• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 7,662 Views, 271 Comments

Ultimate Three - idk12345678910

After the monstrous U-3 is defeated by Leon in Spain, it wakes up on the edge of the Everfree forest. But something is different. It has become reacquainted with the sapience it once knew from when it was human, and the plaga is strangely silent...

  • ...

Chapter 13 - Heavens to Betsy

The woman's cries turned to gurgles as the blood from the cut in her neck flooded her wind pipe.

A sigh came from beside me. "Did ya' do it again, James?" My co-worker George said.

I found myself back in the labs where I was forced to work for the Los Illuminados. A woman was tied down naked on a table with cuts and bruises all over her. she was missing some of her fingers, her left nostril was missing, and a shallow cut ran from her chest to her stomach. Her eyes were red from crying, and her forehead was sliced open. My coworker George, a tall man with shot black hair and a black scraggly beard, had come over from his work-space to check out how I had screwed up the torture.

"Yeah. I'm just not as good at this as you. are" I admitted. I grasped the scalpel and drove it straight into the woman's chest. She gave out one last gurgle before she closed her eyes and passed out from the lack of oxygen, never to wake up again.

George scratched his beard as he looked at the woman's quickly dying body. "Well, I guess this one's going to the villagers. We have to keep 'em feed somehow." He said.

"Yep. Should we give her to the usual people, or should we cut this one up ourselves?" I asked.

"I'm feelin' in the mood for some cuttin'." George said, taking out an extra scalpel from a tool set. "That whore Adriana left me for another man."

"I told you she was bad news, man." I said.

"Yeah, well, I guess I'm just a sucker for punishment." He said with a shrug.

I chuckled. "You'll find the right one someday. Come on, let's get to cutting. You take the bottom half , I'll take the upper half."

Suddenly, I wasn't "me" anymore... I was strapped down on the table, with "me" and George hovering over me. I was suddenly aware of what was happening, no longer trapped in the mental mindset that makes you go along with whatever is happening in a dream.

"I" grabbed a scalpel and started leaning closer to me. I tried to scream, but I couldn't make a sound, no matter how hard I tried.

No! I don't want this! Stop! Please!

The scalpel drew closer to my vision. "I think I'll start with the eye." "I" said.

No! I'll do whatever you want! Please! Stop!

I tried to scream as the scalpel plunged into my eye, tearing apart my vision.


I awoke with a loud gasp, and tried to get up as fast as possible, but only succeeded in tripping myself up and falling down on my lower stomach. I could feel my hearts racing.

I could feel the urge to start crying coming on. Those people didn't deserve what had happened to them. They had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. The Los Illuminados was the worst of humanity. They would capture people from the neighboring areas and bring them in for experimenting. Any outsiders that happened to wander into the Los Illuminados' land were subject to either immediate death, or prolonged torture, depending on where they were caught at.

I would never have done any of those things if that plaga hadn't been inside of me, controlling me and telling me what to do. I've personally killed over fifty people and their screams and pleas still haunt me to this very day, all because of the Los Illuminados and their disgusting parasite.

I never should have accepted that invitation. I knew it was too good to be true. This all could have been avoided if I had just never accepted that stupid letter!

I slammed my fist into the ground in frustration. "I never wanted this..." I whispered to myself.

"Never wanted what, honey?" A female voice with a wisconson accent rang out from the dark abyss that filled the barn. Suddenly, a lantern turned on to reveal a white cow with black spots on it. I would have normally found a talking cow to be at least a bit strange, but in my current emotional state, I didn't give it a second thought.

"Nothing." I said hoping she would go away. The cow picked up the lantern with her teeth and walked over to me before putting the lantern down and laying besides me.

"Now, I know better. Ol' Betsy here can tell when there's something wrong. Why don't you tell me what's wrong?" The cow (who I assumed was Betsy) said.

I gave her a thorough once over before glumly saying "I don't think you would understand."

"Try me, dear." She said.

I told her everything. I told her about my life before the Los Illuminados, about how my father and I had used to work on the farm to raise money for my college tuition, and how every day we would come home from the fields to my mom's delicious cooking. I told her about my friends growing up, my school, and my college years. I mentioned how great my future had looked before I told her how I had been tricked into coming back to el Pueblo. I told her everything about the plaga and more, about how I was forced to torture, kill, and experiment on innocent people while they cried and screamed for mercy. I told her ho horrifying it was to me now that I could have ever possibly gone along with what the plaga had wanted me to.

Finally, I was finished. I had had to stop every so often to calm myself down so I could continue telling the story without bursting into tears, but it was worth it. I would never be able to rid myself of the guilt or the screams in the back of my mind, but the pressure pushing down on me from the memories was gone for the moment.

"Listen here, James: no one should have had to go through what you had to. What that group did was horrible, and I know that you would have never gone along with them or did what you did if it wasn't for that horrible plaga. I've heard your story, James, and I know that you're kind at heart. Don't you ever forget that ." Betsy finished up.

"Thanks." I said, wiping my eyes of the tears starting to collect. "But please, don't call me James. I'm not James anymore, just U-3."

Betsy nodded. " Whatever you want, dear. But I'm still calling you James for tonight." she said, laying her head down.

I likewise laid my upper half down. "I think... I might be okay with that." I said, closing my eyes. " Just for tonight."

And then I fell asleep.



"I can't believe you haven't gotten hit this entire time." My bro said.


"Yeah, well he's got a pretty predictable pattern. 'Still eats up all of my ammo reserves though. I've got a big gaping hole where a chunk of my ammo used to be." I said.


Me and my brother were sitting on front of the television. He was watching me play Resident Evil 4, and I had gotten to the part where you fight "it". Currently I was avoiding its scissor blades and waiting for a chance to strike.


This was it! "It" always stops after the fourth attempt. I turned Leon around and took aim with the Broken Butterfly. I moved the laser sight , and amazingly managed to land a shot directly into the mouth of the roaring parasite! To my surprise, it was even the shot that killed it!

" Woah ! That was a nice shot!" My bro said before fist-bumping me.

"I'm glad that's over." I said as I checked the clock on the wall. "Alright, bro. Ten o' clock. Time to get to bed."

"Aww." He complained.

"Come on, you know the rules." I said, ruffling his hair. "I'll save the game and then I'm going to bed. In the mean time, you need to hurry up and go to your room before mom notices that you're still awake."

"Alright. " He said dejectedly. "But you have to promise to play Resident Evil 4 again tomorrow!"

I chuckled. "Alright , bro. Now get to bed."

I returned to the game as I heard the sound of the door to my bedroom shutting. True to my word, I went back to the last save station I had found, and saved. I gave the merchant a mock salute in real life as I turned the game off. I turned the lights off, and headed to bed.


I awoke to the sound of a rooster crowing. I couldn't remember anything about the dream I had, other than it had involved me somehow. That's a weird thing about dreams: sometimes you can remember exactly what happened in detail, while other times you don't even remember you had a dream.

The door to the barn swung open, casting light across Betsy and I laying side-by-side. I squinted my eyes to try and see what figure had opened the door.

"Oh, am ah interruptin' somethin'?" The southern voice of Applejack said slyly. "Ah'll come back later, then."

I was confused at what she meant, until my mind wrapped itself around the fact that Betsy and I were laying side-by-side. I hoped that I couldn't blush anymore, otherwise my face would be red hot. "N-no, it's not like that at all!"

"Well, I've gotta say Applejack, he sure does have some handsome legs." Betsy said slyly.

"W-What?" I said in a mix of confusion and panic at the embarrassing situation.

"Real strong and firm." Betsy confirmed while nodding her head.

Both Applejack and Betsy had the biggest grins on their faces. It was obvious they were just joking around, but it was so embarrassing!

Applejack spoke up. "Ya'll get yerselves ready and come out when ya'll're presentable and the like. U-3: someone's here to see you, and Betsy: It's that day of the week again. Time for y'er milkin'."

Betsy nodded her head. "Alright. You go ahead and get everything ready, Applejack. I'll make sure U-3 is up and about in a couple of minutes."

"Alrighty then." Applejack said as she closed the barn door.

Betsy turned to me before pausing. "Hun, you're redder than a tomato."