• Published 6th Sep 2015
  • 1,535 Views, 20 Comments

A Twilight Summit - Ponyess

Of course Twilight ascended to Alicorn and was crowned as a Princess, but what became of the old Twilight Sparkle? Or rather; where did all the rest of her go? Now there is a Summit. Only most of her friends are shocked.

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Spotted Unicorn, Limping in Twilight: 7

I had found myself in a humongous library, in the middle of the night. My horn refused to light up since I had stumbled through the field of Poisonous Joke blossoms a while back.

Now I have to make due with the spares light I have. Yet, I know this is a library do to the scent of books, from newly minted with fresh ink in them to the old to ancient tomes with dust cover and even a few with mold in the old parchment pages.

After a few more minutes of fruitless stumbling between the bookshelves, I gave up and stopped where I stood; considering my options.

“Spike!” I finally exclaimed, as loud as I dared; considering the time of the night I figured it would be, right now.

This should be somewhere in the very small hours after midnight; maybe even after the proverbial ghosts had left the haunted mansion, I feared I had been spirited into.

“Who!! Who!!” a voice came out from the darkness, behind a shelf not too far away.

Either this was truly one of these haunted mansions, or this is the owl I knew as Owlowiscious. As it is, both answers scared me enough to send my still blue spotted horn jiggling, on the top of my head.

“Who!! Who!!” the voice returned; just inches from my head, this time.

Okay, that is my owl; the junior assistance of my library of the Golden Oak, in central Ponyville.

“Is that you, Owlowiscious?” I exclaimed.

“Who!” came the response, as he sat down on my back.

“Since you are here; could you fetch Spike, or a light for me?” I inquired.

“Who!” he responded; and took off into the darkness, of this huge library.

I know I have never been here. It isn’t the library in Canterlot’s Royal castle, and it isn’t the castle of the two sisters either. I had been to both numerous times.

Then it hit me; it is a Royal castle, and I certainly have never been here before. I can’t go by the light of the stars or the moon; due to the small detail, I can see neither and make out no other light sours well enough to make out what they are or where they came from. Yet, I feel hard crystal under my hooves. Could this be the legendary library of the Crystal Empire? At least, the crystal floor could agree with that notion.

Of course, if my owl Owlowiscous is here; the question is how and why he would be here. Am I still in Ponyville, or had he been spirited away right along with me? Unless of course, I am imagining I had seen and heard him. It could have been any old owl, and I had merely connected the owl to my own friend.

Half an hour later, a confused and sleepy little dragon entered my field of vision. What struck me as odd is that he is several years older than the Spike I recall from when we last met at my library.

“Spike! Is that you?” I exclaimed; as he slowly walked on unsteady feet, towards where the owl had led him.

“Yeah, my name is Spike. Who is asking, and why have I been summoned into the library at two o’clock?” he responded.

“Since you are Spike, I will assume that you are the Spike I used to know in the Golden Oak library, at the centre of Ponyville. I just don’t know where I am right now. Just as I have no idea, as to how I ended up in this; library in the first place!” I exclaimed, with growing anxiety to my voice since nothing made sense right now; even if I had seen Spike and Owlowiscous.

“The Golden Oak library? You live in that old library since before Tirek!” Spike prompted.

“Sorry to crush your dream. That tree is since long destroyed, and moved into the new castle. I guess I could lead you to a small guest room, where you can sleep over the night. I know Princess Twilight Sparkle would love to see you by breakfast!” Spike pointed out.

“Wait, the library has been destroyed by a Tirek? I may have read of him in one of the ancient tomes; just as I read about Nightmare Moon, Discord and King Sombra. Of course I do recall Nightmare Moon, we reformed her just after you went to sleep, Spike!” I pondered.

“Sorry, if I am not my usual nice and polite self!” Spike pointed out.

“Now, if you don’t mind? I will escort you to a bed, in which you can sleep. Then we can go over who you are, where you are and all the events that have transpired; since we moved to Ponyville. I could as well point out that you still are in Ponyville, too!” he prompted; as he showed me out of the library, and to a small bed room.

“Here you go. Sleep tight and I will escort you to your breakfast tomorrow!” he put forth, closed the door behind himself and left me alone in the room.

As a Pony in Ponyville, I never wear anything. Not unless it is a special occasion, like the Grand Galloping Gala. Oh, I may carry my old trusty saddle bags; but these doesn’t count.

I am too tired to look around all that long. I have a bed to the right of the door and the wardrobe to the left. I even have a window facing out of the room. I could see darkness out there, but had the impression I am outside of Ponyville proper.

Trotting up to the bed and sliding in under the warm quilt. There is something about the bed that made me feel right at home. The quilt looks exactly like the one I used to have on my very own bed, as I used to sleep in my bed in the library. The bed linen are the same light purple as I used to have. There is an eerie feeling about this.

Once my head hit the pillow, I soon found myself soundly asleep in a deep slumber. I slept safely and contently, throughout the remainder of the night.


I wake up early, with the sun of Celestia beaming with joy as the light play over the entire room through the window. I found myself nude, alone, confused and with no belongings to call my own.

Slipping out of bed and sitting down. Now I can see the room clearly. As small as the room may be, but there still is something familiar about the bed and the scent coming from the room and the bed linen.

To my surprise, there is an exuberant and excitable knock to the door. There can be but one pony on the other side of the door. I feel the scent of her cotton candy mane. I open before I have time to consider any further.

“Good morning, Twilly!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Morning, Pinkie!” I responded, as I feel the tightly curled up mane against my shoulders.

“I had the impression that you were sleeping in the room, and that you would be waking up just about right now!” she merely responded, not even looking at my spotted horn limping.

“Of course! Trust Pinkie Pie to know!” I merely pointed out; as I followed my pink mare friend, along the long halls to the dining room.

“Trust Twilly to find her way to her old home!” she responded; half by half in jest, just with a twinge of seriousness to her voice, as she looked up at me and into my eyes.

“These are my bed linen, right?” I prompted eagerly, in hopes to be confirmed.

“Of course, Silly Twilly; after a fashion. The castle and everything within these walls belong to Twilight Sparkle, and you are Twilight Sparkle; right?” she pointed out.

“Uh? Yeah, I am Twilight Sparkle. That is my name; you do know that, Pinkie Pie!” I prompted in indignation.

“Yeah, of course I know. On the other hoof; you knew that all along, Twilight Sparkle. There is just a little problem. Where are your wings?” she pointed out, nipping my butt in a silly manner only a pink mare named Pinkamena Diana Pie could devise, in the first place.

“Wings? I am no Pegasus; and you know that better, then even my parents!” I prompted.

“Oh, of course you are no Pegasus. Yet; I know you were for a short while, just as you were an Earth Pony, a Breezie and a filly. Yet; what I am driving at right now, you are supposed to be an Alicorn and the Princess of Friendship!” she counted off on her hoof; point by point, hoof by hoof. Only then; she ended up with many more; than the four hooves I used to see her trot around on.

“Wait, where in the name of Celestia did you get all these hooves from? On that note; only Celestia and Luna are Alicorns and Princesses!” I prompted.

“Oh, sorry if I am confusing you with my obscure mathematics. Your foal-sitter Cadance is an Alicorn as well, she married your brother Shining Armour. Oh, and the spectacle that Wedding turned into!” she pointed out.

"My brother; as in Shining Armour; BBBFF!?” I inquired.

“The one and only!” she shot back, with a giggle.

“The only brother I have ever had, you know. Not to mention; the only Pony I cared to have as my friend, as a filly!” I responded.

“Yes; that brother, with my foal-sitter; Cadance?” she added.

“To the best of my knowledge, there is just the one Cadance; besides, I only had one foal-sitter worth mentioning, if I ever had another!” I prompted.

“So, you don’t see either your brother, or your foal-sitter all that much; these days?” she inquired.

“Sadly, no. But they do come over to Ponyville on a visit; from time to time!” I responded.

“Both on a personal and an official level!” she prompted.

“Wait, are they in Ponyville on official visits too? Why? This little village has nothing official to it, right?” I continued.

“The village is still the same old little village, yes; but you are in a castle right now; remember? You are the Princess of Friendship!” she prompted, as explanation.

“Oh, yeah; I was wondering why you had changed the old oak floor into this scary crystalline material. Even if I could see it as easier to keep clean!” I pointed out.

“I may still have Spike to do much of the chores like cleaning and doing the dishes, but it is growing over his head now. I still do have my old Owl; Owlowiscous as well, for all the nocturnal work like picking up a book for me!” Twilight pointed out.

“Speaking of books, if you are a Princess; does that mean you get increased funding for acquiring additional literature for your Royal library, compared with the old Golden Oak library of Ponyville too?” I then prompted, with reignited eagerness.

“I have a steady influx of new books, so that is a definite yes; right there. Guess that topic should warm you up a bit, even after that incident!” Twilight responded.

“If you have more books, I guess you did move up in the world. Yes, that incident; it is a pain!” I responded; poking my blue spotted horn with my right fore-hoof, as to demonstrate my plight.

“I still do recall that day, and it isn’t one of my happier memories. On that note, Discord stole my horn one day. When I returned to the castle, I sent her off to the Sweet-Apple Acres, in order for her to live and work with the Apples!” I then added.

“So, she is kind of reliving that Winter Wrap-Up? As an Earth Pony, I guess she is doing a whole lot better than we did the last time!” I responded; with a slight hint of a giggle, remembering the day.

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Author's Note:

Poison Joke Unicorn Twilight Sparkle's POV