• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 1,355 Views, 72 Comments

The Last Alicorn(Book One: Purpose) - Deathsia

Since before time immemorial, Alicorns have ruled over nearly every country in Equestria save for the griffon kingdom and a few other uncharted locations. However, when the world needed them most... They vanished...

  • ...

The New Life



A teenage filly pulled a large plow across the ground, digging up dirt behind her as she moved along with ease. The filly looked back to her father, who was several feet behind her planting seeds into the ground. "Keep up, Dad!" the filly jeered, knowing full well that she had been able to outperform her father for a few years now as she came to a halt to let him catch up.

"Sapphire, please." her father drawled as he planted three more seeds into the ground before he looked up at the sun and wiped sweat from his forehead. "You know I'm not nearly as strong or as fast as you are." Steel remarked, and began planting the last seed into the ground before he gave Sapphire the go-ahead to keep plowing the fields.

"Sapphire's stronger than daddy, Sapphire's stronger than daddy!" A young dark brown colt jeered as he ran around the stallion and Sapphire, whom looked at the colt with minor annoyance.

"Go bother somepony else, you little pest." Sapphire said sourly as she glared at the young colt.

"Sapphire, that's no way to speak to your little brother." Steel reprimanded his daughter, whom folder her ears back in guilt upon her father scolding her.

"Okay, Okay." The filly lamented and sighed. "I'm sure Mom needs help in the kitchen. Jasper, why don't you go help her?" Sapphire suggested in a much kinder manner than she had spoken to her little brother earlier with.

"Aw! You're no fun!" Jasper remarked with a pouty expression before he darted off and back inside the house.

"I still can't believe that after all the fun you had raising me, you'd want another ten years of torment." Sapphire joked with a smirk at her father, who chuckled in response to this.

"It was your mother's idea, not mine." He joked back.

"What was my idea?" A light grey earth pony asked, which caused Sapphire and her father to look guiltily at her.

"Uhh, the idea to…" Steel began to say, only to trail off. The stallion was at a loss for words.

"Plant the pumpkin seeds next to the cherry seeds!" Sapphire quickly added for the save.

Merrybelle put a thoughtful hoof to her chin. "Huh, I don't recall suggesting that." she remarked thoughtfully.

Eager to quickly change the topic, Steel quickly approached his wife and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I see you brought us some lemonade." He remarked as he sat down, picked up a glass, and began to drink the ice cold beverage. "I don't know about you, Sapphire. But I could use a break." He remarked as he wiped more sweat from his forehead.

Upon hearing this, Sapphire's expression turned into a scowl. "That's the third time today! If we keep on taking breaks like this, we won't finish planting the seeds until next harvest!" she protested.

"Not all of us have your seemingly endless supply of energy, sweetie." Steel replied after he took another drink of his lemonade.

"Come on, Sapphire. I know how much you love my homemade lemonade!" Merrybelle said with a big smile as she reached behind herself and displayed the crisp and cold beverage to her daughter.

Sapphire's scowl soon turned into one of a comically conflicted expression until she let out a defeated sigh, unstrapped herself from the plow, walked up to her mother, sat down, took the ice cold beverage, and drank it gratefully. "Fine… but this is the last break we can take today! The rainy season starts in a few days, and we need to have all these seeds planted before then!" She said in a strict and matter of fact tone.

"And here I thought I was the one in charge." Steel joked with a smirk, to which his wife let out a light laugh and nuzzled his cheek affectionately.

"Our daughter is just really enthusiastic about farming, dear. You should be proud. We raised a wonderful and dedicated farm pony." Merrybelle said with a proud smile toward her daughter, who blushed bashfully.

"I wouldn't call myself that dedicated…" Sapphire muttered aloud, before she took another drink of her lemonade.

Once the two finished their drinks, Steel stood up, stretched his front and hind legs with a loud groan before they snapped wide with a pained expression as a soft "Pop!" rang out from his backside. It soon faded into a relieved smile as he stood on all four hooves again.

"I'll go grab the next bag of seeds from the barn." Steel said reluctantly as he trotted off, leaving the two females alone.

"You should go easier on your father. He's not as spry as he used to be." Merrybelle suggested as she looked to her daughter, whom scowled in response to this suggestion.

"I have been going easy on him! In fact, I think I'm going too easy on him! If we keep going at this snails pace we've been going, we'll be halfway into the rainy season before we finish planting!" Sapphire replied, and let out an annoyed sigh, much to amusement of her mother, whom giggled softly before she put her arms around her daughter.

"I know you just want us to have plenty of harvest so we have plenty to sell come next spring, honey, but unlike us, you have a remarkable amount of strength and not to mention nearly limitless energy." Merrybelle said as she ran a hoof along her daughter's mane.

Upon hearing this, Sapphire let out a dejected sigh. "You mean a freakishly large amount of strength and energy." she remarked sourly.

"Sweetie…" Merrybelle began to say as she did her best to choose her words carefully. "You're not a freak. You were just born special, that's all." Merrybelle said in the most comforting tone she could muster.

"Special is just another word for 'freak', mom." Sapphire replied in a depressed tone before she gently broke the embrace and began to walk towards the barn. "Dad's taking to long, I'm going to go check on him." She said as she trotted towards the barn, leaving Merrybelle with a saddened expression upon her face.


"Hey, Dad? Need help with the sack of pumpkin seeds?" Sapphire asked aloud as she walked into the barn and noticed her father struggling to lift the large bag onto the cart.

"No, no! I've got it!" Steel grunted between gritted teeth as he tugged with all his might at the bag of seeds, only for it to refuse to budge from its position.

Sapphire rolled her eyes and sighed. She knew her father wouldn't let her help no matter how much she offered. He was "too proud" to ask her for help. "Alright, I'll just sit here and wait, then." She replied as she planted her rump on the cold ground, watching her father continue to struggle with the large bag of seeds.

She sat there for several minutes more before she let out an irritated sigh, stood up, and walked over to her father. "Look, if you take any longer, it'll be sundown before you get that bag onto the cart, let me help." Sapphire said in a mildly annoyed tone.

"I said, I've got it!" Steel growled as he tugged harder than ever at the bag of seeds.

Upon hearing this, Sapphire rolled her eyes once more and sighed aloud. She looked curiously to see if her father was paying attention. "Hmm, maybe if I try to use my magic to move it, he won't notice." Sapphire thought to herself though she wasn't sure it was such a great idea in the first place. Her past experiences with using magic have had… unpredictable consequences.

Against her better judgement, she gave one last glance at her father whom looked as if his full attention was on the bag of seeds he was struggling to move, channeled magic into her horn, and attempted to gently move the bag forward so her father wouldn't realize she was helping him.

Sadly for her, using her magic once again had an unpredictable side effect and caused the bag to launch from the ground with such force and velocity, that Steel was yanked into the air before releasing his grip on the bag and landed squarely on his rump with a thud. He proceeded to slam his hooves against his mouth, thinking for a brief moment that his teeth had been yanked straight out of his muzzle.

Sapphire's expression became one of panic as she saw the bag of seeds sail for the door. "Uh, don't worry! I got this!" She said in a fast yet panicked tone as she channeled magic into her horn in an attempt to catch the bag with her magic.

"Wait! Don't use-" Steel began to exclaim, only for the bag that Sapphire had successfully caught with her magic to explode into bright pink and blue fireworks. "-Magic…" Steel finished his sentence on a dreading note as he watched the last bag of seeds they owned burst into a display of fireworks.

Sapphire looked to her father, whom bore an annoyed expression, and donned a sheepish smile. "Um… Oops?" she remarked in a tone that was a few octaves higher than her own voice.

"Yeah… Oops." Steel replied in a less than enthused tone before he stood up and sighed. "Guess I'll need to take a trip into town and buy a new bag of Pumpkin seeds." he added before he took another step only for another soft "Pop!" to emit from his backside, only the expression of relief did not follow this time around, as the stallion fell to the ground and held his backside.

"Moooooom!" Sapphire shouted in a panicked tone as her father groaned out in agony.


A doctor pony walked out from the bedroom in their house, at which point both Merrybelle and Sapphire looked at him with worried looks. "How is he?" Merrybelle asked worriedly.

"No lasting damage was done, thankfully." The doctor began to say, much to relief of both females, who sighed in relief upon hearing this. "But he'll be out of commission for at least a week since he fractured his lumbosacral joint." The doctor finished as he looked at Sapphire and Merrybelle. "Can I ask what happened?" He asked curiously.

At once, Sapphire began to speak. "It was all my fault, Mr. Snips! My dad was trying to move the Pumpkin seed bag onto the cart and I just wanted to help, so I used my magic to try and help him move it without him noticing, but my magic got out of control. And then, I tried to catch the bag of seeds with my magic and I ended up completely destroying it!" Sapphire exclaimed all in one breath before she let out a depressed sigh and lowered her head in shame.

The doctor merely sighed upon hearing this. "I suppose I'll need to make something up again." He remarked in a less than enthused tone, and ran his right front hoof through his mane with yet another sigh.

"Thank you, Mr. Snips. We can't begin to express how grateful we are for keeping our daughter’s abilities a secret." Merrybelle said as she approached the stallion and shook his hoof with hers.

"You'll be getting my usual fee by mail." Mr. Snips replied dryly as he walked past the two and towards the door, before he stopped and let out a sigh and turned to face the two females once more. "Look, I can't keep making things up like this. Sooner or later the ponies down in the medical office will notice something is up and I'll lose my medical license. You'll always get my help when you need it, but this is the last time I cover up for your daughter, understand?" Mr. Snips said in a firm tone to the two, who nodded solemnly before he opened the door and closed it behind him.

Once the stallion closed the door, Sapphire bit her lower lip as tears filled her eyes. "I'm so sorry! I never meant for any of this to happen!" She exclaimed as she began to cry where she stood.

Merrybelle immediately went into her role as the supportive mother as she walked over to her daughter and hugged her tightly. "Oh sweetie, we know you didn't. Your father doesn't blame you for what happened, and neither do I." She said in the most supportive tone she could muster as she rubbed her daughter’s mane gently with a hoof.

"I'm such a freak…" Sapphire uttered out between sobs.

"Sapphire Swifthoof, you are not a freak!" Merrybelle exclaimed sternly as she yanked her daughter back so she could make eye-contact with her.

Sapphire broke away from her mother's hooves and turned away from her. "Yes I am! Do you see anypony else in Equestria with wings and a horn?!" Sapphire shrieked as she continued sobbing.

Merrybelle looked at her daughter for a short time before she let out a sigh. "I know things seem hard right now, but they'll get better." Merrybelle said softly as she walked over to her daughter and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

"Yeah, they'll get better alright, right after I get my cutie mark which will never appear." Sapphire remarked morbidly with a soft sniff.

"Sure it will, Sweetie! You'll get your cutie mark once you realize what your special talent is! You're not the first to wonder what their purpose is in life and you surely won't be the last. But one day, you will find it, and I hope I'm there to see that flank of yours flash brightly and your magnificent cutie mark appear!" Merrybelle said with a wide smile.

"That sounds kinda of creepy when you say it like that." Sapphire remarked with a mildly creeped out expression as she sniffled and wiped her nose. Though her mother's efforts to cheer her daughter up were bearing fruit, she was far from in the best of moods, still.

Merrybelle put a hoof to her chin with a thoughtful expression for a few moments before her eyes popped wide in realization. "Ya know, it kinda does." she remarked aloud with the same mildly creeped out expression her daughter wore.

The two looked at each other for a few moments longer until they both broke out laughing. "Somepony get Crust Hansomehoof, we got a pedopony over here!" Sapphire joked aloud as she pointed a hoof at her mother.

"Oh, stop it, you! Somepony might hear!" Her mother joked back as the two female's laughter slowly died down.

"Thanks for cheering me up, Mom." Sapphire said softly as she embraced her mother in a loving hug, who returned it.

"That's what I'm here for, Sweetie." She replied softly before the looked to the door. "You should go see your father." Merrybelle suggested warmly.

Sapphire’s smile turned into a nervous frown as she looked to the door to her parent's bedroom. She didn't really feel like facing her father this soon but she knew it would make her mother feel better if she did so now instead of later.

The Alicorn reluctantly opened her parent’s bedroom and put on the best smile she could muster as her eyes met with her father's. "Hey, Daddy. How you holding up?" She asked meekly as she walked over to the bed.

"As good as any stallion could be after they had their butt-bone fractured." Steel joked with a smirk, though once he realized his daughter didn't laugh at his bad joke, he gave a grunt of pain as he sat straight up in bed and placed a hoof on her daughter's cheek. "Listen, Sweetie. I don't blame you for what happened. You were just trying to help stubborn old me while trying to let me keep my earth pony pride. A gesture I'm grateful for." He said softly as he rubbed her cheek.

"So much for that. I ended up hurting a lot more than your pride." Sapphire remarked sourly, and sighed.

"Your heart was in the right place, and that's what matters." Steel replied, only to let out a grunt of pain as he slowly laid himself back against the bed to relieve pressure to his hindquarters.

"Your father's right, Sapphire." Merrybelle remarked as she walked into the bedroom herself. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but you know me." She added as she sat down on the bed next to her husband.

Steel let out another grunt of pain as he turned to his wife. "Merrybelle, I'd hate to ask you to do this but could you go into town and get us a bag of Pumpkin seeds? Sapphire can keep an eye on Jasper while you're gone." He asked as he placed a hoof on his wife's.

"I would, dear, but I was in the midst of making dinner when this happened and that cabbage casserole isn't going to prep itself." Merrybelle replied with a soft smile.

"Oh, Oh! Let me go! I totally promise to wear the coat and hoodie!" Sapphire exclaimed, eager to make up for injuring her father.

Steel and Merrybelle exchanged worried looks with one another before they turned to their daughter. "I'm not sure that's such a great idea." Steel remarked, doing his best to choose his words carefully as she spoke.

"Oh come on! I know where all the shops are and I totally promise not to use any magic!" Sapphire pleaded.

Steel and his wife once again exchanged worried glances with one another before looking back at their daughter. "Sweetie, it's not that we don't have the utmost confidence in you, but if something were to happen…" Merrybelle said this time, also choosing her words carefully as she spoke.

"Nothing will happen! I promise! I'll go straight to the seed shop and be back before you know it!" Sapphire exclaimed, she was practically begging at this point. A fact her parents took note of.

Sapphire's parents once more exchanged worried looks before they looked back to their daughter, at which point Steel let out a sigh. "Okay, straight to the seed shop and back. No detours or shortcuts, are we clear?" Steel said in a strict and fatherly tone.

"Oh thank you, thank you! You won't regret it! I promise!" Sapphire exclaimed joyfully as she hugged both her parents, much to the pain of Steel, who let out a grunt of pain as his daughter's right hind hoof pressed against his upper chest.


The sun was high in the sky, telling the Alicorn that it was around noon as she strolled through the business district of Rockybottom City pulling a cart full with a large bag of pumpkin seeds in behind her.

Sapphire stopped as she looked to her left at the small cafe her parents would often take to her too when she was younger. "I don't think mom and dad would mind if I spent a few bits on something to drink." Sapphire told herself as she pulled the cart over to the cafe, unstrapped herself from it, and walked inside.

"We don't serve your kind!" A large and buff black stallion exclaimed to a young Pegasus mare with a snow white fur coat and dark blue mane with icy blue highlights.

"H-Hey! I have you know that my great,great,great,great,great…" The pegasus began to retort before she trailed off and attempted to count in her head the amount of times she'd need to say the word great until she shook her head and let out an irritated sigh. "Look, my ancestor was the element of loyalty! Doesn't that account for anything?!" The Pegasus asked with an annoyed look at the black stallion.

The black stallion scoffed upon hearing this. "If that title you're boasting is so great, why don't ya go back to your own kind and use it to get something to drink from their cafe!" He exclaimed before he looked over to see Sapphire. "Oh, Sapphire! I didn't see ya there! Come, sit down!" The stallion greeted with the cheerful smile she was used to seeing, only it was accompanied by him shoving the Pegasus from her stool.

"H-Hey! I was sitting there!" The Pegasus exclaimed in outrage.

"These seats are reserved for paying customers." The stallion remarked with a glare at the pegasus. "Now are ya gonna keep that featherflank trap of yours shut, or am I gonna need to call the local authorities to remove ya from my cafe?"

Upon hearing the "featherflank" remark, the Pegasus's eyes flashed with anger as she glared at the stallion. "Whatever…" She retorted with a glare before she turned around. "Leadhoof." She muttered under her breath.

Several offended gasps from nearby patrons could be heard as the black stallion's eyes now flashed with anger as well. "What did you call me?" He asked with a threatening tone as he leaned in so his face was mere inches away from the pegasus' face.

Before the Pegasus could retort however, Sapphire rushed between the two and moved them away from one another in an attempt to defuse the situation, which was quickly turning hostile between the two ponies. "Say, why don't we just pretend this never happened, okay?" Sapphire said nervously to the two as they continued to glare at one another. Neither seemed willing to let this matter drop. "Okay, I'm sure some rude things were said, but I don't think you want to get into a scruff with an underage Pegasus. It'd be bad for business, right?" She continued as she looked at the black stallion whom glared a few moments longer before letting out a angry huff.

"Teh! You're right, the featherflank isn't worth it." He remarked as he withdrew back behind his counter and began to find something to occupy himself.

With one of the two calmed, Sapphire quickly turned her attention to the Pegasus, bit onto her tail, and dragged her away from the counter. "Are you nuts?! I don't know how you were raised but making a remark like that in this town in likely to get your covered in bruises, or worse!" Sapphire whispered in a calm yet lecturing manner to the Pegasus.

"Hey, he started it!" The Pegasus retorted defensively.

"Doesn't mean you should finish it!" Sapphire snapped back, and took several deep breaths to calm herself once she realized she was starting to get upset herself.

The Pegasus glared back at her a few moments longer before she let out an irritated sigh. "Whatever…" She said finally as she sat down at one of the nearby cafe tables, crossed her front hooves on the table, and laid her head down on them.

With the situation successfully defused, Sapphire let out a sigh of relief as she turned around, walked over to the stool, and sat down. "I'll have a strawberry milkshake." she said calmly before she gave a look over at the Pegasus. "Make that two strawberry milkshakes." she corrected herself.

"Say, you wouldn't happen to be ordering for that featherflank would you?" The stallion asked curiously as he gave her a suspicious look.

"So what if I am? You're getting more bits either way." Sapphire replied with a mild glare at the stallion.

The stallion looked at her for a few moments longer before he let out a annoyed grunt. "It's your bits you're wasting, but who I am to tell ya how to spend your money." The stallion remarked as he began to work on the two milkshakes.

The Alicorn gave a curious look about herself and realized she was getting dirty looks from every other customer in the shop before she returned her attention to the table. "So much for being able to drink my favorite milkshake in peace." She muttered to herself dismally as the two shakes were placed in front of her.

Just as she was about to take a sip, however, a random pony latched their mouth onto her hoodie and yanked it off, revealing her horn to the entire cafe. "H-Hey! Give that back!" Sapphire exclaimed in a panic as she frantically rushed to grab the hoodie back from her attacker.

"Hey, everypony, look! She's a Spikehead!" The colt exclaimed as Sapphire quickly picked up her hoodie, placed it back on her head and looked about the room. If she thought she was getting dirty looks before, the looks she was getting now make the previous ones look like smiles.

Sapphire let out a dejected sigh before she sat back down at the stool only to find the milkshakes she had ordered were now missing from where they stood. "Hey, where are my milkshakes?!" She exclaimed as she looked about the table for them.

"We don't serve your kind or hers." The black stallion remarked aloud with a glare at the Alicorn.

"Oh come on! It's me, Sapphire! I've come in here hundreds of times with my parents!" The Alicorn retorted with a glare.

"That was when we thought you were an earth pony. Things are different now." The stallion replied, his tone and behavior towards her reflecting the same he showed towards the Pegasus.

"How the heck are they any different?! I'm the same pony you've known since I was five!" Sapphire retorted, her temper quickly rising.

"They just are! Now, are ya gonna get off that stool for paying customers or am i gonna have to call the authorities on ya." The stallion said with the same threatening tone he gave the Pegasus not long ago.

"Fine! At least give me my money back!" Sapphire snapped with a glare at which point a smug grin appeared on the stallion's face.

"What money?" He asked feigning ignorance.

"Uh, the money I just gave you less than five minutes ago for those two milkshakes!" Sapphire shot back as she stood up from the stool and glared even more so if possible at the stallion.

As if to spite her even more, the stallion grinned as he turned to his co-worker. "Hey, Bonnie! Did this spikehead pay us any money?" The stallion asked smugly.

"Nope!" The mare replied with the same smug grin the stallion wore.

"There ya have it, missy, you paid us no money for anything." He replied and turned away to attend to another patron.

"Why, you!" Sapphire roared as she attempted to lunge at the stallion, only for her tail to be bit upon and yanked as the Pegasus she had just got done telling to calm down was using all her strength and wingpower to keep the filly from making a grave mistake.

"Whoa, there! You just got telling me less than three minutes ago that he wasn't worth it!" The Pegasus exclaimed through gritted teeth as she continued to struggle to hold Sapphire back.

Sapphire struggled a little longer against the Pegasus before she finally came to her senses, let out an angry growl, and stomped her way out of the cafe to pick up her cart, only to find the bag of Pumpkin seeds bearing a large hole in it with most of its contents spilled onto the ground and clearly looked as if they had been stomped into the ground.

Upon seeing this, the Alicorn let out a rage-filled cry as she bucked the side of the cafe with all her might which caused her to punch a hole in the wall of the restaurant. Upon realizing what she had done, the Alicorn's ears flattened as she stared through the hole at the patrons in the cafe whom all stared back at her in shock of what she had done.

Before the Alicorn knew what had happened, the same Pegasus whom stopped her from throttling the cafe owner earlier darted out of the cafe through the front doors, bite onto Sapphire's tail and dragged her down the street at a very high speed.


"I can walk, you know…" Sapphire remarked aloud in an annoyed tone as she leaned her head against her right front hoof as her body was still being dragged by the Pegasus.

Upon hearing this, the Pegasus let go of Sapphire's tail and landed on the ground as the filly stood up to face her. "Wow, and I thought I was ready to flip my lid when he called me a featherflank! You're pretty strong for a Unicorn!" The Pegasus exclaimed in astonishment.

A first Sapphire didn't quite realize that the Pegasus was talking about her but it finally sunk in that she wasn't aware that she also had wings. "Oh yeah, right...unicorn." She said sheepishly.

"Name's Snowbreeze Dash!" Snowbreeze exclaimed with a proud smile.

"Dash?" Sapphire inquired aloud curiously until her years of homeschooling that her mother had given her sunk in. "Oh, that's right! You said that your ancestor was the element of loyalty right?" Sapphire asked excitedly.

"You got it!" Snowbreeze exclaimed proudly as she placed a hoof on her chest, showing a bit more ego than she had meant to. "So, what's your name?" Snowbreeze asked.

"Oh, Sapphire. Sapphire Swifthoof." The Alicorn introduced herself as she reached a hoof out to shake Snowbreeze's, only for the Pegasus to give her a curious look, at which point she lowered her hoof. "Surprised you didn't hear my name in the cafe, it was mentioned like five times." She added with a scowl at the memory that had just occurred not long ago.

"Oh, heh. I wasn't really paying attention until you kinda screamed at the Leadhoof." Snowbreeze replied with a sheepish grin only to notice Sapphire giving her a mild glare. "Uh, I say something wrong?" She asked with a worried look.

"My parents are both earth ponies. So yeah, I find that term offensive." Sapphire replied irritably, as she walked past the Pegasus.

"Ohh…" Snowbreeze remarked aloud in realization of what she had just done, and shortly after shut her eyes as she slammed a hoof on her forehead several times over, repeating the word "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!" over and over.

Sapphire looked back at the Pegasus who seemed to be punishing herself relentlessly, rolled her eyes, and sighed. "Look, its fine. You can come to my house if you like. I'm sure my parents would like to-" Sapphire began to say only for her eyes to snap wide in realization of something vitally important that she had left back at the cafe. "Oh, horseapples! My parents are going to kill me!" she exclaimed as her hoof slammed against her own forehead.

"Uhh, I feel like I'm missing something important here." Snowbreeze remarked with a confused look at Sapphire.

Sapphire let out a sigh as she allowed her hoof to rest back on the ground and look at the Pegasus. "My mom and dad trusted me to go and buy some Pumpkin seeds and come straight back!" Sapphire exclaimed as she frantically looked for a clock, and once she had found it, gasped in horror. "Buck, Buck, Buck!" The Alicorn sweared over and over as she stomped the ground with her eyes closed tightly.

"Wow, I've heard some pottymouths but dang, you beat all of them by miles!" Snowbreeze joked, though it was clear that Sapphire wasn't finding this situation nearly as humorous as she was.

"This isn't funny, Snowbreeze! I'm going to get into some serious trouble here and this was the first time they trusted me to come out here alone!" Sapphire exclaimed as she paced back and forth.

"So? Just tell them what happened and everything should be fine." Snowbreeze replied calmly, still not seeing what the big problem was.

"The problem is that I wasn't even supposed to be in that cafe!" Sapphire exclaimed, and let out a dejected sigh.

"Oh… yeah, you're right. You're bucked." Snowbreeze replied candidly.

"Thank you so much for all the moral support." Sapphire replied sarcastically with an annoyed look at the Pegasus before she let out a sigh. "May as well get this over with." She added with a sigh as she began to walk toward her house.

"Mind if I tag along?" Snowbreeze asked curiously as she began to hover along next to the Alicorn.

"I already said you could, but I'm not sure that's such a good idea now, you're likely to hear a lot of yelling before this is all over." Sapphire replied morbidly as the two continued through town towards the outskirts.

"I've got your back, Sapphire." Snowbreeze replied reassuringly as the two now approached the gates to a large farm on the outskirts of town.

"Heh, thanks Snowbreeze but I don't know how much good it'll do." Sapphire remarked with a weak smile.

Author's Note:

Whee! Loving how this is going so far!
Proof read by: Izanagi:twilightsmile: