• Published 4th Aug 2015
  • 596 Views, 19 Comments

Shadow in the Dark - Thestoryteller

Suspecting that someone was behind Cluttersteps attack Nightwing and others go to find out who was behind it. While also getting sidetracked.

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Chapter four. Chaos

"you idiot!" A voice, one that sounded like it belonged to mare, shrieked."do you even use that head of yours?!"

"First, you and I share this space that you call 'a head'." Another voice, this one sounded more like a stallion, said."And second, what was I supposed to do? Nothing?"

"No not nothing. But you could have done something other than...that." the first voice grimaced.

"Cut me some slack will ya. It's been forever since I've gotten to stretch my legs. Can you blame me?"

"Well I guess when you put it like that I can't really blame you. Oh...wait a minute, yes I can!"


"No, you listen! The first voice interrupted."I don't care what sick and preposterous plan you've come up with in that head of yours-"

"So I do use my head, hmm?"

"Zip it. Anyways, I don't care what plan you have to get yourself out of here but-"

"Bwahahaha." the second voice burst out laughing.

....What, in the name of us, is so darn funny?" the first voice growled.

"Hehe..." The second voice began to calm down. "You mean besides the fact that your little goodie-two-shoes self can't swear?" the second voice said, receiving a growl from the first voice."Anyways, I'm laughing because you honestly think I want to leave?"


"Then let me ask you this, where would I go? Back to that crystal? Not a chance. And especially not. With. You." The second voice said dryly.

"listen were getting off topic." the first voice said, trying her best to ignore what the second voice had said."Like what you did to that Earthpony."

"What about it?"

"What about it?!" The first voice yelled as the second voice groaned."If Discord hadn't shown up-"

"Discord? Discord. Discord Discord Discord. Discord. Why do you care if he had shown up?"

"Becasue if he hadn't you would have lost control and hurt somepony!" The first voice snapped.

"Oh please I was perfectly in control."

"Tell that to the Earthpony you massacred."

"Okay so I may have gon a little overboard there-"

"A little?!"

"Okay maybe a lot overboard! Happy?!"

"For the love Celestia's high sun! Would you two pleas shut up?!" Flash asked.

The room, or dark and oblivious space as some may call it, became absolutely silent. Nothing could be heard at all. For about five seconds

"How much did you hear?" The second voice asked.

"The part from the Mare calling you an idiot to the point where you two are screaming at each other like a married couple." Flash answered. "Although I do have to ask, who are you two anyways?"

"Sorry." The first voice said. "But nopony likes spoilers."

"Gah!" Flash in a slight gasp as he rose up from his bed.

He immediately began to look at his surroundings as he noticed he was in a hospital bed.

'Wait, what?' He asked himself in his head. He looked once again and sure enough he was in a hospital bed. He looked at his foreleg and noticed it had a nettle poked into it with a tune connected to it that ran water into his blood. Equipment that looked familiar was near his bedside. Letting out a sigh of relief he relaxed his body and lied his head against the pillow.


"Ahh!!!" Flash shouted as he saw that Discord had teleported right in front of him.

Discord vanished and appeared next to Flash's bedside this time wearing a doctors uniform with a stethoscope in his shirt pocket.

"Now then." Discord said as he snapped his eagle claw and a box of rubber gloves appeared out of nowhere. Pulling out two of the rubber gloves Discord stretched both of them onto his eagle claw and lion paw. The he picked up a sergeants mask and tied the straps to the back of his head.

"Now then Mr..." Discord paused as he snapped his lion paw making a clipboard appear in his paw. He began to skim through it. "Mr...Dash elementary, is it?"

"No, it's Flash sentry." Flash stated.

"Wifu stealer?"


"Inside joke. Ah here you are, Flash fencing."


"Whatever." Discord rolled his eyes. "Anyways says here that you are in for a...wing removal, is that correct?"

"What? No! My wings are perfectly fine!"

"You sure. Hmm what was name again?"

"Flash sentry!" Flash shouted.

"Bash century?"

"Flash! Bucking! Sentry!"

"Flash,Flash,Flash,Flash,Flash." Discord mumbled as he looked through page after page attached to the notebook. "Flash sentry?"


"Ohhhhhh. Thought so."

"Ugg." Flash said groggily as he shut his eyes tight and held a hoof to his forehead as a huge thumping could be heard. When he opened his eyes he was no longer in the hospital room, the equipment was still next to him but instead of a hosbital bed he was laying on a half comfy half stiff couch with his head lying against the back of it.

"Now tell me Mrrrr..." Discord trailed off. Flash looked to his left to see that Discord was sitting a chair that looked a lot like the couch he was sitting on, except it was chair. Discord was no longer wearing a doctors outfit, instead he was wearing a dark yellow sweater vest with a white long sleeve shirt underneath it. He was holding yet another clipboard in his lion paw and a green uncapped pen in his eagle claw. "Mrrrr...Spiky blue mane is it?"

Flash's response was a cold and dark scowl.

"Spiky blue mane it is then." Discord said as he scribbled something on the clipboard. "No tell me Mr. Blue, I can call you Blue right? Yes? Great, anyways Blue I'm gonna ask you a few questions and I want you to answer them as truthfully as possible." Discord's face turned into a frown as his neck began to stretch until his face was but a few centimeters away from Blues, Gah! I mean Flash's. Flash's face is what I meant. "Are we clear?" Discord said in a serious tone.

"Crystal." Flash said back, even thought he didn't show it, Flash was pretty aware of what might happen if he didn't comply.

"Great." Discord said as his neck retracted back to it's original place. "Question one, have you had any recent blackouts by any chance?"

"Ummm." Flash dragged off as he thought carefully about what he was gonna say. "Well now that you mention it I did blackout when Clutterstep began-" Flash cut himself off as he began to remember what happened. "When he began to attack Twilight."

The memory from about three hours ago flooded into his mind. Nightwing had vanished, the stoneponies turned into dust when Sunset and Twilight had cast that water spell. All that was left was Clutterstep and Thicket. Thorn, Sis, and Comet tail took on Thicket. Meanwhile Twilight, Sunset, and I were fighting Clutterstep.

Clutterstep had turned into a white werewolf like last time I fought him. He had knocked out Sunset and...and was hurting Twilight.

Clutterstep had pinned Twilight to ground and was crushing her underneath his left leg. When I saw what he was doing to her a rage unlike any other began to overcome me and then.

Nothing. Everything went black after-

"That's interesting." Discord said while chewing on his pen and also making Flash return to reality.

"Sorry, but what exactly is interesting?" Flash asked.

"Hmm?" Discord said as took the pen out of his mouth and stopped chewing on it. "Oh, this is." Discord said bluntly as he sat his clipboard on the hoofrest of the chair. And with a snap of his lion paw an oval shaped mirror that was about the same size as Flash was. A gold lining was set around it along with a golden base on the bottom.

Flash's eyes went wide as soon as he saw his reflection. In the mirror was a Pegasus with orange fur, blood red eyes, and a spiked back mane like Flash's except instead of it being blue it was like night black and the tips of the Pegasus spiked mane were red like his eyes. Flash began to open up his wings and the Pegasus in the mirror did the same as it too began to unfold its wings. When both Flash's and the Pegasus wings were fully unfolded the Pegasus feather tips were like the Pegasus mane, night black but the tips were blood red.

Flash stood motionless and blinked a couple times as the Pegasus in the mirror did the same thing.

"What..." Flash tried his best to get the words out. "What is this?"

"The Pegasus?" Discord asked as head popped out from behind the mirror and pointed at the the Pegasus in the mirror. "Or the mirror?"

"The Pegasus."

"That's you." Discord answered as Flash turned and looked at him. And then back to the Pegasus in the mirror.

"...How can that be me?"

"Ah ah ah." Discord waved his white griffon feather that was attached to his dragons tail back and forth in front of Flash. "You asked what that was and I answered, also FYI I ask the questions around here."

"Fine. Then...then can you tell me what kind of mirror that is?" Flash asked and also hoped for a good answer.

A smile spread on Discords face as he snapped his claw and instantly a whiteboard appeared along with Discord wearing school teacher clothes smart-alec looking glasses, an academic cap, and long ruler.

"No then as some of you may know this isn't an ordinary mirror, you see this mirror shows yourself." Discord explained.

"But don't all mirrors already do that?" A kid sized Discord wearing a stripped shirt, overalls, and a propeller had asked.

"Yes they do Tim-tim. You turn could learn a lot from this one." Discord said to two other kid sized versions of himself dressed in different colored clothing.

"Yes headmaster." The two kids groaned as if not bothering to listen to Discord. Discord ignored them and went back to teaching his lesson.

"Anywho, this mirror does show you. But to be more precise it shows what's inside you."

*RRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!* A school bell that floated in mid air began to ring.

"Oh look at that, were out of time, class dismissed." Discord snapped his claw and the chalkboard, kid sized Discords, and school teacher outfit disappeared. Making the room got back to what was before. "So..." Discord paused as he placed his elbows on the hoofrest's of his chair and clasped his claw and lion paw together. "Do you understand?"

".......yes?" Flash answered unsurely.

"Wonderful, now it's time for question two." Discord said as he picked up his pen and clipboard, clicking on the back the pen the point was forced out. "Now then question two have you ever had a voice or voices inside your head?"

"Well, before you came into the hospital room I did hear two voices arguing." Flash answered as Discord kept writing down something on his clipboard.

"Really well let's take a look then, shall we?" Discord said as he stop scribbling and in a white flash, appeared on Flash's shoulder the size of a mouse. Reaching behind his back Discord pulled out a microphone and yelled.

HELLOOOOOO! ANYONE HOMEEEEEEE!!!!!" Discord yelled through the Microphone. "Hmm...guess not." Discord shrugged as he reappeared, back in normal size, in the chair with the clipboard and pen.

"So Flash how you doing buddy?" Discord asked Flash who was pressing both of his hooves against his hears. "Fantastic." Discord said as he snapped his paw and the pain in Flash's ears faded away.

"Now then third and this one is very important and very secretive." Discord said as he looked back and forth. "Are you currently dating Princess Twilight sparkle?" Discord whispered.

"What?!" Flash yelled.

"Shhhhhhh." Discord said harshly as he pushed his eagle claw against Fkash's muzzle. "What part of secretive did you not under stand?"

"Sorry it's just...that's kind of a personal question." Flash said.

"It's a yes or no question, and remember. You have to answer honestly."

"Ummmm...well...see here's the thing-"

"Times up reading your mind."

"Wait what-"

Discord place his paw firmly over Flash's head as he began to look through every single memory of Flash and Twilight and after about a minute Discord took his paw off of Flash.

"Thank for visiting have a great day. Bye." Discord said as he snapped his claw and Flash appeared back in the same hospital bed, same hospital room, and the same hospital. Only thing different was a piece of paper lying on Flash's covers. Cautiously Flash picked up the paper and began to examine it. He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow as he tried to figure out what the picture was.

Outside in the waiting room Twilight, Sunset, Comet tail, Thorn, Fluttershy, and Nightwing all sat in waiting chairs.

"Jello everypony and deer." Discord said as he teleported himself into the waiting room. Wearing a mail mare suit and cap along with a satchel strapped to his side.

"Discord! What are you doing here?" Twilight asked.

"I'm here to give Nightwing a letter that's all." Discord said as he reached into his satchel and pulled out an envelope. "Here we are." Discord said as he handed it to Nightwing, who, using his crystal, levitated it towards him. "Well I'm off, ta-ta." Discord said as he vanished.

"Nightwing opened up the envelope and took out the paper that was inside it. It read,

'Dear Nightwing it's me Discord. Obviously, anyways I want to tell you something interesting I found out about your friend Flash today'

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