• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,886 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...


The apple trees were taller than Applejack remembered. Those that had been seedlings now towered over her. She gaped in awe at their grandness as Spike walked beside her. He held out his claw to stop her and pointed ahead. A yellow, red-headed earth mare in a simple brown dress and kerchief was bucking a tree. She wiped her brow as the apples fell into a circle of wooden buckets.

"That's her," Applejack murmured. "That's Apple Bloom."

It had been ten years since she had last seen her sister. Then, she had been a maid of seventeen, fresh out of the schoolroom. Now, she was a grown mare, and in the morning sun she was beautiful.

"I can't do this."

Applejack tried to turn around, but Spike grabbed her hoof.

"You said so yourself," he said, looking at her sincerely in the eye. "They're not immortal like you. If you don't see them now, you might never see them again."

Applejack sighed and let him lead her through the orchard. When Apple Bloom spotted them, she let out a gasp.


She ran towards her sister and tackled her to the ground. The two of them laughed as they tumbled in their embrace.

"I can't believe it!" Apple Bloom exclaimed as she rose to her hooves. "You're really here!" She helped her sister up. "I didn't think you'd ever be comin' back!"

"Me neither, Apple Bloom," Applejack said as she examined her. "Look at ya. You've gotten so big!"

"And you…" Apple Bloom cocked her head as she scrutinized her sister. "Ya look exactly the same. Shouldn't ya be forty-somethin' by now? How come ya look so young?"

Applejack sent Spike an uncertain glance, and he urged her with his claws. She sighed in defeat.

"Apple Bloom," she said, looking her in the eye, "I'm a vampire."

The younger mare blinked and then threw her head back in laughter. "Oh, that's a good one! Still got yerr sense of humor, I see!"

The couple turned to each other and shrugged, deciding to laugh along with her.

"And who is this cute little fella?" Apple Bloom said, crouching down to the dragon.

"This is Spike. My, uh…"

She paused to think of the appropriate word. Spike thought of it for her.

"I'm her gentledrake friend!"

Apple Bloom's amber eyes widened as she glanced between them. "Really, AJ? I mean I'm okay with him bein' a dragon, but ain't he a little…young?"

"Hey, I'm just short for my age!" Spike said, puffing out his chest.

She scoffed. "If ya say so." She grabbed her sister's hoof. "The others are gonna wanna see ya! They're in the house gettin' breakfast ready!"

She dragged them down the hill to the small wooden cottage sitting between a large red barn and a chicken coop. Two foals were playing on the porch, the older one a red colt with amber eyes and pink hair, the younger a magenta filly with green eyes and yellow hair. They shrieked in surprise when they saw the newcomers.

"Auntie Apple Bloom!" said the filly with a shiver. "What's that dragon doin' here?"

"It's okay, Honeycrisp," Apple Bloom said. "Spike's a friend. Or, at least, he's a friend of yerr aunt."

"But you're our aunt," said the colt.

"Honeycrisp, Jonathon," she gestured to her sister, "this here's yerr long-lost Aunt Applejack. Applejack, these are Big Mac's kids."

"I know," Applejack said, smiling at the foals. "You told me about 'em in yerr letters."

"We have another aunt?" Jonathon asked.

"This is," Honeycrisp piped, "wonderful!"

The children laughed as they threw their hooves around Applejack's front legs. The door opened and a magenta earth mare with green eyes and a light pink mane. In the crook of her foreleg was a yellow infant with equally green eyes and a braided orange mane. The mare grinned brightly at the visitors.

"Applejack!" she cried as she came up to the vampire, giving her a brief hug with her free foreleg. "It's so wonderful to see you again!"

"It's wonderful to see ya too, Cheerilee." She looked at the baby. "Is this lil' Apple Blossom?"

"It sure is."

Applejack held her hoof out to the baby, who gurgled as she grabbed and lightly sucked on it.

"Where have you been all this time?" Cheerilee inquired.

"Oh, you know," Applejack said with a shrug. "I've been busy workin' with the Count Discord, but since he's leavin' Tramplevania, he said I could come back and live with y'all."

"You mean," Apple Bloom squealed excitedly, "you're staying?!"

She nodded in reply and her sister attacked her with another hug.

"And I'm Spike!" the dragon declared. "Applejack and I are sort of…together, you know?"

"Pleasure to meet you, Spike," Cheerilee said, shaking his claw. "Big Mac is plowing the fields. He'll be back in time for breakfast. Oh, he's going to be so thrilled!" Her face turned serious. "Granny Smith is in bed. She'll want to see you."

She led them all inside and Applejack swallowed the lump in her throat as she went up the stairs to her grandmother's room. The elderly green mare was lying in her bed, looking as thin as a twig. Her dry mouth was open as she snored lightly. Applejack cautiously approached her.


The old mare wearily lifted the wrinkled lids to her amber eyes. "W-Who's there?"

"It's me, Granny," Applejack said, kneeling down at her bedside. "It's Applejack."

"Applejack?" she said weakly.

She couldn't stop the joyful bloody tears from coming. "That's right. Applejack."

As she squinted at the vampire, the corners of Granny Smith's mouth slowly turned up. "Applejack. I…I didn't think I'd get to see ya again before…before…"

"It's alright, Granny," Applejack choked through her tears as she took her grandmother's hoof. "I'm home. And I'm never leavin' ya again."

In the late Count Trenderhoof's illustrious mansion in Bullarest, Sunset Shimmer was sitting down to tea with Twilight and her brother Shining Armor, a tall white stallion with blue eyes and hair dressed in his uniform as Captain of the Royal Guard. Only one of them was drinking tea, of course.

"It's is an honor to meet you at last, Captain," Sunset said as she poured her guest tea.

"Shining Armor, please," the stallion said as he used his magic to drop sugar lumps into the cup. "I was surprised by your invitation, my lady, but when you informed me that my sister was working for you…" He turned to Twilight. "What exactly is your job here, again?"

She exchanged a nervous glance with Sunset. "I'm her…um…"

"She's my secretary!"

"Yes, secretary! You know," she laughed awkwardly, "because I'm all about books and paperwork and…other secretary…stuff."

"Well," Shining Armor said, not noticing the mares' odd behavior, "I must say I'm glad you've moved on from all this vampire nonsense."

"Actually, Shining, the reason I've…pursued other interests is because I found our parents' murderers."

He spat out his tea. "You did?!"

She nodded excitedly. "I caught them in Zebiu."


"Justice has been served."

He sighed in relief. "Thank the heavens!"

"But only two of the murderesses were captured," Sunset said. "One escaped the police and could be seeking vengeance on Twilight, or even you."

"Well, you don't have to worry about me. I'm a trained soldier, remember? But Twilight, did you really track down those killers by yourself?"

"Well," Twilight said, glancing at her so-called employer. "I had a little help."

Hanging his head, he said, "I'm sorry if I hadn't been supportive in your search, Twilight. I really did want to find our parents' murderers. I just didn't want you to get in over your head. And after what happened to Flash, I was worried I might lose you too."

"It's okay, Shining," she said, taking his hoof. "We don't have to worry about anything anymore."

"We actually wanted to talk some business with you, Captain," said Sunset.

"Business?" Shining Armor's eyebrows shot up. "What sort of business?"

The lady placed her folded hooves firmly on the table. "I'm sure you've heard of my brother's…disappearance."

"Yes." He nodded grimly. "Very tragic. The Coltgo jungle is just as dangerous as the city."

"Well he left a great deal of debt behind. While I received a generous grant from some distant relatives, I am going to have to find my own way to pay for my expenses. I hired Twilight, because I think she can help me in my new business."

"And what new business is that?"

The mares grinned at each other.

"We're opening a private detective agency!" Twilight announced.

"A detective agency?" Shining Armor repeated. "Well, can't say I'm surprised at you, Twilight, but my lady," he looked to Sunset Shimmer, "I did not take you to be interested in this line of work."

"Frankly, I'm quite bored with society," said Sunset. "I want to dedicate my time to more important matters. After all, I lost some pony close to me too and…I'd like that case to be solved."

"We were hoping the Royal Guard could use our services," Twilight explained. "Not that I think you incompetent, brother, but I'm sure you're aware of how many unsolved cases there are in Bullarest."

Shining Armor smiled. "It's no problem. In fact, there's a case regarding the murder of one of my guards that is baffling us as well as the police. Considering what happened to Mother and Father and Flash, you might be interested."

After he explained the case, the captain decided to take his leave and return to his duties, leaving the two mares alone to discuss the case.

"His throat was completely ripped out while on patrol," said Twilight. "You sure none of the girls had anything to do with this?"

Sunset shook her head. "We only attack law enforcement when necessary, but it usually draws too much attention, and as far as I know, Trenderhoof gave no order for such a thing."

"It happened on the night of a full moon. It could've been a werewolf."

"Not every murderer has to be supernatural. It could've been a mortal." She grinned mischievously. "If it is, may I eat them?"

"Sunset," Twilight warned, "we talked about this."

"But what if they're criminals?"

"All the same, you agreed you wouldn't feed on ponies anymore."

"Even the bad ones?"

"If the murderer turns out to be mortal, they will go to jail like any other criminal."

"Oh, you're going to starve me, Lavender," Sunset pouted as she slid her hoof over Twilight's. "After all, there aren't that many animals in the city."

"The answer is still no."

"Not even a teeny nibble?"

Her yellow hoof was going up her foreleg.

"That's not going to work, Sunset."

"What if they have open wounds?" Her hooves snaked around her neck. "Can't I just suck on them a little?"

Twilight shook her head. "You're impossible."

"Yes? Well, so are you."

They chuckled as they leaned in for a kiss. Neither of them saw Sugarcoat standing in a doorway nearby.

"If you two are going to be doing that, can you at least do it in your room?"

Fluttershy's eyes closed blissfully as she inhaled the scent of the sea. Her new senses were incredible. Not only could she smell the salty waters, but everything beneath them: the fish, the dolphins, the turtles, the seaweed, the coral. They were all satisfying as they tickled her nostrils.

The ship she was on had been constructed by Discord himself. He thought it would be less trouble having a nosy crew about, so he had set this boat to sail itself directly to their intended destination. On the boat's side written in cursive golden letters was its name: The Fluttering Bat.

Opening her eyes, Fluttershy watched the sunset on the horizon. Then she looked down at the waters, smelling the tasty morsels below the surface.

"If there are any fish down there," she called softly, "who are willing to satisfy our hunger, please come up. I promise that you won't suffer."

She waited and a minute later, a large mackerel tuna leaped up and into her hooves. Fluttershy could tell from his glazed eyes that he was old, and even though he was nearly a meter in length, she didn't find him so heavy.

"Go ahead," the fish wheezed. "I've lived a long life. I've almost gone blind."

Fluttershy sympathetically stroked his head. "I'll make it quick."

She ducked below the ledge so that she was out of direct sunlight, carrying the fish with her. Slowly, her teeth grew into fangs and she bit down hard into the tuna's neck. A crack of the spine was heard and the fish fell limp. Fluttershy sighed as she wiped the blood from her mouth.

I caught us some tuna for dinner, she thought to her husband.

Sweet! Discord replied in her head. Let me know when the sun has set.

She rose to look back out at the sky. It's beautiful, Discord. I wish you could see it with me.

Me too, darling. But I'll take your word for it.

She pondered awhile. Maybe there's a way.

Discord emerged from below deck a few minutes later, his cape wrapped tightly around his body, his paw and claw gloved and his head and neck covered in what looked like an executioner's hood. Over his eyes was a wooden pair of goggles with tiny slits for the eyes. Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle.

"I know, alright?" he snorted. "I look ridiculous, but at least I'm not burning up." His covered head looked in all directions. "So where's this beautiful sunset?"

"This way."

She grabbed the side of his cape, led him to the ledge and pointed out at the horizon. She could hear Discord gasping in awe.

"It's…it's…" He cried out as he covered his eye slits. "It burns!"

"Are you alright?" Fluttershy shrieked.

"Yes," he said, lifting his gloved paw slightly. "Maybe if I just…shield them a bit, I can…" As his paw hovered over his eyes, he quietly watched the sun as it sank below the horizon. "There we go."

Fluttershy smiled as she took his claw. Once the orange orb was gone, Discord yanked off his goggles, hood and gloves and stretched out in relief.

"Sweet darkness, that was uncomfortable!" He grinned down at his wife. "But it was worth it."

Then he noticed the tuna. "I see your fishing skills are improving."

"Yes," Fluttershy said, cringing slightly. "But could you, um…"

"Say no more."

She turned away as he brought out two goblets, hung up the fish in his paw and gutted it with his claw so its blood would spill into the cups. Once the corpse was emptied, he tossed it into the sea.

"For you, my darling," he said suavely as he handed her a goblet.

"Why thank you," Fluttershy said with a small curtsy.

They clinked their cups together and drank.

"Mmm," Discord said, smacking his lips. "Salty."

"But tasty," Fluttershy said with a sigh. "I don't think I'll ever get used to that."

"Oh, but you're getting so good at it. Did this one willingly come to you?"

"Yes. He was old and going blind."

"Then you made things easier for him. Besides, we're not the only fish eaters out here."

"That's true. A blind fish can't survive long out in the ocean."

"It's a dangerous world down there," Discord said, looking down into the waters.

"I wonder what it's like," said Fluttershy, following his gaze.

He glanced over at her and saw the curiosity in her eyes. He smirked mischievously.

"You know," he said, leaning his elbow on the ledge, "we could go see." He crept his claw towards her. "Do you know how to swim?"

Fluttershy looked down at his claw as it touched her hoof. "A little. When I was on my parents' farm, I used to swim in a nearby pond, but…it's been so long."

"Don't worry." He set down his goblet and scooped her up in his arms, making her gasp. "It's less likely you'll drown if you don't need to breathe," he caressed her cheek with his claw, "and with me staying so close to you."

Fluttershy glanced down at the water and then at him. "What are you suggesting?"

He whispered in her ear and her eyes widened.

"But Discord, what about the boat?"

He snapped his fingers and there was a loud rattle followed by a thump as the ship's anchor dropped from the side.

"It's not going anywhere," he said, wriggling his eyebrows.

Fluttershy shook her head with a laugh. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Oh, I can think of a few things."

She welcomed his lips and clung to him as he leaped off the boat, plunging them both into the water.

Author's Note:

At long last, my longest fanfic ever is complete! And it only took...11 months? Wow, doesn't feel that long. At least I got it done in time for the new school year.

I'm just going to clear the air right now. No, I'm not making a sequel. I think it's best to leave this story off where it is. Sorry if you wanted Pinkie and Rainbow to get mates, but I didn't see room for that in this story. Personally, I prefer CheesePie and SoarinDash, but really I'll leave that to your imaginations. And no, I'm not adapting this into an audio drama. I've got enough of that right now.

What I WILL be doing is trying to finish "CMC: The Next Generation." "Princess and the Unicorn"...I just don't know. I've neglected that fic so long I might have to just shelve it. But this year is my senior paper, and for Creative Writing majors that means a lot of...well, writing. So most of this school year will be focusing on that. At least I can check this project off my list.

Comments ( 132 )

It's over? But this was so brilliant! I've been following it since November! What am I supposed to do now? :raritycry:

In all seriousness, though, thank you for writing this amazing story. It quickly became one of my favorites and I'm sad to see it go. I love the ending, however. Everything in the story just seemed to flow so naturally from one thing to another and the climax was well worth the wait. Again, thank you, and I look forward to anything else you got in store. :twilightsmile:

While I would like a sequel simple because you've created a wonderful world, I feel like this is a good stopping point. It has a satisfying ending with justice being served on both Trenderhoof and the Dazzlings. Bravo on a well done fic.

Another great DF story completed for the bookshelves. I'm looking forward to re-reading this story now that it's completed. Well, I guess all there's left to say is good luck with the new upcoming school year, and thank you for making this story.

EPILOGUE!!! first commentary!!! YAY! what a beautiful story! It was awesome! If I may suggest, I think i'd be better if you continue with "The Princess and The Unicorn" because the mystery is driving me crazy!!! But is up to you!!!

But I you can, you can always start with "Son of Discord" with Zaninkle!

Anyway, great story! Don't ever stop writing!

7506925 I can whole heartedly agree with that statement

This was certainly one of your best Fluttercord fics so far.

I wish you all the best for whatever you do now updating whatever story you choose or creating a new one:heart:

Sounds good. I wish you luck in completing your fanfics!

I wish you luck on your creative writing major.

This is the greatest fanfic ever!!:pinkiehappy:b I loved every second of it!! But I am so sad that it is over:fluttercry: oh well all good things must come to an end. Great work!!

While I'm sad that it's over, I really enjoyed this fic! This is the best FlutterCord story I read on this site by far. I'll definitely re-read this story again! :pinkiehappy:

It earns a spot to my Top Favorites self! :twilightsmile:

Welp. Time to go off myself, because I don't think I should live in a world where this world isn't expanded upon.

Lol jk #justaprank

That was absolutely a perfect ending to such a wonderful fanfic. And it was definitely worth the read. :twilightsmile:
Though, I'm really going to miss this one... It's really hard to said goodbye to it. :fluttershysad: :fluttercry:
Anyway, you've done it again, DF. Marvelous job. :)

I have a suggestion or two about the Princess and the Unicorn if you have trouble finishing it. Maybe you could do one or several chapters that wrap up the whole story. Or you could give it to another author to finish it for you. What do you think?

Well done, once again! I'd have to say my favorite portion of the epilogue was AppleJack's return to the farm, which is surprising, since I'm obviously here for the Fluttercord. The finale for Fluttershy and Discord was less intense than your usual writing, which isn't a bad thing - just wasn't what I expected. I do like the touch you added, that she can ask the animals to offer themselves now because of her gift. It's very fitting. All in all, an excellent read, and any, if not all, of the Romanian studies you've done have helped bring it together quite well! I look forward to more, very soon!

7507180 If you haven't yet, you should check out some of this author's other Fluttercord fics - for Fluttercord, she's been my favorite, hands down!

I was expecting to like this fic a lot. And I'm glad to say that this exceeded that expectation, I loved it.

And longest?! Wow. I didn't realize.

CMC Next Gen finally getting a continuation (soon/eventually)!!!!!

I personally wouldn't mind if Princess and the Unicorn was cancelled. Maybe it's because I haven't gone back to it since it stopped, but I'm not anticipating a continuation.
I don't think your fans would mind. A short authors note chapter explaining where the the story would've gone would be appreciated though.

Can't wait for next DoD video!

Huh. You know, that wasn't really what I expected from an epilogue. I kinda thought that the gang would run into each other back in Zebiu a few decades later and talk about how they've changed. Huh.:applejackunsure: Oh well, great story! I can't say I din't enjoy every last bit of it. Keep up the good work! Can't wait for your next story! :pinkiehappy:

*Starts rapidly pounding and kicking legs in the floor*

Why!? Why!? I mean it's good that you're probably gonna fish CMC the Next Gen. But-
Wait... You might finish it!? SQUEEE!

Wait! What about Starlight? And does Rarity get her mate!? So many questions!:raritydespair:

All joking aside I really enjoyed this story, I'm glad that it's ending here but that doesn't mean I won't miss it. It was clever and you were great at writing it in the social views of the time, like how society would react to a homosexual couple or if a maid were to fall in love with a Lord. Also I'm glad Pinkie and Rainbow didn't get their mates, it proves that a woman's life doesn't revolve around finding love and settling down.

In short this story was lovely to read and I hope you go on to write even more fantastic stories in the future.:twilightsmile:

Dammit...It's like when Woolly finished Non-Entity...When you follow a story from the very beginning....my God the wait xD great story though and it's great to leave it off here...I said great twice....:ajbemused: :ajsleepy: Anyways Keep writing but I know your very busy so I don't expect you to do much for awhile Thank you for the beautiful and...Dark? Maybe? Not really...Story

Great fanfic it was in my top 3 favourite Fanfics but I can't believe that it's over I would have loved a sequel but that's your decision I loved the way scootaloo got home at last

Thank you so much for creating these wonderful stories for us! You're a great writer and I can't wait to see new chapters for CMC: Next Generation. Good luck with your senior paper!

Oh yeah, in reviewing this for Halloween ^^
And while it be nice to see unicorn finished, be more excited for CMC and your YouTube stuff too ;)

I'm really sad that it's over but the story was amazing...thank you disneyfanatic2364

congratulation on another amazing fanfiction

I really want this to be an audio drama, but you said it won't happen so now I'm pretty sad.

This was a great fiction, and I'm sad to see it go.

It was so good now i need to wait for those other two story's to update :fluttercry: u have no idea how much i like your work df :fluttercry: brb the FEELS.

Ok back but i still have the feels i think its bc i love your work so much i rlly crying right now idk y but i am good work :pinkiesmile::pinkiesad2:

Such a wonderfull ending but still wished we saw more of Rarrity and Fancypants. Great story, DF! :raritystarry:

7507542 I have and they're really good. But Precious Blood is my favorite from this author hands down!

Thank you for this story and ending, especially with Sunlight :twilightsmile:. I would have liked to see more Rarity and Fancy Pants, or at least have them appear in the epilogue, cuz I loved their storyline even more than Fluttercord at some points. It seemed to rather suddenly take a backseat. There hadn't been any interaction since High Society, so it would have been great seeing him stand up for his decision to court her or his reaction to her being a vampire or him accepting her past or goodness this would make a nice spinoff... But I understand you are not doing any sequels. I guess I'll just assume they'll live happily eventually after.:raritywink:

Maybe you should make a side story where they reunite?

7508427 That would still be a kind of sequel. She probably won't make anymore on this story. It's sad but understandable.


I have maybe 40 stories that I've added to my favourites, and I think two or more are yours. This is one of my few favouritey-est favourites. Thanks for a good time. I'm a little disappointed that we don't know what Pinkie And Friends are doing back at the castle but I'll just assume that it's a big crazy wonderful mess.

Sad that this story is over, but I have to say. I really think that this was the best fic that I've read from you. 10/10

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I DONT BELIEVE IT I WONT BELIEVE IT NOOOOOO NO SEQUEL? NOOOOOOO (When the writing is blue, you know things just got serious)

Wait, you mean you're continuing CMC: The Next Gen?




But its just to...amazing to not...huh? OK, its your choice and nobody should dictate what you should write other than you, Also...YES! MORE CMC: NEXT GENERATION! MORE DoD UNIVERSE. YOU'VE WON ME BACK DF!

"Yes. He was old and going blind."

Can fish actually go blind?

loved this one! loved every letter of it!

Ive got my fingers crossed for another sequel to Bride of discord now that this is done.

This was an absolutely amazing story and an excellent ending to it.


Love the story nice work

7517866 oh, I got over that. What I'm crying about is much worse.

THE FANFIC IS OVER! NOOOOOOO! AHHHHHHH, THE PAIN! IT'S UNBEARABLE!:raritycry::raritydespair::applecry::ajsleepy::fluttercry::fluttershysad:

I loved the story! It was so great! I loved it!

The only problem is...


7523336 RIGHT?!

Anyways, great story, DF! Cain't wait for the Princess and the Unicorn to be finished. Until then!

Gotta say, definitely one of my favorite fics that I've read, even though I don't care for some of the pairings. It's made even better by the fact that it's finished, though I would have liked to have seen Rarity and Fancy Pants' courtship and eventually get together.

Thank you so much for writing this and sharing it with us. ^_^

7549784 its OTP for onee. I will let u know what it means soon

7549755 THANK YOU!!!:pinkiehappy: Do you know why I said I know how it feels to be treted like trash? Becuze I am treated as trash In my school by classmates, The constantly bully me making evrey year level a living hell.:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Comment posted by DisneyFanatic23 deleted Sep 12th, 2016
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