• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 7,662 Views, 271 Comments

Ultimate Three - idk12345678910

After the monstrous U-3 is defeated by Leon in Spain, it wakes up on the edge of the Everfree forest. But something is different. It has become reacquainted with the sapience it once knew from when it was human, and the plaga is strangely silent...

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Final Chapter: Closure

So I figured its been 5 going on 6 years since i wrote this story and i figure you folks deserve to know how this was going to end. I'll be honest, I don't remember much of the plot points I had planned in the past so ill just give you the important points.

The voice in Leon's head is a player of the game, dragged in along with leon by the effects of Chrysalis' spell (because magic is funny that way, and I thought leon and the player working together and leon being influenced by whoever he was 'partnered' with was a cool concept.) The reason why Leon had so much love to give was originally because he was human (cant remember why), but if i wrote it now, id have it be because of all these potential connections.

U3 will be accepted by the ponies after the main six, celestia, and luna all appear and vouch for him as a hero they have summoned that was going to March into the Everfree forest and help deal with the changelings. and when they march into the Everfree forest, they would come upon Chrysalis' Lair. However through a series of traps and the efforts of a love enhanced super chrysalis and her love enhanced guards, everypony would end up separate and scattered in the forest. U3 and Leon would fight, but U3 isn't just a mindless monster anymore and Leon is lacking his 'partner'. Leon is faltering, but Chrysalis manages to come by and sense the magic barrier around U3. She doesn't know what it means but shattering the barrier of her enemy is good right?

So she does, and U3 once again loses his sapience, returning back to the mindless monster he was. This juggernaut of a beserker starts going after EVERYONE, and because they're all separated and unorganized, they cant really get a good foothold to mount a solid offense on the sudden wrench in everyone's plan.

However, the 'player' inside U3 (who mind leaped from leon to U3 because they were both pulled from the same instance of the game) manages to assume control of U3. He explains what's going on, to all of them, both sides' stories. Holding quite a bit of power in the situation he manages to mediate things after having seen things from both perspectives. Celestia demands imposing terms from the get go. Chrysalis is begrudging at first, her old pride flaring up when face to face with the ones that beat her so badly. But when she looks at the few soldiers and changelings she has left, she returns to the humble self she'd been, and realizes this could be the changelings' only chance, considering ponies had already seen them as things to be feared and hunted even before the invasion. She accepts the terms. Celestia acknowledges that the hive cannot exist without chrysalis, and recognizes the excruciating circumstances that led to the invasion, so she says she will allow her special treatment. She will still be a political prisoner of Equestria for the time being however, and the changeling hive will integrate into Equestria.

With all things said and done, Player explains that, whole he's happy things had come to agreement, he's also going to lose control of U3 soon and that's a bad thing cause everyone's worn out from the fighting. Celestia's magic barrier worked by containing the ambient magic of equestria in a bubble, but now there's nothing to bubble, and the air in the Everfree Forest wont hold magic. It'd ve too far for him to get back out of Everfree in time, too. Player asks if the mane 6 can use the elements of harmony to help U3, and they try to, but they're tired from the battle, and its not strong enough to work with the Everfree Forests' effects putting up resistance to their magic too.

If they just leave, U3 will surely disappear into the woods and become hard to find, and a huge problem if they do-- not to mention they'd be essentially be losing U3 as a friend again. The raging monster wouldn't be able to be peacefully subdued, he'd fight to the last dying breath--which leon and player confirm, as they'd each killed him once already. And even if they somehow lured him out, there'd certainly be a cost of life. They'd need a solution now or things would have to get a lot worse before they get better.

So Player has an idea. He asks celestia, luna, and chrysalis to all perform the summoning spell together, using the elements of harmony as focal points of the magic circle and with Leon as the center point. Player explains that perhaps since Leon has connected with so, so many people, surely at least some of them are eligible as bearers of the elements of harmony, right? Even if Leon himself isn't, surely there are some others that he's 'partnered' with that have played the game that would qualify, right? So they do that, and it works. All of the elements of harmony channel through leon, each summoned 'partner' that bears the element would have their thoughts appear in different colors to comment on the situation. Each of them would already know the situation through Leon's memories, especially since celestia and luna was helping with the summoning now and its not just Chrysalis trying to imitate what she saw.

Leon channels the elements' powers, each 'partner' inside of him still at full power unlike the mane 6 currently. Leon takes out his empty Broken Butterfly, cracking it open as if to reload it. The lines of power gathers in his hands, Leon loading them each of the six power streams into the six chambers of the Broken Butterfly. He clicks it back together, and spins the chamber, the mana lines swirling together. He takes aim. One last comment and cheer from each of the 'partner' spirits inside of him, and he fires.

In an extravagant display of rainbows, emotions, and colors, the magical shot is described in excruciating detail as it goes through the air in slow motion, similar to the 'final shot' moments from many different Resident Evil games.

The shot hits U3, doing no physical damage to him, but piercing all the way into his chest, and into the plaga. The magic nestles deep inside of him, glowing through his body and softly shifting colors as if the magic inside was shift through a slow swirl of colors.

This shot not only gives U3 his own source of magic (that's temporary and has to be refilled by being in a place saturated with magic like equestria) to keep his sapience going, it also harmonizes him and his plaga. No longer will he be controlled in the presence of a master plaga or control plaga (or indeed, in the face of certain frequencies--which is how control and master plagas work in the first place). Dominance over an unwilling host isn't harmonious, but cooperation is. U3 will still have very many sleepless nights dealing with what he has done in the past, but he won't have to worry about being controlled ever again.

Im pretty sure Player and the other channeled spirits go back to their homes with assistance from celestia and Luna, bidding farewells to everyone after a bunch of talking to everyone. I don't remember about Leon, however, so i suppose you're free to imagine whatever you want there. However, I know for certain that U3 stays, and enjoys his new life there, accepted among the ponies.

The series ends with celestia looking over her city. The changelings are recovering, and it will be a while before they are truely accepted, but it will only be a matter of time. The incredible fear and paranoia of changelings that ponykind has felt against them for generations has been quelled greatly by their sound defeat, though of course its not entirely gone.

Though Celestia didn't plan the invasion, it is revealed at the end that the reason celestia gave the drastic order to hunt the changelings was not only to quell the public calls for revenge for the lives lost in the invasion, but also because she knew changelings were a hive mind. At least, the main part of it was. In order for negotiations to happen, Chrysalis needed to be worn down severely, else her own pride would keep her from giving into negotiations. In addition, it helped quell the extreme fear and paranoia surrounding changelings that had already existed even before the invasion, which had no doubt left the changelings to starve and force their hand with the invasion. This had shown that there was no need to fear--that when push comes to shove, ponykind could handily root out and defeat any kind of changeling force. Now the sympathetic reasoning for the hostile invasion could come out. It would take a lot of time, and probably even more work, but the changelings would recover, public opinion will shift and change (Celestia would have to handle that carefully and keep a close eye on it, but she had faith in herself), and changelings would, for once, have a healthy position in the modern world, and be able to thrive and live as ponykind do instead of living on the fringes of society as feared and hunted predators. Perhaps cruel in the short term, but celestia was of the opinion that it would pay off greatly, tenfold even, in the long run.

This was such a great story to write, even if i did lose motivation. I always told myself i'd go back and write it, but i never did. And long after it faded in my memory, one of the times i remembered it, and this time im I came to terms with the truth i'd never go back, but you folks deserved some closure. I hope you enjoyed reading, because i enjoyed writing for this crazy story. If there's any plot points I didn't answer here that you want an answer to, ask them in the comments and I'll answer them.

Have a good life <3

Comments ( 11 )

Hey good on ya m8 for finishing what ya started

I'd never heard of this story before, and I prefer to avoid "dead" stories, but when I saw what the last chapter was, I decided to give it a read. Though the story was never finished, I have a lot of respect for an author willing to provide some closure after all this time.

Of the story itself, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. It's a little "fanficky," but no less entertaining for it. I had fun reading what you wrote, and I hope you enjoyed writing it.

I had pretty much given up on seeing this story finished long ago. I'm sad to see it won't be getting a proper finish, but I'm glad to see it get some closure. It was a long wait, and it was fun while it lasted. Thanks for the fun story!

Damn... it's sad to see this not get its proper ending, bugger... but at least we get some closure.

Good luck author, thanks for the ride :yay:

I still hold hope that you'll truly finish this fic, it doesn't say that it's complete yet, maybe some day, you'll return and write what is left of this amazing story, in the mean time, this does suffice.

Thanks for riding my wild ride <3

You're welcome, i figured you all deserved it. Good luck in your life <3

I did, but motivation is a finicky thing. Im glad even after all this time its still a fun read. That's all i wanted, to give a fun read and share some cool ideas with people <3
You're totally right about the fanficky part. I considered doing a rewrite at one point but again, motivation. Thanks for enjoying, and I wish you good luck in the future <3

Thanks, it was always something I'd remember and be a sore spot, but i finally just buckled down and said i'd never get back to it, and so i just wrote out the ending for the closure everyone deserves.

Im glad you're satisfied in the mean time. Maybe same day i'll get the inspiration to come back, but realistically i'd say don't hold your breath. Im gonna go ahead and mark it complete for now(i forgot that was a feature of FIMfiction) , but possibilities, however slim, are still open for the future.

A lesson I'm slowly learning myself: something is infinitely better than nothing. Good work, and good luck!

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