• Published 4th Aug 2015
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Shadow in the Dark - Thestoryteller

Suspecting that someone was behind Cluttersteps attack Nightwing and others go to find out who was behind it. While also getting sidetracked.

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Chapter thirteen. Scorch part one

"Your highness?" The earth pony guard shook the sleeping mare.

"Mmmmm..." The mare groaned as she turned to her side in hopes that she could get more sleep.

"Your highness." The earth pony continued to shake his queen.

"Whhhhhhaaaaaat." The mare whined as she sat up from her bed revealing her light gold fur, long blue mane, and sapphire eyes.

"Forgive me for waking you, but I must inform you that the one known as Nightwing is closing in towards the kingdom. Should we give him permission to land?" The stallion asked.

"Permission granted." The mare answered as she removed her covers and walked towards her dresser. "I asked Equestria to send me someone to help me in this crisis, for princess Luna to send her very own student is very peculiar."

"Whys that?" The guard raised an eyebrow.

"We own seventy-eight percent of the worlds ores. These include gold, silver, iron, steel, coal, crystal, and gems. For Equestria to send the last Shadow knight in existence must mean that something serious is going on." The mare said as she opened up the slide down to her dresser. Inside was an entire room full of clothes, shoes, masks, and various other clothing.

"But this is important." The stallion followed the queen into the room. "Our ponies are in danger of these creatures, we need help because we cannot defeat these things. Even with our new technology we cannot stop them."

"True, however what makes think that Nightwing will be able to stop these creatures?" The queen asked as she walked to the far end of the closet. She stopped in front of a mannequin that had was adorned in a red suit that had a matching red gown attached to the neck of it that covered the back and flank of the mannequin. A golden crown with a single emerald gem in the center of it. The mare approached the mannequin and began to undress it. The guard turned around to allow his queen some privacy.

"So you think that we should be suspicious of Nightwing?" The quadratic asked not directly.

"No I think we should ask for more help, after all why wouldn't other nations com to our aid?" The mare asked as she began to button the suit on her. "After all is there any reason as to why wouldn't they help us?"

"You make a valuable point, but Equestria was the first to respond to our distress remember?" The guard asked. "Therefore we should give them a chance to prove themselves first don't you think?"

"*sigh*" The queen sighed as she flung the gown around her so it would rest nicely on her back. "I suppose your right, maybe we should give them a chance to help us. However if they fail the consequences will be great." The mare carefully lifted the crown from the mannequins head and placed it gently on hers. The queen walked out of the closet with the guard following her.

"Tell me, how are my citizens?" The queen asked as she exited her room.

"They are all fine, however we are worried that Lone city will be overrun very soon." The guard answered.

"I feared as such, hopefully Equestria can aid us in this time of dread." The queen prayed as she walked through the silent hallway.

Think black smoked fumed into the sky from various locations in the kingdom as the airship sailed over the fiery land. Nightwing and Flash's eyes remained glued on the land. Their eyes refused to look away from the horror. Lightning strike however did not seem to be in shock like the others.

"...Dear Celestia." Flash muttered in disbelief.

"Yeah...this is bad. If the Order can do this then this is a major problem." Nightwing added.

"Interesting." Lightning strike rubbed his chin. "They seem to be focusing their attacks on the furnaces in the land."

"Lightning strike...did you just say...something intelligent?" Nightwing stared at lightning strike in disbelief.

"Well how else is all this on fire, there's not enough vegetation on this land to feed all these fires, so the only explanation is that they've overheated the furnaces." Lightning explained.

"How do you know something like that?" Flash asked.

"I...I'm not sure actually." Lightning rubbed the back of his head. "It just seemed...obvious to me."

"I should have known. The Element of Scorch is beginning to effect him." Shadow said in Flash's head.

'Are you sure he'll be okay?' Flash asked Shadow.

"Again, I don't know what might happen. I don't know everything about the Elements of chaos."

'So I should keep an eye on him?'

"That's the plan. Don't mess it up."

"Captain Nightwing." A night guard landed on the deck a few feet from Nightwing. The guard did a salute which Nightwing return with a salute of his own. "I have come to inform you that the mountain kingdom has given us permission to land. So we will land at the port in a while."

"Thank you. You may return to your post." Nightwing said. The guard saluted and then flew off. Nightwing turned back toward Flash and Lightning.

"Captain Nightwing?" Flash raised an eyebrow with a smug look.

"What?" Nightwing defended. "It's catchy and you know it."

Flash rolled his eyes.

"Can we get back to the important thing at the moment?" Lightning asked. "Like the land were heading to is currently pretty much on fire."

"Not to mention the fact that your supposed to find a way to build an army that can rival the Orders." Flash added.

"Don't remind me." Nightwing groaned. "I was up all night just trying to think of a way to to create such an army. But all I got was zip."

"So we have no idea how to stop these things?" Lightning asked.

"Pretty much...however the Mountain kingdom is known for two things. Ores and their craftsmanship, hopefully I can get an idea when I look at their forges." Nightwing suggested.

"Maybe...hey, what's that?" Flash asked as he pointed below the ships rail. Nightwing walked next to Flash and looked to where he was pointing. Flash was pointing at a large city that was full of tents, houses, and camps. Ponies looked like ants from the airships height.

"Ah, the glorious place known as Lone city. The only city in the entire kingdom." Nightwing answered.

"Why would a kingdom have only one city?" Flash asked.

"See in the Mountain kingdom everyone likes to set out and mine for ores. The kingdoms motto is 'We our born in the mines, we work in the mines, we live in the mines, we die in the mines, and we are buried in the mines'. Basically the most of the Mountain kingdoms ponies live most of their lives in mines than in the city. Therefore the need for multiple cities isn't that high." Nightwing explained. "However there might have been a need for a city so the kingdom made one of the largest cities in the world. The Lone city."

"So now that the kingdoms under attack. Everypony is forced into the city." Flash put the pieces together.

"Correct, but the Lone city is in front of the Mountain castle. Which is right there." Nightwing pointed to a large mountain that was behind the city.

"Ummm...where's the castle?" Lightning strike asked.

"The mountain is the castle. The kingdom carved out the entire inside of the mountain and built the castle inside it." Nightwing said.

"Is that why we're heading straight towards it?" Lightning asked.


The queen of the mountain kingdom stood silently as she watched the Equestrian airship descend onto the track. The twin balloons that kept it afloat were letting out air as it landed on the track with a CLUNK! Locks began to hook onto the lower rail so it wouldn't move. When a guard shouted 'clear!' wooden stairs came formed out of the ship that landed onto the caves floor. The bat-pony that the queen could easily assume was Nightwing.

His slit dragon-like crimson eyes stared into the queens sapphire eyes that sent shivers down her spine, which she hid very well. A smile appeared on Nightwing's face as he showed off his teeth. 'Interesting.' The queen thought. 'Nightwing doesn't have any fangs like bat-ponies.'

"Queen Jade!" Nightwing announced as he walked down the wooden stairs. "It is an honor to meet you." Nightwing bowed and lifted the queens right hoof which he placed a kiss on. "Your highness I would like to introduce my two friends. Flash Sentry and Lightning strike." Nightwing introduced the two who were coming down the stairs. "And finally all the way from Equestria, thirty lunar guards ready for battle." Nightwing introduced as the lunar guards walked down the stairs and into formation.

"Mr. Nightwing-" Jade was cut off.

"Captain. Captain Nightwing or Nightwing is fine." Nightwing said.

"Very well. Captain Nightwing." The queen readdressed. "Thank you very much for coming here on such short notice."

"It wasn't a problem, now then tell me all about these metal ponies that are attacking your land." Nightwing asked as he walked down the hanger as the queen followed by his side and with Flash and Lightning following him from behind.

"Well let's see...I suppose the attacks began about five days ago." Jade began.

"Five days, why didn't you send the letter then?" Nightwing asked.

"At first we believed that we could handle the situation ourselves with this...new tool of ours."

"Ooooh. How interesting, care to tell me more about this tool?"

"I'll do you one better." The queen stopped in front of a object covered by a tarp. "We were planning on introducing this to the nations for a while now but we hadn't tested it in the field yet. Captain Nightwing I give you the Gatling gun." Jade removed the tarp revealing a turret that had eight long hollow pipes in a circle attached to a brace that was connected to a set of wooden wheels. At the back of the pipes was a metal base that had a 360 degree handle along with sharp projectiles strapped by some kind of belt.

"Oh my gosh...what the heck is it?" Nightwing asked.

"I'm glad you asked. This here is called the Gatling gun, a weapon that can fire ammo at a very fast rate. Allow us to demonstrate." As soon Jade said that two guards pushed forth a bullseye target in front of Gatling turret. They then trotted up to the turret as one took control of the lever the other held the belt of projectiles. The queen gave a nod at the two, and the guard began to spin the lever. As he did the barrels began to spin as well.

"Begin feeding!" He ordered the other guard. Who shoved the belt into the machine.

*BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG!* the Mach fired as the projectiles sailed clear through the target.

"Cease fire!" Jade ordered. The gunfire ceased once the guards stopped feeding it as well as turning the lever.

"Holy cow." Nightwing muttered as he looked at the crumbly remains of the target. "That...was...awesome! But I guess we might have overheated it?" Nightwing suggested.

"Why...yes how did you know that?" Jade questioned.

"Canterlots working on a similar project, however we haven't gotten into final testing yet."

"Wait a minute. If you guys have a weapon like this, why do you need help against this threat of yours?" Flash asked.

"I'm glad you asked. You see when we first encountered the enemy we used the Gatling gun as our first line of defense. But the Gatling gun had no effect on the enemy whatsoever." Jade explained.

"That means they can regenerate after all." Nightwing muttered.

"After a while our land began to become overrun by these creatures, finally we had no choice but to evacuate the ponies from their homes and defend them in Lone city." Jade said sadly. "We had no choice but to help, we send distress letters to all of the nations but only you came to our aid."

"Wait you sent letters to other nations?" Lightning asked.

"That is correct."

"Then why haven't they responded?" Flash questioned. "Surely the other nations value this kingdom highly?"

"We thought so as well, but they have not come. It seems you are our only hope in defeating this threat."

"Right then." Nightwing rubbed his hooves together. "I'm gonna need access to your factory's, smiths, crafting workshops, and iron mills. Also I'll need the best accommodations for me and my friends. And finally I will need the blueprints to the Gatling gun. Any questions?" Nightwing asked.

"Yes...why do you need all that?" Jade asked.

"I'm working on a side project that can defeat these metal ponies, and if you comply your land will be saved. And our relationship with us will strengthen." Nightwing explained.

Jade turned to one of the guards. "Guards please escort these two to the guest rooms." Jade pointed to Flash and Lightning. "As for Captain Nightwing, please see to all his requests at once. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am!" The guards saluted as they escorted Nightwing, Flash, and Lightning out of the hanger.

'I hope you know what your doing Nightwing.' Jade thought worryingly. 'My ponies lives depend fully on you.'

"Your room Captain." The guard said as he opened the door to the guest room. As Nightwing walked into the guest room. The guest room had already been filled with blueprints and notes stacked on the desk across from him. Up against the left wall was a queen size bed along with two nightstands next to it. Three windows allowed sunlight to enter into the room. A bathroom with a separate shower and bath inside it. A dresser was lined up to the right wall. To the left of the bed was a rope with a tied knot at the end of it.

"Ring the rope if you need anything." The guard pointed to the rope. "One of the butlers will come to serve you. Also her highness has requested you and your friends to join her for dinner. A set of suits has been set in your closet. She has requested that you wear it to dinner."

"Thank you. What time will dinner be ready?" Nightwing asked.

"6:30 NT. don't keep her highness waiting.' The guard closed the door and faint hoofsteps could be heard from outside the door until they faded.

Nightwing looked at the clock on the nightstand that read 3:14 DT. "Right then, let's get to work." Nightwing said as he walked up to the desk and unfolded one of the blueprints which he began to examine.

"Woo hoo!" Lightning laughed as he flew around the room in glee.

"For crying out loud bro, stop flying around like a crazy Pegasus!" Flash shouted at Lightning. "Get down before you break something." Flash said to Lightning.

"I can't help it, I couldn't fly on the airship because Nightwing said so, but now I can fly. So sue me if I want to stretch my wings." Lightning stuck out his tongue.

"Ugh." Flash facehoofed. "Listen the guard said were expected to have dinner with the queen at 6:30 NT. That means we need to be on our best behavior. And so help me if you make scene I will smack you upside your head so hard, I'll seal your mouth shut." Flash growled.

"Okay sheesh." Lightning landed. "Why does the queen care if we come to the dinner anyways?"

"Because we are technically Nightwing's bodyguards we have to be invited regardless." Flash explained.

"Wait I thought your princess Twilight's bodyguard now?" Lightning asked.

"Technically I'm both Twilight and Nightwing's guard."

"Speaking of which." Lightning paused as a sly grin crawled onto his lips. "There's a rumor going around that you and princess Twilight are dating. Is that true bro?"

"You really need to stop believing everything you hear." Flash said as shot a scowl at Lightning. "Besides my relationship with her is completely non-romantic. We're just friends nothing more."

"Are you sure you want to be just friends?" Lightning asked.

"Nothing more."

"Graaaah!" Nightwing shouted in frustration as he crumpled up another one of his blueprints and tossed it into the overflowed trash bin that was full of other crumpled up papers. Nightwing rubbed both of his templates as his splitting headache kept banging away inside his head.

"This is ridiculous!" He threw his hooves up in the air. "Why is it this hard to create an army as powerful as the Orders? I mean all it needs to do is beat an army capable of regeneration, can breath fire, and has large numbers. Is that to much to ask?!"

Nightwing's head fell against the desk board. "Ugh...I know how to use the animation spell. But I don't know how I can make better than theirs. If I make like theirs they'll know every weakness it has. But I can figure out how to make it without the animation spell. Gah! This so frustrating!"

Nightwing looked up from the desk and looked at the clock that read, 5:35 DT. Nightwing facehoofed, he was so caught up in his army plans he didn't have any time to try on any of the suits for the diner party. Frustrated, tired, and just plain angry. Nightwing got up from the desk and approached the closet.

Opening it up Nightwing saw a simple black coated suit with a white undershirt beneath it that hung on a hanger. Using his magic Nightwing levitated the suit of the hanger and slipped into the undershirt. Then his forehooves wiggled into the sleeves of the black suit. Nightwing then casted a spell that made a red bow tie appear on the suits collar. Nightwing turned and looked at himself in the mirror.

Seeing that nothing was wrong with the suit Nightwing looked back to the desk. His plans would have to wait for later. Right now, he had a party to attend.

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