• Published 23rd May 2012
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Ultimate Three - idk12345678910

After the monstrous U-3 is defeated by Leon in Spain, it wakes up on the edge of the Everfree forest. But something is different. It has become reacquainted with the sapience it once knew from when it was human, and the plaga is strangely silent...

  • ...

Chapter 7 - The Grass is Always Greener

"Alright, so let me see if I've got the facts straight." I said, running my hand through my hair. "I'm not in my world anymore, there are talking ponies instead of humans here, and they can either fly, use magic, or are rediculously strong, depending on the type of species."

"Correct. And you were sent on a mission by a leader your country chose to represent itself because his daughter was stolen by an evil cult, but it was only supposed to be an investigation, not a struggle for survival." Chrysalis stated.


"Actually, 'struggle for survival' might be the wrong word for it. You almost made it all look easy." Chrysalis said.

It was kind of fun, wasn't it?

I almost forgot about you.

"Right. Hey, listen. I've got another question for you." I said.

"Go right ahead."

"Since I broke out of that chrysalis thing early, there wouldn't happen to be any...side effects, would there?"

"Why do you ask that?" Chrysalis asked, intrigued with the subject.

Because I have a voice in my head.

...I hate when you're right.

"Because... I... have a voice in my head." I finally relented.

"I don't see how that's such a problem."

I raised an eyebrow. "It wasn't there before."

"Oh." She simply said.

She put a hoof to her muzzle in thought. How weirdly human. "No one has ever broken free of the Chrysalis before the transformation was complete, so I really don't have any information on the subject matter."

"Crap. Well, any idea what this 'voice' might be? Voices don't just pop up from nowhere."

"I might know the answer. Tell me, is the voice in your head telling you to follow my every whim no matter what?"


Stop doing that.


"No." I simply stated.

"Well then I guess it isn't the voice of the hive." She said.

"Voice of the hive? You guys work in a Hive Mind?"

"I... guess that's an accurate description. I've never really thought of a name for it. Mind if I borrow it?" She asked.

I waved my hand. "Go ahead. I'm not the one that thought it up anyways."

"Thanks. So, about this voice..." She trailed off.


"Why don't you just ask it about itself?" She asked quizzically.

"That might be as effective as dirt, but I'll try." I said.


I heard, and to answer your question, I think I'm part of your subconscious.

You 'think'?

Well, I'm about as sure as you on the subject, considering I AM you. I might have been awoken by the effects of the chrysalis, but even I'm not sure. The best way I can describe it is this: You know the voice in the back of your head that always helped you during times of extreme stress, like in Raccoon City and during the mission?


I'm that voice.

"Hey, have you found out what it is yet?" Chrysalis said, snapping me out of my reverie.

I realized I was staring off in some random direction, and snapped my attention back towards her. "Yeah. It's nothing to worry about."

Heck, if you've helped me before, nothing to worry about, right?


"Would you mind telling me what it is? For the sake of research, of course." Chrysalis asked hopefully.

"The closest I can put it is that it's a part of me. Sort of like a part of my subconcious." I replied.

"Huh. That's a weird side effect. Has anything else changed? Can you transform?" She asked.

"Transform?" I said curiously.

Suddenly, Chrysalis burst into green flames. Thinking quickly, I grabbed my swiss army knife and was ready to plunge it into the chrysalis beside Chrysalis to let out the substance and douse the flames, but suddenly the fire stopped. I looked towards the fading flames to see -- not Chrysalis -- but a combination of a pegasus and a unicorn instead.

"You like?" She asked in an entirely different voice from her own.

Before I could stop myself, the words "How did you do that?" left my mouth.

They're changelings. It's in their names. Duh.

"The ability to change our form is inherent to all changelings, whether they were born one or converted." She stated.

Yeah, about that...

Questions later, super powers now.

I guess you've got a point there.

"Alright, so how can I tell if I can transform or not? I mean, it's not like I've done it before or anything." I said.

"Simply envision yourself as what you want to transform yourself into, and your changeling side should do the rest."

Changeling side? Great, I'm half changeling.

Quit complaining. You've got super powers, don't you?

Yeah, but at what cost? If that's true, I'm partly not human anymore, and some part of me might be completely loyal to Chrysalis.

You've got a point there. I REALLY hope that's not me.

You and me both, pal. Alright, I think I know a certain stylish devil hunter I want to look like.

Dante from Devil May Cry? There might be a slight problem with that.


You two look almost exactly alike, minus the hair and stuff. Seriously, have you ever looked at a picture of you two side by side?

Fine, point proven. Actually, that brings something to mind. Dante's only more powerful than other devils because his emotions give him power, right?

I see where you're going with this, and if you don't ask about this, I'm going to strangle you.


"Sorry for the long wait, but could you clarify something for me?" I asked.

"What is it?" She said as she transformed back to her original form.

"You guys feed off of emotions, like love and all that, right?"


"Does that mean you aren't capable of emotions yourself?"

Chrysalis looked slightly saddened at this subject. "While we do indeed have our own emotions,but unlike other creatures, they slowly fade away with time. That is why we must constantly replenish our own supply, least we slowly become weaker and more animal-like until, finally, we lose the thing that keeps all living things living: the will to live. After that, our body just starts simply shutting down, or, worse yet, we go on a mindless rampage until we die of exhaustion."

"That's...surprisingly grim from what you've told me of this world." I said in morbid surprise. "I can't imagine what it must be like to slowly lose what makes you 'you' until you just aren't 'you' anymore." I paused in thought for a moment. "Actually, scratch that, I can. It almost happened to me once."

She raised an eyebrow at me (I didn't know they had those).

"Remember how I had the plaga inside of me, and I actually lost control of myself at one point before I was able to get it out?" I helpfully said.

"Oh yes... that. It took that woman stabbing you in the leg to snap you out of it, right?" She asked.

"Right, and that one wasn't even fully grown. I don't wanna imagine what would have happened if it had grown to full maturity." I said.

"Yeah..." she said sheepishly.

Actually, it would be kind of similar to what Chrysalis was trying to do, don't you think?

"Actually, I'd imagine it would be kind of like what you were trying to do to me just a couple of minutes ago." I said with disapproval dripping off of my voice.

"The chrysalises haven't been used in a long time!" She hastily said. "Please trust me! We wouldn't dare think of adding another member to the changeling race! I was wrong to even consider changing you! We barely have enough emotion to go around as it is!" She exclaimed pleadingly.

Food shortages? Sounds like someone's falling on rough times.

"Alright, I trust you. But promise me you won't use those chrysalises on anyone against their will again." I said.

"Yes! I promise!" She said desperately.

She was a little too quick to agree to such an extreme term. I think I might actually be their last hope or something.

Good thing you took debate class to meet that girl in high school, huh?

I smirked.

I can honestly say that I never thought something like that would ever come in handy.

"Alright, I'll take your word for it. Trust me when I say that nothing good can come of brain washing." I decided to change the topic. "Anyways, I think I'm going to go ahead and try to transform now. Stand back."

Chrysalis took a couple of steps back, and I closed my eyes.

Alright, I think I know who I want to transform into.

Harry Mason from Silent Hill 1?

I know me so well.

I pictured myself in my mind. I was standing in a black void, still dressed in my black shirt and pants the combat gear that I had purchased from the merchant. I pictured myself slowly morphing into into another person, my long blonde hair receding and fading into a soft brown. my clothes slowly reshaped themselves like a liquid before solidifying into a blue jeans, and a brown jacket over a black vest with a white undershirt. My face sowly shaped itself like clay into that of another individual. I heard the sound of fire blazing all around me, and opened my eyes to see the last remnants of green fire dying out around me.

I looked down at my hands and saw the sleeves of a brown jacket.

"Yes! It WORKED!" A silly grin spread itself across my face.

Chrysalis, on the other hand, looked a little discouraged. "Uh, one problem."

I raised an eyebrow.

"While your clothes and hair have indeed changed, your face looks exactly the same as it did before." She said.

Crap. Well I guess that's not bad for only being halfway inhuman.

I closed my eyes again, and imagined my form morphing back into its original form. I heard the familiar burst of green flame and opened my eyes to see my arms back to their original form.

"So it's official now. I'm half changeling. Is this permanent?" I asked.

I don't look forward to having to avoid iron for the rest of my life.

"No. I'd imagine the changes would revert the moment you go back to your world." Chrysalis said.

Phew, dodged a bullet there.

Speaking of bullets, I'll have to be sure to ask for my weapons back later. Right now I have another question.

"You said you summoned me, right? Would you mind telling me how and why you ended up summoning me?"

Chrysalis sighed. "Alright, but first you'll need to know a few things."

She told me of her people's shortage of emotions because of a "changeling craze", and how it led her to invade the capital of Equestria in a last ditch effort to save her people, which I could neither condemned nor approved of. It fell under the catagory of "necessary evil" for me, seeing as how the ponies were so prejudiced against the changelings. She told me how it failed, and most of her changelings were either killed in the resulting blast, or hunted down and killed without a second thought because of the escalated "changeling craze". She explained how rest were either with her and in hiding, or disconnected from the hive altogether.

"Anyways, shortly after the invasion, sometime after the invasion one of my changeling drones were flying over the Everfree forest, which we are currently deep inside of. I can 'see' through every changeling's eyes as if they were my own, being the "central hivemind" if you will. What I saw through my changeling's eyes was the princess of the night casting some sort of spell, complete with intricate drawings on the ground. I ordered the drone to land close to her and listen in. I 'heard' the Princess of the Night talking about summoning a hero to protect Equestria from the remnants of the changelings. Unfortunately, before I could listen to any more, I felt the presence of the Princess of the Sun arriving, and told my child to hurry back to base before it risked the chance of discovery. I never saw what happened, but I did see the specifics of the spell on the drawings."

"And you thought you'd summon a hero as well." I finished for her.

"Well... yes. I replicated the spell's drawings, and it was easy enough to figure out what to do from there. Fortunately the summoning seemed to knock you out, but unfortunately I got a glimpse of your memory."

"Lemme guess. It was the mission." I supplied.

"Yes, and that horrified me. As soon as I regained my composure I threw you into one of the chrysalises in the hopes that you would turn. That way you would be controllable so you couldn't turn on us and kill us all as soon as you awoke."

I could tell she was being honest. "What in the world would make you think that? I did that entire mission to save someone."

Chrysalis rubbed the back of her head sheepishly with her hooves (which should be impossible, but I should start learning to stop questioning these things). "I... admit that I might not have been thinking as well as I should have. I was coming in here to observe you and possiby reconsider my actions when I found you, actually. The chrysalises are only supposed to be used as a last resort, like, for example, in case we absolutely need more soldiers for a battle, or when we are near extinction. However, with the 'changeling craze' going on, a lot of ponies are distrustful of everyone, and it's hard getting even a drop of love or pity from someone when they're paranoid about everyone. We're running out of food, and with the Equestrian's hero soon to be on our trail, I might have gotten a little too desperate and hasty in my actions. So please forgive me for trying to turn you. I am truly sorry." She finished.

The emotions were an act, but the words were truly ment. I can see how having only a few of your species left, as well as having imminent extermination on the horizon could lead you to making some desperate and hasty decisions.

I nodded my head. "Alright. I forgive you. But remember what I said about using the chrysalises. No more changing people against their will."

"I promise." She lifted a hoof to her heart. "No more changing ponies against their will."

I nodded and smiled, before thinking of something.

"Hey, how many changelings are left?" I said with a tone of hope.

"Not counting me and the ones that are disconnected from the hive, there's four. We barely have enough emotions to go around, so they agreed that they should be put to sleep until we find a good source of emotions to feed on." She explained with a hint of sadness.

"So you need a good source of emotions, huh? Good thing you're looking at one." I said smugly.

Chrysalis' eyes seemed to light up. "You would really do that for us?" The shine in her eyes was then replaced by suspicion. "Wait, we tried to brain wash you and turn you into one of us. Why would you help us after what we did?"

I shrugged. "I'm just a nice guy, and you seem to be falling on some hard times. I'd rather die than not give help to someone who needs it. It goes against everything I stand for."

Chrysalis seemed to be bouncing up and down. "Oh, this is marvelous! I was hoping that after you found out what we did, you'd just leave without hurting us or telling the guards, but this is so much better! I can't thank you enough, Mr. Kennedy!"

I smiled. The sight kind of brought a warm and fuzzy feeling to my chest. "Sure, sure. But please, call me Leon. Now then, show me where these changelings are."

She happily turned around and led the way.


"So, you found Luna trying to summon a hero, and she convinced you it was a good idea. However, instead of the man you were trying to get, you got me?" A monotonous voice called out.

The Sun Princess and the U-3 experiment were sitting in the living room of Twilight's library, discussing how U-3 had come to Equestria. Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Lyra had been sent home, and the house patched up. The princess had assured the town's ponies that U-3 was not a threat, but it was only a temporary solution, and a proper introduction to the town was still in order. Fluttershy had chased after the manticore, and assured them that, while it was indeed injured, it was nothing permanent. In fact, she said that what U-3 did might have actually fixed a number of back problems he had developed over the years.

"Yes, and while you were mortally injured at first, we both used our combined powers to heal you. We had no idea what you were, and we were almost drained of energy, but we knew that when the magic of light and dark were combined, it could accomplish great things. However, when you stood up, well, to say we weren't expecting a monster was an understatement. As soon as you got up you looked at us and roared in what I assume was hostility. At first, I attempted to battle you, but Luna convinced me that we were both in no shape to fight, and so we fled." Celestia responded.

"After that I guess I found my way to Fluttershy's after a couple of days." I suggested. "By the way, what was up with your coat and mane back when the manticore attacked? The colors seem a bit duller than usual."

"Ah, yes. That." She seemed a bit embarrassed. "When I was thrown from the manticore's entrance, the psychic link I had connected to you was suddeny severed, and the back lash from it left me disconnected from the magic that flows through Equestria, as well as my own. A side effect of this was a decrease in the brightness of my fur and mane." She explained.

"Huh. Interesting. Speaking of the manticore, you said it was brain washed. Do you know by who?" I asked inquisitively

"Yes. It was most definitely the work of the changeling queen, Chrysalis. I assume you've heard about them?" Celestia asked.

I nodded my head. "The girls told me about them while we waited for Twilight to get up. Invading a capital is a serious move, one that wouldn't be made without serious thought."

"Yes, I'd imagine it was the knowledge of changelings becoming commonplace among the populace that drove them to do it. It was a foolish move, but it almost worked. Luckily they were not succesful, and most of them have been taken care of by now." Celestia said.

" 'Taken care of'?" I asked for clarification.

"Tracked down and disposed of. They're heartless monsters who have kidnapped thousands of ponies, and are responsible for injuring hundreds of my subjects in that attack. They're ruthless, and just don't listen to reason. The fact that they just sent a manticore to attack a village should be reason enough to prove that. I wish I could negotiate with them, I truly do, but It seems that diplomacy just isn't an option here. " She finished.

Ugh. Genocide. It doesn't sit right with me, but if they're really that much of a threat, I suppose it's a necessary evil.

"Luna should be here soon." Celestia said, quickly changing the subject. "We'll wait until she gets here to regroup and head towards the changeling's hide out in the Everfree Forest. If she and I can work together, we could probably develop a way to keep the forest from effecting you. Until then, however, we should prepare to introduce you to the town. I'd imagine they'd want answers for why a monster beat up another monster." She said.

I nodded, and watched as she went out of the door. I could see reporters standing outside waiting for her. The door closed behind her before I could get a good look at any of them, though.

Well, I'm all alone now, save for Spike and Twilight who should be back soon. I'm in a library, might as well read up on what's real in this world.

I awkwardly shuffled over to one of the book cases, trying to keep my head low enough not to bump into the ceiling. Luckily, I managed to find what I was looking for right off the bat.

That's some effecient organizing. I thought as I retrieved the book from the book case.

" The Fauna of Equestria, huh? Seems like what I'm looking for." I said as I cracked the book open.


"Here we are!" Chrysalis said.

This tunnel is HUGE.

I looked around me. It seemed to be one long, gigantic tunnel, with hundreds of sizable holes covering either side of the cave.

I gave an impressed whistle. "Did you guys build this all by yourselves?"

"Well, not us specifically, but most of the swarm. This used to be the sleeping quarters. It still is, I guess, but now it doesn't house anywhere near the number of changelings it used to." She said solemnly.

Suddenly, she hung her head down. "I was really foolish. I never should have done that stupid invasion. I thought it would save us, but now it's done the exact opposite! We're almost dead, and It's all my fault!" her expression twisted into one of pained agony, and tears began to fall from her eyes. "It's all my fault!"

She collapsed into a sobbing heap.

I guess the reality of the situation never really hit her until just now.

The empty sleeping spaces must have reminded her of that fact and forced it to the front of her mind.

I crouched down to her level, and placed a hand on her neck. I slowly started petting her up and down her mane. "You did your best--"

"My best got us killed!" She cried.

"No one could have blamed you for what happened. Your people were starving, and you did the only thing you could."

"But what if there was something else I could have done! I could have saved them all! They could still be alive! I'm so stupid!"

This isn't working. Let's try another approach.

"Listen:" I grabbed her head and forced her to make eye contact before continuing. "Your people were starving. They had no chance of finding another source of food, and if you hadn't done anything, your people would have died a slow death. But you did what you needed to do. You were presented with an impossible situation and you came out with a game plan. Now I don't know much about what your kind thinks, but I'd consider that pretty freaking impressive."

She sniffled. "Really?"


Nearby , the sound of bodies sliding against stone were heard. I turned towards the source and smiled before speaking again.

"I think someone wants say 'hello' ." I said.

Chrysalis turned around to look towards the source, and her teary eyes burst open.

"M-...My queen? Why am I awake? Have we found a suitable food source?" The first changeling asked, rubbing his eyes. The others were busy crawling out of the holes they were tucked into.

"But--How? That was just sympathy! There's no way it would be enough to awaken all of you!" She turned towards me ,wide-eyed, before her horn lit up in a green glow.

"By the gods! The emotion is just pouring out of you! I've never seen sympathy this strong!"

Okay, I know I'm being sympathetic right now, but nowhere near the amount she's implying. What's going on?

I think I may have an idea, but I'll need to think it over for a while. Besides, you have some supernatural beings to feed.

I turned towards Chrysalis, still smiling, and offered my hand to help her up. She smiled, and put her hoof in my hand. I grabbed it, and helped her up. She sniffed and rubbed the tears out of her eyes.

"Let's get to work." She said.