• Published 4th Aug 2015
  • 596 Views, 19 Comments

Shadow in the Dark - Thestoryteller

Suspecting that someone was behind Cluttersteps attack Nightwing and others go to find out who was behind it. While also getting sidetracked.

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Chapter twelve. Airship

"Hello?" Flash's voice echoed throughout the dark place. "Is anyone here?"

Flash wandered around the place for a while until he saw a door. It was a olden style door that was clearly made from crystal architecture. Seeing nothing else Flash approached the door and opened it. The door led to a hallway that appeared to be in the crystal castle.

Only difference was the crystals were no longer light blue and clear. They were black and cracked. Flash walked down the hallway, a loud bang echoed as the door closed behind him. Seeing there was no going back Flash continued down the hallway.

With every step he took the more dark and scary the hallway got. As he continued he became familiar with his surroundings.

"I should go to Prince Shining armor. He might know what's going on." Flash suggested out-loud as he raced down the hall. He burst through one of the double doors and into the throne room where a single crystal throne made of black and dark purple crystals, along with a red cushion on the seat and back of the throne, stood at the end.

Flash skidded to a halt the second he saw it. Sitting high on the throne was a unicorn stallion with light black fur, parts of his darker black mane could be seen under his helmet, his eyes were closed as if he was resting, grey armor was adorned on his body and hooves, a matching grey helmet that covered the back of his neck and the top of his muzzle, a purple cape with a white outline around it, and unlike normal unicorn horns his was curved back instead of straight. Flash recognized who the Unicorn was the instant he saw him.

"Sombra." Flash said in disbelief.

As soon as the word left his mouth Sombra's eyes opened. Revealing his red eyes as purple magic fumed from his eyes. The mere sight of the eyes cause Flash to stagger back. Sombra's horn glowed a viscous red as two black crystal pillars shot from the ground, stabbing through the golden armor of two Pegasi. Their blood trickling down the crystal pillars.

"So these are the so called 'Legendary Sentinels'?" Sombra mocked.

A blue lightning ball wizzed past Flash's muzzle and almost exploded on Sombra. But he saw the attack coming and teleported out of the way as his throne exploded from the ball.

"Well I didn't see that coming." Sombra chuckled as he looked towards the doorway that Flash came through. "I should feel honored, it's not everyday you meat the headmaster of the Sentinels."

Flash turned around and face a Pegasus adorned in gold armor that cover his whole body, legs, neck, head, and face. The helmet the Pegasus wore began to retract itself revealing the Pegasi face. The Pegasus had red fur and yellow eyes. Multiple scars and scratches could be seen on his face.

"King Sombra." The Pegasus growled. "By order of the Sentinel code you will be removed from your throne. I would offer for your surrender but that wasn't part of my orders."

"Bwaha ha ha ha." Sombra burst out laughing, clutching his sides. "Your joking right? Your the headmaster for crying out loud, what makes you think you have enough power to beat me?"

"Because we have him." The Headmaster pointed outside the door.

A grey hoof stepped through the door. Both Flash and Sombra gasped, their eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing. A grey furred stallion unicorn with yellow eyes, a long white beard, and a blue cloak with stars stitched onto it along with a pointed blue hat with stars stitched onto it, and silver bells on its rim. The hat I am speaking of is known as a wizards hat.

"Hello again old friend." The unicorn said as he stood next to the Headmaster.

"Starswirl? Why are you fighting against me?" Sombra demanded.

"What you are doing Sombra. It is not right. You cannot force your own subjects to become your slaves."

"But why not. You know fairly well what lies in those mines. Think of what we could do if we could harness that kind of power. Unless..." Sombra said as he became aware of what was happening. "The true reason your going to all this trouble to dethrone me is because your afraid of what might happen if I do harness that power?"

"I will only ask this once. End this madness now."

"Madness?" Sombra chuckled. "Madness is what ponies call others who have a deferent outlook on the world. You dare call my vision madness?" Sombra said as his horn glowed a sinister purple and green. "Then you will feel PAIN!" Sombra shouted as he shot a purple and green laser at Starswirl. Who created a blue force field which Sombra's laser bounced off of.

The Headmasters helmet covered up his face, minus his eyes, and unfolded his wings. A short golden blade extended from his right hoof as he flew towards Sombra.

"Take this!" The Headmaster shouted as he swung the sword at Sombra.

"Lieutenant Sentry?" A gruff voice asked.

"H-huh?" Flash stammered as he rubbed his eyes.

"Forgive my interruption." A night guard asked. He was a bat-pony with dark grey fur, yellow eyes that were like dragons, two short fangs could be seen because they stuck out of his mouth, and was adorned in dark purple royal night guard armor. "But Commander Nightwing has requested your presence in the chart room."

"Right." Flash said as he pulled back the covers from his bed. Memories of his mission flooded back into his mind.

Nightwing, Flash, and Lightning strike received a distress letter from a neighboring country known as the Mountains Kingdom. So with permission from Princess Luna the trio were given a flying ship and thirty lunar guards to help them with their task.

Flash walked out of his cabin and followed the guard out onto the deck. Above them were two large cylinder balloons that were held by steel wires. The eight propellers that moved the ship roared loudly as they moved forward. The night guard stopped and stood guard at one of the doors. It didn't take long for Flash to figure out that it led to the chart room. Flash walked towards the door and opened it up.

"I'm just saying there doesn't seem to be that big of a difference." The voice of Lightning said.

"That's the problem, there is a big difference." Nightwing's voice retorted.

Flash had stepped into a room that had a large circular table with multiple maps and tools all over it, Nightwing and Lightning strike both glared at the other from parallel sides of the table. Behind the table was a large glass window that allowed some of the moonlight shine into the room. A single desk stood between two bookshelves that had some books missing.

Flash closed the door behind him causing the attention in the room to turn to him.

"Bro your here. Perfect timing, can you please tell Nightwing there's not that big of a difference between bat-ponies and vampire bat-ponies?" Lightning strike asked.

"Flash could you help a friend out and please explain to you ignorant bother that there is a complete difference between my race and bat-ponies?" Nightwing asked.

"Who you calling ignorant?" Lightning demanded.

"The one too stupid to realize it's him." Nightwing answered simply.

"Enough. Both of you." Flash held the bridge of his muzzle. 'I swear, I feel like I have to parent these two whenever their around.' Flash mentally groaned. "What are you two arguing about anyway?"

"Lightning strike says there's not a difference between bat-ponies and vampire bat-ponies." Nightwing explained.

"There's a difference?" Flash raised an eyebrow.

"Of course there's a difference. For example we drink blood were they eat fruit." Nightwing said.

"I thought you said you didn't need to drink blood?"

"Oh I lied about that so you guys wouldn't be terrified of me."

"Why would you lie to me about that?" Flash demanded.

"What? Would you have preferred 'Hi there I'm Nightwing, I'm a creature that might drink your blood while you sleep if I so desire. Also I have a poison in my fangs that will kill you in two minutes flat'." Nightwing said sarcastically.

"Wait...you have a deadly poison in your fangs?" Lightning strike asked shakily.

"That's right Lightning, and I could kill you right now." Nightwing smiled.

"You know what now that I think about it there is a big difference between those two races. Silly me, please don't bite me." Lightning hid beneath the table.

"Please don't ruin the wooden floor, I was just kidding." Nightwing rolled his eyes.

"Okay, pushing away the discussion we just had, why did you ask for me to come here?" Flash asked.

"Oh yeah I asked that didn't I?" Nightwing muttered. "Alright, does anyone know anything about the Mountains Kingdom?"

"Now that ya mention it..no." Lightning said as he sat up to the table.

"What is the Mountains Kingdom?" Flash asked.

"The Mountains Kingdom is the heart of a small country on a very valuable piece of land." Nightwing explained.

"How valuable?" Flash asked.

"Very. We get seventy-nine percent of our metals and ore from the country." Nightwing said. "About two days ago Teach received a distress letter from the kingdom."

"Don't we know all this information already?" Lightning asked.

"Yes but what you don't know is what the letter said."

"Which was?" Flash asked.

"The letter said that the kingdom was under attack." Nightwing said.

"By who?" Flash asked.

"The letter described their attackers as creatures that looked like ponies but were made of metal and could breath fire."


"Doesn't that sound an awful lot like the stone ponies we encountered?"

"No, because last time I checked they were made of stone and couldn't breath fire."

"Actually I did some research on the ston ponies, turns out the reason the could move and fight was because of a spell know as the 'Animation spell'." Nightwing explained. "It's a spell that can give a piece of material life."

"How? There's no way that such a spell exists."

"There is, you see the creatures soul is like a furnace, burning wildly to keep it's body alive."

"But add water-"

"And you extinguish the flame. When the letter described the kingdoms attavkers I finally figured it out. The stone giant, and the Stone ponies. They were all a test subjects. And the Gladiator that attacked was another test. To find out how effective it was against me. Now they have a new and improved army of fire breathing metal creatures that are going to burn down the entire Mountain kingdom."

"...oh." Lightning strike said.

"Wait how can they create something like that?" Flash asked. "I may not be some kind of magic expert, but I know there's no way they could have that much magical power."

"Actually they do. Their leader...is a Shadow kinght like me." Nightwing said.

"Wait. I thought there wasn't anymore Shadow Knights?" Lightning asked.

"And even if there is another one, why would they be trying to kill you?" Flash asked.

"I don't know, but whoever he was he had a complex crystal like me." Nightwing showed the two his crystal. "The Shadow Knights invented the complex crystal and only we can use it."

"What makes the 'Complex crystal' so special?" Lightning asked.

"Flash remember when we headed to the crystal empire and were attacked by those two Shadowbolts?" Nightwing asked Flash.

"Yeah...wait there called Shadowbolts?"

"I'll explain later, but when they disappeared they had a pink crystal remember?"

"Oh yeah. One of them touched that crystal and then they disappeared. Why is that?"

"What they used was called a programmed crystal. Basically what it does is cast the spell inside it." Nightwing explained.

"But how can a crystal cast magic?" Lightning questioned.

"Allow me to explain, a unicorns horn is used to channel magic from its body and through the her thus casting the spell the unicorn desires. A programmed crystal does the same except it can only hold on spell inside it. Tap it and you cast the spell inside it."

"But what does this have to do with your complex crystal?"

"A programmed crystal can only hold and cast one spell, where my complex crystal can hold an infinite number of spells inside it."

"So you could just read a spell, and your crystal would learn it instantly?!" Lightning said in shock.

"That's correct." Nightwing confirmed. "Anyways were getting off task, we need to figure out how to beat these metal ponies."

"Can't we just drop water on them like we did with the stone guys?"

"These metal guys probably have some type of countermeasure for that now." Nightwing rested his head on his hoof.

"How did the water extinguish the flames of the stone ponies anyway?" Flash asked.

"The Stone ponies had small cracks in its body allowing the fire to get some oxygen."

"Then how will these guys be able to vent the fire?"

"Your right! No matter how you slice it the flame must have air for it to grow. Without it the flame would just burn out."

"So now we just need to figure out how they vent the fire and then we're all good?" Lightning asked.

"That's only half of it." Night sighed. "See they have the power to create an army anytime they want anywhere. A power like that is very concerning." Nightwing sighed.

"What are you suggesting?" Flash asked.

"See there's a side mission to all of this, I'm going to create an army of my own kinda like the Order's. But the difficult part is I have no idea how I'm gonna do it."

"Why don't you just use the animation spell that the Order uses?" Lightning asked.

"Because then we'd have the same weaknesses as their army, therefore it would be an incredibly stupid idea to do that." Night groaned.

"We should worry about this in the morning, right now I think it's best that we all get some sleep. Celestia knows, we need." Flash muttered as he opened the door and walked onto the deck.

"Hey Nightwing?" Lightning strike asked as Nightwing stopped him from walking out the door.

"What? Are you going to lecture me about the difference between my race again?" Nightwing growled.

"No it's not that it's...why do you hate me?" Lightning strike frowned. "Flash said that you hate ponies you first meet, but I don't believe that for a second. What's the real reason you don't like me?"

"... Do you really want to know why I dislike you Lightning strike?" Nightwing frowned.


"Fine I'll tell you. It's because Flash's entire family went out of their way to protect me from the Order. And guess what happened in the end, Flash's dad is dead. We dug up his grave and buried him and your mother, captured and interrogated by the Order. She was never seen again and was presumed dead." Nightwing croaked.

"And where were you?" Nightwing growled as he turned to face Lightning strike who had a look of horror on his face. "Where were you when we buried your father? Where were you when your mother went missing? Oh that's right, you were in Canterlot training to become a guard."

"So that's the reason? You hate me because I wasn't there when my family was in trouble?" Lightning strikes eyes wandered towards the ground. "Why do you think I trained to become a guard? It was because I wanted to protect my family damn it!"

It was now Nightwing's turn to be startled as he took a step back.

"Eleven years ago, when Flash and I were six...our house was robbed." Lightning strike struggled to tell the tale as his old wounds began to open up. "One of them...was about to stab my dad with a knife. He had him pinned to a wall and my dad was trying to hold back the knife. I watched it all happen with my own eyes. I could have done something, I could have beaten him with one of our chairs, picked up a pan and knocked him out with it, or I could have just ran up to him and beat him down. But I didn't, I was to frozen with fear. But then Flash..."

Lightning strike choked as tears fell onto the wooded floor. "Flash had picked up a kitchen knife and stabbed the robber in the throat. Before we knew it he was dead. The authorities came and arrested the rest of the burglars...Why? Why could Flash do something that I couldn't? Why did Flash have that bravery that I didn't? So I then decided to join the royal guard. So I could become brave like Flash and be able to protect my family... But then. One day I got a letter from Flash...saying my dad was dead. I cried for an entire day. I trained harder than ever before just so I could protect the rest of my family. Because I know it's what my dad would have wanted."

"When I learned that my mother was captured it only fueled my strength for me to increase my training. Every night I could only hope that my brother and sister were still alive. Do you have any idea what it's like to worry every single night that your family might be dead and you never knew it? Do you?!"

"Your right, I don't know what it's like...the only family I ever really had was Flash's...heh, I guess we actually do have something in common. We both tried our best to protect Flash's family. I'm sorry Lightning strike. I shouldn't be angry at you. The truth is I think I'm just angry at myself...because I couldn't protect my family...and I couldn't protect Flash's family." Nightwing sighed.

Lightning wiped his eyes and cheeks. "Come on...let's get some sleep. After a night like this we both need it." Lightning suggested.

"Yeah..I think that's a good idea." Night said as he walked out the room with Lightning strike following behind. The door creaking as it closed softly behind them.

"I got to hoof it to you kiddo, I never knew you had the guts to actually kill somepony." The stallion voice said.

Flash groaned as he tossed in his bed. "Go away Shadow I wanna sleep." Flash groaned.

"...What did you just call me?" The stallion voice asked.

"Hmmm, sorry. You said you didn't want to tell us your name and you said you the element of Shadow. So I figured why not call you Shadow?" Flash suggested.

"Hmmm...you know what, I like it. Alright then Flash, my name is Shadow."

"Great. Now go to sleep." Flash closed his eyes.

"Newsflash Flash. I don't sleep."

"Is that why your always a prick?"

"No! Look I've been looking around some of your memories lately and I gotta say that you have a dark past Flash. It's no wonder the element accepted you so easily. How the element of Scorch accepted your bother Lightning strike is a mystery to me." Shadow said.

The second Flash heard his brothers name he sat straight up in bed.

"What do mean Lightning strike is the 'Element of Scorch'?" Flash demanded.

"Oh now he wants to listen. It's true however your brother possesses the Element of Scorch. The destructive side of chaos. I guess he must have done something very destructive to allow the Element accept him."

"Is he going to be okay? I swear if he's hurt in anyway-"

"Settle down grasshopper. Your brothers fine. Trust me if he wasn't the Element would have burned him to nothing but ash."

"How do I know your telling the truth?"

"Do you have a choice?"

"...What do you want?" Flash demanded.

"I want to ask you a question that's all." Shadow said simply.

"Just a question? Alright ask away."

"Tonight did you happen to see anything weird or not normal?"

"... Yeah. Your gonna have to be more specific."

"Grrr...okay look I'll be blunt with this okay? Have you had any dreams that might have something to do with...Changelings, Nightmare moon, or Sombra?"

"Now that you mention it I did have a dream about some guy named the Sentinel headmaster and Starswirl the bearded fighting Sombra." Flash admitted.

"*sigh* I was afraid of this. Our memories are beginning to merge."

"What does that mean?"

"The name's pretty much self explanatory, your mind is beginning to eat up the memories from my brain and puts them in yours, over time our minds will have eaten up all of the memories and our minds will become one. Understand?"

"Yeah I understand. But I have to ask, why did I have a memory of King Sombra?"

"Because Sombra used the Element of Shadow. You see when someone uses an Element, wether it be harmony or chaos, your mind and memories are infused with the Element."

"So that means..."

"When you die your memories will be sealed in the Element like the others."

"Oh...wait how come I can talk to you but I can't talk to Sombra?"

"Because I have died with the Element in my possession. When someone dies with an Element of chaos their soul becomes trapped inside it."

"What about the mare? You know the other voice. What's her name?"

"She won't say and neither will I, but the reason that she can talk to both of us is because she died with the Element of chaos in her possession as well."

"Where is she now?"

"Meditating I guess." Shadow assumed.

"Wait a minute, Lightning strike is an Element of chaos as well. Does that mean he has a voice inside his head as well?"

"Doubt it. I haven't seen that Element in a long time. So I don't think someone is inside his head like I am."

"Final question. What the hay is a Sentinel?" Flash asked.

"*sigh* Now that is a long story. Alright let's see here I believe it was one-thousand-five hundred-and sixty two years ago? Anyways during the time period that Equestria had just been founded word spread that a kingdom, known as the Lunar empire, had a creed of warriors called the Shadow Knights. Creatures with the power of both magic and flight, Equestria saw the Shadow Knights as a threat so they created a creed of their own. 'The Sentinel act' I believe they called it. The only way for the Sentinels to have equal power as the Shadow Knights they used ancient magic on their soldiers."

"This ancient magic was the first magic to ever be discovered. It gave the Sentinels powers no one had ever seen. They called these ponies 'magic casters'."

"Magic casters? That wouldn't happen to be related to me being a lightning caster would it?" Flash questioned.

"As a matter of fact it does, there were five types of magic casters, Lightning casters, Fire casters, Water casters, Wood casters, and Shadow casters. Lightning casters controlled electricity and lightning, Fire casters could create fire out of thin air, Water casters were like fish able to swim incredibly fast and control water, Wood casters had control over the trees in woods over time they began to change and turned in wood themselves you probably know them as Woodscolt's, and finally Shadow casters don't let the name fool you just because their name is Shadow caster doesn't mean they can control shadows, in fact the whole reason that their called Shadow casters is because they can create illusions and false images nothing more." Shadow explained.

"Anywho both Equestria and the Lunar empire both had creeds of powerful magic. However five hundred years later the Sentinels fought against Sombra and the crystal empire. The Sentinel order was weakened after that. Because of this a new creed arose. The Order. They believed that the world belonged to the ponies and that the other races were inferior. Ponies began to join the Order rapidly until they posed as a threat so large that they had the power to wipe out every other race if they so desired. The Shadow Knights wouldn't stand for the action nor would the Sentinels. A war raged between all of Equestria as both sides tried to defeat the other."

"But what about the Princesses? Surly they fought in the battle?" Flash asked.

"Celestia refused to be intertwined with such bloodshed. But Luna however fought against the Order. On the final day of the war Luna used the Element of Shadow and killed. Everyone. Shadow Knights, Sentinels, even the Order. We're all killed on that day, it wasn't long until Luna was banished to the moon that she lost the Element and it was buried in the dirt. Time had pasted and then you found me."

"So your telling me that king Sombra and princess Luna became the monsters they were because of the Element of Shadow?" Flash asked.

"Like I said, Shadow is the dark side of chaos. All of the cruel, evil, and devilish things of chaos have been trapped in this gem."

"Does that mean...I'll become just like-"

"Them? Probably not, your forgetting that Twilight removed all of your memories and added new ones. That spell has made it so your mind can't change, whatever mind control or illusion someone puts on you won't work because your mind is fixed."

"So...I'm fine?"

"Well you have an Element of chaos in your heart which will turn you into a murderess daemon whenever you get mad. But other than that your fine." Shadow joked."Now get some rest your going to need it."



Flash's eyes began to get heavy as he fell backwards. His head hitting the pillow and he fell fast asleep as he breathed silently.

Meanwhile in Lightning strikes room.

A slight snore was coming from Lightning strike as he slept peacefully.

"It would be best to keep an eye on this one." Shadow said as a ghost like version of Flash in Shadow version appeared next to Lightnings bed. "Who knows what kind of destruction this one will cause if his Element awakens. But would cause him to turn into Scorch?" Shadow muttered out-loud. "Flash turns Shadow when he gets angry or when Twilight is in danger. So what emotion would cause Scorch to awaken I wonder?" Shadow questioned as Lightning continued to sleep soundlessly.

Morning came fast as it took the sun and moon ten seconds to switch places. Flash yawned as he stepped out onto the deck. He looked at the two night guards that stood in front of the cabins doors.

"Ummm... Have you two even slept?" Flash asked quizzically.

"That's one of the pros of being a bat-pony." Nightwing caught the attention of Flash as he ate a spoonful of cereal. "They sleep for an entire month and stay awake the next. They basically don't sleep for a whole month." Nightwing explained.

"Really? Can you do that?" Flash asked.

"Don't be stupid." Nightwing said gruffly as he continued to eat his cereal. Flash just shrugged and walked towards the stairs that led to second lower part of the ship. Flash walked through a door and into the bustling cafeteria were bat-ponies were eating breakfast and talking amongst one another. Flash ignored all of this and headed towards the food court where he filled his tray with eggs, hay-bacon, a couple of strawberries and a milk carton. With his tray full he left the cafeteria and headed back up to the deck. There he sat next to Nightwing and began eating his eggs.

"Hey Flash?" Nightwing asked.

"Yeah what's up?" Flash asked as he swallowed his eggs.

"Lightning strike and I had an argument last night after you left. He told me that you killed a pony that was robbing your family. Is this true?" Nightwing looked towards Flash who had put a pause on eating his breakfast.

"... Yeah...yeah it's true. I did kill him, truth is I didn't even know what I was doing. I
All I knew is he going to kill my Dad if I didn't do something. So a grabbed a kitchen knife and without a second thought...I stabbed him in the throat. And killed him...funny why do I feel so calm when I say something like that?" Flash asked.

"You can thank Twilight for that." Nightwing chuckled. Flash went back to eating his breakfast as Nightwing stared off the side of the ship.

"Flash... Did I ever tell you about my past life? You know before I met your family?" Nightwing asked. Flash nodded his head. "When I was young my family lived in a village. Our neighbors didn't mind that we were vampire bat-ponies. They saw us as just regular ordinary ponies. But then the Order found the villages and burned the entire place down. Just because we lived there." Nightwing was on the verge of tears. "My mom...she was trapped under a burning building, my Dad and sister were dead. I tried to pull her out from under the rubble but I couldn't. She told me to run, to run as far as I could from the village. I didn't want to leave her but she pushed me away and told me to run...run...that's all I could do...just run...just run and run...just keep running from my the kind ponies. The ones who treated us as equals. And most of all...I ran from my family...I ran from the ponies that raised me from the day I was born." Nightwing began to cry. "Somewhere in my mind...I think that I should've stayed...should've tried to free my mom from the rubble...save my dad...save my sister...but I didn't...all I did was run...and look were running has gotten me...I'm the last Shadow knight in existence...and there's no way to bring my family back...no matter what I do...no matter how hard I wish...I will never have my family back."


"And it doesn't stop there...your family took me in...cared for me...protected me...and what did I give you in return for you kindness...nothing...your father died...your mother vanished...and it was all my fault...it's always been my fault...why?" Nightwing fell to his knees as he fought to get his words out, his eyes clenched tight as if to hold back his tears but no luck, the tears didn't stop. "Why is it that everywhere I go...places are burned...ponies are hurt...and love ones are lost...why...why must there be so much death and devastation wherever I go?! Why do ponies go out of their way just to protect me?! Why?!" Nightwing shouted at the sky.

"Because your our friend." Flash said. "Because it doesn't matter who you are or what you do. You will always be our friend and we will protect you with our lives if we have too."


"No buts. Your right though, no matter what we do we can't bring your family back. But don't you see Nightwing? You are apart of our family. And family protect and love each other no matter their past."

Nightwing wiped away his tears. "Thanks Flash...you know I really needed that." Nightwing chuckled.

Flash place his right foreleg around Nightwing's neck. "Don't worry whatever comes our way we'll take it down...together." Flash smiled warmly.

"*ahem*" A voice cleared it's throat behind Flash and Nightwing. The two turned towards the source to see Lightning strike. "Hate break up the family reunion but we're here." Lightning said.

Both Flash and Nightwing looked of the side of the ship and forward a bit and saw the Mountain kingdom. The land was full of rocky landscapes and had very little greens anywhere. Only five words could describe what the two saw.

"Why is everything on fire?" Flash asked.

Author's Note:

Attention Followers, viewers, haters, and people that have liked my fic. I have ran into a bump in my work. You see I have run out of names to use in my fic. Because of this I asked each and everyone of you who have read this message to suggest a name I should put in this fic. If you can I will gratefully appreciate it. Thank you.

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