• Published 4th Aug 2015
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Shadow in the Dark - Thestoryteller

Suspecting that someone was behind Cluttersteps attack Nightwing and others go to find out who was behind it. While also getting sidetracked.

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Chapter fourteen. Scorch part two

"Give that back this instant Discord!" Messenger screamed at the Discord, who hovered a book attached to a fishing hook above Messenger.

"Well looks like the fish are really biting." Discord said in a sailor voice. He was dressed in a yellow rain jacket along with a yellow fishermen's hat and had one eye closed. He held a fishing rod in his eagle claw that had the book 'Shadow in the Dark' attached to the hook.

"This is serious Discord. Just because Storyteller isn't hear right now doesn't mean you can mess around in his liabray." Messenger growled.

"One, I always mess with Storytellers library when he's away. Two, the times he caught me messing around with said library all he gave me was a disapproving scowl. And three, if you want this book so badly then why don't you just use your powers to grab it from me?" Discord asked.

"Storyteller says its not wise to use my powers so much."

"Do you listen to everything he says?" Discord appeared in front of Messenger, his rain gear removed and his accent normal. "I know he created you but honestly. Do you follow his every wish or something?"

"I would die for my master."

"Really. And what do you get in return? Is he gonna turn you into an element of Fate or something?"

"No...he says I'm not ready for that yet." Messenger said in disappointment.

"Well unless you can somehow stop me, I'm gonna give this place some decorations." Discord turned away from messenger.

And turned in front of Storyteller.

"Master!" Messenger said with glee.

"Oh...hiya Storyteller your home early." Discord looked at the book he was holding rand the position he was in. "Um...this isn't what is looks like." Discord joked. But Storyteller looked at Discord with a disapproving scowl.

"Oh look, the scowl." Discord huffed as he snapped his paw and turned into a child version of himself that was wearing overalls, a green undershirt, a Bennie cap, and had a large lollypop in his mouth. "I'm sorry daddy I didn't mean to pick on Messenger and wreck you library, can you forgive me?" Discord asked in a sweet kid-like voice

Storyteller said nothing, instead he raised his left arm behind him and a book soared through the library and was caught by Storytellers hand. He opened it up and a quill with ink on its tip appeared in he right hand. He then used the quill to write down something in the book.

Once he finished writing Discord began to glow white. And in a flash he vanished and the book he was keeping from Messenger dropped to the ground. Messenger approached Storyteller and looked at the page he was on. On the page was an ink drawing of Discord.

"I told you you'd get in trouble." Messenger smiled at the trapped Discord

"Okay okay. I admit I didn't think Storyteller would do something like this but I was wrong. I've learned my lesson now please let me out." Discord huffed.

"Apologize." Storyteller said bluntly.

Discord looked shocked at Storyteller. "Say what?" He asked to confirm what Storyteller asked.

"Apologize to Messenger. Now." Storyteller repeated.

"What?! Never. I wouldn't apologize to him in a million years." Discord crossed his arms and turned his back to them.

"If you say so." Storyteller closed the book and placed it on the self. Orange aura could be seen as it flowed around the book. When the orange aura faded Storyteller oped the back up to see the ink Discord od curled up in a ball. "Have you thought about what you've done in your million years?"

"Y-yes...please don't do that again." Discord wimpered. "I'm sorry Messenger, I apologize for the way I acted."

"It's okay Discord just don't do it again." Messenger smiled.

Storyteller snapped his fingers and Discord reappeared back where he was.

"Ohhh...man." Discord placed his paw and claw on his back and pushed it back into place as a crack could be heard. I hate the fact you control all of time."

"Tell me Discord." Storyteller paused. "Are you picking on Messenger and wrecking my Liabray this because your angry?"

"Angry? Why on earth would I be-"

"Fluttershy." Storyteller said bluntly.


That one word was all it took for Discord's face to fall at the ground and his ears became folded.

"Wow...nothing gets past you does it?" Discord asked sadly.

"Why are you so worked up over her?" Storyteller asked.

"Why wouldn't I be? She's kind, beautiful, has a lovely voice, and currently rules an entire kingdom of deer. And now this guy Thorn just comes out of nowhere and suddenly their lovers?" Discord ranted.

"You have no idea how many times I've heard that sentence." Storyteller pinched the bridge of his nose. "Discord. You were once the powerful God of chaos. And yet your throwing a fit in my Library just because history doesn't go his way?" Storyteller asked.

"Well...when you say it like that, I sound like a five year old."

"You are one in his eyes." Messenger said.

"Pretty much." Storyteller confirmed. "Also Discord. Aren't you supposed to be finding Soarin?"

"Aw, craps." Discord changed from sad to concerned. "I got get back to that. See you kids later. Remember though, school is for morons, bacon is evil, and flying cakes are real. Bye." Discord said before he vanished.

"That's Discord for ya." Messenger sighed.

Back in the Mountain kingdom the dinner party had begun. And it was packed! Ponies of all kinds of rich and poor were at the party. Some talking amongst one another, others just by themselves. Large tables full of multiple foods was set in the room for the guests to enjoy themselves. Nightwing however was by himself eating a hay sandwich quietly.

'This party is a lot like the Grand Galloping Gala.' Nightwing thought as he took a bite of his sandwich. 'Except everyone's more social to one another.'

Curious and demanded an answer, Nightwing approached a stallion earth pony who was clearly wealthy and tapped him on the shoulder. The stallion looked backwards and faced Nightwing.

"Sorry to disrupt you, but why is everyone so...cheerful?" Nightwing asked.

"Ah, you must be new here." The Stallion smiled. "You probably wondering why we're all talking to the poor ponies aren't you?"

"Actually yes...why are you talking to them?"

"Well you see, it wasn't long ago that all the rich were just like them. Poor, starving, and with little hope. But when we found this land was filled with valuable materials we soon became rich." The Stallion explained.

"I don't get it...how does that have to do with anything?"

"It means that we've all been in their shoes before. They all need to have hope if they want to make it in this land. And we're here to help them." The Stallion smiled as he then walked off.

"...huh...weird." Nightwing rubbed his chin.

"There you are." A voice said behind Nightwing.

On instinct Nightwing turned towards the sound. Only to find that it was Flash who was wearing the same suit as his.

"Oh hey Flash, what are you doing here?" Nightwing asked.

"We were invited just like you." Flash answered.

"We?" Nightwing cocked his head.

"Yeah Lightning strike and I were both invited."

"Then where's Lightning?"

"He went to grab some food." Flash said. "Any luck on that army of yours?"

Nightwing shook his head. "No luck. I can't find a way to make an army that's better than the Orders." Nightwing sighed.

"Hang in their friend, it'll come to you. It always does." Flash assured Nightwing.

"But how can I do something like this? Flash how would you solve the problem I'm in?"

"Well...I guess I would stop trying to figure out how to create something new and instead make something better." Flash answered.

Nightwing stood there, deep in thought. His mind raced through the new idea Flash had given him as his eyes shot open.

"Flash your brilliant!" Nightwing yelled as he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Back in Nightwing's guest room. Nightwing had teleported back into his room, without a moments delay he ran up to the rope and pulled on it. A few minutes later a butler knocked on the door. Whom Nightwing let in.

"You rang Captain?" The Butler asked.

"Indeed I did, I need to know where you guys keep all of your blueprints from the past." Nightwing answered.

"We keep them in the archives. Is their a specific blueprint you wish?"

"Their is, the Sentinel's Guardian. You know the enchanted armor that the Sentinels used so they would have large numbers."

"We do, the blueprints will be sent to you right away." The Butler said as he trotted off.

A while later the same butler returned but with a rolled up piece of paper in his hoof.

"Here you are." The butler handed the blueprints to Nightwing who took them with his magic.

Nightwing closed the door and unfolded the blueprints on the desk.

"Okay, don't create something new. Make something old better." Nightwing repeated what Flash had said. "Let's get to work."

On the blueprint was a white drawing of a Pegasi golden armor. On the top right of the blueprints was the word 'Guardian'. The purpose of the Guardian was to be a soldier that wasn't a pony. Instead it was created thanks to the animation spell, only difference was a program crystal was what powered the armor. Nightwing began to write down ideas and draw designs of how to improve the Guardian.

Back at the party.

"Hey bro...how ya doing?" Lightning walked up to Flash as he clenched his belly.

"You okay Lightning? You don't look so good." Flash said concerned.

"I'm not...I ate something called shrimp...I thought it was a fancy name for a vegetable...turns out it's a kind of fish." Lightning chuckled only to groan again in pain.

"Oh colt...okay let's get you to the restroom before you make a mess on the floor." Flash said as he took Lightnings foreleg and placed it behind his neck.

The two walked slowly away from the party and towards a door with the stallion symbol on the door. Flash pushed the door open and walked Lightning into one of the stalls. Lightning wasted no time, he scampered to the toilet and placed his two forelegs on the seat. His muzzle faced the toilets water, the stench was all it took for Lightning to meet his peek.

"Huuuuuurrrrrrgggg!" Lightning hurled into the toilet. His breath had increased from the unexpected action. But it didn't last. "Huuuuurrrrrggggg!" He vomited again.

Flash couldn't do anything more for his brother but pat him on the back. He knew it wasn't going to do him much good, but it was all he could do.

"Why...the...heck-hurrrrg...huff...was the...party...serving-hack...something...like...that?" Lightning had a hard time speaking.

"Some ponies like to eat seafood, it's a considered a fancy food really." Flash patted Lightning on the back.

"Bblllaaarrrgg!" Lightning hurled again. "Why...on earth...would any-*burp*-pony eat...such a thing?"

"Like I said it's fancy food. Some love to eat it, others don't." Flash explained. "Listen I should probably head back to the party, since Nightwing left."

"Okay...I'll just-hurg-...finish up...here." Lightning said hoarsely as Flash exited the stalls.

"What do you think your doing?" Shadow demand.

'I need to head back to the party. If the Queen finds out none of us are there the ponies will get concerned. After all isn't this party about showing the Queens citizens that we can help them?' Flash asked in his thoughts.

"I suppose you'd right, still you shouldn't let Lightning strike out of your sight. He might turn into Scorch."

'Speaking of which, how do you know about this element called 'Scorch'?'

"That's a personal question." Shadow growled.

'Well either you tell me our I'll just see it in another dream. Either way I get my answer.'

"Grrrr...fine." Shadow sighed. "It all started about one-thousand, or something, years ago. In the city known as Timbucktu our military was weakening, so a decision was made that a soldier was to be made that could defend our city." Shadow explained.

'I'm gonna assume that this decision had to do with the elements of chaos?' Flash questioned.

"Correct, many died when trying to use the element, but it accepted me when I used it."

'And your friend?'

"Was accepted by his element as well. But the more we used the element the more we began to understand how dangerous it was."


"We soon realized that the more we used the element the more our dark side grew."

'What's a dark side?'

"It is the dark part of yourself, it is all of your fear, anger, and pain mashed up into a large ball. That ball then manifests into a persona of yourself, your dark side. However there's no need for your to panic, I've checked your dark side and it isn't that strong yet."

'What happens if my dark side gets too strong?'

"It will kill everything. Nothing will be able to stop it, not even the elements of harmony."

"Woh." Flash said unaware that he had spoke outloud.

"I've told you what you need to know, now go back to your brother. We have to keep an eye on him."

'Lightning can handle himself. Besides he's just sick from the shrimp he just ate, it's best I give him some time alone.'

"Fine...if your mind is made up, then I won't stop you." Shadow said as he became silent. Leaving Flash alone as he entered through the double doors and back into the party.

Meanwhile in the castles forge.

The hot furnaces fire fead of the coal inside it as metal inside it became liquid. Hammers clashed against the steel of armor and sword as sparks flew from the strikes. Steam filled most of the air as the metal was dunked into buckets of water. As this was happening a mare in overalls and wore glasses was over looking Nightwing's blueprints.

"So...can you build it?" Nightwing asked.

"Probably...it might take a while. It's been almost ages since we built these Guardians." The mare explained.

"How long will it take?"

"About an hour and a half...maybe more." The mare said as her eyes remained glued on the blueprints.

"Just get it done as soon as you can. This prototype might be one of the most important things in all of Equestria." Nightwing said.

"Ah, Lieutenant Sentry." Flash's ears perked up once he heard his name. Turning around Flash saw that the voice belonged to Queen Jade. Who was wearing a simple blue dress and had her crown placed on her head. Instinctively Flash humbled the Queens presence with a simple bow.

"Hello your highness." Flash said as he raised himself up. "Are you enjoying the party?"

"That's normally a question that the host asks. Not the guest." The Queen chuckled.

"Forgive me. I didn't have anything better to start with." Flash said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"It's all right. Tell me though do you know where Captain Nightwing is?" Jade asked.

"Oh well...um..." Flash tried to think of an excuse that would seem to convince the Queen of why Nightwing wasn't there. But he was currently drawing a blank, sighing Flash had no choice but to tell the truth. "Your highness, he's-"

"There you two are." Nightwing appeared out of nowhere, startling both Flash and Jade. "Sorry to keep you waiting your highness, but I had just had to try out the shrimp."

"Well...all is forgiven Captain, but I must know." The Queen paused. "Do you have a plan to counter these attackers?"

"Now that you mention it-"

"Your highness!" A guard yelled abruptly as he crashed through the double doors. "The west area is under attack. We need your assistance immediately!"

As soon as the word 'under attack' had entered the room ponies began to panic. They were running around screaming in terror and fear.

"Everyone!" Nightwing shouted causing everyone to stop in their tracks. "Listen, panicking will do us no good. All we can do is deal with these attackers head on. Until we have defeated them you must evacuate this place immediately." Nightwing ordered. The ponies did as Nightwing said as some guards began to escort them out of the party room. "As for the rest of us we need to make a pit stop at the armory for weapons and armor. We need to protect these ponies no matter what." Nightwing said as he turned to the guard that delivered the message. "Take us to the attackers, now."

"Yes sir." The guard saluted, then ran off with Nightwing, Flash, and Jade in tow,

"Hhhhuuuurrrrrgggg!" Lightning hurled up the water he had just drank. His throat was sore from all the vomiting so got a drink of water. Which ended up being thrown up as well. "I hope...Flash...is having...a good time...right now." Lightning huffed as his head rested on the seat.

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