• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 1,351 Views, 72 Comments

The Last Alicorn(Book One: Purpose) - Deathsia

Since before time immemorial, Alicorns have ruled over nearly every country in Equestria save for the griffon kingdom and a few other uncharted locations. However, when the world needed them most... They vanished...

  • ...

The Adventure begins(Part 2)



"No, No, No! You've gotta flap them harder!" Snowbreeze exclaimed aloud in an annoyed tone as Sapphire pulled her face from the dirt and looked up dismally at her friend as the sun beamed down on the two during the afternoon.

The Alicorn stood to her hooves and sighed. "I'm trying, okay?! We've been at this for the last month and a half, but I've made no progress!" Sapphire exclaimed and sighed. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" She asked curiously with an annoyed look at her friend.

"Hey, I'm a Pegasus, not a miracle worker." Snowbreeze retorted with a mild glare.

"Oh! So you're implying that me flying is impossible then?" Sapphire shot back with a glare as well.

"Ugh… No, but even some of the weakest fliers in my class could at least hover within the first month." Snowbreeze replied as she calmed herself and sighed. "Look, maybe I'm not the best teacher for you, but at least I'm trying." Snowbreeze exasperated.

"I am trying!" Sapphire snapped and growled under her breath.

It was then that the two noticed Merrybelle approaching them. "How goes my daughter's flying lessons, Miss. Dash?" The mare asked with a smirk, much to Snowbreeze's embarrassment due to the mare referring to her as some kind of professional flight teacher.

Sapphire let out a dejected sigh before she spoke. "Not so well…" She replied dismally. "Snowbreeze is really trying to teach me, but I'm just not grasping the basics as fast we both thought I would." She added in attempt to credit her friend despite her lack of flying ability after a month and a half of training.

"I know I'm not a Pegasus, but I think I may have some advice." Merrybelle began, but looked to Snowbreeze for approval to continue.

"Go ahead. I'm at my wit’s end here." The Pegasus said candidly as she flung her hooves up and hovered a short distance away.

"I'm really trying, Mom, but this flying business is way harder than I thought it would be. Maybe these things just weren't meant to support my weight enough for flight." Sapphire remarked to her mother as she extended her wings, looked at them, and sighed.

"I think you're problem may not be your wings, but rather your mindset, sweetie." Merrybelle suggested, much to Sapphire's confusion.

"My mindset? What's that got to do with anything?" The Alicorn asked with a purely confused expression.

"Me and your father did our best to raise you as an earth pony. In hindsight, that may have been our biggest mistake since you're not just an earth pony but also a Pegasus." Merrybelle replied warmly as she stroked her daughter's wing gently before she put the same hoof on her cheek.

"You forgot that I'm also a Unicorn." Sapphire added as she made a non-verbal motion to the horn on her head.

"Forget about the horn for now, Sapphire. Right now, I think what you truly need to do is think like a Pegasus. Now tell me, what do you think Snowbreeze would do in your situation?" Merrybelle asked curiously, which caused Sapphire to give a thoughtful expression as she placed a hoof on her chin.

"She'd probably just run off a cliff and yell 'Come on wings, fly!' Sapphire remarked aloud nonchalantly until her eyes lit up. "That's it! Thanks mom!" Sapphire exclaimed, hugged her mom tightly and ran off before her mother could utter a word to stop her.

It was at this point that Steel walked up to his wife and nuzzled her. "So, what's Sapphire up to?" he asked curiously.

Merrybelle looked to her husband and gave him a worried look before she spoke. "I think I may have just unintentionally told our daughter to jump off a cliff." Merrybelle remarked aloud in a dreading tone.

"Uh, come again, honey?" Steel asked as he blinked in confusion at his wife.


"Uh, are you sure this is a good idea?" Snowbreeze asked skeptically as Sapphire stood roughly twenty feet away from a cliff face on the outskirts of Rockybottom.

"Of course it is! I got the idea from mom, and she'd never try to put me in harms way." Sapphire chirped as she took several deep breaths in preparation for the sprint.

"Not trying to question your mom's wisdom or anything, but I seriously doubt this is what she had in mind with whatever she told you." Snowbreeze replied once again in the same skeptical tone.

"Of course it is! She told me to try and think of something you'd do in my situation and this is the first thing that came to mind!" Sapphire replied excitedly.

"Okay, I know I've bragged about doing some pretty scary stuff, but I know I never said anything about jumping off a cliff when I couldn't even fly!" Snowbreeze exclaimed dramatically as Sapphire posed herself to sprint.

"Doesn't matter. I'm thinking like a Pegasus and that's what matters!" Sapphire exclaimed and darted down the path much to Snowbreeze's horror.

"There's no way she'd be crazy enough to jump off a cliff!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as she took off from the ground and caught up to the Alicorn. "H-Hey, you were just bluffing, right?! You aren't actually going to jump off a cliff in hopes it will let you fly, are you?!" Snowbreeze asked as she flew alongside her friend who was picking up a great deal of speed in her gallop.

"Of course I am! Wish me luck!" Sapphire exclaimed and lept off the cliffside.

"Holy motherbucking Luna.... She actually jumped!" Snowbreeze remarked aloud in shock until it fully dawned on her. She then quickly dove over the cliff after her friend and caught up with her. "Say, uh, now would be a good time to get to opening those wings!" She exclaimed as the Alicorn up till this point was panicking.

"Oh yeah, right!" Sapphire exclaimed in a semi-panicked tone as she snapped her wings open, nearly slapping her friend upside the head with her left wing. Sapphire however, continued to plummet, the ground growing closer and closer by the millisecond.

Snowbreeze gave a worried look down towards the ever growing closer ground and then back to Sapphire. "You might wanna start flapping those wings!" She exclaimed in a semi-frantic tone.

"I-I-I'm trying, but the wind is pushing too hard against them! I can't even move them at this point!" Sapphire exclaimed frantically.

"Flap harder!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as she closed in to her friend, clamped her mouth on the Alicorn's wings and began to flap with all her might to slow her friend's descent.

"I'm trying!" Sapphire shrieked back.

The ground was now less than ten seconds away and despite every ounce of Snowbreeze's wingpower, she wasn't able to slow her friend down anymore than she had thirty seconds ago, but she wasn't about to give up.

"Oh, Luna, Noooo!" Sapphire shrieked as she slammed her eyes shut, expecting the inevitable painful impact, and most likely nothing more afterward.

However in the next second, Snowbreeze was suddenly ejected from Sapphire, her grip on the Alicorn's mane completely severed which caused her to flip back several times in the air. Once the Pegasus had recovered, she gawked in shock at the sight that beheld her.

The Alicorn hovered in place, her eyes a blank white glow, her body surrounded in a field of sapphire colored magic, and a current of wind erupting around her.

"Holy bucking Luna…" Snowbreeze remarked aloud slowly in pure shock of what she was seeing.

As quickly as the event happened, it ended as the Alicorn's eyes returned to their normal appearance, the ball of magic gone, and the wind dissipated. Almost immediately, Sapphire put a hoof to her head and groaned aloud. "Ohh, what happened?" She asked wearily.

"Wait, you mean you didn't do that? It just happened on its own?!" Snowbreeze asked in astonishment.

"Wh-What happened on its own?" Sapphire stuttered as she sat on her rump since her legs were feeling particularly weak at the present time.

"Oh my gosh! It was so cool! You're eyes were all white and glowy and your body was surrounded by this huge ball of magic and you were making so much wind that I don't even think a Flight Master could generate that kind of wingpower!" Snowbreeze exclaimed all in one breath.

"I did all that?" Sapphire asked incredulously, still not believing what her friend had told her.


Merrybelle rushed up to her daughter and hugged her tightly. "Oh thank Celestia you are alright! You didn't really jump off a cliff, did you?!" She asked in a worried manner at which point Snowbreeze and Sapphire exchanged worried glances before they looked back at her. "Y-You did? You flew?"

"Not exactly…" Sapphire replied as she looked to Snowbreeze.

So Snowbreeze told Merrybelle everything, how she did her best to save Sapphire's life and how the Alicorn herself managed to save her own life. By the time the Pegasus had finished, Merrybelle looked as if she knew something, and her daughter could tell this easily by the way she was looking at her.

"You know something… don't you?" Sapphire asked uneasily.

Before Merrybelle could speak however, she was suddenly knocked several feet away by a blast of magic which caused Snowbreeze and Sapphire to look at her attacker, only to see several unicorn's dressed in jet black clothing with their faces hidden behind masks.

"Merrybelle!" Steel exclaimed as he witnessed his wife blasted to the ground from the house, rushed to her side, and looked up at her attackers. "Oh no…" was all the stallion could say as the unicorn's approached the four.

"Is mom okay?!" Sapphire asked frantically as she rushed to her father alongside of Snowbreeze.

Steel however, wasn't looking at his daughter as he held his wife while the unicorns continued to approach them. Sapphire looked in her father's line of sight and then back to her father. "Daddy, who are those ponies?!" She asked, yet when she didn't get an answer she shook her father, which seemed to snap him out of his blank stare.

"Sapphire, you need to get out of here, now!" Steel commanded his daughter, much to the Alicorn's confusion.

"I'm not leaving you or mom! I won't let them hurt you or mom!" Sapphire exclaimed defiantly as she stood in front of her parents to protect them.

"Sapphire listen to me! Get out of here! Get as far away as you can! They aren't after me or your mother!" Steel exclaimed as he laid his wife down, walked in front of Sapphire and Snowbreeze and stood firm.

"What are you saying?! They just attacked mom didn't they?!" Sapphire exclaimed as she looked to her unconscious mother.

"Give us the Alicorn and we will spare your family." One of the unicorns said in a deep yet commanding tone.

"Alicorn? Who are they talking about, Daddy?" Sapphire asked fearfully as she looked at her father who didn't look back at her, but rather continued to stare back at the unicorns.

"You…" Steel said in calm yet firm manner much to the shock of both fillies. "If you want my daughter, then you'll have to go through me first!" The stallion exclaimed valiantly.

"Very well." the unicorn replied darkly as he channeled magic into his horn at which point Steel found himself lifted into the air. "You have chosen the fate of not only yourself, but your family." He added darkly and moments later Steel began to gag and choke as if he couldn't breath.

"Stop it! You're killing him!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as she gave Steel a panicked look, then back to the unicorn, who seemed to be ignore her. Once she realized that the unicorn wasn't going to stop, the Pegasus took off the ground and began to quickly circle the group of unicorns. "Come on Snowbreeze, Chapter fifty-two, how to generate a tornado. You can do this!" The Pegasus said aloud to herself as she flew faster and faster around the group, yet she wasn't making much progress.

However, one of the unicorn's caught onto her, stopped her with their magic and chuckled at her. "What was that? Another pegasus your age could have generated a wind stronger than that in half the time you did!" He jeered before he used his magic to launch the filly through the sky much to Sapphire's horror. "Pathetic!" the unicorn added moments later.

"Please! I'll do anything! Just let my father go!" Sapphire pleaded as tears streamed from her eyes.

Upon hearing this, the unicorn's eyes narrowed at the Alicorn and the magic around her father disappeared at which point Steel took a sharp breath of life giving air and coughed afterward. "Very well. Come with us and we'll spare your family." The unicorn said in the same deep commanding tone he had earlier.

Sapphire was about to begin walking towards them when her father spoke. "D-Don't go with them, Sapphire! I don't know what they want with you but it can't be good!" He exclaimed hoarsely.

"Silence!" The unicorn commanded as he shot a burst of magic at Steel which launched him off the ground several feet into the air and landed with a thud a few feet away from Sapphire.

"Daddy, no!" Sapphire shrieked as she darted to her father's side

"Leave him and come with us if you value his life." The same unicorn spoke once again.

Sapphire looked to her now unconscious father as tears streamed from her eyes then back to the unicorns with a deep sense of loathing in them. "Go choke on a horn you Spikeheads!" She yelled at them.

Upon hearing these words, the unicorn's eyes flashed with anger as his horn glowed once more. "Very well! You have chosen your family's fate!" The unicorn exclaimed, anger clear in his voice as Sapphire watched her father and mother levitate into the air, and soon after, began to choke and gag.

It was at this point that Jasper came outside, completely unaware of what was happening until now. The young colt knew at once that her parents were in trouble and rushed over to them. "Mommy! Daddy!" He exclaimed as he looked at them.

Sapphire gave a horrified gasp as she gave a fleeting glance to the unicorns then back to Jasper. "No, Jasper! Get back inside the house! Run!" Sapphire screamed, but she was too late to warn her little brother as he took was soon caught in another field of magic and began to choke and gag as well.

The Alicorn continued to watch in horror as her family choked and gagged before her eyes. "Stop it, stop it, stop it!" She shrieked at the top of her lungs with her eyes clenched shut. However less than two seconds later, they shot wide open, only they were pure white.

(Play "Dramatic Music" now!)

Sapphire's body soon rose into the air as a field of sapphire magic surrounded her and a great wind current began to swirl around her. The lead unicorn noticed this and gasped. "Quick! Kill the Alicorn! We can deal with the earth ponies later!" He commanded, at which point Sapphire's family dropped to the ground alive, but barely, as she all three gasped for air and coughed aloud.

The group of unicorn's quickly rushed forward only to struggle to hold their ground against the sheer power of the wind the Alicorn was generating. Sapphire looked to the group who had approached, at which point her glowing pure white eyes flashed wide and the wind's strength tripled in strength, forcing the group of unicorns off their hooves and swirling into the sky around the Alicorn.

The unicorns gave cries of terror as they were flung in circles, but this didn't deter the lead unicorn. "Quickly! Cast your strongest and most lethal spells you have! The Alicorn must die, even if we go with her!" The unicorn commanded, at which point the remaining unicorns channeled magic into their horns and fired their strongest and most lethal spells at the Alicorn.

By this point in time, Snowbreeze had recovered from being flung halfway a crossed down and returned in hopes of helping Sapphire, only to stare on in shock at the sight that beheld her once again. It was like last time, except ten times more powerful.

"Holy mother of Celestia and Luna…" Snowbreeze remarked aloud in pure shock.

The unicorn's spells all impacted with Sapphire's magical barrier, each one creating a large explosion of raw magical power, though none seemed to have penetrated the barrier. "Again!" The lead unicorn commanded, at which point the unicorns once again channeled magic into their horns in preparation to attack, and fired.

However unlike last time, their spells never connected with the barrier as the Alicorn's eyes flashed wide once more, and their magic was halted in place in the air less than a foot from Sapphire.

The unicorns gasped in shock as they witnessed this, even the lead unicorn gasped in shock and began to back away, unknown to the rest of his fellow unicorns. It was only once Sapphire began channeling magic into her own horn which caused the spells the unicorns had cast to begin swirling around and slowly melding together in a vertical motion that they realized their leader had already fled as he turned about-face, ran, and teleported moment's later.

"Run!" One of the unicorns shouted, at which point the group turned about face and began to flee from the Alicorn but by this point it was too late as the swirling magic suddenly erupted towards them in a large sapphire colored beam of magic. The unicorns were enveloped in the beam which stretched out to the very borders of the ten mile long farm and vanished as if somepony had blown it out like a candle, leaving no trace of the unicorns which had been fleeing, but rather a charred path in their place with nothing remaining but a faint wisp of smoke that radiated from the ground along the destroyed path.


Sapphire slowly opened her eyes wearily and immediately realized she was laying in her bed. She attempted to sit up, only to realize she didn't have the strength to. She then weakly turned her head to left and noticed that Snowbreeze was fast asleep in a chair next to her bed.

"She hasn't left your side since we brought you in here." A voice remarked which Sapphire at once knew belonged to her mother, which caused her to snap her head forward as her mother walked into the bedroom, stopped next to Sapphire's bed, and placed a hoof on her forehead.

"H-How long have I been out?" Sapphire managed to utter out though speaking in itself seemed to be a challenge for her.

"Nearly two weeks. Snowbreeze told us what happened." Merrybelle said softly as she ran a hoof through her daughter's mane.

"I've been out for two weeks?! And what happened?" Sapphire choked out in astonishment before she let out a sigh.

"You mean, you don't remember anything?" Merrybelle asked with a worried expression now.
"I don't remember anything past screaming for them to stop hurting you, dad, and Jasper." The teenage filly replied and groaned softly as she struggled to sit up in her bed.

It was about this time that Snowbreeze's eyes fluttered open drowsily then snapped wide once she realized that Sapphire was awake and at once lunged over to hug the Alicorn. "You had me worried sick about you! Are you alright?! Do you need anything to drink?! Are you hungry?!" She asked all in one very fast breath.

"My mouth is as dry as sandpaper." Sapphire replied, taking note of the fact that she was swallowing dryly.

At once, Snowbreeze darted out of the bedroom in a flash and returned moments later with a glass of ice cold water. Sapphire quickly took the cup and drank its contents in one quick gulp and let out a relieved sigh afterward.

It was then that Steel walked into the room and stood next to his wife. "Sapphire… it's time we told you the truth." Steel began and sighed.

"The truth?" The teenage filly asked with a confused expression.

Merrybelle let out a long sigh her and continued to speak where her husband left off. "We have actually known what you are for many years now, but we were afraid to tell you." Merrybelle said softly, but stopped to allow her daughter to take this information in.

"What am I?" Sapphire asked softly though she wasn't sure she wanted to know.

"You're an Alicorn." Steel said simply.

"Wait… as in The Legendary Alicorn?" Sapphire asked as her eyes widened in shock. "B-But you told me that they were nothing more than myths and legends!" She exclaimed as she gawked her parents thinking the two were playing some kind of cruel joke on her.

"We thought so too, until you were born…" Merrybelle replied as she leaned her head against her husband while the stallion rubbed his wife's shoulder affectionately.

"So wait, you decided to wait until those guys came and tried to kill you before you told me that I was some kind of myth come to life?!" Sapphire exclaimed, looking positively outraged as her former strength began to quickly return to her.

"We wanted to tell you for many years now, but until Snowbreeze told us what happened, we weren't sure. We didn't want you to be lead on by some myth that we had nothing to back up with." Steel continued and paused to wait for his daughter to reply.

When she didn't, he continued. "Of course, this isn't the first time those unicorns showed up." He added and sighed.

"Wait,Wait, Wait! You mean they tried to kill her before?!" Snowbreeze exclaimed in disbelief.

"When was this?!" Sapphire added looking just as shocked as the Pegasus was.

"The very night after you were born, we were attacked by a unicorn dressed in black. It was then that we found out you were an Alicorn. Your father did his best to protect you while I fled, but we were both rendered unconscious."

"Wait, if you two were knocked out while she was an infant foal… then how in the blueberry buck did she survive?!" Snowbreeze asked dramatically. This was the same question Sapphire was going to ask but the Pegasus beat her to the punch.

Steel and Merrybelle exchanged glances before they looked back at the two. "The same thing that you told us happened two weeks ago." Merrybelle said simply.

"You mean she was that powerful even as an infant?!" Snowbreeze exclaimed in shock as she slumped back in her chair. "Great… my best friend's a magical time-bomb waiting to blow." She remarked dismally and sighed dejected moments later.

"Snowbreeze! That's a very mean thing to say!" Merrybelle remarked in a stern tone toward the Pegasus, who folded her ears back guiltily.

"But she's right! I can't even begin to figure out how to control this huge power I have! What if one day I just suddenly lose control and blow up the house!" Sapphire exclaimed dramatically.

Merrybelle and Steel once again exchanged worried looks before they looked back at their daughter. "Sweetie, we don't think it works like that." Merrybelle said softly as she reached out to touch her daughter only for the Alicorn to recoil away.

"No! Don't touch me! I don't want to hurt you!" Sapphire shrieked as she leapt from her bed and darted out of the bedroom.

Snowbreeze looked to Sapphires parents. "I'll make sure she doesn't get into trouble." She said quickly and darted off after her.


Sapphire ran and ran for so long, she lost track of time, and soon came to a halt as she stared at a familiar cliff face as tears streamed from her eyes.

"You're not thinking of jumping, are you?" Snowbreeze's voice asked aloud which caused Sapphire to whirl around and gasp in surprise at first. "Because we both know how that ended last time." She added with a smirk.

Sapphire however took several fearful steps away from her friend. "Stay away from me! You said it yourself! I'm a magical time-bomb waiting to blow!" She exclaimed as tears streamed from her eyes.

"That was just me being a feather-flanked idiot! I didn't mean it!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as she reached a hoof out to her friend only for the Alicorn to take several more fearful steps away from the Pegasus. "H-Hey! Watch it! You're like two steps away from falling off the cliff!" Snowbreeze exclaimed fearfully as she once again attempted to reach out to her friend.

"I said stay away from-" Sapphire being to exclaim only for her hind legs to slip off the edge of the cliff and let out a shrill shriek as she fell off.

"Oh horseapples! Not again!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as she once more dove over the cliff after her friend.

Sapphire continued to scream in horror as she fell while the Pegasus closed in on her, latched her mouth onto her mane, and once again used all her wingpower in an attempt to slow her descent. "Now would be a good time to open those wings, Sapphire!" The Pegasus exclaimed between gritted teeth.

The Alicorn snapped her wings open upon hearing this and attempted to flap them only for the same result to occur as last time. "It's not working! The wind is too strong!" She exclaimed frantically.

"Yeah well, I'm no bucking expert, but I don't think that super powerful magic of yours is going to kick in this time around since you just woke up after using it took weeks ago!" Snowbreeze replied through gritted teeth as she continued to struggle to slow her friend's fall, but seemingly to no avail.

Sapphire looked to the ground, which was quickly approaching, then to her wings. "Come on wings, fly!" Sapphire exclaimed as she used all her strength to beat them once more.

Snowbreeze gave one last fearful glance to the ground before she snapped her eyes shut. "Never thought I'd go out like this!" She thought to herself dramatically as the ground was now less than ten seconds away as she continued to beat her wings with all her might.

However the impact never came, instead the Pegasus suddenly felt a soft jolt which she thought for a moment her friend had gone magical supernova again, only to open her eyes and realize Sapphire was flying! Upon realizing this, the Pegasus let go of her friend's mane and flew alongside her. "Holy buck! Sapphire, you're flying!" She exclaimed joyfully only to realize her friend still had her eyes tightly shut. "Yo! Open your eyes! You're not dead!" She exclaimed as she tapped the Alicorn on the head with her right front hoof, which caused Sapphire's eyes to snap open.

"I-I'm flying?" She exclaimed in disbelief as she flapped her wings alongside of Snowbreeze, taking in the fact she was in fact flying on her own. "I'm flying, Snowbreeze!" Sapphire exclaimed joyfully as she looked to her friend, who beamed back at her.

"Duh! I just got done saying that didn't I?" The Pegasus joked with a smirk as the two turn a one-hundred and eighty turn back towards the farm.


Merrybelle and Steel could barely believe their eyes as they saw their daughter and Snowbreeze approaching their house from the skies. "Mommy, lookit! Sapphire's flying!" Jasper exclaimed excitedly as he pointed a hoof at the two.

"I see that, sweetie." Merrybelle remarked proudly.

The wonderful moment however, was ruined once Sapphire attempted to land onto to comically hit the ground, bounce three times while doing a somersault between bounces, and skidded to a halt in front of her mother and father. "Ohhh… Uh, Hey mom, I can fly now! Isn't that great?!" She exclaimed wearily as Snowbreeze landed next to her.

"Yeah, but you can't land for a buck." Snowbreeze joked comically only to get a hoof to the shoulder from the Alicorn. "Ow!" She winced as she rubbed her sore shoulder.

Once Sapphire stood back up, an awkward silence ensued between the five until at last, Sapphire spoke. "Look, I'm sorry for running off like that. Its just that this whole 'Alicorn thing' was a little too much to take in at once." She said and sighed aloud.

"It's quite alright, Sapphire." Merrybelle began to say before she looked to her husband and then back to her daughter. "And we're sorry we didn't tell you sooner." She finished as she leaned in to embrace her daughter, who gladly hugged her back.

Once the two broke from their embrace however, Sapphire frowned at her mother. "So uh, listen. I think I should leave." Sapphire began, only to raise a hoof to her parents to stop them from objecting right away. "I know this is sudden and all, but Snowbreeze has a point. Even if it was over the top. This power I have is a magical time-bomb waiting to explode, and I need to find somepony, anypony, who knows about Alicorns to help me learn to control it." She explained calmly.

"Sapphire... " Merrybelle began as tears swelled in her eyes. "I really don't like this idea of yours. I'm sure we can work things out if we just-"

"Mom, this isn't something we can just put a lid on and pray nopony noticed." Sapphire deadpanned, cutting off her mother.

"Steel, say something! I don't want my baby filly out there alone!" Merrybelle exclaimed dramatically as she looked to her husband for support.

Steel looked to his daughter, then to his wife, then back to his daughter once more before he closed his eyes and sighed aloud. "Sapphire's right, Merrybelle." He finally said, much to the outrage of his wife.

"Steel! You can't possibly be siding with her?!" Merrybelle exclaimed as she glared at her husband.

The stallion turned to face his wife and smiled at her. "Merrybelle, we don't have the knowledge she needs in order to teach her how to control her power. She needs to go out into the world and find somepony who does." He said calmly to his wife, who merely huffed at him.

"This is absurd! I will not send my baby filly out into Luna knows what kind of danger! She's only sixteen, Steel!" Merrybelle protested.

"Mom! I'm not a foal anymore! I can take care of myself!" Sapphire exclaimed with an annoyed look at her overprotective mother.

"Hey, I'll watch her back for ya!" Snowbreeze interjected, only for the mare to glare at her with such ferocity that the Pegasus felt like she had shrunk fifteen inches under the mare's gaze.

"Besides, if those unicorns in black figured out where I am, they'll surely be back to come after me again." Sapphire said calmly as she frowned. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost any of you." She added softly as she looked at her parents.

Merrybelle looked into her daughter's eyes and knew her words to be true. The mare placed a hoof on her daughter's cheek and sighed in defeat. "I don't want to lose you." She said softly as tears swelled in her eyes.

Sapphire reached a hoof up and placed it upon her mother's, rubbing it softly. "You won't. As soon as I find a teacher to help me control this power, I'll be back. I promise." She said with a soft smile.


"Um, mom? I don't think we'll be needing that." Sapphire remarked in an uneasy tone as her mother placed an overly large sink into the saddlepack which didn't even come close to fitting inside.

"Nonsense! You can never been too prepared." Merrybelle remarked confidently as she gently tried to shove the sink into the saddlepack.

"Hey honey, where's the kitchen sa-" Steel began to say only for the sight that beheld him to cut the stallion off mid-sentence as he slammed a hoof against his forehead. "Honey, I think you're overdoing it." He remarked with a smirk as he walked over and lifted the sank from the saddlepack.

"I just want my baby filly to be as prepared as she can be." Merrybelle retorted hotly as her husband dragged the kitchen sink back into the house.

"Mom! I'm going to be fine!" Sapphire exclaimed in a half-whiny, half-annoyed tone.

"So, we ready to go, or is she gonna try to shove the bathroom sink in there next?" Snowbreeze joked with a smirk.

"I think we're ready to go." Sapphire replied as she put the saddlepack on and stood straight up.

"Remember to be careful out there! And if you see any of those unicorn's dressed in black-"

"Yes, Mom. I know, get away from them before they even know we're there. I got it!" Sapphire replied and sighed.

It was at this point and time that Steel walked back from the house as he watched Sapphire hug his wife before he walked up and gave her a hug of his own then turned to look at Snowbreeze. "You will watch out for her, I hope?" He asked with a soft smile to the Pegasus.

"You bet! Besides, she'd be lost without me!" Snowbreeze replied with a smirk, but was quick to dodge yet another punch from the Alicorn as she was prepared for it this time.

The two fillies both struck their respective take off positions, burst into a sprint, and were off to the skies. Sapphire gave one last glance back to her home she was leaving behind and let out a depressed sigh.

"Not getting homesick already, are we?" Snowbreeze remarked with a smirk.

"Heh, not a chance!" She replied as the two soared east and through the very heart of the Earth Pony Nation.

Author's Note:

I'm sooo loving writing this! I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!:pinkiehappy:
Proof read by: Izanagi:twilightsmile: