• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 7,662 Views, 271 Comments

Ultimate Three - idk12345678910

After the monstrous U-3 is defeated by Leon in Spain, it wakes up on the edge of the Everfree forest. But something is different. It has become reacquainted with the sapience it once knew from when it was human, and the plaga is strangely silent...

  • ...

Chapter 11 - Incorporating New Skills

"Do you think you can do it again?" Chrysalis asked.

We had moved out of Chrysalis' bedroom after the initial shock of my levitation wore off. We were now back in the main sleeping chamber, which now carried no changelings.

"I don't even know how I did it the first time." I responded.

Hey, you were awake while I was dreaming, weren't you? Do you know how I did it?

Sorry, I was busy investigating some sort of anomoly in our mind at the time. It seems to be linking to somewhere else, but all I got out of it was the sight of a bunch of trees. As for your flying trick, I might actually have a reasonable explanation. You remember when we were talking about Dante, and how he's only as strong as he is because of his human side's emotions?


Well, think about it. If all the humans could be as strong as Dante just because they had emotions, the demons wouldn't be a problem. Instead, they're just normal humans without any powers, but still have the human emotions that make Dante strong.

I still don't see what you're getting at.

What I'm saying is that, while humans already have all the things they need to become powerful, they lack a way to use them. Haven't you ever wondered why wizards need staffs, wands, or magic words to use magic?

"Leon?" Chrysalis' voice rang out worriedly, almost ripping me entirely from my thoughts. "Are you okay?"

"Hold on." I responded, not even moving my head to look at her in favor of continuing to stare out into space. I plunged myself back into my thoughts.

I'll move this along. What I'm saying is that your half-changeling side might have given you magic, and while that's cool and all, your emotions could be acting as a super-booster. Where you having a dream while you were asleep?


What kind of dream was it?

A look of realization dawned across my face. "A flying dream."

"What?" Chrysalis asked, surprised at my sudden out-burst.

Did I say that out loud?

"Uhh, I was just having a chat with the voice in my head, and it said that being a half-changeling might have given me the ability to use magic, with my human emotions super-boosting it." I said hurriedly in an attempt to save myself any further embarrasment.

Chrysalis scrapped her hoof on the ground. "I can attest to the power of emotions. I myself was defeated by a spell powered by emotions."

"Really? What kind of spell was it?" I asked.

"A... shield spell." she said before quickly adding something else. "But it was strong enough to cover an entire capital!"

"That's a big area." I said.

That strong? If I could do something like that at all times...

"What kind of emotion was fueling it?" I asked.

"Only the strongest of any emotion of all!"

"Which is?"


I snickered a bit.

"So wait. You--"

"Don't say it!"

"--were defeated--"


"--by the power of love." I finished.

Chrysalis threw her head back in exasperation and rolled her eyes. "Yes, yes, laugh it up. I've heard this all before." Before I could say anything else she quickly changed the topic. "You've never done magic before now, correct? Well then you shall need some training. Luckily for you, I happen to be an expert."

Her horn glowed green before a rock covered in the same green glow raised itself in front of me.

"Before we can begin on the harder spells, we need to start simple, and let you become comfortable with your magic. Let's start with something simple, like telekinesis." Her horn stopped glowing, and the rock lost its glow as well before falling back to the ground. "First, you need to find where your magic resides. Look inside yourself, and find where the magic is most concentrated."

I nodded and closed my eyes. I let my mind wander, and could feel some sort of sixth sense pulling my attention to a specific part of my mind. I drew closer and closer to that part of my mind, until I mentally reached out and touched it. Suddenly, an intense feeling of warmth exploded into all parts of my body. My mind was suddenly taking in new forms of information. I could "see" in my mind what was going on around me. I could "feel" the presence of lines of energy that were practically everywhere. They were moving through the air, in the ground, and even grouped together inside of Chrysalis, flowing through her like some kind of organic structure. They were a multitude of different colors, constantly changing. When they changed, not only did their color change, but the way they "felt" did as well.

A sense of wonder filled me. I felt like I was, on some level, one with the world.

I decided it was time to open my eyes.

It looked exactly as it had before I delved into myself, except for one thing: Chrysalis now had an aura around her. Chrysalis's eyes widened in surprise, and the aura around her changed into a bright yellow along with her expression.

"Your eyes are glowing!"


Instantly, an image of myself popped into my head as clear as day, but only for a second. It was like looking at myself from outside of my body, but only for a second. Like Chrysalis had said, my eyes were glowing a bright white. However, there was also a faint blue aura surrounding myself as well. It was defying gravity, seeming to eminate from me and rise upwards before dissappearing. Why hadn't chrysalis mentioned that as well? Could she not see the things I could see?

I focused my mind and returned to the task at hand. I raised my hand towards the rock and focused on it. I could feel the lines bending to my will and releasing energy to do my bidding. With one raise of my hand, I lifted the rock off of the ground. The same kind of blue aura that had surrounded me now surrounded the rock.

"Wait, your entire body is glowing!" Chrysalis said.

"What does that mean?" I asked with a surprising echo accompanying my voice.

"It means your entire body is a focal point for magic, not just one part of you!" Chrysalis exclaimed. The aura around Chrysalis was suddenly mixed with a shade of blue. Hopefully I'd soon be able to grasp what each of these different auras meant. "Okay, now let's try to improve on your levitation. Try throwing the rock over to me."

I nodded. I flinged the rock over to Chrysalis, who caught it with her own magic. Her aura changed slightly, now incorporating shades of orange. "Good. Now let's try to pick up more than one thing at a time." She promptly levitated twenty rocks up and gathered them in a pile. "Lets start off with two."

I nodded, and deftly raised two rocks from the pile. Chrysalis' aura once more took on a deeper shade of orange.

"Okay. Now try levitating as many as you feel you can do."

I nodded once more, and one by one started levitating rocks until they were all up in the air. For some reason, I felt the urge to have the rocks start revolving around me in a circle, so I went ahead and let it happen.

Chrysalis' aura had finally changed orange entirely, with no trace of the yellow or blue from before. She shook her head before speaking. "Okay, this is wrong. It takes months for foals to learn to control their magic, and even longer before they can even get to the level of skill you are showing here! Are you absolutely sure that you've never done magic before?"

Actually, now that she mentions it, all of this seems to be coming to me very easily, almost absurdely so. It almost even felt natural.

"I am one-hundred percent certain that I have not done magic before, but you are right. This is almost too easy. Back in my world, humans were said to have an innate connection to the mystical world, what with having psychic abilities and all. I'm not sure if that actually has anything to do with what's going on, but right now that's the only possible explanation I can think of." I finished.

Chrysalis' aura had started to gain the shade of another color. I couldn't quite tell what color it was yet, but I know it changed slightly."Well, how about you let go of your magic right now, and tell me about your experience with it. Maybe that will provide us with some answers." She said.

"Okay." I nodded.

I mentally retracted myself from the spot of my brain the I had touched and grabbed hold of. As control of my magic faded, so too did the ability to sense the lines and auras. The rocks that had been revolving around me dropped to the ground, forming a circle around me. The warmth that flowed through my body also receeded, making everything seem cold in comparison. I shivered slightly from the cold,before realizing that I seemed a lot "slower" than when I was magic'd up. My mind felt sluggish, and my vocabulary felt more limited as well. Did my magic improve my mind when it was activated?

"Are you okay, Leon?" Chrysalis asked. She must have seen me shivering.

"Yeah. It's just that when I had control of my magic, It felt so warm. I was so used to the warmth that now that it's gone, everything feels colder in comparison." I responded.

Chrysalis nodded her head. "I see. go ahead and tell me everything about what happened."

I opened my mouth, and started to tell her every single detail about what had happened.