• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 7,662 Views, 271 Comments

Ultimate Three - idk12345678910

After the monstrous U-3 is defeated by Leon in Spain, it wakes up on the edge of the Everfree forest. But something is different. It has become reacquainted with the sapience it once knew from when it was human, and the plaga is strangely silent...

  • ...

Chapter 10 - Ascend to New Heights

"Okay, that's enough." A voice called out.

I worked out the kinks in my neck. I was feeling more than a little tired. "Are you sure? It didn't seem like much was happening."

"While it may be visually unimpressive to you, to us it was more than you can imagine." Chrysalis said.

"Well it sure took a while. I can't imagine that feedings that happen every day usually take that long, especially for only four changelings. What gives?" I asked.

"Well, I didn't actually just use you to feed the changelings. That was done in only seconds. I also used you to fill up our 'vault'."

"You guys have a vault for emotions?" I asked.

"Well, not a literal vault. As queen, I have the ability to store a huge amount of emotions inside of myself and distribute them as needed. Right now I'd say we have about enough for two years, or longer, if we ration the emotions."

Enough for two years? Sheesh. Feel tired yet?

Well, actually, I am really tired. Although that could just be the stress of all this catching up to me.

Well, before you decide to go take a nap, you might want to get your weapons back.

I almost forgot about that! I guess with everything that's happening it kind of slipped my mind.

I absent-mindedly brushed my gun holster with my hand. "Hey, where did you take my weapons?"

At this, Chrysalis turned sheepish. "They're in my quarters, but I may have... broken them a tiny bit."



I opened the chest to find all of my weapons , still intact, laying on top of hundreds of papers, as well as a few gems. I hurriedly took them out and vigorously took each and every one of them apart. I made sure every spring, every bolt, and every hammer was still in place, and put them back together with the skill and speed you could only acquire from doing the same thing hundreds of times. As far as I could tell everything was in working order, and nothing was missing. Well, nothing except for one thing.


"Ah heh, well you see, I saw you use these 'guns' multiple times, all to devestating effect. So I might have decided to try them out for myself." Chrysalis grinned half-heartedly.

"And you used up-- ALL-- of my ammo?"

"Well, when I started, at first i was only going to use a few 'ammos'. But when I started, I just couldn't stop! It was such a rush! I kept loading one 'ammo' after another, and before I knew it I was out of 'ammos' for that gun, and it was on to the next one!" Chrysalis explained.

I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed.

Well at least she's being honest.

"Alright, well I can kind of see where you're coming from. I still remember the time I fired my first gun. It was the good old M1911 handgun. Once I had fired a shot, I couldn't get enough of it. But for the record, they're called 'bullets' , not 'ammos'." I lectured.

"Right." Chrysalis said, glad to be out of that conversation.

I took another look into the chest, and rummaged through the papers and gems until I found what I was looking for.

"Ah! My knife! This baby has gotten me out of a jam more times than I can count!" I said before sliding the knife back into its sheath on my chest strap.

Next up was my flashlight. Not as useful as my knife, but infinitely better than stumbling around blindly in the dark. Luckily I didn't need it here. Chrysalis had told me about how they used the natural glow of the gems that grew here to provide a light source.

Unfortunately, the suitcase I normally use to carry my guns around was nowhere to be seen, and I only had one holster. So I made the tough choice of putting my guns back, with one exception: the revolver I had nicknamed "The Broken Butterfly". I kept that one in my holster for good luck, even though it was basically useless without any bullets.

Alright, now that you've got your equipment back, try to take that nap now. If it's true that I'm part of your subconscious, then I'll do my best work while you're asleep.

Alright. To be honest I could use a bit of sleep after all that's happened.

"Hey, do you mind if I sleep here for a while? This is the only actual bed I've seen." I asked Chrysalis. It was true, her room was the only room I'd seen with an actual bed instead of just a hole in the wall.

"Go ahead. We'll need to start working on what we're going to be doing, so you'll need to be well rested."

"Well, wake me up on about an hour, okay?" It was only a nap, after all.

"Alright. I'll see to it that my changelings get everything in proper working order while you are asleep."

"Alright." I said. I jumped onto the bed, closed my eyes, and was instantly asleep.


I awoke to find myself above a field of white, with blue above me. I knew I was above the clouds already, and that I was in the sky. The idea of falling was not even present in my mind, and i was completely comfortable with my surroundings. There was only one thought that mattered to me at the moment.

I'm flying.

I spread my arms out and swooped down to touch the clouds. I watched as the cloud vapors slipped in between my fingers as they raked across its surface. Feeling satisfied, I drew my arm back and flew higher. I flew as high as I dared to, and marveled at the sight I saw.

In between the gaps in the clouds I caught glimpses of a luscious land filled with green and spots of blue. The mountain tops rose up from the grounds , gaining on a film of white snow as my eyes rose to their peaks.

I closed my eyes to take in the serenity of it. The feeling of peace that I had right now could not be explained in words. It was something that you would have to feel for yourself to be able to--

"Leon!" A voice called out.

I looked to my lower left to find a black shape that I vaguely identified as Chrysalis standing, not flying, in the air. Suddenly my surroundings stretched and zoomed away, leaving only Chrysalis to be seen.

"Leon, you're flying!" Chrysalis called out.

Then, without warning, I was suddenly falling. My surroundings shifted to Chrysalis' bedroom, and before I could do anything to catch myself, I landed on the bed I was sleeping on before. I blinked before looking to my side to find Chrysalis with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Could you always do that?" She asked uncertainly.

I opened my mouth to talk, but I was speechless. Instead, I simply shook my head.