• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,886 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...


Applejack was still crying by the time she reached the forest. All this time, Discord, whom she had trusted with her life, had been a cold-blooded killer and had lied about it. He had mentioned hunting ponies before, but hunting for food and hunting for pleasure were two different things. And he had said he wouldn't take advantage of Fluttershy. While he hadn't used any force, in a way, he had taken advantage. Taken advantage of her weak, sensitive heart. Didn't he know how fragile she was? If he loved her, why was he promising her death?

It wasn't right, even if Fluttershy was willing.

Two bodies snapped her out of her thoughts and she, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, all in their bat forms, cried out as they bounced off each other.

"Whoa, AJ, what the heck?" Rainbow shouted as she massaged her head.

"Sorry, I didn't see y'all," Applejack groaned.

"What are you doing out here, anyway?"

"And are you crying?" Pinkie inquired.

"No!" Applejack snapped, trying her best to wipe away the red tears. "Wind's stainin' my eyes. Why are y'all out here?"

"We're going down to the tavern for some drinks," Rainbow explained.

"Wanna come?" Pinkie offered. "You look like you could use the morale booster."

"Tavern?" Applejack questioned. "Drinks? Don't tell me y'all were the ones who drained those four stallions last…"

"Oh, no, no, no, no!" Rainbow exclaimed, waving her hooves. "We're talking about drinks, drinks."

"Ale, beer, whisky, wine," Pinkie listed. "You know. Alcohol!"

Applejack raised her eyebrow skeptically. "Why in the world would you go out and drink mortal mush like that?"

"Clears the mind right up," Rainbow shrugged. "The best part is that we won't get drunk! Guess it doesn't affect vampires like it does mortals."

Applejack crossed her hooves. "You do realize all that's gonna do is make ya sick and puke, right?"

"And if we were mortals and drinking alcohol?"

The orange mare glanced between the two of them and sighed. "Why the heck not?"

She flew with them into town and they landed in front of the noisy pub, changing back into ponies. Applejack flinched as a crash came from inside.

"I don't know about this."

"Chill out, AJ," Rainbow said, throwing her foreleg around her friend's neck. "You'll be fine as long as you stick with me.

When she pushed open the doors, she was met with a collective, "Rainbow Dash!"

"Hey, boys!" the pegasus greeted, giving some of the drunkards hoof bumps. "Lookin' good, Thunder Lane! Rolly Polly, have you lost weight?"

The stallion she was talking to, a noticeably large earth pony, chuckled giddily. "You noticed!"

"Pinkie Pie!" shouted the patrons when said mare entered.

"Make way, Zebiu!" Pinkie chimed. "The fun has arrived!"

The crowd cheered, some ponies passing out from the excitement.

"Guessin' ya come here a lot?" Applejack asked, glancing around at her friends' apparent fan club.

"Yeah, we're really popular with these guys," Rainbow boasted, "on account that we always win the drinking games here."

Rolly Polly smirked when he noticed Applejack. "I see you brought another pretty friend, Dashie."

The orange mare shrunk back uncomfortably, but Rainbow didn't seem to notice his suggestive tone.

"Oh yeah, this is Applejack," she said.

"Tell me, Applejack," Rolly Polly sneered, holding up his foaming tankard. "You think you can handle this?"

"You bet she can!" Pinkie piped, locking her foreleg in Applejack's. "Come on, AJ! Bar's up there!"

She followed the pink pony, for she wanted to get as far away from Rolly Polly as possible.

"Come and see me once you've ordered, alright, sweetheart?"

Applejack stiffened as she felt a slap on her backside. The vulgar stallion was laughing jollily behind her. Narrowing her eyes, she whipped around, grabbed the drunk by the shirt with both hooves and pressed his back against the table. He cried out in alarm, as did many other patrons.

"Touch me like that again," she growled dangerously, "and mark my words, I will not hesitate to rip yerr throat out!" She allowed her eyes to change red to intimidate him further. "That clear?"

Rolly Polly gulped. "Yes, ma'am."


She thrust him onto the table. When she looked up, all eyes were on her.

"What are y'all lookin' at?!"

The ponies turned away and tried to look preoccupied.

"Hehe, uh…she's a little tense tonight!" Rainbow forcefully chuckled, throwing her hoof around Applejack. "She'll be fine after a few drinks!"

"Move along!" Pinkie shouted, pushing the crowd away. "Nothing to see here, ponies!"

Rainbow pulled Applejack aside and harshly whispered, "Word of advice: roughhousing? Not a good idea. Don't want Pony Joe throwing ya out."

"Pony Joe?" Applejack asked.

"Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie!" the bartender cried.

"Pony Joe, my main stallion!" Rainbow greeted, slapping her hoof on the counter. "Three pints of ale, for me and my gals here!"

"Sure she can handle it?" Pony Joe inquired, glancing at Applejack.

The orange mare snorted in frustration. "Yes."

"Coming right up. You ladies can take that booth over there."

"Thanks!" Rainbow saluted.

The three vampires settled in the back corner and waited for their drinks.

"Why don't we make this more interesting?" Rainbow smirked, leaning her elbows on the table. "First one to lose their drinks pays for all of 'em."

"Come again?" Applejack said, raising an eyebrow.

"Since we can't get drunk," Pinkie explained, "we judge our contests by who's able to keep it all in. I'm the reigning champion!"

"Hey, I beat you once!" Rainbow protested.

"Once out of thirty! I still say mine was drugged that time, so it doesn't count!" She smiled at Applejack. "I'll sip slowly, since this is your first time."

"Why does every pony think I can't handle alcohol?" Applejack demanded.

"Can you?" Rainbow teased. "I mean did you ever drink before you were bitten?"

"As a matter of fact, yes! I grew up on an apple farm, remember? Every year we made a batch of hard cider to sell. I was twenty, I was old enough!"

"Oh it has nothing to do with how old you were," the pegasus smirked, crossing her hooves. "I was popular in taverns even before I met Discord."

The orange mare's eyes widened. "Weren't ya seventeen?"

She shrugged. "Yeah, so?"

"I didn't really drink much as a mortal," Pinkie said, "but on the farm we had a lot of rock juice, and that was crazy stuff!"

Applejack glanced across the table at Rainbow. "Rock juice?"

"Don't question it," the pegasus mouthed.

"Three pints of ale!"

The vampires were surprised to see a filly carrying their tankards. She was an orange pegasus in raggedy clothing that appeared to be inside out, and when she made eye contact with Rainbow Dash, her tray shook in her hoof.

"Now what's a nice filly like you doing in a place like this?" Rainbow asked in concern.

"Gee, Dashie!" Pinkie snorted. "That's gotta be the oldest line in the book!"

The filly was still shivering as she set the tray down. "H-H-Here. Enjoy!"

She bolted away, leaving the vampires confused.

"Now that's just sad," Rainbow uttered.

"I know what ya mean," Applejack nodded. "It ain't right for a sweet little filly like that to be workin' in this dump. She shouldn't even be here in the first place."

"Well," the pegasus chimed, lifting her mug. "Bottoms up! Hope you brought your purse, AJ!"

Pinkie was more enthusiastic to clink her tankard with Rainbow's than Applejack was. They simultaneously chugged the ale down their throats. Applejack coughed as she slammed her mug down.

"This is just disgusting!"

"Believe me," Rainbow said, wiping her mouth. "It didn't taste much better when I was mortal." She called to the bartender, "Another round for us, Joe!"

After three more rounds, Applejack was starting to feel queasy. The wretched liquid was bubbling up her throat, but she swallowed hard to keep it contained. With the awful night she was having, she wanted to at least feel good about winning this stupid game. As unpleasant as it was, however, the ale was numbing her emotions, making her momentarily forget all the dreadfulness of the evening.

"You ladies drink a lot," the pegasus filly commented as she served them their fifth round. "And yet you don't seem the least bit dizzy."

"Maybe not on the outside," Applejack mumbled.

"So tell me, kid," Rainbow said, leaning down to the filly, "what are ya doing here?"

The foal was a lot less shy now, and seemed to be taking a liking to Rainbow Dash. She responded with a shrug.

"Times are tough, it's cold out, I need to eat, and not freeze to death."

"I get it," Rainbow nodded. "I had to take on a lot of crummy jobs in my day too. Few ponies hire Romanes, you know?"

The filly's eyes widened. "You're Romane too?"

"Born and raised," Rainbow declared, proudly sticking out her wings. "Don't be ashamed of who you are, kid. Work hard, keep a stiff upper lip and someday, you'll end up in a big castle like me!"

"Castle?!" the young one exclaimed in amazement.

"Yup. I work up the hill for the Count Discord. You know, if you ever need a job, I'm sure he'd…"

"Rainbow!" Applejack hissed. "Ya crazy? We can't have a foal in the…"

"It's okay," the filly sighed. "You don't have to pity me. I'm used to all this." She glanced nervously up at them. "Besides, I…I don't know what it is, but there's something about you that…"

She stopped abruptly as the front door swung open and three beautiful mares walked in. The filly squeaked and hid under the table.

"It's them!"

"It's who?" Pinkie asked.

"The singing mares! They walked out with those stallions yesterday! The ones that were in the morning paper! Of course I couldn't read it, but I saw the picture of them dead!"

"Hold on," Rainbow said, peering down at her. "You mean the four stallions who were murdered in an alley?"

The filly nodded with a whimper. Applejack squinted at the three maidens who were spreading apart into the crowd. They moved gracefully, subtly brushing past unsuspecting stallions, who were immediately dumbstruck the minute they touched them. It was only now that Applejack realized the mares had been singing, so softly that she hadn't heard them over the tavern hubbub. Even now, the noise was quieting down as attention shifted to the singing mares.

Pinkie sniffed the air and gasped. "Girls! They're…they're our kind!"

"Our kind?" the filly whispered from under the table.

"Shush," Applejack hissed, putting her hoof to Pinkie's mouth. "Keep quiet and maybe they won't notice us."

"Why?" Rainbow frowned. "I mean it's not like they'll hurt us."

"Rainbow, think. Three vamp—mares? Singin' like sirens?"

The pegasus' eyes widened as she glanced back at the strange maidens. "You don't think they're the same ones Twilight…?"

"They might be. But if we confront 'em now it's gonna start a tussle, maybe even a clan war. We can't risk that here."

"Too late for that," said Pinkie. "The poofy-haired one's already smelled us."

Sure enough, the yellow mare with the poofy orange mane was staring right at the trio. Beneath the table, the filly scrambled to conceal herself behind Rainbow's legs. The yellow mare held up her hoof and her companions immediately stopped singing. She gestured for them to follow her as she made her way to the booth in the corner.

"What do we do, what do we do?" Pinkie squealed, kicking her legs anxiously.

"Just play it cool," Applejack whispered through her teeth.

"Don't let them eat me!" the filly squeaked.

"Don't worry, kid," Rainbow said, patting her on the head. "We'll keep you safe, but you're too exposed behind my legs there."

"Quick, hide under my skirt!" Pinkie whispered.

The filly scampered over to Pinkie and was surprised to see that she fit under her dress. The odd mare sensed her confusion and winked.

"It's bigger on the inside."

By now the Sirens were a foot away from them. The yellow one stuck out her forelegs to stop the others. Applejack could sense the caution in her movements and Rainbow was feeling territorial as she scooched closer to Pinkie, as if that would hide the filly better. Pinkie just put on a wide grin as if she wasn't doing anything suspicious.

"Well, what do we have here?" the yellow mare said, giving a small but hesitant smile. "We didn't expect this tavern to be taken."

"I reckon y'all aren't from around here?" Applejack asked, folding her hooves and leaning back against the booth.

"We're just passing through. Thought we'd have a few drinks." She glanced down disapprovingly at their pile of empty tankards. "Though it seems…not the same kind you had in mind."

"Oh, no, no, no!" Rainbow laughed nervously. "These aren't…we were just…"

Pinkie was quicker to defend. "We just do it for the extra kick! Ponies taste much better after a few pints of ale! It's just like drenching asparagus in wine!"

The yellow mare glanced at her comrades before smirking and saying, "Mind if we join you?"

"Uh…" Rainbow and Applejack uttered.

"Sure, pull up a chair!" Pinkie piped. "Or three, in your case!"

"Pinkie!" Applejack hissed.

"Just play along," she whispered back.

The Sirens took their seats out from under three drunken stallions, paying no heed to their complaints, and settled themselves around the table.

"So," Pinkie chimed. "I'm Pinkie Pie! These are my friends, Applejack and Rainbow Dash!" She leaned forward and murmured. "Don't let Dashie's clothes fool you! She's a mare!"

"Adagio Dazzle," the yellow one said before gesturing to the fuchsia mare and then the blue. "My sisters, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk."

Pinkie cocked her head. "If you're sisters, how come you all have different last names?"

"They're our middle names," Aria grunted. "Our last name is Dazzling."

Pinkie turned to Adagio. "So your name is Adagio Dazzle Dazzling?"

Adagio scowled at her.

"You'll have to excuse Pinkie," Rainbow said, hastily throwing her hoof in front of her friend. "She's spent too much time in the," she leaned forward to whisper, "A-S-Y-L-U-M."

"Oh, the Asseeloom!" Sonata squealed excitedly. "I went there too!"

"Really?!" Pinkie cried, letting out an equally excited squeal. "Did they put you in a pillow room?"

"Uh-huh! And a really tight blanket with arms! Did they ask you a lot of really stupid questions?"

"What color is the sky?"

"Who was the first King of Tramplevania?"

"What's two plus two?"

Sonata frowned. "I never did get that one right."

"It was the one about the current King of Prance that got me."

"Prance has no king," Aria mumbled. "It was a trick question."

"Really?" Sonata said, tapping her chin. "Hard to keep up with all the revolutions."

"I think they have a chicken in charge now," said Pinkie.

"Look at this, Sonata," Aria sneered. "You've finally found a pony dumber than you."

Pinkie's ears drooped as Adagio and Aria snickered. Rainbow and Applejack each put a hoof on their friend's back.

"Lay off her, okay!" Rainbow exclaimed, darting her eyes at them.

"Oh come now, we were only joking," Adagio said sweetly. "We say these things about Sonata all the time and she doesn't mind. Right, little sister?"

"Yeah," Sonata scoffed. "Funny."

Her eyes were downcast as she said this. Pinkie knew smiles and could see that this one wasn't genuine.

"So do you three have a permanent residence here?" Adagio inquired. "Or are you traveling like us?"

"We live here," Applejack said bluntly, her eyes still narrowed. "I reckon you three were the ones who caused those headlines this mornin'?"

"Oh, you mean those gypsy bums?"

Rainbow choked on her ale upon hearing that derogatory term.

"Aw, man," Aria sighed dreamily. "What a feast."

"I almost let the short one live," Sonata snickered. "He was kinda cute, but way too yummy for me to stop."

"Yes, that certainly was a meal to remember," Adagio said proudly.

"Well," Applejack snorted, "your little 'meal to remember' was a little too conspicuous. Suppose the superstitious folk around here figured it was one of our kind that did it. Who do ya think they're gonna suspect?"

"We didn't mean to cause any disruption, but we vampires need to eat."

Pinkie could feel the filly shivering under her skirt.

"Yes, but if y'all are gonna hunt here," Applejack said firmly, "y'all are gonna have to be more careful about it. This has been our master's territory for centuries."

"And who is your master?" Adagio inquired.

Pinkie opened her mouth but Rainbow's hoof stopped her.

"I see. He's too well known and you don't want his reputation ruined. The same goes for our master. So how many of you are there? One of our friends bumped into one of your friends the other night."

"Twilight?" Rainbow said.

Applejack sent her a glare and the pegasus smacked her forehead for letting it slip.

"No, the other night," Adagio said in annoyance. "Not twilight."

Rainbow and Applejack sighed in relief.

"Uh, we have about two others," Pinkie responded, "not including our master."

"So that makes six," Adagio nodded. "Quite a number."

"You kidding?" Sonata scoffed. "We have like…"

Adagio slapped her hoof over her sister's mouth. "Five. Just the one other and our master."

Aria was scouring the pub. "You don't have any claims on these mortals, do you?"

"Didn't y'all have enough last night?" Applejack grumbled as she sipped her mug.

"What can we say?" Adagio shrugged. "We can't get enough."

"You should really take it easy on the blood drinking," Pinkie warned. "It's no good on your girlish figures."

"Not to mention this is our territory," Applejack said, huffily slamming her tankard down on the table. "And didn't I just say this'll draw attention to us?"

"Fine, fine," Adagio said, waving her hoof. "We'll cut back. The last thing we'd want is to start a feud. We're all friends here, right?"

The two groups stared at each other in silence, forcing smiles and trying not to glare.

The door opened and stallions once again whistled in awe. The vampires turned to see Rarity walk in. She froze when she noticed them and became especially shaky when she caught Applejack's gaze.

"'Scuse me," the orange mare said as she began making her way across the room.

"Ooh, hoo, hoo!" Sonata squealed. "Into the fairer sex, huh? Well, they are filled with sugar and spice and everything nice!"

Pinkie scoffed. "She's not a…"

Rainbow kicked her in the hoof, accidentally hitting Scootaloo who let out a groan. Fortunately, the tavern was so noisy the Dazzlings didn't notice.

"Yup!" Rainbow said quickly. "Can't handle the heavy stuff! If you know what I…"

She paused and put her hoof to her mouth as she puffed her cheeks. She grabbed her tankard and let the contents of her stomach spill into it. The Dazzlings recoiled in disgust.

"Game over!" Pinkie cheered as she happily finished her last mug. "Let's see: five rounds, three drinks per round, five bits per drink, that all adds up to…"

The illness in her own stomach cut her off. The Dazzlings stood and slowly backed away.

"We'll just," Adagio stammered, "get some real drinks."

Hearing this, Applejack turned back and figured she should stop them, until that Rolly Polly called out:

"Leaving so soon, sweetheart? The ale too much for you?"

She glared at the round stallion. When Aria passed her, Applejack pointed at him and whispered:

"Eat that one."

Though it was against her better judgement, at least that pig wouldn't be missed.

While the Dazzlings were distracted, Rainbow crouched under the table.

"It's okay," she whispered. "If you come out now, you can slip out the back."

The filly nervously peered out from under Pinkie's skirt. "Y-You're…v-v-vampires?"

Rainbow bit her lip. "You heard all that, huh?"

She nodded. "You're…you're not gonna…?"

"Heck, no! We don't eat ponies. Just animal blood."

"But…you said to those singing vampires…"

"Well, we didn't want them thinking we were wimps!"

"They're meanies!" Pinkie grunted. "Except for maybe the blue one. I like her."

"But you don't have to worry about us. We won't hurt ya, kid. Hey, what's your name, anyway?"

The filly gulped. "S-Scootaloo."

"Well, it was nice meeting ya, Scoots. And hey, if those Dazzlings ever give you any trouble, just come up to our castle in the woods. It's big and dark and spooky. Ya can't miss it."

Her instincts were telling her that these ponies were just as bad news at the Dazzlings, but there was something comforting in Rainbow Dash's words, like she was a pony to be trusted. Scootaloo smiled brightly.

"Thanks, Domnişoară."

"Please. Just Rainbow Dash is fine."

"Okay, Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo squealed as she slunk out from under the table.

"You be careful now!" Rainbow called softly.

"I will!"

Meanwhile, Rarity was already out of the tavern before Applejack reached the door, but it wasn't hard to catch up with her.

"Ya mean to tell me what yerr doin' out here so late?" the earth pony demanded. "Ya weren't lookin' for another stallion to chew on, were ya?"

"For your information," the unicorn huffed, "I'm looking to clear my name! I did not drink those stallions last night! I'm here to find out who did."

"We already found out. Those three mares we were talkin' to? They're vampires."

Rarity glanced back at the pub. "They're everywhere lately, aren't they?"

"And get this. When they walked in, they were singin'."

She gasped. "Are you saying that…?"

Applejack nodded. "They have to be the ones Twilight's after. Those stallions sure were mesmerized. I mean they weren't just ogglin', they were silent!"

"What should we do?"

"Tell Twilight, of course. Only she'd know for sure."

"Hey, wait," Rarity said, coming to a stop so she could glare accusingly at her friend. "So that's what you meant when you told that mare to 'eat that one!'"

"He kept tryin' to court me!" Applejack insisted.

The unicorn crossed her hooves. "Right. And what was it you said to me the other night? Something along the lines of…having no right to feed on stallions just because they are a vile breed?!"

"I wasn't feedin' on him!"

"Oh no. You just set another vampire on him. That makes it alright then, hmm?"

Applejack gritted her teeth. "It's not the same…"

"It never is for you, is it? Don't forget, Applejack. We both suffered under similar circumstances. Why can't you just admit that you're just as repulsed by males as I am?"

"Not all males," the earth pony muttered.

"Oh, really? Then what's with all this unpleasantness you've been expressing towards the Master lately?"

"What do ya mean?"

"Oh, please! Ever since he met Fluttershy, you've been treating him like a notorious villain!"

"I just don't like what he's doin' with Fluttershy, that's all."

"What? What don't you like? He hasn't done a thing to harm her! He hasn't even laid a talon on her without her permission! The Master saved you, Applejack! I can't believe you'd think he of all creatures would do a thing like that to Fluttershy! He loves her!"

Applejack narrowed her eyes. "If he really loved her, he wouldn't be doin' this! Doesn't he know what this'll do to her? She'll become so desperate for him that she'll give up everything to be with him! She'll give up her life, Rarity! She'll become like us!"

"But she'll be happy, because she'll be with the one she loves!"

The earth mare's gaze fell to the ground as she muttered, "Sometimes that isn't enough."

"Why wouldn't it be? It's not like she'll be a mate-less, male-hating blood drinker like us."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Not all males are pigs, Rarity!"

"Again with the hypocrisy! You know I'm right! Even if I'm not, at least I know my mind! You keep telling yourself that our situations are different, but they are not! Tenderheart ruined you just as much as he did me! And you hate all of male-kind because of it!"

Applejack sighed. "You won't always think this way, Rarity. Someday, you're gonna meet a stallion who's gonna be yerr mate and everything will change."

"Humph!" Rarity grunted. "Show me one decent, courteous, non-vulgar stallion who sees more than just my pretty face and fine figure, and maybe that will happen! But given the odds, I doubt it will ever…"

She trailed off as a grand white carriage approached them. Applejack and Rarity stepped out of the way to let it pass.

"Stop for a moment, boys!" a voice called from within.

The coach pulled to a stop and the door opened. The only passenger was a tall, stout, well-dressed white unicorn with a wavy blue mane and mustache. He used his magic to lift a monocle to his eye.

"You ladies are out rather late, aren't you?"

His voice was suave, but his tone had a hint of concern. Rarity was looking at him curiously, while Applejack just wanted him to go away so they could continue their conversation.

"We can manage just fine on our own, thank you," she said, gruffly trying to walk away.

"You certain you ladies don't need a lift?" the stallion asked.

"No, thank—YA!"

Rarity pulled Applejack to her side and flashed the stallion a sweet smile. "Oh, we wouldn't want to trouble you, domnule."

"No trouble at all," the stallion grinned. "I was just on my way home from a dinner party. Where are you headed?"

"None of yerr…" Applejack started to say.

"Count Discord's castle!" Rarity exclaimed cheerily.

The stallion's monocle popped off his eye. "Count Discord? You know him?"

"Oh, yes. We work for him."

"Ah!" he nodded. "That explains it."

Applejack narrowed her eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, not to say you ladies look like servants! Quite the contrary. It's just that few ponies actually know Count Discord. But what are you two maids doing out here alone at night?"

"Oh, just taking a stroll," Rarity chuckled, batting her eyelashes. "But we lost track of time. Would you be so kind as to take us home the rest of the way? We'd hate to run into any trouble."

"Of course." He called to his servants pulling the carriage, "We'll make a stop at Count Discord's castle, alright, chaps?"

The two servants nodded and the unicorn stallion held out his hoof for Rarity. Before taking it, she turned to Applejack and whispered:

"I'll show you that I'm right."

Applejack wasn't too keen on taking a lift from a stranger, but she was concerned for the stallion's safety. So she followed in after Rarity, ignoring the bloke's hoof, and sat beside her. The stallion shut the door and the carriage started up again. Rarity grinned graciously at the stranger.

"It is so very kind of you to be doing this, Domnule…"

The stallion bowed his head. "Lord Fancy Pants, at your service, domnişoare."

Rarity gasped. "Lord Fancy Pants! I've heard of you. You live not too far from us!"

"Yes, on the other edge of the wood. And you, ladies?"

"Oh! How rude of me. I am Rarity, and this is Applejack."

"Howdy," Applejack grumbled, cautiously watching her friend out of the corner of her eye.

She seemed oddly cheery, considering she was around a stallion she had never met before. Upon closer inspection, Applejack could tell the corners of Rarity's mouth were struggling to stay pointed.

Meanwhile, Rarity was eyeing the stallion carefully, searching for signs of profanity. He was of high station. She didn't need to hear his title to know that, for his suit was fine. Prench, she believed. He had incredible fashion sense. His blue eyes were on her face and not anywhere else. Perhaps that was a good sign. And as much as she hated to admit it, he was handsome. Even though he looked to be about thirty-five, there was a charming maturity in him. His face, his posture, his demeanor. But Rarity could not get too caught up in his looks, as she of all ponies knew how deceiving they could be.

Then his eyes wandered downward, and Rarity impulsively covered the space between her legs.

"That is an exquisite gown," he complimented. "Where did you get it?"

She looked down at her ensemble. It was a white evening dress with a ruffled skirt and sleeves, one that was elegant but not too flashy.

"Oh," she said, suddenly shy. "I, um, made it myself."

"No kidding!" he exclaimed in awe. "Are you a seamstress?"

"Err, not quite. I just make my own clothes. Oh, and my friends'. And the Count's, sometimes."

"Such fine workmanship. Is that satin?"

She looked up at him in surprise. "Y-Yes, actually."

"I like it," he nodded approvingly. "Very reminiscent of the Germane fashion."

"Oh, yes!" she said excitedly. "Empress Sissi's gowns really inspired me!"

"Oh, you've been to Germaneigh?"

"Yes, Count Discord and I went there thirty yea—days ago!"

"I take it you also saw the Neuschwanstein castle."

"Well, they had barely started construction when we…"

He raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? It's been open to the public for almost a decade now."

Rarity gulped. "I mean…such an inspiring, romantic image brought out of a fairy tale just…can never be truly finished, you know?"

She hoped another sweet smile would make him dismiss the subject. Fancy Pants shrugged.

"I suppose. I've yet to see it myself, but I've heard it's a sight to behold."

"Oh, it is! A masterful piece of construction. You should really visit."

"So what is Count Discord's castle like? If you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh!" Rarity huffed. "That bloke cannot decorate to save his life! Everything has to be so dark and dreary! Honestly, if I hadn't come along there'd be no color at all in that place!"

"So you're his dressmaker and his interior decorator? You must be quite the busy mare."

"Oh, you can't imagine! You know how he locks himself inside all day? That's when he gets so moody! And I have to get a handkerchief for him to blow his nose in! Honestly, sometimes I feel like his mother!"

Fancy Pants chuckled. "And at your age, too!"

Rarity dropped her smile as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Oh, I'm, uh…not that young."

"Could've fooled me. You have a youthful face."

Her grin returned, though it was small and brief.

"I've always wondered what went on in that castle," Fancy Pants mused. "I hear the Lady Fluttershy is a frequent guest."

"Yes, charming girl," Rarity said.

"Tell me," he said, leaning forward slightly. "Do you know if Count Discord intends to marry her?"

"Oh, most definitely! He is quite taken with her, but he's not going to rush into anything, of course."

"Of course. I always believed a mare and stallion should be well acquainted with each other before marriage. Otherwise, why get married at all if it's not with some pony you at least respect?"

Rarity blinked in bewilderment. "Y-Yes. Of…of course."

Applejack had been watching the two of them in wonder. She had never seen Rarity speak so animatedly. With a stallion, nonetheless. And now, she could see the amazement in the unicorn's gaze. Applejack had heard the words too, and knew how they must've struck her friend.

"Are you married, domnişoară?" Fancy Pants asked.

"Hmm?" Rarity uttered. She shook herself back to the present. "Oh no, no! No, I'm not married."

He smiled kindly. "Well, with your beauty, talents and charming personality, you're sure to win a husband in no time."

She hung her head. "I don't think the married life is for me. I'm already married to my…work."

"That's a shame. You'd certainly make any stallion happy."

"I'm sure I would," she murmured disgruntledly.

The carriage stopped and Fancy Pants looked out at Discord's castle. "Goodness, what an estate!"

"Hmm?" Rarity grunted, looking up. "Are we here already?"

"'Bout time," Applejack muttered, pushing open the door to get out. "Thanks for the ride."

"It was my pleasure," Fancy Pants said.

"Wait," Rarity said, turning to him. "You…you actually took us home."

He cocked his head at her. "Yes, I said I would, didn't I?"

"Yes, but…you didn't…I mean…you were alone with us all that time. You could've…you could've done anything and no pony would've witnessed, but…you didn't."

His eyes widened. "Did you think…? Oh, goodness!" He smacked his forehead. "Did I come off as too forward? I didn't mean to insinuate…I was trying to be polite…"

"No, no, no! You were a perfect gentlecolt! It's just…" She looked down. "Most stallions would…do something like…"

He understood and lightly touched her hoof. She looked up in surprise, but didn't pull away.

"I think any stallion who would take advantage of such a fine mare like yourself," he said softly, "is not worthy of your time."

She stared at him, into his deep blue eyes, so similar to her own. Somehow she believed him. He really could've done anything to her all this time. Not that he would've gone far with her vampire powers, but he still could've tried. He could've even invited her back to his manor for the evening, but it seems he was really just dropping her off. There was also something strange in the way he spoke to her. In society's eyes, she was a mere servant. He was a lord. And yet, they had just conversed so casually, like equals, the way she and Discord talked.

But this was different. Discord was like a brother to her. Fancy Pants had complimented on not just her beauty, but her fashion, her work, her personality. In the few minutes they had talked, he was treating her like a close friend, not as a potential mistress.

It had been so long since she had met a stallion like this.

"Ow!" Rarity cried out suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Fancy Pants asked in concern.

"S-Sorry," she stammered. "E-Electric shock." She attempted to stand. "I-I should get going."

"Here, let me lend you a hoof."

She paused and gazed down at his hoof as he took hers again. Normally, she would pull away, but she felt compelled to let him guide her. His hoof didn't leave hers until she was safely on the ground.

"Oh!" he exclaimed. "I nearly forgot! I'm having a dinner party this Saturday and I was so hoping Count Discord could attend. I've been trying to have him over for years, but you can guess what the answer's always been. I figured since the Lady Fluttershy is attending, he might change his mind. Do you suppose…?"

Applejack crossed her hooves. "Sorry, but the Count Discord is not one for…"

"You ladies can come too, if you'd like."

Rarity's jaw dropped. "Us? Mere servants?"

He winked. "Bring one of those dresses and no pony will tell."

"Look," Applejack grunted. "I know you're tryin' to be nice and all, but…"

"I'll be there!" Rarity piped. She cleared her throat. "I mean…we'll be there. Me and Count Discord."

The earth pony looked at her in shock. "What are ya doin'?"

"Splendid!" Fancy Pants cheered. "I'll save a place for you. Oh, Saturday, seven o'clock at my estate."

"Alright!" Rarity grinned.

"Uh, Rarity?" Applejack whispered. "Seven is when the sun…"

"We'll be there!"

Applejack smacked herself in the forehead. It was like she wasn't even there.

"I will see you, then," Fancy Pants said, closing the door. "Home, boys."

As the carriage pulled away, Rarity called out, "Mulţumesc!"

"Cu plăcere!" Fancy Pants shouted back.

Rarity continued waving, even when the coach was lost in the darkness of the forest.

"What the hay was that?!" Applejack demanded. "The Master can't go to a dinner party! What if he loses track of time and his disguise drops in front of every pony?! Did I mention he also has to eat in front of every pony?! Real food which he can't digest?! Which you can't digest! And you're goin' too! This is just great! What were ya thinkin', Rarity?! Do ya have any idea what you've just gotten yourself in…?"

She trailed off when she realized the unicorn wasn't listening to her, but still waving in the direction Fancy Pants' coach had disappeared. A dreamy look occupied her face.

"Uh, you alright, Rarity?" Applejack waved her hoof in her friend's unblinking face. "Rarity? Hello? Did ya hear what I said?"

Alas, she was unresponsive. Suddenly, after a glance at Rarity's silk dress, Applejack got an idea.

"Say, is that a stain on yerr skirt?"

"Stain?!" Rarity exclaimed, snapping out of her trance and frantically examining her skirt. "Where?! Where is it?! I can't have this fabric stained! It's too delicate!"

"There's no stain on yerr skirt," Applejack said bluntly.

Rarity looked up at her in appalment. "Darkness, Applejack! What gives you the right to frighten me like that?!"

"I had to get ya to listen somehow!" The earth mare crossed her hooves. "Now, I'll ask again. Slowly. What. Made. Ya. Think. Acceptin'. That. Invitation. For. The. Master. Was a good idea?!"

The unicorn glanced between her friend and the carriage path as she finally understood what she had just done. "Oh dear. I just created complications, didn't I?"

"Yes!" Applejack snorted impatiently. "Why'd ya go and do a thing like that?!"

"I don't know! I got distracted!"

"By what?!"

"Him, okay?! I couldn't help it! His eyes, his manners, the way he held my hoof—gently, barely touching, no expectations—and then when he invited me I just couldn't turn him down…"

"He invited the Master too! What's gotten into ya, Rarity? I've never seen ya so…befuddled."

Rarity glanced down at the hoof Fancy Pants had touched, then out to where she had last seen him, and then back to her hoof. In her head, she replayed the moment she felt the spark between their hooves. His cologne still lingered in her nostrils. Juniper Phoenix, an expensive and elegant scent. There had been something else too. It was like smelling her old dress shop: the starch, the fresh cloth, even the disgusting mothballs. All her favorite, familiar scents in one.

It had taken its time—fifteen minutes, she figured—but it had happened. She was surprised by how willing she was to accept it, as if it were inevitable. Was this what Discord had felt upon meeting Fluttershy? This mix of confusion and acceptance?

"Rarity?" Applejack said, fearing she was losing her friend again.

The unicorn smiled up at her. "You were right, Applejack. Perhaps…not all stallions are vile."

Applejack's eyes widened as she turned to the space between the trees that had captured her friend's attention, then back to her. The unicorn's pupils were dilated, and the emotion in her smile was unmistakable.

"You don't mean…?"

Rarity nodded excitedly. Applejack briefly glanced back at the path.


"Uh-huh!" she nodded again.

The earth pony blinked. "Um…wow, that's, uh…I didn't really expect ya to…then again, y'all seemed to hit it off with the talkin' and the…" She frowned. "Isn't he like…forty or something?"

"I supposed he's a little young," Rarity smirked, "but I meet so few hundred-and-nineteen-year-olds these days. So I don't think I can afford to be persnickety." Her smile wavered a moment. "Oh, but I hardly know him. Sure, he made a good first impression, but…so did Tenderheart."

Applejack laid a hoof on her shoulder. "I'm sure he's not like Tenderheart. And hey, at least ya know he's not a vampire. He definitely smelled mortal."

"Indeed," Rarity grinned as she thought of his pleasant scent.

"Though you're right, ya don't know a lot about him. You should still be careful."

"Yes, yes, and…" She gasped suddenly. "I'm having dinner with him Saturday evening! Whatever am I to wear?!"

She zoomed into the castle, leaving Applejack to shake her head with a chuckle. She wasn't sure what to think of Rarity finding her mate. It had clearly affected her greatly, but what of the stallion? Would he be up for an immortal life? And what if he ended up hurting her like Tenderheart? Of course he couldn't do anything physically but there were other ways. That wouldn't bode well for either of them.

Well, at least Applejack knew that this new element was good for Rarity's self-esteem, and might divert her from her murderous habits. At least for a while.

By the time Applejack reached the front door, Rarity was already down the hall, most likely headed for her closet.

"Twilight!" Applejack called out as she entered the foyer. "Twilight! I've got something to tell ya! It's about the Sirens!"

"She's not here!" Rarity called, appearing on the upper landing. She had several gowns hovering over her head, one pressed to her chest. "She went out to check for that mysterious vampire she'd met last night!"

"But…if we were out, and Twilight's out, and Pinkie and Dash are at the tavern, and Discord's with…" Applejack gasped as her face turned paler. "No one was here with Spike?!"

Rarity cringed guiltily. "Well, I thought you were in your room when I…"

The earth mare ignored her and stormed up the stairs and down the hall of bedrooms. She threw open the door to Spike's room and sighed in relief when she saw the dragon snoring in bed.

"Thank Darkness," she heaved.

"See, he's fine," Rarity said, closing the door with her magic. "Alright, I apologize for leaving him alone, but really, what danger is he in here?"

"Well," Applejack murmured. "With the new vampire coven in town…"

"They can't come in without permission, and Spike knows not to let in any strangers."

"Right," the earth pony breathed steadily. "I just…I panicked for a moment."

Rarity cocked her head curiously at her. "Forgive me for being so nosy, Applejack, but…why are you always so protective over Spike?"

All the muscles in Applejack's face tensed at the question. "W-What do ya mean? He's our friend, and the only mortal in this castle. Y'all watch over him too."

"Yes, but…even before, when he and Twilight first came. You didn't object much to us taking blood from Twilight, nor did you bat an eye when she was turned. But when Spike so much as gets a papercut…"

"He's just young, that's all!" Applejack said quickly. "And, uh…more fragile! Look, I like the little guy, okay? He's a good dragon. I…I just don't want anything happenin' to him."

Rarity scrutinized her friend's nervous face. "If you say so."

As the unicorn returned to her fashion crisis, Applejack released all the air she hadn't realized she'd been holding in. Then she opened Spike's door again, this time by a crack. He was on his back, sprawled horizontally across the bed. With every exhale came a puff of smoke. Sometimes he'd snore out a flame. The canopy above his bed had been desecrated with charred spots and holes. Rarity had insisted on replacing it, but Spike had convinced her it was useless.

Applejack didn't mean to watch him for so long. It just put her mind at ease, knowing that he was still breathing.

Author's Note:

Normally I don't write a lot of drinking scenes, but considering vampires are dead anyway, there wouldn't be any consequences. I don't know what the drinking laws were back then, but today in Romania the age is 18.

I know the region I'm describing wasn't called Germany back then, but since I didn't have any puns for Austria or Bavaria, and this is an alternate universe anyway, I just stuck with Germaneigh. Also didn't bother trying to make a pun of Neuschwanstein.

Cu plăcere = "you're welcome"

domnişoare=plural for "Miss"