• Published 6th Sep 2015
  • 1,536 Views, 20 Comments

A Twilight Summit - Ponyess

Of course Twilight ascended to Alicorn and was crowned as a Princess, but what became of the old Twilight Sparkle? Or rather; where did all the rest of her go? Now there is a Summit. Only most of her friends are shocked.

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On the Breeze: 4 (It Aint Easy being Breezie)

Author's Note:

Tree hugger's POV

After Fluttershy had invited me over to Ponyville, and to see the castle, I had been only too eager to go. The trip was not all that much of a problem. The train in Equestria is after all reliable.

Once at the gates, I give the door a jolly knock, knock. As was to be expected, Spike was manning the door and bid me to enter.

“Welcome, Tree Huger!” Spike offered me.

“Hiya and thanks, Spike!” I responded as he took a step to the side and thus pulled me inside.

“Right this way, dear Tree Huger!” Spike continued as he closed the door behind me.

“You seems to prosper here in the castle in Ponyville, Spike!” I pointed out.

“I can’t complain, the Ponyville castle is nice and all. Actually, the space is doing great for a little Dragon like myself, if I can say so, myself!” he pointed out.

“Here you are, in the Royal Study, Tree Huger!” he then explained.

“I hope Fluttershy will be here soon!” I pointed out.

“I am quite sure she will, but you will also see a few others you may recall!” he added.

“This is the Ponyville Royal Castle, I came well in time for the meeting!” I expressed.

“Have a seat, she shouldn’t take long, before she is here!” he pointed out.

“Can you make me company until then, unless you happen to have any other and more important, pressing duties to attend to?” I inquired as I sat down in the chair he pulled out for me.

“Sure, I think I can give you time and attention. I have a new assistant, as have the Princess, Twilight Sparkle!” he explained.

“Hiya, Spike!” Twilight the Breezie exclaimed loudly, for a Breezie that is.

“Hiya, Twilight. Is that you? You turned into a Breezie, again?” Spike exclaimed.

“Greetings, Twilight!” I responded.

“Twilight, your new Royal Castle is wonderful. I am so happy to have the chance to see it!” I added.

“Wait, a Royal Castle? Where am I? This is Ponyville, right?” the Breezie inquired in a more worried voice; uncertain, all of a sudden.

“You are Twilight Sparkle, right, Breezie?” I inquired in order to make sure we were not talking to the wrong Pony.

“Yes, of course I am Twilight Sparkle!” she pointed out, poking her right fore hoof at her flank where the mark is firmly showing.

“This is still the same Ponyville. You still do recall me and my work in your library?” Spike inquired as he had made the explanation.

“Yes, Spike. I still do recall you and how I loved having you as my assistant librarian. Just that we live in the Golden Oak Library in the middle of Ponyville, Spike!” she pointed out casually.

“Oh, now I see, how could I have forgotten? You are the latest in a line of new Twilight Sparkles. We have the Unicorn, the Earth Pony and the Human Girl; Twilight Sparkle. I guess I should have been expecting you. I recall I was pushing a small group of the Breezies out of the line, when your kind was here in Ponyville!” Spike explained.

“I used to be a regular Unicorn, Spike!” she then pointed out.

“You mean to say that Twilight Sparkle wasn’t always an Alicorn? She has even been an Earth Pony?” I inquired.

“Twilight was born a Unicorn. Yet, she was an Earth Pony over an afternoon, thanks to a friend of Fluttershy’s, if you recall Discord?” Spike pointed out.

“Discord, as in the one at the Grand Galloping Gala, of course I still do remember him. How could I ever forget him after the Gala? Including the one moment I wish I could have forgotten!” I pointed out.

“Twilight Sparkle was crowned, once she finished and performed a spell Princess Celestia asked her to complete after a certain Starswirl the Bearded!” Spike pointed out.

“Hiya, Spike!” the two arriving Ponies echoed in chorus; Earth Pony and Unicorn side by side on their way towards the throne room, only to stop by the study, where I am waiting for Fluttershy.

“Hiya, Twilights, meet Tree Huger and Twilight Sparkle the Breezie!” I spoke.

“I take it, these are the Ponies you mentioned!” I then responded.

“Yes, they are the Ponies I was just mentioning!” Spike responded with a chuckle.

“Then you will have the pleasure of presenting yet another new Twilight to the Princess Twilight Sparkle!” I pointed out with a sly grin and giggled at my wit.

“Hiya, dear Tree Huger!” Fluttershy quietly exclaimed.

“Hiya, Fluttershy. You made it, and in time to have a moment with me, before the meeting!” I put forth.

“Yes, I did. But, who is out latest new friend?” she inquired.

“I take it, it was a good long while since you saw her. Twilight Sparkle, the Breezie. You met me, while you were learning of the Breezies!” I pondered.

“She will have to ride with you into the Throne room at the meeting!” Fluttershy explained.

“Not every day I carry a Breezie into the Throne room. This will most likely be interesting!” I suggested.

“Since it is the first time I ride you into a Throne room, I am sure this will be very interesting. It is the first time I have been in a castle before. Even though I was going to the castle with Princess Celestia, but that feels like an entirely different Pony!” the Breezie committed.

“Time to go, they are waiting for us!” Spike exclaimed.

“If only they had built seats for you as well, in there, but they never knew of you before you ended up here now!” Fluttershy interjected.

“Oh, Fluttershy. You are so kind and thoughtful!” I responded.

“Greetings, Tree Huger!” the Princess greeted me as I followed Fluttershy into the room.

“Greetings, princess Twilight!” I responded as I bowed formally.

“Uh, one more of me?” the Princess inquired, as the Breezie was revealed as I had bowed.

“We do recall the incident where you turned us all into Breezies, Twilight!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“My wings were kind of like the once you gave me as I followed Rainbow Dash to Cloudsdale, when she needed a few more friends to cheer her on at the game. Even if the antennae was a bit strange. Of course, the mascara was also a bit on the excessive side for me!” Rarity interjected before she had the time to reflect on what she had actually been saying.

“It was kind and generous of you, Rarity. Following me to that event. Even if you did take up a bit too much attention, once you arrived!” Rainbow Dash pointed out with a slight hint of indignation, thinking back at the incident.

“Even as horribly as I failed in cheering you up, but you did win that race. Celestia gave you the day with your Heroes, the Wonderbolts, as I recall!” Fluttershy added.

“Okay, let me summarize this. We have the Unicorn, the Earth Pony, the Girl, and now the Breezie to add to the list!” Spike pointed out.

“We have had a new Twilight on each and every new meeting for several weeks. What if there is a new one at the next meeting too?” Fluttershy worried openly.

“Depending on when she is from; that could be awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Ah reckon. She’s been mighty helpful at the farm, this far!” Applejack concluded.

“From my end, I have only good words!” Spike seconded.

“I guess I could get used to having a new breezie over at my cottage?” Fluttershy suggested rather weakly, although it was a possible companion for her.

“The problem is that we don’t know who is to come next, if any. On that note, this is bound to have consequences both here and elsewhere!” the Princess declared.

“I can follow you, Fluttershy. The Breezie seems like the obvious choice for you. She can actually make you feel better!” I added, although I could see the point of the consequences as well.

“The problem is that we can’t predict who is next, if any at all. Or if the next will come on schedule. At least, this far there have been timid Twilights; like the Earth Pony and the new Breezie!” Twilight concluded.

“I guess that is a fair point!” the Earth Pony agreed, even if she was less than happy about how this came out.

“Since Tree Huger is your friend, Fluttershy, it feels like the best option for you to adopt her. Besides, you are the best Pony to care for her in general, even if I guess the large castle could be a convenient place for her to stay. The problem is that neither of you can be in two places at once!” the princess pointed out.

“She certainly is a good friend of mine, ever since I met her as I was preparing to handle the business of the Breezies coming to Ponyville!” Fluttershy confirmed.

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