• Published 6th Sep 2015
  • 1,535 Views, 20 Comments

A Twilight Summit - Ponyess

Of course Twilight ascended to Alicorn and was crowned as a Princess, but what became of the old Twilight Sparkle? Or rather; where did all the rest of her go? Now there is a Summit. Only most of her friends are shocked.

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A Bipedal Intrusion: 3 (Equestria Girls Movie)

Author's Note:

Rarity's POV

”Hello, Rarity. I seem to be lost here. I can’t find my way around to where I was going!” the girl stated.

“Greetings, Twilight Sparkle. Welcome to the castle of Friendship in Ponyville!” I responded.

“Wait, how did I end up here in Ponyville?”the girl named Twilight Sparkle inquired.

“In your current form, you mean? You should have changed back to your Pony form, as you went through the mirror or portal from Canterlot High. At least; that is what I was told!” I responded.

“That makes sense. I changed into this Human form as I stepped through the portal from our end, to the Human realm. Then I changed back to Pony as I had gotten my hands on the crown containing my element of Magic. The question is why I am a Human now, when I was supposed to have been turned back into my Pony form on my way here!” she responded.

“I have no idea. You are the only Pony, next to Sunset Shimmer to actually go through the portal, to the best of my knowledge!” I pointed out.

“Starswirl the Bearded sent the Sirens to that place, but I doubt either of them used the portal as per se. Either way, if they did, it was in historic time, and the Sirens we know as the Dazzlings are still stuck there!” she responded.

“Would you care to follow me to the throne room? I need to be at the latest meeting!” I inquired.

“I have no other place to go to, and nothing that is requiring my presence at this time. Sure. Even if I fear there is a high probability I am already there by now. Unless Twilight Sparkle is already there?” she then put forth as she started to walk behind me.

“If you have nothing better to do, you do need to go there with me!” I merely pointed out firmly.

“Oh!” she merely responded, while still following me, staying on my right side.

“On the matter of meeting Twilight Sparkle, I fear that is highly unlikely to avoid at this point. On that note; you have already seen her once before in your library before it was destroyed by a certain Tirek!” I then explained.

“Now as you mentioned it, I still do retain the memory of meeting myself in the Golden Oak Library. Pinkie Pie followed me to the Star Swirl wing at the Royal library at the castle in Canterlot. I faced myself for a few seconds. it amounted to nothing, of course!” she explained.

“On second thought, I am certain she is there, but that isn’t the exciting part of it. You will see in a moment!” I pointed out as I opened the door with my magic and entered the room slowly.

“Greetings, Rarity and Twilight!” the Alicorn Princess named Twilight Sparkle exclaimed as we entered the room, side by side.

“Greetings, Princess, Unicorn and Earth Pony Twilight sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow Dash!” I responded.

“Greetings, friends and Twilights!” the girl responded on the group of Ponies already gathered in the throne room.

“Welcome, and congratulations on making a new friend, Rarity!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Ah reckon it was about time you have a Twilight to round up, Rarity. Congratulations on a job well done!” Applejack expressed.

“That is about twenty percent cooler, Rarity!” Rainbow Dash put forth with a giggle to her voice.

“You found a Twilight too, Rarity?” Fluttershy inquired in surprise.

“Thank you, Applejack, yes, and I seem to have found one of my own, Fluttershy!” I responded, slowly trotting the rest of the way to my throne.

“Spike, would you find a chair for miss Sparkle, please!” the Princess told Spike.

“Oh yeah, she can’t very well stand up. I think I can find something for her to sit on, or in!” Spike responded, as he scurried out of the room in search for that ever so elusive chair in the Kingdom of Ponies.

“Here, miss Sparkle. I hope the chair will be reasonably comfortable to you!” Spike told the girl as he finally managed to return to his place with a chair in hand.

“Looks good to me!” the girl responded and promptly sat down.

“Thank you, Spike!” she then responded.

“You are quite welcome. I will just have to get used to see you in this form again, particularly since I am back as the Dragon you hatched so many years ago!” Spike then responded.

“Since the matter of the chair is once and for all dealt with, it is time to move on to the next matter of the day!” the Princess continued, just as the girl had finally found her place in the room.

Of course, she is sitting by Rarity’s side, just like the Earth Pony is standing by Fluttershy’s. It is as if they all had found it more comfortable to be by the side of the Pony who found them wondering in the castle that never really had been their home. Only this time, the castle is in a way the home of the girl.

Oh, so this is the castle!” the girl pondered quietly.

“If we have already found these three Twillys, what about the next one? We are bound to find another by next week!” Pinkie Pie pointed out with a final certainty of hers.

“What is prompting you to say that, Pinkie? Oh, not sure if I want to know!” the Princess then spoke up as response.

“There are several versions of you we have not found yet, Twilly. The question is just who is to stumble upon the next you; not if it happens. Is it the one from Maretropolis, the Breezie, or the one living at Canterlot High, or yet another one? Oh, not to mention the one who defeated Lord Tirek?” Pinkie blurted out.

“If I have already gathered these three, I guess it is possible that they do find their way into my castle, right along with any other version of me too!” the Princess pondered in words.

“This may be the time to alert your mentor, Princess Celestia of what is happening here!” I pointed out.

“Sounds reasonable, Rarity!” the Princess responded, nodding towards her assistant and librarian; Spike.

Sure!” Spike prompted, pulling out a new scroll and quill, before writing:

Dear Princess Celestia.

We have encountered three Twilight Sparkle in our castle; the Unicorn, the Earth Pony and now the Girl from Canterlot High. Pinkie is predicting that more versions are to appear in the castle on a weekly basis.

If you know anything, or if your library has anything remotely relevant, we would appreciate it greatly, if you could let us know.

Since the once we have encountered are among the first to be in Ponyville and Equestria, there is a chance we have some kind of pattern.

Yours, Princess Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville; Equestria!

Spike read through the message quietly and rolled it up, before breathing his green fire at it, only to see it evaporate in the flame and disappear.

The message soon reappeared in its original state before the Princess, as she was standing in the garden behind the castle. Celestia reads the message with a curious expression and a growing sense of unease. This was unheard of. Anything unprincessed is a source of great concern and worry, even when it sounds as if it is harmless on first glance.

“Sister, sister!” Celestia exclaimed.

“Yes, you seem worried. Anything your prodigy told you?” Luna responded as she saw the scroll that had just arrived.

“Yes, sister. Twilight Sparkle, my latest prodigy has encountered several versions of herself in the Ponyville castle. Unlike the previous time when she had caused herself to encounter a future version of herself, she has no knowledge of why they are all building up, or what they may have in mind!” Celestia responded.

“As amusing as it may sound, I do share your worry. We need to investigate this to the full extent of our resources, and as fast as possible. You could as well alert Cadance in the Crystal Empire as well. She may be sitting on the key to what is happening. She has a library of her own that just may explain what is happening!” Luna pointed out.

“I will write to her on the matter. You could go to the old castle in the Everfree forest, I know there are books hidden away. You are the Pony who best knows where to look, and to find where we need, if it is indeed hidden in any of these dark, poorly lit vaults of ancient secrets!” Celestia responded.

“I am sure Princess Celestia will turn up something useful, she has both a millennium of memory and an entire Royal Library to draw information from!” Pinkie Pie pointed out, just a moment after Spike had sent the message.

“She also have her sister Luna and Princess Cadance!” the Unicorn pointed out.

“Luna is resourceful and doesn’t have to take part in the daily work Princess Celestia has been managing, while Luna was out of touch on the Moon. Maybe she could pull something out?” the Earth Pony suggested.

“Princess Celestia isn’t alone on her throne. There is an entire court backing up her every move. While that is true for both Luna and Cadance as well. Right now, we also need to take care of another urgently pressing matter. I already have tree Twilights on my hooves who needs a home and something to do!” the Princess pointed out.

“I can live in any of the currently unused bed rooms!” the Unicorn stated.

“That would go for me, too!” the Earth Pony countered in response.

“There are several rooms that could house a Pony, or a Girl for that matter!” I put forth.

“Then the matter of your living quarters could be considered solved, for now. I am sure you could all manage your respective rooms. Then I just need to order in beds and other furniture for each room currently occupied!” the princess pointed out.

“I would be only too happy to help you with advice on how to decorate your rooms!” I added.

“Thanks, Rarity. I will appreciate your offer. I think I can help Spike out in the library. Even if I have no Magic, I can still handle books and read. On that note, I guess I could help out on other issues where hands are handy!” the girl prompted.

“Woah, am I getting a senior assistant now? You do know the library almost as well as I do, Twilight!” Spike spoke.

“Your library is much larger than my old library ever was, Spike. You have a Royal Library to deal with, given the influx of new books to deal with, aside from my requests on books to read!” the Princess pointed out.

“If you really do want to help me, making my bed? As an Earth Pony, I guess it is a bit of a challenge to handle that, even if I know Earth Ponies are making their beds on their own!” the Earth Pony pondered.

“I could manage making your bed in a few minutes. After that, I could help Twilight and Spike in the library and research!” the Girl stated.

“On that matter, is there any chance I can help out in the library or the research too, Twilight?” the Unicorn inquired hopefully.

“Certainly. Spike could use your help in filing and finding books in his Library. I am sure you know your way around. Now I guess the two of you could split the responsibilities between the two of you. I don’t like to have too many crowding the same spot in the library!” the Princess pointed out.

“Now, this is an interesting reversal, Twilight!” Spike chuckled, thinking of how he now had a Unicorn Twilight as his personal assistant in the Royal library.

The fact that the girl Twilight was to be working down in the basement, where the Princess were conducting her research wouldn’t bother him. Even if it was getting increasingly confusing with the growing number of Twilight Sparkles in the room.

“There is a small detail, with the increasing number of Twilights around here!” Spike pointed out.

“At least, we are still recognizable and individuals. Yet, we are also the same, all carrying the same mark on our respective flanks!” the Earth Pony responded.

“Since we agreed on having you helping Applejack at the Sweet Apple Acres, which I hope is still going well on your end!” I inquired.

“I am slowly getting used to being an Earth Pony and the farm seems to be an ideal place to work. Gives the Apples a little bit more of breathing room, on the days it is otherwise hard work. I may not be a veteran or expert, but I could buck some of their apples in season, among other things. Other days I could help out looking after Apple Bloom!” the Earth Pony suggested.

“Ah reckon you are coming along nicely, Twilight!” Applejack confirmed confidently.

“Hmm, Now we have a Twilight at the farm, one in the library and one in the basement. Who is to claim the next?” Pinkie teased, in her usual manner of delighted pranks and jolly merriments.

“That is an interesting question!” I pointed out.

“That would depend on which Twilight is coming next, and what help is needed at the time!” the Princess pointed out.

“I know I could use a second horn, in my boutique on occasion, when the demand is fierce. I know you are good enough at it, Twilight!” I added.

“Just let me know, if I have a Twilight free, she could help you out as much as she likes. I can’t make any promises in advance, or order either of them to your Boutique, but the later would be counterproductive if she doesn’t like to go when you need her!” the Princess pointed out.

“There is always a chance that I could come over, if I have the time at the moment, Rarity. I know you enjoy having me over from time to time!” Spike offered generously.

“Of course I enjoy your help, Spikey, Wikey!” I responded with a warm smile at the Dragon.

“Are there any questions we need to take up right now? Or can we continue next week?” The Princess inquired.

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