• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,886 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...


Twilight didn't know how much longer she could keep this up. An injured wing wasn't enough to slow down Sunset. In fact, she seemed to be getting more and more energized with every attack and parry. Twilight had never been much of a fighter. Her only duels had been with her fellow vampires, not including her recent encounter with the Dazzlings. But she could tell this unicorn had done this sort of thing before and took pleasure in it.

Indeed, her magic was impressive. First the ice shield, then the fireball, now she was casting the classic lightning bolt, complete with thundercloud. Under normal circumstances, Twilight would be swapping notes with her, but she didn't have time to get swept up in Sunset's talent. Right now, she needed to focus on surviving it.

Sunset was enjoying herself too much. Never had she met an opponent this close to her level. The knowledge Twilight exhibited was incredible. She had duplicated her spell after seeing it once. The fight was becoming so engaging that Sunset started casting less lethal spells to make it last longer. Truly, she didn't want this adrenaline rush to end.

"By the way," she said as she dodged a ray. "I really should thank you for killing Adagio." She shot a beam, which Twilight avoided. "She was really getting on my nerves, always trying to squeeze her way between me and my Trend."

Twilight narrowed her gaze as they circled each other. "You're delusional if you think that pig is your mate."

"You're just jealous," Sunset retorted, firing.

"Why," Twilight said, dashing to the side, "would I be jealous," she shot at her, "of being," Sunset ducked, "some pony's," they pounced at each other and clashed horns, "puppet?"

"So this is your game, huh?" Sunset said, swishing her head upwards to push her off. "Messing with my head to drive a wedge between me and him? I knew it was you all along."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, please!" She powered her horn. "Don't pretend it wasn't you who," a fireball formed over her head, "cast that spell." She brought it down hard, but Twilight quickly thought up an ice shield. "Tried to make me think of you," she shot a simpler beam, "while we were," another one, "bucking!"

Twilight stopped the first shot with a beam of her own, but upon hearing the end of Sunset's sentence, she stiffened and the second ray hit the top of her head, scorching her bangs.

"If he was your mate," she grunted as she spouted water drops from her horn to douse the smoke, "then you would've dreamt of him!"

"Ugh!" Sunset groaned, throwing her head back. "What is with you and dreams?!"

"You would know! You've been making me dream of you for the past few nights!"

She cocked her head. "What?"

"Well it didn't work! I would never do something so revolting!"

Twilight surprised Sunset by jumping at her, tackling her into a tumble. Sunset ended up on the bottom.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She flashed a bubble to cast her off. "But for the last time, vampires don't have dreams!"

Dodging her next spell, Twilight said, "Don't you know anything about vampire mating rituals?" Sunset began launching a string of magical beams. "Every vampire," Twilight dipped down and slid past her, "is destined for," she rose to her hooves, "one true soulmate."

She maneuvered the next wave by somersaulting backward. "And once," she said between flips, "that vampire…knows his…mate…he…remains…loyal," she landed back on her hooves, "to her!"

"Trenderhoof is loyal to me!" her foe insisted.

"Then why were you jealous of Adagio?"

She scoffed. "I wasn't jealous!" Another fireball was forming. "She was just a slut!"

Twilight dipped out of the way just in time.

"It's not my fault she took away your precious stallion!"

She narrowed her eyes. "What gives you the right to criticize my love life, when you don't even know what love is?!"

"That's it!" Sunset cried, bearing her teeth as she tackled her. "No more Ms. Nice Mare!"

As they rolled around on the floor, Trenderhoof's voice erupted in the yellow mare's head.

Sunset! Are you still wasting your time with that pathetic unicorn?!

You wouldn't call her pathetic if you saw her fight!

You're needed up here! We can't hold back Discord or his crazy newborn mate!

I'll come as soon as I'm finished!

Then finish her! Now!

A nagging pinch in her head urged her to obey.

"Fine!" Pinning her adversary down, Sunset said, "Sorry to cut our battle short, but…"

She fired at her horn and Twilight felt it go numb. Wincing, she realized her magic was frozen again.

"I bet you're wondering how I'm able to do that," Sunset said smugly. "It's quite simple, really. Just take a stunning spell and aim it right at the tip of the horn, freezing its magic instantly."

Twilight struggled to rise, but her foe's hooves had dug deep into her forelegs and she was sitting firmly on her haunches.

"As fun as this has been," said Sunset, "I have to kill you now. Nothing personal. You truly were a worthy opponent. Now," she drew closer as she scrutinized her, "what would be the best way to dispose of you?"

Twilight had to think fast. She couldn't rely on Sunset's pondering to last the entire time her magic was incapacitated. She was beginning to see what Rainbow Dash had been trying to teach her. If she depended only on her magic, she would be helpless in a situation like this. She had to use her other strengths. But how?

Then she looked at where Sunset was sitting and remembered Rainbow trapping her in a similar position. She was on her hips, not her chest. She didn't have high mount.

"Ah!" Sunset finally said. "I know!"

The second her horn ignited, Twilight took action. She forcefully bucked her hips into the air, making Sunset cry out as she fell forward. She caught herself by placing her hooves on either side of Twilight's head, but before she could get back into position, Twilight clasped her hooves around Sunset's right elbow and jabbed it into her opponent's stomach. Then Twilight hooked her left back hoof over Sunset's right back leg, lifted her hips to the left and flipped her over. Firmly planting her hooves on Sunset's shoulders, Twilight made sure she was sitting on her chest so she couldn't try the same thing.

"A worthy opponent, you say?"

Sunset's surprised expression turned into a scowl as she powered her horn again. But as Twilight felt her magical strength return, she shot a beam at the tip of her foe's horn and the magic extinguished.

"Wha…how did…?" Sunset stammered.

"Stunning spell," Twilight said. "Thanks for the," she tapped her horn, "tip."

It was as if she had stunned more than just her magic, for as Sunset stared up at the lavender unicorn, she found she couldn't move, speak, or breathe. Not that that last function was important anyway, but everything else in her body had shut down.

She had been beaten, physically and intellectually. At last, she had met her match.

If she was to die now, at least she had the honor of being vanquished by such a brilliant foe.

As she ignited her horn, Twilight was prepared to finish this vampire off, but then something made her pause. Even though she wasn't changing into her pony form, Sunset's irises had become green, and her pupils dilated as they focused on her. One look in those eyes and Twilight's magic was doused.

So many things happened at once. Even though a single second had passed in real time, in Twilight's mind it was like several hours as she attempted to analyze the situation. Her cold blood was rushing through her veins, her heart was swelling with warmth, and beneath her hooves she could feel a spark, but she did not pull away.

It was difficult to explain why this was happening and why now. She had never thought this could happen to her, much less like this. But it explained everything else. Why she'd been dreaming, why she'd been feeling so strange around this mare, why her locator spell hadn't worked. They hadn't been curses, but omens.

There were still so many questions, but Twilight didn't feel like it was necessary to ask them. As her dreams had said, as Zecora had said, the answer to everything had been right under her nose. Quite literally at the moment. The lingering questions didn't matter, for one thing was crystal clear.

"You're not his mate."

Sunset grimaced and blasted her off her chest. The minute the ray hit her, Sunset wailed and clutched her head as a sudden searing pain ran through it. Twilight landed on her back. As she staggered to her hooves, she slowly changed into her pony form.

"I don't want to fight you, Sunset."

Sunset grunted as she rose. "Coward."

She shook her head, saying, "No," and took a careful step forward. "I'm not fighting you." She stepped closer. "I'm confronting you."

The yellow unicorn narrowed her eyes as she started forming a fireball. "You're just afraid I'm going to—ARGH!"

The fireball extinguished as she cradled her head again. She looked up accusingly at Twilight.

"What did you do to me?!"

"I did nothing." Unafraid, Twilight kept advancing. "It was Fate."

She blinked. "What?"

"Sunset, listen to me. Trenderhoof has lied to you."

Sunset growled as she prepared another spell. "Not this again!"

"Think about it, Sunset. When you look at him, does the world fall away? When you hold him, is it like you're holding the most precious thing in the world?" Sunset's horn grew brighter. "Does it bother you when you're with another?"

Her magic faded and she stared blankly at the lavender unicorn.

"And when he's with another," Twilight continued, now standing a few hooves away from her, "does it bother him? Do you follow him because you love him, or because he gives you no choice? Sunset," her face turned serious, "did he even ask if you wanted to be a vampire?"

Sunset's eyes were moistening, but she tried not to show her vulnerability. With a furious grunt, she used her magic to thrust Twilight against the wall. Another migraine made her cry out.

"I don't want to hurt you, Sunset," Twilight choked as tears streaked down her cheeks. "You don't want to hurt me either. You don't have to. He has no power over you anymore. Can't you feel it? You're free."

Staring at her, Sunset spoke in a strained voice, "Why…why do I not want to hurt you?"

Twilight smiled. "Because we're destined for each other, Sunset. We don't need to question anything anymore. Not about life, not about the future, not about…what's in our hearts. Everything we could ever want, everything we could ever need, is right here."

Sunset didn't look like she believed her.

"Please, Sunset," she said, whimpering slightly. "I know you believe me. I know you feel it too. Please. Believe me."

She did not reply.

"Very well. Kill me if you must," Twilight said, closing her eyes, "but at least I'll die knowing it was possible to…to love again."

Sunset's eyes widened as she continued to stare at the mare who was accepting her fate. But she wasn't just talking about death. Her words were insane, but from her lips, they almost sounded true. But no, they couldn't be true. Grinding her teeth together, Sunset telepathically called out to Trenderhoof, begging him to tell her the mare was crazy and that he was the only love for her.

But no response ever came.

Aria's shoulder was getting sore, so she drew back to massage it. The door was thick, possibly by magic. Discord's coven certainly didn't want her getting in there. Then she glanced at the walls holding the doorframe.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

She flapped her wings and charged at the wall. Her back hooves smashed right through it. She scoffed as she flew through the hole.

"You should've thickened the walls too."

She was surprised to find the room empty, but figured the dragon was hiding.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are."

Taking a whiff of the air, she turned to the bed. Smirking, she returned to the floor and crouched down low as she approached the bed. She chuckled throatily as she lifted the covers and peered underneath.

A high-pitched screech stung her ears as a rabbit jumped out and grabbed her face. Aria wailed in agony as her face burned, for his paws were covered in garlic powder. Angel showed no mercy as he clawed at her eyes. Standing up, Aria ripped him from her face and scowled at him.

"You little rat! I'm gonna swallow you wh—"

She gasped as she was stabbed in the back. As she exploded into dust, Scootaloo gawked at the wooden stake in her hoof.

"Wow," she uttered. "That was so cool!"

"Great job!"

Spike emerged from under the bed. He and Scootaloo were armed with wooden stakes and garlic necklaces.

"Now let's go help the girls!" he said, holding up his weapons.

"Yeah!" Scootaloo cried. "Death to our enemies!"

The three of them shouted as they rushed out of the room and down the hall to where the battle was. But Angel paused a moment as his ear twitched. He turned to the spiral staircase and hopped towards it.

In the foyer, the enemy army was down by three more. Sombra had vanquished one, Rainbow had ripped the head off another and Bulk was toying with the remains of his latest victim, who was begging him to put her out of her misery.

"Evil vampires perish!" Scootaloo yelled as she and Spike raced down the stairs.

"We are the night!" Spike cried. "And we won't let you take it from us!"

"Spike!" Applejack wailed. "What are ya doin' here?!"

Instead of listening to her, he said, "Watch out!"

He threw a stake over her head, striking the vampire about to pounce on her. Unfortunately, he missed the heart, but it distracted her long enough for Applejack to see and attack her.

"Get out of here!" she shouted at the dragon as she wrestled her opponent.

"No, I'm helping!" Spike said, raising another stake.

"Spike, if ya don't get out of here now, I'll…"

Her adversary flipped her over and hissed. She squeaked suddenly as Spike plunged a second stake into her, this time dissolving her into dust. Applejack looked up at him in amazement.

"You were saying?"

Sunset? Sunset! Sunset, where are you?!

Trenderhoof's telepathic messages were useless as he writhed beneath the bloodthirsty vampire who had him pinned to the ground. He continuously summoned bubbles to knock her over, but she kept coming back like a rabid dog.

On the other side of the room, Trenderhoof's five mistresses were fending off Discord, who had upped his game. Lifting his paw and claw upward, he brought forth a wall of fire between him and the mares. They shrieked as the flames scorched them while Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare attempted to extinguish the fire with their magic. Unfortunately, Discord hadn't counted on the fire spreading and hopped up and down when his dragon foot caught it. With a snap of his fingers, he made water dump from the ceiling.

"Okay, I might have overdone it there."

"Lemon Zap!" Trenderhoof called as he shot an unsuccessful beam at the Flutterbat. "Indigo Zest! Help me!"

The two mares grunted. "Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap!"

"Whatever! Just get this thing off me!"

As the two of them went to help their master, Discord looked curiously at the other three. "That idiot can't even remember your names. Why do you follow him?"

"There are a lot of us to remember," Sunny Flare said, flying up to blast at him. "We don't hold it against him."

Discord caught the beam in his paw and rolled it up into a ball. "He definitely needs a lot of you," he said as he teasingly bounced the ball in his paw, "considering he can't fight his own battles."

He pitched it back to the mares.

"He's a pathetic fighter," Sugarcoat said as she created a cricket bat out of her magic. "He knows we're better than him."

She swung at the sphere, hitting it into the wall on her right.

"Don't think I didn't hear that, Sugarcoat!" Trenderhoof called as he watched Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap wrestle with Flutterbat.

"Better than him, hmm?" Discord said, stroking his beard. "If you lot are all so special," he snapped his fingers and a pink cloud formed over the mares' heads, "how come he didn't take you to Bullarest with him?"

The mares scattered as wooden stakes rained down on them. One struck Flutterbat's tail and she hissed annoyingly at Discord.

"Whoops," he said, snapping the storm away. "Sorry, darling."

"We don't mind if he can't fit all twenty of us in his carriage," Sour Sweet said before scowling. "Even if he always brings the Dazzlings and that Slutset Shimmer!"

Discord raised an eyebrow. "Now that hardly seems fair, don't you think? Putting those four before you."

"You know they have stronger abilities!" Trenderhoof insisted.

"True," Sunny Flare said as she powered her horn. "That doesn't mean we're useless."

The three closed in on Discord, but were prevented by gold light enveloping them. They yelped as he suspended them in midair.

"Let me guess," he said, scrutinizing them. "He seduced each and every one of you, changed you into vampires, made you his mistresses and now you have no choice but to do his bidding, and yet you've accepted this as your fate."

"We're not exactly monogamists," Sugarcoat harrumphed.

"You see?" Trenderhoof taunted. "They're happy like this! Aren't you, girls?"

Indigo Zap panted as she trapped Flutterbat into a headlock. "Being a vampire does have its perks."

She shrieked as Flutterbat chomped on her hoof.

"But does he even care about any of you?" Discord asked as he spun his three captives around. "When's the last time he showed his appreciation for your hard work? When's the last time he did something for you?"

They did not respond, only glared at him. So he tried another tactic.

"When's the last time he made love to any of you?"

Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap froze, the latter holding Flutterbat and the former with her hoof raised to strike her. The trapped mares stared at him with wide eyes and then glanced at each other.

"I see," Discord said, almost in pity. "So many mares, he doesn't have time for all of you, does he?"

The mares looked to Sugarcoat. "He has a point."

Indigo Zap tossed Flutterbat aside and she and Lemon Zest advanced upon their master. Discord released the others so they could do the same. Trenderhoof watched in terror as his mistresses closed in on him.

"Now, now, girls!" he said, holding up his hooves. "Before you do something you'll regret, hear me out…"

"Oh sure, we'll hear you out," Sour Sweet chimed. Then she narrowed her gaze. "But you won't change our minds!"

"Stop this! Do you forget who has the power over you? Do you forget what will happen if you do this? Do you want to lose your souls?"

They stopped to ponder

"He also has a point," Lemon Zest said.

"Yeah," said Sugarcoat with a shrug. "But it's not like we were using our souls for much anyway."

"Another good point."

They drew closer to him, driving him into a corner. Seeing that he was outnumbered, Trenderhoof winced and concentrated. The five mares screamed and clutched their heads.

"I forgot he could do that!" Indigo Zap shouted.

He pushed past them, but was met with Flutterbat charging towards him. He flashed a bubble, this one sending her into the wall.

"Fluttershy!" Discord cried, rushing to her side.

Trenderhoof took the opportunity to escape, but as soon as he opened the door, Angel leapt out at him and scratched at his face.

"Gah!" he cried out as the garlic powder burned his skin. "You rotten rodent!" He used his magic to pry him off. "I'll show you!"

He threw the rabbit over his shoulder. Angel squealed as he soared across the room and was silent as he hit the stone wall. The small sound of bones breaking was heard and Flutterbat's attention snapped to the bunny that was sliding to the floor. For one second, her eyes reverted to their original teal.


The mares were still cradling their heads as Trenderhoof dashed down the staircase. Angel was lying in a small pool of blood, his eyes closed and his head lolled to the side.


Fluttershy flew to her bunny and carefully lifted him into her hooves. He was breathing, but he was so limp and still.

Discord was surprised to see that she had regained her senses so quickly, but he didn't think too much on it when he saw how distressed she was.

Laying a paw on her shoulder he said, "Fluttershy?"

She darted her red eyes at him and growled through her teeth, "Kill him! Kill that monster!"

Determined, Discord launched himself after the fiend.

Trenderhoof glanced nervously over his shoulder as he flapped down the hall. In doing so, he bumped into Sunset Shimmer, who was blocking the exit.

"Sunset!" he said, sighing in relief. "There you are! We must retreat! Count Discord is a draconequus, five of the girls and Bulk have turned traitor, and Lady Fluttershy has gone crazy!"

"Well," Sunset said, scowling at him. "I tried to tell you this battle wouldn't end well for you."

Twilight stepped out from behind her, making Trenderhoof blink back in confusion.

"Why haven't you killed her yet?"

"I don't want to," Sunset said firmly.

"What do you mean you don't want to? I ordered you to…"

"Is it true?" She took a threatening step forward. "Am I not really your mate?"

He scoffed. "Where did this come from? Of course you're my…"

"You say that, but it's all a lie, isn't it?"

Trenderhoof tried to gain control over her again with his mind, but his confidence drained from his face when it didn't work. He then glanced at the lavender unicorn standing dutifully beside Sunset.

"Oh no," he said, backing away. "You can't possible mean…"

"So it is true!" Sunset barked. "All these years, you were just using me! And for what?! My magic? My body?!"

"Sunset, listen to me…"

"No! I don't have to listen to you anymore!" She grunted. "I can't believe it! I sacrificed everything for you! And you," her horn powered up, "gave me," a fireball started to form, "nothing!"

Squealing, Trenderhoof turned and ran, but stopped when he saw Discord.

"My sweet Fluttershy wants you dead," he said, advancing while his paw and claw created golden spheres.

Trenderhoof glanced between the three beings closing in on him. When they were but less than a meter away, he flashed a shield. Once they were knocked backwards, he maneuvered around them. However, when he got to the steps, a zap from Rarity's horn damaged his left wing, bringing him to the floor. She was part of another blockade consisting of Bulk, Applejack and Spike. Glancing below, Trenderhoof saw that most of his army had perished, all except Sonata, whom Pinkie was holding with an axe to her throat. Some new vampires he had never seen before were coming up the steps to join their comrades.

"It's over, Trenderhoof," Discord said as he, Twilight and Sunset came closer. "You're out of allies and options. Surrender now," Rarity, Sombra, Hope and Sweetie Belle illuminated their horns, "or we all fire at once."

Trenderhoof searched frantically for an escape route. The hall behind him was empty, but he was outnumbered and would be caught in an instant. Then he spotted the being on the steps closest to him: the dragon. Smiling evilly, he swiftly used his magic to grab him and pull him to his chest. The sudden jerk made Spike drop his stake.

"Spike!" Applejack cried.

Before she could pounce, Trenderhoof shouted, "One false move," he turned his head away as he magically tore off Spike's garlic necklace, "and I snap this dragon's neck!"

Sunset stepped forward but Twilight stopped her with her foreleg.

"That includes magic!" the fiend ordered. "Extinguish your horns, paws, claws, any other magical body parts!" He tilted the dragon's head so his neck was exposed near Trenderhoof's fangs. "Now!"

All the magic users reluctantly obeyed them when they saw the fear in Spike's eyes. Trenderhoof still held him as he slowly backed away into the hall and glanced around at the doors. "Ugh! Where are the windows on this floor?!"

Twilight looked over at Applejack and saw that her eyes were reddening by the second.

"No," she heaved. "You're not takin' him away from me!"

"Applejack, don't!" Twilight cried.

But the passionate mare couldn't hold herself back. Before Trenderhoof noticed her, she sprung at him, hissing furiously. He yelped as she tackled him, forcing him to drop Spike, but Trenderhoof was quick and cast her off with another shield.

"So," he said as he levitated Spike again, making Applejack gasp. "This dragon means something to you, eh? It would be a real pain for you to watch him die."

Spike screamed as he was sent hurtling through the door to the music room. A discordant bang was heard as he collided into the piano.

"Spike!" Applejack shouted, leaping through the hole.

As Trenderhoof chased after her, he noticed the others rushing to their aid their friends. Once he was in the room, he summoned a force field to prevent them from entering. Bulk smashed through the wall, but Trenderhoof had barricaded that too.

"This is between me and the mare!" he said, turning away from them.

"Come on, unicorns!" Discord said, his paws glowing. "Let's see if we can poke a hole in it!"

Inside, Applejack was kneeling by the piano with Spike, supporting his head. His breath was steady, but he was struggling to open his eyes.

"Spike, get up!" she said, her voice cracking. "Stay with me, please! Spike, can ya hear…?"

Trenderhoof's magic pulled her away.

"No!" she cried, reaching her hooves out to the dragon. "No, please! Don't hurt him!"

She shrieked as his magic forced her onto her back. He cackled as he crawled onto her.

"I'm not interested in the dragon, AJ," he said, leaning in towards her. "It's you I'm after. Of all the mares I took, you were the one who resisted me the most. Do you have any idea how much that hurt my pride? Now," his magic ripped the front of her dress, "what say we finish what we started?"

Spike ignored the throbbing in his head as he rose into a sitting position. When he opened his eyes, he saw Trenderhoof sitting on top of Applejack. His magic had her completely paralyzed and her face was filled with terror. Then Spike saw her exposed chest. It was covered in scars much like the one on her foreleg.

It was then that he understood what Trenderhoof had done to her twenty years ago. He hadn't just changed her into a vampire. Had he done that to Rarity too?

Spike's blood boiled in hatred for the stallion. He couldn't let him touch Applejack. Not again, not while his heart was still beating.

Trenderhoof's mouth was advancing on her chest. Spike had to act quickly.

He held out his right arm and bared his left claw. With a passionate cry, he dug his sharp claw deep into his thick skin, wincing as he dragged it up his arm.

"Hey, dingbat!"

Trenderhoof's head snapped around and his eyes widened at the fresh gash in Spike's arm.

"You want blood?" the dragon said, waving his wound. "Take mine! Just leave her alone!"

"Spike, what are ya doin'?!" Applejack shouted as she attempted to turn her head.

The stallion's mouth watered as he watched the deep scarlet blood drip from the dragon's small but succulent arm.

"Yes," he breathed, inhaling the sweet scent. "Dragon…blood."

It was too much for him to resist. Besides, it would give him pleasure seeing Applejack's agony as she watched her precious dragon be drained right in front of her.

He charged hungrily at Spike, his mouth open and ready. His fangs were just a centimeter away when he felt a sudden sting in his chest. Choking, he glanced down to see a wooden stake sticking out of the dragon's sleeve, the point jabbed into the vampire's heart. He looked back up at Spike, whose reptilian eyes were narrowed in fury.

"You're never hurting any of my friends again."

Those eyes were the last thing Trenderhoof saw before he evaporated into dust.