. "An Alicorn…"

Sapphire's eyes suddenly widened in surprise as the unicorn mare looked at her. "B-But how? This disguise should have hidden my wings and horn!" Sapphire thought to herself in a panicked tone as she quickly checked to make sure her coat and hoodie were still attached to her. When she realized they were, she looked at the unicorn in bewilderment.

"How do you know what I am?" She asked softly as she walked up to the unicorn.

"I may be old but I'm not blind." The elder mare replied with a light chuckle.

"B-But the disguise!" Sapphire sputtered out still having no idea how this elderly unicorn was able to identify her an Alicorn without her exposing her wings and horn to the mare.

"Oh pish,tosh darling! That disguise wouldn't fool anypony. At the very least, it would make it hard for those unicorns in black to recognize you right away from a distance." The elderly unicorn remarked as she turned around and began to walk towards her cart.

"W-Wait! How do you know about those unicorns in black?! Who are you?" Sapphire asked as she rushed in front of the mare and stared at her.

"If you want to talk, then pull this cart for me. My old bones can barely pull this thing for five minutes before I have to take a rest." The unicorn replied, clearly avoiding the two questions.

Sapphire wasn't sure she could trust this unicorn but she was the only pony who seemed to know what she was and she wasn't about to let somepony who could possibly teach her how to control her power get away.

The Alicorn quickly strapped herself in and began pulling the cart and immediately noticed it was a lot heavier than it looked. "Geez, what do you have in this thing, Cast Iron cannonballs?" Sapphire remarked with a grunt as she continued to pull the cart as she followed the elderly unicorn back to what she assumed was the mare's house.

"Something like that, darling." The elder mare replied with a smirk before she stopped in front of the door and looked at the Alicorn.

"Um, aren't you going to open it?" Sapphire asked only for the elderly unicorn to conjure a fly swatter and smack her upside the back of the head. "Ow! What was that for?!" She exclaimed hotly with a glare at the unicorn.

"Didn't your parents teach you to respect your elders? Open it for me!" The unicorn snapped back.

"Okay, Okay… no need to get all hostile." Sapphire remarked irritably as she walked to the door and pushed it open for the elderly mare.

"Youngsters these days, no respect." The elder mare muttered as she walked into the house. She then turned around and looked at Sapphire. "Are you coming inside or what?" She snapped with a mild glare.

"Don't you need me to bring in whatever you have on that cart?" Sapphire asked with a curious look to the cart.

"You can get it later, darling. Now then, you had some questions?" The elderly unicorn asked as Sapphire walked into the home.

"How do you know what I am? and How did you know about the unicorns dressed in black?" Were the first two questions that came to mind that she asked aloud.

"Lets just say that I've known a few Alicorns in my time. As for the unicorns in black, I'll just say that I know many things and we'll leave it at that." She replied casually as she looked about the house in mild wonder.

"Known a few Alicorns in your time? But that's not possible! I'm the first Alicorn ever to be born! I'm the myth come to life!" Sapphire exclaimed only to get yet another fly swatter to the back of her head. "Ow!" She exclaimed as she rubbed her stinging head.

"Don't be so full of yourself! You're no more a myth come to life than I am!" The elderly mare snapped with a glare and sighed.

"What do you mean? There are more Alicorns like me?" Sapphire asked a faint sense of of hope that she was not alone was filling her now.

"No. You're the first Alicorn to be born that hasn't been murdered as an infant for nearly two thousand years. That's all." The Elder mare replied simply much to Sapphire's confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" Sapphire asked, clearly confused beyond belief.

The elder unicorn sighed aloud. "I'm saying, the order of the dark horn has been making sure no Alicorns have cropped up for the last five thousand years." The Elder mare replied simply.

"The Order Of The Dark Horn?" Sapphire inquired curiously only to get another stinging slap from the unicorn's conjured flyswatter.

"The unicorns dressed in black!" The Unicorn snapped and sighed. "I swear…" The elder unicorn began to say only for the following words to be muttered so low that even with Sapphire's ears couldn't pick it up completely. The most she could make out were the words "Treehouse" and "Castle".

"Okay, so if you know so much about Alicorns, then you can help me learn to control my Alicorn magic right?" Sapphire asked curiously only to receive yet another swat to the back of her head. "Would you cut that out?!" She snapped angrily at the elder unicorn.

"How in the blazes do you expect to learn to control your Alicorn magic when you barely know how to control your earth pony, Pegasus, and Unicorn magic?!" The unicorn asked her with a glare before she turned around and walked towards the other side of the room to a counter and began to examine the cabinets.

"What's that got to do with anything?" Sapphire asked and was quick to dodge another swat from the unicorn's flyswatter only to get a swift smack to her hindquarters which caused her to comically seize up as her mane and tail seemingly stood on end for a brief moment due to the sudden impact.

"Everything!" The elder unicorn shouted as her eyes flared with anger before she gave a heavy wheezing cough.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to go get somepony?" Sapphire asked with a concerned expression as the unicorn coughed and wheezed a little longer before she seemed to recover from the coughing fit.

"I'm fine, darling." The elder unicorn replied as she readjusted her mane.

"I know I have attributes from all three specie of pony but I'm still not sure what that has to do with my Alicorn magic." Sapphire asked expecting to be swatted once again only the elder unicorn didn't seem to find her question annoying since the swat never came.

The elder mare let out a sigh before she looked at her. "When you Alicorns tap into your Alicorn magic, you're not just using some higher form of power but rather your earth pony magic, Pegasus magic, or Unicorn magic respectively." The unicorn explained calmly. "In essence, your Alicorn magic isn't some higher form of power but rather an extension of the already huge amount of earth pony, unicorn, and Pegasus magic you have within you."

Upon hearing this, Sapphire made a thoughtful glance as she recalled what her friend had told her. "But Snowbreeze told me that I was using all three at once." Sapphire remarked aloud only to receive another swat to the back of her head as the unicorn walked up to her.

"That's because you lack refinement, control!" The unicorn said pointedly as she prodded the Alicorn with each word she put emphasis on.

Sapphire once again rubbed the back of her head irritably as she spoke. "Well that's why I'm here. I need you to teach me how to control it." Sapphire replied calmly.

"Bah! I can't teach you how to control it." The Elder mare replied bitterly as she turned around and walked away from the filly.

"If you can't teach me, then who can?" Sapphire asked as she followed the unicorn a crossed the room.

"If you want to learn how to control your Alicorn magic, you need to first master your earth pony, Pegasus, and unicorn magic first!" The elder unicorn remarked though she didn't look back at her since her attention seemed to be drawn towards the grandfather clock.

"Okay then. So where do I start? Who do I talk to?" Sapphire asked curiously as the unicorn turned to look back at her finally.

"You can start by speaking to a relative of mine in fillydelphia. He'll teach you how to control your earth pony magic. Goes by Liberty Belle I think. You're on your own for finding somepony to teach you how to control you Pegasus and unicorn magic though." She replied simply.

"I've worked on a farm for most of my life, I'm pretty sure I have the earth pony thing down." Sapphire replied confidently only to get a much harder slap to the back of her head than the previous.

"You think that farming is all there is to being an earth pony? You know nothing about being an earth pony! That's why you got your keister kicked back in that thug's basecamp!" The unicorn snapped with a glare before she turned around and looked at the grandfather clock once more.

"Wait, how did you know-"

"I already answered that question!" The elder mare snapped again as she swatted the Alicorn upside the head again with her flyswatter.

Sapphire was beginning to think that by the time this elder mare was done with her, she was going to have an imprint of the flyswatter on the back of her head as she nursed the sore spot where she had been mercilessly slapped many times before she spoke. "Okay, so this relative of yours, is he some kind of great grandson or something?"

"You could say that, darling." the unicorn replied with a wry smile before she began walking past her towards the door. "Just mention my name and he should be more than willing to teach you all he knows." The elder mare said causally.

"Uh, you never told me your name." Sapphire replied as she followed the mare to the door.

"I didn't? I could of swore I did." She mused aloud with a smirk before she turned to face the Alicorn. "It's Rarity, darling." She said simply at which point the Alicorn's eyes snapped wide as her years of homeschooling came crashing forward to the front of her mind as the mention of one of the names of the legendary elements of harmony.

"Wait,wait, wait! As in The Element of Generosity, Rarity?!" Sapphire exclaimed in pure shock as she managed to finally get a glance at the mare's flank which bore a three diamond cutiemark.

"The one and the same, darling!" Rarity replied with a wide smile.

"But that's impossible! You'd have to be like over five thousand years old!" Sapphire exclaimed aloud without thinking.

"If there's anything I've learned over my years with Twilight and my friends. "She began to say as her appearance soon began to fade and was soon transparent to the Alicorn's eyesight. "Things are rarely what they seem." her voice seemed to echo before the elder unicorn vanished from sight completely.

"W-Wait! I have so many more questions!" Sapphire exclaimed as she ran to the spot where the unicorn had vanished yet she got no answer. Sapphire then looked about herself with a deep sense of unease.

"Okay, so either I've gone completely insane or I was really just talking to the Element Of Generosity…" Sapphire remarked aloud softly before she left the house.


Snowbreeze had tossed the disguise she was wearing earlier in a huff due to being so ticked off at her friend and before she thought to go back for it, it was gone. Deciding she didn't even need it, she shrugged the fact she had lost it off and walked along the streets of town in hopes of finding a cafe where she could get something to drink.

Snowbreeze walked into a local cafe and sat down on one of the stools. "I'll have a blueberry milkshake." She ordered casually only for the earth pony behind the counter to give her an annoyed look. "What?" She asked aloud in confusion.

"This isn't the place to be ordering for your kind." He said simply and pointed a hoof over to a badly battered door which read:

Pegasus and Unicorns eat here.

"Whatever…" Snowbreeze remarked aloud with a scowl as she walked over to the door, opened it, and gawked at the room.

It was less than a fourth of the main cafe's size but that wasn't what made the Pegasus gawk in shock. Everything from the stools to the badly kept merchandise behind the counter looked as if it hadn't been tended to in over fifty years.

"Ya gonna order or what?" The earth pony asked with a glare at Snowbreeze which caused her to walk up to the stool and sit down only for a sudden splintering of wood to nearly cause her to fall backwards.

The Pegasus jumped off the stool carefully and noticed that it had been badly glued back to its foundation many times as she noted the dried glue stains around the stool's wooden pole. "This place is a junk heap! Why can't I order in the other room!" Snowbreeze exclaimed with a glare.

"Be glad we're even serving your kind at all! So are ya gonna order or am I gonna have to escort ya outside?" The earth pony replied hotly.

"Whatever…" Snowbreeze muttered as she looked over the menu, taking note of the fact that most of the prices were five times or more than the prices she saw in the other room. "What the buck is this?! You're charging me three to four times more than what the cost for the same thing is in the other room!" Snowbreeze exclaimed in outrage.

"Either order or get out!" The stallion snapped angrily.

"Fine… Just give me a blueberry milkshake." She replied irritably as she tossed the cost of the drink in bits onto the counter which the stallion quickly scooped up, placed it into the register, walked away and came back with a dirty glass filled with what smelled like rotten milk and sour blueberries to the Pegasus.

"What the buck is this horseapples?!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as she gestured to the dirty glass of rotten beverages.

"That's your blueberry milkshake." The stallion replied smugly.

"There's no way I'm drinking that! I want my money back!" Snowbreeze exclaimed looking positively outraged by the terrible service she was receiving.

"No refunds! Now drink your blueberry milkshake or get the buck out of our cafe!" The stallion exclaimed with a threatening glare.

Snowbreeze gave one last loathing stare to the stallion before she swatted the glass of rotten milk and sour blueberries off which spilled over the counter. "I'm never coming back here again, bunch of stupid leadhoofs!" She exclaimed as she began to walk out only to find herself seconds later being carried by by the mane and tossed out the front door.

"I never want to see your featherflank around here again!" The stallion roared before he slammed the cafe door shut.

"Don't worry! I won't!" Snowbreeze roared back before she looked about herself, taking note of the fact that she had attracted some rather bad attention.

"Hey Kid. If you want some decent service, follow me." A voice suddenly said which caused the Pegasus to turn about face and look to see a hooded mare. The most Snowbreeze could make out was a cyan blue snout.

"How do I know you're not just trying to lead me into a dark alley while your buddies jump me?" Snowbreeze asked with a suspicious look at the hooded mare.

"Your loss kid." The mare replied before she turned around and walked away.

Snowbreeze watched the mare trot off and after a short inner debate darted after the hooded mare. "H-Hey, wait!" She exclaimed as she caught up with the mare. "So where is this place you were talking about with better service?" She asked curiously.

"Right in here." The hooded mare said as she pointed a hoof to what looked nothing more than an old house to the Pegasus.

Snowbreeze gave the hooded mare an apprehensive look before she approached the door and opened it. For a fleeting moment she had thought she was being led into some kind of trap only for said thought to be shattered as she looked about the room.

The inside of the house had been fashioned into a makeshift cafe as well over twenty of her fellow Pegasus chattered amongst themselves or were ordering something to drink from the Pegasus behind the counter.

"Oh wow! I thought the only cafes around here were ones ran by leadhoofs!" Snowbreeze remarked aloud in amazement.

"Watch the racist remarks kid." The bartender said as she looked over at Snowbreeze with a disapproving gaze.

"Oh, uh, sorry!" Snowbreeze apologized before she looked to the hooded mare.

"Go ahead and order something, kid. I'll wait here." She said casually.

"But I can't just order for myself, you led me here after all." Snowbreeze replied in an attempt to convince her new friend to join her.

"Don't worry about it, kid. It's cool." She said as she walked over to a table and sat down.

With an icy cold glass of fresh blueberry milkshake, Snowbreeze walked over to the table the hooded Pegasus had sat at which was oddly enough at the least populated part of the cafe near the back. "So, you and your friend make up after your fight earlier?" The hooded mare asked curiously.

"How did you know about that?" Snowbreeze asked curiously before she took a deep sip from her milkshake and let out a content sigh as the smooth yet tasty contents of the beverage sailed down her throat and into her stomach.

"Kid, everypony saw that." The hooded mare replied as a smirk appeared on her cyan blue face.

"I guess we kinda did make a bit of a scene…" Snowbreeze remarked aloud with a guilty expression and sighed. "No, we haven't." She said before she took another sip of her milkshake.

"Why not?" The hooded mare asked curiously.

"For starters, I have no idea where she is and for another thing, she thinks she's some kind of egghead who knows everything about equestrian history!" Snowbreeze replied though her temper seemed to rise slightly at the mere memory of the fight between the two.

"I know that feeling." The hooded mare replied followed by a chuckle.

"You have a know-it-all friend too?" Snowbreeze replied bitterly as she took another sip of her drink.

"Yeah. She loved reading so much that I was surprised she had time to spend time with me and her other friends half the time but she always somehow managed to make time for us." The hooded mare replied.

"Bet she didn't know what she was talking about half the time." Snowbreeze remarked irritably.

"Heh, sometimes she didn't but she always admitted when she was wrong if it turned out she was and that wasn't very often mind you." The hooded mare replied casually.

"Yeah well, Sapphire's no egghead. Heck, she's probably hopelessly lost in this city without me." The Pegasus replied before she sighed and took another sip of her drink.

"Don't you think you should go and find her then?" The hooded mare asked with a frown.

"Nah, she'll be fine on her own. She said it herself, she doesn't need me." Snowbreeze replied bitterly and suddenly realized her drink was gone.

"I don't know about that, kid. Sometimes when friends get into fights with one another, they end up saying things that they don't really mean in the heat of the moment." The hooded mare replied as she stood up from her seat and began to walk towards the door.

Snowbreeze took one last look at her empty glass and followed the hooded mare to the door, opened it for her, and followed her outside back into the city streets. "I guess I should go look for her but that doesn't mean she's right about the Pegasi being attacked when they didn't even want to go to war in the first place!" Snowbreeze exclaimed with a look skyward.

"Sometimes history isn't as clear cut as it seems kid. I mean look at this city. On the surface it looks like everypony is getting along but below the surface, things are just as bad as they are in every other town in the nation." The hooded mare replied calmly as she turned to look at Snowbreeze.

"You got that right…" The Pegasus remarked aloud and sighed. "Are you saying that the Pegasi weren't as innocent as our history books told us?" Sapphire asked apprehensively. She didn't want to believe it but at the same time when she thought about it, Sapphire wouldn't lie to her as far as she knew.

"I don't know but maybe you should ask her yourself." The hooded mare said as she walked down the street to which Snowbreeze followed her.

"I really don't know if I want to." Snowbreeze replied uneasily as she walked next to the hooded mare down the street and to the left into a part of the city that looked much less well kept than the rest.

Snowbreeze looked about the street and gasped. Many ponies dressed in little more than rags walked along these streets, some of which were entire families of unicorns and Pegasi. "The truth isn't always pretty, kid." The hooded mare replied as the two continued along the street.

"But sometimes… even in the darkest of times, a little ray of light can be found." The hooded mare said as she pointed a hoof to a a female Pegasus and a male unicorn, with what could be none other than what Snowbreeze assumed to be their offspring as a young unicorn colt and Pegasus filly played and laughed together.

"What matters is staying loyal to your friends and family no matter how dark things get. If you pull through the dark times together, then you can be sure they'll be a light at the end of the tunnel." The hooded mare replied as she pulled back her hood and coat which revealed a rainbow colored mane and tail, cyan blue wings, and a cutie mark which bore a cloud with a rainbow colored lightning bolt jolting down the side of her flank.

"H-Holy buck! You're Rainbow Dash! Your my great,great, great, great, great-Mmph!" She began to blurt out only for the cyan blue Pegasus to shove a hoof in her mouth. "Geez kid, no need to pull a Pinkie Pie." She remarked irritably before she removed her hoof from the snow white Pegasus's mouth.

"But how?!" were the next two words that the Pegasus blurted out in pure disbelief of what she was seeing.

"You got me, kid. The only thing I can really tell you is this: You've gotta be some kind of special for me to appear and talk to ya." She said with a warm smile and looked up at the sky. "Huh, looks like my time is up. Nice talking with ya, kid." She said as the cyan blue Pegasus's appearance seemed to be fading before Snowbreeze's eyes.

"H-Hey! Hold up a second! I need to ask you something! My mom always told me stories of how you and Pinkie Pie were closer than the rest of the other elements of harmony, how close were you?" She asked as the Pegasus continued to fade.

"Really, Kid? That's your last question before I disappear?" Rainbow Dash asked the filly as she rolled her eyes. "Lets just say we were a little more than friends." She replied with a cheesy smirk before she faded completely and out of sight.

"Heh, I knew it!" Snowbreeze exclaimed with a big grin only to realize the element of loyalty was no longer anywhere to be seen.


"I'm so hopelessly lost!" Sapphire remarked aloud dismally as she looked around town and sighed dejectedly.

"Ha! I knew you'd be lost without me!" A familiar voice exclaimed to which Sapphire snapped her eyes skyward to see Snowbreeze hovering several feet above her.

"Snowbreeze!" Sapphire exclaimed joyfully as the snow white Pegasus landed in front of her at which point the two looked at each other awkwardly for a time.

"I'm so sorry for the things I said!" The two exclaimed simultaneously only to go silent once again before they spoke again.

"You won't believe it but I spoke to my ancestor!" Snowbreeze exclaimed excitedly.

"You spoke to Rainbow Dash?! Maybe I'm not as crazy as I thought!" Sapphire exclaimed aloud with a thoughtful glance to the ground as she placed a hoof on her chin.

"What are you talking about?" The Pegasus asked curiously as Sapphire looked back up at her.

"Okay, so I totally know this is going to sound crazy but I talked to Rarity!" Sapphire exclaimed with the same level of excitement as Snowbreeze had.

"Really?! Was she as cool as Rainbow Dash?!" Snowbreeze asked eagerly.

"Well, I don't know about cool but she sure as heck liked to smack me upside the head with that magical flyswatter of hers." The Alicorn replied with a mildly annoyed expression. "Anyways, she told me that in order to gain control of my Alicorn magic that I needed to learn to master the earth pony, Pegasus, and unicorn magic within me."

"Really? Who's gonna teach you how to do that?" Snowbreeze asked curiously.

"Well, she told me that she had a relative by the name of Liberty Belle in Fillydelphia who could teach me how to master my earth pony magic so that's a start." Sapphire replied excitedly.

"Well what are we waiting around here for then?! Lets get going!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as she made a took off position.

"Wait a second, where's your disguise?" Sapphire asked finally realizing that her friend wasn't wearing the coat and hoodie.

"Uhh…" was all Snowbreeze could say in response to this.

"There she is!" A voice called out which caused the two to look in the direction of the voice to see several unicorn's dressed in black.

"Oh horseapples! It's the order of the dark horn! I told you that if they recognized you that they'd know I was close by!" Sapphire exclaimed as she yanked off her coat and hoodie, made her take off position and erupted off the ground next to Snowbreeze.

"The order of the dark what now?" Snowbreeze asked in a confused tone as the two evaded beams of magic being shot at them.

"I'll explain later! For now, lets ditch these guys!" Sapphire exclaimed as the two gained more altitude as the unicorns continued to chase them...

Author's Note:

Aaaannnnd NEW CHAPTER!:pinkiehappy: