• Published 6th Sep 2015
  • 1,535 Views, 20 Comments

A Twilight Summit - Ponyess

Of course Twilight ascended to Alicorn and was crowned as a Princess, but what became of the old Twilight Sparkle? Or rather; where did all the rest of her go? Now there is a Summit. Only most of her friends are shocked.

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The Filly of Mine: 5

Author's Note:

the Mother, Princess Twilight Sparkle's POV

The weekly meeting is over and my friends had just left the castle. I went back to my Royal chambers, feeling spent and in need of rest.

What I found is a surprise, not as in the white Unicorn, by the name. This time it has nothing to do with Pinkie Pie, or her friends, the white Unicorn. It is a solid surprise, and a purple Unicorn filly. Just not any Unicorn filly, purple or otherwise. I recognize her as one I once knew.

How does one not recognize the mark carried on one’s own flank, even when it is clearly on the flank of another Pony. I have seen these a few times before, even if she stayed for a brief moment the first time. That spell could only keep her by my side for these few seconds to a minute, back then.

Now, this time I have a filly before me, younger rather than older than myself. Yet, her name still is the same. I knew her as Twilight Sparkle.

I look at the little filly, lying on my bed as I entered the room. Alone and not exactly expecting any company for the rest of the day. I had even made the effort of making a point of excusing Spike for the remainder of the day.

“Hiya, Twilly!” I greeted her as I had trotted up close enough to the bed in order to be absolutely certain it was actually truly her; or me?

“Hiya, Twilight!” she responded with large eyes as she saw me entering the much lager bed room.

“I hope you are comfortable in the large bed. Guess it is convenient to have a full-size Alicorn bed, when I have such an important Pony over at my place!” I continued.

“Wait, are you an actual Alicorn, Twilight?” she then responded.

“Yes, Twilly. My old Filly sitter Cadance is one too. Celestia apparently granted her the Crystal Empire as she ascended and coronated her in short order. You do recall Cadance, right?” I inquired.

“Cadance? Yes, I do recall her. The pink Pegasus mare who used to take care of me from time to time, she was so fun to play with!” she agreed.

“That’s her. She is married to big brother Shining Armour. I was there and saw their wedding, quite magnificent!” I added.

“I feel a bit weird, I can’t make up my mind. Are you my sister or my mother? I certainly can’t go around and call you Twilight or Princess all the time!” she confessed.

“Oh, that would be weird, alright. No, you couldn’t call me Twilight when it is your name too. I guess you could refer to me as Princess, but since you are Twilight Sparkle too; that would still be strange. Just because Pinkie Pie calls me Twilly, but that is just Pinkie and no Pony can fully understand her anyway. I can’t be both, even if I guess I could play both parts for you. I think Mother is the better name, here!” I rambled on in an attempt to explain as best I could.

“Twilly? Would it be alright if I called you Mommy in public, then?” she responded with a happy smile as she looked up to me.

“Of course, and I guess you could call me Twilly in private, if you like. Just that it would be very confusing if you did it in public. We have way too many by the name Twilight Sparkle around here right now for it to be appropriate!” I pointed out with a grin spreading out over my face.

As the impact of the words sunk in, which happened just after I pronounced them, I found my head start to spin. I had not expected it. Having a Foal to care for had never really hit home with me. If it is for the books I kept reading, and then to keep up with my friends right along with all my other duties.

On that note, I need two Ponies to have a Foal. If I am one of them, I only need the stallion who is the lucky father. If she is my sister, both my parents would have been involved. How would I break the news to them, spilling the beans about a new little filly daughter? Even if there is a chance of a half sister, both I still need to tell my parents about the filly.

If I adopted her, but then I had to explain why I chose to adopt the little filly anyway. Adding the complication of her mark.

With that, having her as my daughter is the only option with complications in mind.

Of course, now I need a father for her. The only other option is to claim that the magic of my element is to blame. I don’t know if I am ready to let on such a thing right now. Maybe I could ask Spike to go over the matter in the library as quietly and hastily as he could squeeze into the schedule without undue attention. As a Princess, such attention was never preferable and could get less than enjoyable. I have to put all my efforts towards my role as the Princess of Friendship in Ponyville. Even if I could spare the efforts required in order to care for a daughter, even as unexpected as my new little Twilly.

Of course, then it hit me, she is in the age when I got to the magical kindergarten. I had to teach her everything I knew. Including and most importantly the magic of Friendship. Friendship above and beyond all else. Not just because of my position, but I wanted to give her the best fillyhood I could possibly give her.

On the matter of education, I had to have her attend the school in Ponyville too. I think it is the age she is in and she does look more than ready to go.

Naturally, I had to ask Pinkie Pie help me out with a few details, after I had her swear silence on the matter. I know she is the absolute expert on friendship, aside from partying and anything associated to having fun. Not sure if all was to be relevant to my daughter though.

After that, I would have to ask both Celestia and Luna to help me tutoring her. Giving her the best comes at a price and this is just the first down-payment there. I guess I could have her visit Cadance on the summer semester as well. She obviously knew the mare beforehoof in any event. The only problem there is to explain to the Princess how I had a daughter with the same mark. Unless I chose to disguise her, like with Nyx?

“Twilly, you are the best mommy a little filly like me could have!” the filly admitted happily.

“I will make my best to live up to it. Yet, it is late and I need to sleep. I will have to buy a bed for you, but that could wait until tomorrow. Then I have a few other items on that note to care for!” I pointed out.

“Yeah, I guess it is late. I can sleep here with you, if you don’t mind?” she responded and yawned at the end of the statement.

“That is a mother’s privilege, to sleep with her daughter. At least until you grow up enough to require your own bed and your own room, but that is for tomorrow. Besides, I will have to show you my library after breakfast too!” I pointed out, before I added a yawn of my own.

“Sleep tight, Twilly!” she added, before she closed her eyes.

“Sleep tight, my little filly!” I answered and closed my eyes too.

With that, the day came to and end and we both fell asleep, slipping off to Luna’s realm of dreams and wonder. Maybe I should send her a letter early tomorrow morning?

I was woken up by a little hoof poking me on my shoulder. My daughter Twilly had apparently just woken up. Only now she had been startled by what she had found under the quilt. I had forgotten all about it, I have wings as an Alicorn.

“Mommy, mommy. You have wings, but are you not a Unicorn, just like me?” she exclaimed as I opened my eyes and looked at her in search for what she wanted.

“Uh, yeah. I sprouted wings a short while back. Just before I moved in here in the new castle!” I responded before I had had enough time to actually consider the question, or the answer.

“I thought only Pegasi had wings!” she then pointed out.

“So did I. With the tiny exception of Alicorns. You know, just like Celestia and Luna. Apparently, only Alicorns ascend to become a Princess, these days. I will have to present Princess Cadence to you one of these days!” I responded.

“Mommy, I am hungry!” she pointed out.

“Then it is high time we go to the kitchen and have something to eat. We had better get there before the breakfast leave!” I teased with a sly grin.

“Whoa, would the breakfast really run off without us?” she responded in a more worried tone of voice and an expression that clearly indicated that she was indeed worrying.

“Probably not, but why take the chance? Let’s see what Spike prepared for us today!” I countered.

“I go for that, why take the chance? Spike?” she responded, following me out to the door.

I had opened the door before I had even realized it, closing it just behind her on what would pass for a reflex. Had I been an Alicorn that long, already? Yet, as a Unicorn; I had been pretty fluent with the magic too.

“Twilight, I have just made Pancakes for us!” Spike exclaimed as I entered the kitchen, where he stood as he finished the first batch.

“Yay, pancakes!” my daughter exclaimed.

“I think you will have to make a third portion today!” I then filled in, before he had a chance to ask.

“You sure are picking up an apetite, these days, Twilight!” Spike responded on what I just said.

“Well, at least one Twilight is at the Apples’ orchard, so you don’t need to cook for her. There is a small detail I will have to let you in on, Spike. I have a daughter, Twilight, who also will enjoy her breakfast with us from now on!” I blurted out.

“Let me se if I follow, te Earth Pony is at the orchard, the Breezie is at Fluttershy’s cottage, but then you have a Unicorn and the girl. Now you mean to say that we also have a little filly who is staying at the castle?” he summarized before he heard what he had just pointed out.

“Pretty much. Just call my daughter Twilly!” I responded.

“Twilly? I guess that is a good name for a filly!” he then added.

“Spike, meet my daughter Twilly!” I introduced her, pointing a hoof in order to indicate who I was indicating.

“Hiya, Twilly. And good morning!” he responded.

“Twilly, meet Spike the Dragon, the Librarian of Ponyville!” I continued.

“Hiya, Spike. Nice to meet you and good morning!” she responded.

“Good of you to make the pancakes, Spike. It’s a perfect breakfast today!” I pointed out.

“Who doesn’t love pancakes? I know a certain Dragon does. I am quite sure little fillies would do too!” he responded.

“With sugar and jam on top, I certainly do enjoy your pancakes!” Twilly stated, licking her lips all over again.

“I think you will have to increase the influx of comics, Twilight!” Spike pointed out, with my daughter Twilly in mind.

“I can read, you know!” Twilly pointed out, confidently.

“Then I will just have to add more books fit for a little daughter, not just the comics. If memory serves me, I will have to get more books on basic magic and practice!” I pointed out.

“Since you have a library of your own, Mommy, I do love reading. But, I guess you did know that already, too!” Twilly responded.

“Oh, I certainly did know. I have been living with Twilight since the day she hatched me in the presence of Princess Celestia!” Spike put forth, making a point out of just how long he had known me.

“I did love books and reading already, by the time I met Princess Celestia!” I explained.

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