• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,887 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...

Legends and Longings

Fluttershy's fatigue was highly noticeable when she came into the dining room for breakfast. Her aunt gaped at the purple bags under her eyes.

"Goodness, dear!" she exclaimed. "What have you done to your face?!"

"I didn't sleep well," Fluttershy murmured as she sat down.

The cook, Sugar Belle, had made tomato soup to start. Fluttershy sipped it quietly, though her mind wasn't on food. She'd been up half the night worrying about the vampire she had encountered. She had managed to get a few hours' sleep, only to be plagued with nightmares on said creature.

"The morning paper, doamnă," Double Diamond said as he set the newspaper before Starlight.

She levitated it to her eye-level to read. She rolled her eyes in boredom as she read the headline.

"Another nobody murdered," she groaned as she turned the page.

"Oh, yes," said Night Glider as she took away the empty soup bowls. "Every pony's been talking about it all morning. Apparently, this is the third stallion this month that has been found dead with two puncture wounds in his neck, completely drained of his blood!"

Fluttershy dropped her spoon in horror. "D-Drained of his…b-b-blood?"

"Really, Night Glider," Starlight huffed. "Is this really a topic to be discussed while eating?"

"Sorry, doamnă," the maid said, bowing her head apologetically before flying into the kitchen.

Party Favor brought the second course: scrambled eggs with a side of leeks. Fluttershy took little interest in her breakfast. In fact, she had quite lost her appetite.

Had the vampire chosen to feed on some pony else after letting her go? Had the death of that stallion been her fault? Was she next?

Fluttershy had so many questions. If this vampire was coming back, how was she to defend herself? She was a meek little mare. What chance did she have against a ten-foot, bloodthirsty, shapeshifting vampire?

After breakfast, she approached Night Glider, since she seemed to know all the gossip.

"Vampires?" the maid said, raising an eyebrow. "Why do you want to know about vampires?"

Fluttershy was about to answer but then remembered the vampire's warning if she told anyone.

"Oh, um…" she stammered, biting her lip. "Just…curious."

Night Glider shrugged and said, "Well, ponies in this country have been telling stories about vampires ever since Vladihoof the Impaler ruled. Maybe even before then, who knows? They only come out at night. You know, because they pretty much burn in the sunlight. Some say they have super strength and speed, or that they have awesome powers, like the ability to turn into a bat."

"Do they look…unusual in any way?"

"Don't know. Never seen a vampire myself. If I did, I'd be dead." She chuckled slightly. "I've heard lots of crazy theories. Some say they look like regular ponies, only more beautiful. That's how they're able to lure their victims in. Others say they're like a hybrid between a bat and a pony. Some even say they have claws, though I don't see how that'll work with hooves."

"But do they," Fluttershy said nervously, "have horns and…paws and…lots of other animal body parts?"

Night Glider cocked her head. "Haven't heard that one before. But oh," she rubbed her chin with an interested smile, "that would be scary."

"Yes," Fluttershy said, shivering at the memory of the creature. "Anyway, are there any ways to protect oneself from vampires?"

"Oh, sure, assuming those things exist. Garlic, wooden stakes, luring one into the sunlight, forcing them to count seeds…" She laughed. "That's a good one."

The maid didn't have much else to tell her, so Fluttershy resorted to the mansion library. Unfortunately, because her aunt had picked out most of the books, there was nothing on vampires or urban legends of any kind. At lunch, she decided to ask her aunt permission to go to the town library.

"Whatever for?" Starlight questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Fluttershy had already prepared her answer. "Since Count Trenderhoof will be coming soon, I should like to know more about his family and Bullarest, because…showing interest in his background will arouse his interest in me?"

Her aunt smiled and nodded in approval. "Good idea, dear. But you'll need an escort into town. Party Favor, I believe it's your turn."

Half an hour later, Fluttershy and Party Favor were at the public library. The librarian, a pale yellow unicorn with tangled red and purple hair and spectacles, looked up from her book with a sour expression on her face.

"Can I help you?" she asked in an unpleasant tone.

"Excuse me, Domnişoară," Fluttershy said, looking quickly at the name plate, "Moondancer, but do you have any books on," she glanced back at Party Favor before whispering, "vampires?"

Moondancer raised an eyebrow. She had not expected a young noblemare to be interested in so gruesome a subject. However, it was not her place to judge ponies' tastes. She pointed to her left.

"You'll find them in the Mythology section," she replied monotonously.

"Thank you," Fluttershy said graciously as she headed in the direction indicated.

Party Favor was confused when he followed his young mistress into the Mythology section.

"I thought you were reading up on Bullarest."

Fluttershy bit her lip nervously, knowing she couldn't keep this secret for long. "I…I lied."

"You WHAT?!" the unicorn shrieked.

"SHHH!" Moondancer hissed harshly from her desk.

Party Favor smiled apologetically and turned to whisper to the pegasus. "You lied to your aunt? How could you do such a thing? She won't be happy when she finds out you…"

"She won't find out," Fluttershy insisted as she pulled a book off the shelf. "She mustn't!"

"But why would you…?"

She sighed and laid her hoof on his shoulder. "If I could explain it to you, I would, but for now, you'll just have to trust me and not breathe a word of what I'm doing to my aunt. Please, Party Favor?"

Her eyes were so big and pleading that it was impossible to resist. Party Favor hung his head with a sigh.

"Okay. But if we get in trouble for this…"

"Don't worry," Fluttershy assured him. "I'll tell my aunt it was my fault and you were just taking orders from me."

After finding a reasonable amount of books, Fluttershy set to work at a desk while Party Favor kept a lookout for any pony they knew. One way or another, Fluttershy was going to find out everything she could about that vampire.

Vampires never dreamed, so Discord was surprised to find himself in a sunny, grassy meadow. It had to be a dream, or else he'd be a pile of ash by now. He glanced around at the field, his eyes falling upon a group of animals gathered around a mare that had her back to him. She was cuddling the tiny squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks and mice, singing a sweet little tune in a melodic voice.

It was enough to enchant even the vilest of creatures, which was why Discord could not stop himself from walking towards her. The animals scattered when they saw him approach, but not the mare.

She turned her head to face him, her gorgeous teal eyes locking with his. He felt a beating inside his chest, something he would never feel when awake. A smile appeared on her delicate yellow face and she flew up to his eye-level, her long pink mane flowing gently in the breeze.

All the breath was taken from him as a soft yellow hoof caressed his cheek. He sighed in satisfaction as he took the hoof in his claw and leaned into her touch. He found himself staring into her eyes again.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, reaching up to brush her mane behind her ear.

The mare giggled, lifting her other hoof to his face. "I'm also yours, as you are mine. For all eternity."

Her eyes closed as she brought his face closer to her lips.

Discord awoke with a start and would've fallen out of his casket had it not been sealed. He rubbed his eyes as he reflected on his very first dream.

His old master had said meeting his mate would cause such things. Every time he closed his eyes, he would see the young pegasus mare. He had only known her for a minute and yet she had already bewitched him.

It's like a plague, the words of his old master echoed in his head. A plague you never want to be cured of. You'll start dreaming for the first time in your vampire life, and you'll dream of only her. You'll never want for another, for she is destined to be your one true love.

Discord looked over at the empty space beside him. It wasn't so hard to picture the perfect female now that he had seen her. He imagined her lying next to him, her hooves stroking his face as she had done in his dream. He imagined taking her in his arms and feeling her warmth against his chest. He imagined running his fingers through her mane, taking in its silky texture. He imagined her eyes making contact with his, completely devoid of fear. She would smile at him, nuzzle him, show him how much she…

He shook his head and snapped out of his daydream. What was he doing? He didn't know anything about this mare and yet he was already fantasizing the two of them in his coffin! He didn't even know her name, let alone her personality. Would she even approach a monster like him? After all, their first meeting hadn't been the most pleasant. Would such a beautiful creature like her dare to one day…love him?

That was indeed a problem. Vampires immediately knew their soulmates, but mortals didn't have the same instinct. He remembered how his master had struggled to woo his mate before she had allowed him to change her.

You must be patient, his master had told him. It will take a while, but she will love you in time. It is destiny.

It was easy for him to say. His master, though frightening, had looked like a normal vampire: handsome, pony-shaped. Discord didn't have that advantage.

It was just his luck that his future mate was, in his opinion, the most beautiful mare in the world. What chance did he have with her?

Then he thought of those who weren't afraid of his looks. All his servants had been alarmed by his appearance at first (except for Pinkie, but she'd always been an odd one), but had quickly grown accustomed to him. But their devotion was entirely different. They weren't bound to him by fate. He wasn't dreaming about kissing them.

There was one thing he knew for sure. He had to see this mare again. He needed to know who she was, where she lived, what she liked, everything he possibly could about her.

He opened his coffin and checked the clock. It was evening, but that didn't mean the sun had set yet. He pressed his back against the wall and made a window appear beside him. When no sunlight came through, he transformed into a bat and flew off into the night.

"Excuse me, domnişoară, but we're closing soon."

Fluttershy looked up from her book to see the stern librarian staring down at her.

"Right," she said softly as she closed the book and stood up. "Sorry. Come on, Party Favor."

The books she had gone through had offered many stories on vampires, but they were all contradictory. Apparently, few saw vampires and lived to tell the tale, so there was nothing concrete.

She reviewed all she had read in her head: vampires had no reflection, they couldn't go out in the sunlight, they could be repelled with garlic, they could be killed with a wooden stake to the heart. Some books said they could transform into bats, others suggested wolves, or they didn't transform at all but were gifted with heightened senses, incredible strength and speed. Some said they could go out in the sun, but their skin would sparkle. They were hideous monsters, they were beautiful and seductive. They had the compulsion to count seeds or untangle things. Surprisingly, there was no mention of them having body parts of various animals. Most of the books claimed that they looked like ponies, which was why they were difficult to catch.

There was one thing all the books agreed on: they survived on the blood of living creatures.

As she and Party Favor trotted through the dark streets of Zebiu, Fluttershy wondered how she was going to protect herself. She could ask Sugar Belle if she had any garlic, but she wasn't sure if that could truly repel vampires or if it was just a thing of legend.

It was early evening and the merchants were finishing their day by luring in the potential customers walking home from work. Fluttershy and Party Favor passed by a Romane caravan where a blue unicorn mare was performing magic while two unicorn colts, one short and chubby, one tall and skinny; were waving colorful ribbons upstage. Out of curiosity, Fluttershy stopped to watch as the Romane mare conjured a shower of rose petals, making the audience applaud.

"Yes, indeed!" she shouted to the crowd. "The Great and Powerful Trixie has been to all parts of the globe, learning from the most magical of wizards, facing the most dangerous of mystical beasts…"

Fluttershy's eyes widened at this statement. She started pushing to the front of the crowd before Party Favor could stop her.

"Excuse me," she whispered apologetically. "Excuse me, Domnişoară Trixie?"

The unicorn mare looked down at her with a raised eyebrow. "Who dares interrupt the Great and Powerful Trixie?!"

"I'm so sorry but…is it true that you've seen many dangerous creatures in your travels?"

Trixie smiled and flipped her platinum mane. "It is true. Trixie has no fear!"

"Well, have you ever seen a tall, dragon-like creature with a deer antler, lion paw, eagle claw, a long skinny body, and drinks blood like a vamp—"

She was cut off when she heard a thump onstage. The Romane unicorns were standing stiff, staring at her in horror. The young colts in the back had dropped their ribbons.

"So you have seen…?"

"Silence!" Trixie shouted.

She touched something around her neck and brought it forward. It was a gold pendant shaped like the sun.

"Protect me, Celestia! Protect me!"

"Please!" Fluttershy begged, placing her hooves on the edge of the stage. "I must know what…"

"Show is over, folks! Go home!"

Fluttershy squealed as the stage folded into the caravan. It was encased in a pink aura and bolted down the street. The crowd groaned in disappointment as it dispersed, many eyes looking at Fluttershy with disapproval.

"What's gotten into you, domnişoară?" Party Favor demanded. "And what sort of creature were you talking about?"

"A draconequus."

The two ponies looked down at a small, orange, Romane pegasus filly with purple eyes. She wore a white dress with red trimming and a red kerchief which covered most of her short, purple mane, but these clothes were tattered and covered in mud, as if she hadn't worn anything else for days.

"I heard what you said, domnişoară," she said, "and I know what you're talking about."

"Do you?" Fluttershy asked hopefully. "Do you really?"

The filly nodded. "I can tell you more, but since I haven't eaten in days, it's so hard to think and…"

She casually held out her hoof. Fluttershy reached into her satchel for some bits.

"Domnişoară!" Party Favor protested, stopping her hoof. "You can't give money to this gypsy!"

"Romane," the filly grumbled.

"What will your aunt say?!"

Fluttershy narrowed her eyes in determination as she wrenched her hoof out of her bag. "She's only a filly."

She handed the foal five bits. The young Romane smiled and tucked the money away in the pocket of her apron.

"Name's Scootaloo, by the way," she said, reaching out her hoof. "Thank you for your kindness."

"I'm Fluttershy," the pegasus beamed as she shook her hoof. "Now, you say you saw this…what did you call it?"

"Draconequus. Yes. It's one of the rarest, most dangerous creatures in all of Tramplevania. We Romanes dare not speak of it, for fear it will curse us." She said all this without flinching. "But, seeing as my life couldn't get any worse than this, I can say whatever I like."

"What is a draconequus?"

"As you said, it's made up of lots of animal parts. It's a type of vampire, except draconequui are born, not made. Some say they're worse than regular vampires, that they have crazy powers, like the ability to summon objects at will or turn a whole castle upside-down!"

Fluttershy gulped. "Have…have you ever…seen one?"

Scootaloo glanced around, gestured for her to come closer and whispered, "You didn't hear this from me, but I'm pretty sure one lives in the forest over yonder. I was sleeping a few feet away from the edge the other night and I saw a tall, thin shadow. It was only for a second, but I could've sworn it had funny-looking horns. I also see giant bats flying around the night sky, sometimes more than one, so I don't think he's alone in there."

Fluttershy nodded slowly, her face growing pale as she listened. "And…have they caught you?"

The filly huffed. "No. And even if they did, I'm safe."

She reached into the collar of her dress and pulled out a beaded necklace. Upon closer inspection, Fluttershy realized they were tiny pieces of garlic.

"Zecora was nice enough to give this to me when I told her what I saw," Scootaloo said proudly.

"Zecora?" Fluttershy questioned.

"She's the local witch. She has all sorts of charms and stuff."

"Where can I find her?"

"Her house is just down there," Scootaloo said, pointing down the street. "It's the old shabby one that looks abandoned."

"Thank you."

Fluttershy handed the filly another bit before departing down the road. Party Favor trotted up to her in haste.

"Domnişoară, what's this all about?!" he demanded, his eyes wide in panic. "First you're reading old ponies' tales, then you're going on about…vampires! With a gypsy, no less! Now you're going to see a witch?! Do you know what your aunt would say if she…?"

"Please, Party Favor," Fluttershy whispered, halting him with her hoof. "I need to know these things for reasons I can't tell you, but you must trust me when I say my reasons are good!"

The unicorn stared at her and sighed as he followed her to the witch's house. Fluttershy knocked on the door and listened.

"Come in, my dear. I am in here."

Party Favor shivered as they opened the door and entered the oddly-decorated room. He looked up nervously at the clay masks on the walls.

"Are you Zecora?" Fluttershy asked the zebra at the table. "The witch?"

Zecora nodded. "Yes, fair one, I am she." She looked at Party Favor. "Sit down. You need not fear me."

The stallion shook his head. "No thanks," he gulped. "I'm good."

Fluttershy took a seat and said to the zebra, "I hear you have charms that can ward off vampires."

She could've sworn she saw a flash of fear in Zecora's eyes before she got up from the table and went to her cabinet.

"Vampires, you say?" she said as she rummaged through the shelves. "Did one come your way?"

Fluttershy hesitated to answer. "Um, uh…I've just heard things and…can't be too careful, right?"

Zecora returned with a necklace similar to the one she'd seen on Scootaloo and a crystal ball. The latter she placed on the table.

"Wear this around your neck, all day, all night," she said, holding out the necklace to Fluttershy, "and you'll be immune to the vampire bite."

"How much?" the pegasus asked, digging into her bag.

Zecora held up a hoof. "For payment, I only ask but this: the true reason you want this necklace."

The zebra was staring at her hard, as if she knew there was an ulterior motive behind Fluttershy's request. The pegasus shifted in her seat.

"I…can't say."

Zecora shrugged and moved the necklace away.

"Truly, I can't!" Fluttershy insisted. "He'll kill me if I…"

She covered her mouth. Zecora's eyes were wide with alarm. She turned to Party Favor and tilted her head to the door.

"Oh, but her aunt asked me to…"

"Leave us," Fluttershy softly commanded.

He was hesitant, but also relieved to be out of the creepy house. Once they were alone, Zecora looked at Fluttershy with soft, kind eyes.

"I hold the secret of these creatures too. Confide in me, I'll make sure they don't harm you."

The pegasus' eyes widened. "You…you know of the vampires in the woods?"

"I can say no more than what I have said. Now tell me how you know of the undead."

Fluttershy took a deep breath and spilled the whole story. She felt so relieved to get it out after holding it in all day. Zecora listened intently and nodded when appropriate.

"A gypsy filly said that what I saw was a draconequus. Do…that is…have you seen it too?"

Zecora studied her face carefully to be sure she was telling the truth and that she wasn't one of those ponies who liked to play jokes on the witch. But anyone could plainly see the innocence in the young mare, even if they looked past the beauty.

When she was certain her customer was being truthful, she asked, "Would you like your fortune told, if I may be so bold?"

"Oh," Fluttershy said, finally understanding why she had brought out the crystal ball. "Sure, uh…what do you want for…?"

"This shall be for free. I only want to see."

Zecora closed her eyes as she swirled her hooves around the crystal ball, humming a low tune. Fluttershy jumped as the ball seemed to come alive as a green swirling mist materialized within it. Zecora opened her eyes and squinted at the now glowing ball.

"I see," she murmured, "I see…"

The mist turned pink and took the form of a butterfly.

"I see a kind heart, the purest of pure." She smiled at Fluttershy. "I don't need a crystal ball to be sure."

The pegasus blushed slightly. "What else do you see?"

The misty butterfly slowly dispersed and reformed into a heart.

"You are to be married off soon," Zecora continued, "to a rich, handsome stranger of a groom."

Fluttershy nodded sadly.

"But your passionate heart won't accept such a fate. You desire true love," she smirked, "and you won't have to wait."

The pegasus was about to ask about this when there was a loud screech and the smoke turned bright red. The two of them jumped back in their seats, Zecora gripping her armrests. She shut her eyes as she started breathing heavily. Fluttershy leaned forward cautiously.

"Are you al…?"

She squealed when Zecora's eyes opened. They were glowing white, as was the crystal ball.

"He waits for you…"

Fluttershy quivered at the change in her voice. It was lower and sounded like something from a nightmare.

"He waits for you…" the zebra said again, "the Count…he yearns for your blood…for your innocence…danger…death…vengeance…truth…rebirth…blood…death…death…death…"

"STOP IT!" Fluttershy shouted.

Zecora snapped out of her trance. Her eyes had returned to normal and the ball was reduced to its original crystal-clear state.

"Sorry," she coughed, sitting upright. "Did not mean to alarm." She held out the garlic necklace. "Go now and take your charm."

"But what was that all a…?"

"Go!" Zecora insisted. "I can do no more for you here. Go now, and be careful, my dear."

Despite the shock she had just received, Fluttershy took the necklace, thanked the zebra and joined Party Favor outside.

"Are you alright?" he pleaded. "I thought I heard screaming! I was just about to barge in there!"

"I'm fine," Fluttershy said as she lifted the necklace over her head. "I…saw a mouse."

"Can we go back to the manor now?" Party Favor asked, glancing nervously up and down the empty candlelit street. "It's getting late and your aunt will be expecting us for dinner…"

"Yes, we can go back now."

He sighed in relief, for this was the best idea she'd had all day.

High above Zebiu, Discord was flying in his bat form, searching the streets and houses for signs of his mare. He was sure she lived here, for it was the nearest town. It was easier to peer into houses as a bat, for they were so common around here that no pony paid any heed.

He was worrying he would never find her, until he heard voices near Zecora's home. Then he saw her and he nearly lost his balance. He perched on a roof to get a better look at her. In the light of the streetlamps, she looked even more beautiful than he remembered.

Then he noticed the unicorn stallion walking beside her and Discord felt a strong pang of jealousy.

Calm down, Discord, he told himself, taking a deep breath. It may not be what you think. He could be her brother, or friend, or servant. After all, no mare in their right mind would be out alone at this hour, especially after meeting you the previous night.

As the mare and her companion continued on their way, Discord followed them and would stop occasionally to watch, debating on whether or not he should approach. He couldn't reveal himself with the stallion there. He could always take his pony form, but he didn't want to win her love under false pretenses. If she were ever to love him, he wanted it to be for him, not how he looked.

He was so deep in thought that he didn't even realize that he was changing back, as his hour was up.

As Fluttershy and Party Favor turned a corner, they came across four stallions wrapped in shabby cloaks huddled against a wall. One stallion, and earth pony with dark stubble around his mouth, looked up at the mare and pleaded in a thick accent:

"Please, domnişoară. We are but poor, hungry stallions. Could you spare a few bits?"

He held out his hoof. Party Favor backed away in hesitance.

"Oh, sure," Fluttershy said, reaching into her satchel. "I can give you a few…"

"Or perhaps," the beggar said, standing up, "you could give us," he took a knife out of his cloak, "all your bits."

Fluttershy and Party Favor shrieked as the other three beggars, who were nearly twice their size, stood up and closed in on them. Before they knew it, they were backed into an alleyway.

Discord was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard his mate scream. He sat up and gasped when he saw the four thieves surrounding her and her companion. Discord's eyes narrowed, his pupils shrinking, steam coming out of his nostrils, hatred and anger bubbling within him.

"Uh…" Party Favor said with a nervous smile. "Can't we work something out? We don't have much!"

"Please!" Fluttershy squealed, grabbing hold of her servant's foreleg. "We'll give you anything!"

"Then hand over the bag, domnişoară," the leader of the thieves smirked, holding out his hoof, "and we'll be on our way."

Fluttershy was about to do just that when out of nowhere, something came between her and the thieves. All she could see was a tall back covered by a black cape, held up by what looked like an eagle claw and a lion paw.

Her blood grew cold as realization dawned on her.

Discord hissed in the thieves' faces, making them jump back and scream. They tried to run, but with a swipe of his claw, Discord willed his cape to fly off his body, wrap up the thieves and throw them against the wall. Party Favor collapsed to the ground in a faint. Fluttershy was frozen in terror.

The thugs quivered in their black blanket as Discord slithered over to them.

"How dare you?" he demanded coldly. "How dare you?!" He lunged at them, placing his paw and claw on either side of their heads. "What gives you the right to threaten a poor, defenseless mare?! A lady!"

"We are sorry!" the leader insisted, shutting his eyes tight. "We…we just want food and there was no other way…"

"Well," Discord snorted, stepping back. "You won't have to worry about hunger anymore."

He opened his mouth and the thieves screamed at the sight of his fangs.


Discord's teeth were just inches from the leader's neck when Fluttershy's voice stopped him.

"Don't hurt them!"

He moved away from the thieves and looked at her in confusion. She was still shivering in fright, but her eyes were bold and pleading. Such a gaze made him feel like he was melting in the sun.

"Don't hurt them?" he repeated. "Don't hurt them?! They tried to harm you! They tried to rob you of your money!"

Fluttershy gulped as she tried to stay brave. "Yes, but…they…they couldn't help it and…what they did was bad but…they…they don't deserve to…die." Tears came to her eyes as she begged him again, "Please?"

He wanted to argue. He wanted to defy her wish, for he truly wanted these thugs to pay for trying to hurt his mare. But when he opened his mouth to protest, he found that he couldn't. No. He couldn't argue with those eyes. Those watery, piteous, innocent eyes.

These vermin had tried to rob her, and yet she wanted them spared. He found her compassion remarkable. Most ponies would choose vengeance over forgiveness, even his servants. It made him admire her even more.

But he couldn't just let these thugs escape so they could tell every pony all they had seen, so he turned back to them with spiraling eyes. He waited until they had all locked gaze with him and their eyes showed that they were under his power. Fluttershy watched in bewilderment.

"Now, listen carefully," Discord said in a low voice. "When I release you, you are going to go as far away from here as possible. Then you will forget this encounter and never steal from any pony ever again. Understood?"

The thieves nodded in unison.


He grabbed the end of his cape and tugged on it, making the thugs spin out of control. Once they had gotten over their dizziness, they raced out of the alley as Discord proudly replaced his cape. His gaze returned to Fluttershy and the mare whimpered as he stalked towards her.

What was he going to do? Had he scared the thieves away just so he could have her for himself? Why else would he save her? Was he going to suck her blood right there in the alleyway, or was he going to whisk her away to someplace more isolated? Was he going to suck her dry or simply bite her?

"Are you alright?"

She was caught off guard by the softness in his voice. He seemed to be looking at her in concern, his claw reaching out but hesitating to touch her.

"Did they hurt you?"

Fluttershy blinked in surprise. He was awaiting her answer, yet she couldn't find her voice. She responded by shaking her head slowly. Discord sighed in relief.

"Thank darkness!" He scowled and clenched his fists. "If they had hurt you, I wouldn't have let them go!"

She became even more confused by this statement. He was a lot different from the creature she had met last night. Instead of being menacing, he was acting almost…protective.

"What is your name?"

She jumped when she realized his face was just inches from hers. His pupils were wide with interest, and he was smiling slightly.

"Please," he demanded softly. "Tell me your name."

Her mind was in such a muddle she couldn't process a word he was saying. It took all her courage to get some words out.

"Who…w-why…y-you…saved me?"

Discord opened his mouth but quickly stopped himself. What should he say? What could he say? That she was his soulmate? That the two of them were destined to be together? That it was his sworn duty to protect her at all costs?

No, she wouldn't understand. If he was ever going to get her to agree to be his mate, he mustn't overwhelm her with talk of fate.

"I, um," he said, straightening up and clearing his throat. "Apologies, domnişoară. You must have so many questions right now. Well, they will all be answered in due time, but for now, I can only assure you that you need not fear me. I mean you no harm whatsoever."

Fluttershy looked as if she didn't believe him. Then he finally noticed the garlic necklace she had on and took a step back.

"Besides," he cringed, "I couldn't harm you even if I wanted to."

She followed his gaze and sighed in relief when she was reminded of the charm around her neck.

"You're lucky I was out here," Discord said. "A pretty young mare such as yourself shouldn't be wandering about at night, even with an escort." He looked down at Party Favor with slight amusement. "Yours didn't seem to be of much help anyway."

Fluttershy then remembered Party Favor and knelt down to his unconscious form. "Oh, poor thing. He's received quite a shock."

Discord felt a mix of admiration and anger at how tender she was being towards the stallion. "Your, um…gentlecolt friend, perhaps?"

"Oh," Fluttershy said, blushing at the thought. "No, no. He's just my servant, or rather my aunt's servant."

Discord's face lit up with a bright smile. "Oh! Well, in that case, since your servant is…incapacitated, may I escort you home, domnişoară? I can carry your servant, if you'd like."

He stepped toward Party Favor. Fluttershy threw herself over the unicorn and looked up at him in horror.

"Don't worry," Discord said, holding up his paw and claw defensively. "I won't hurt him."

She was still skeptical and tried to come up with an excuse. "I…I appreciate the offer but…it…it wouldn't be proper and…what if some pony else sees you?"

Discord smirked and shrank down into his gray unicorn form. He used his new horn to levitate Party Favor onto his back, ignoring Fluttershy's protests.

"Really, domnule, I can manage…"

"Which are you more afraid of, domnişoară?" Discord asked with a raised eyebrow. "A vampire who cannot touch you as long as you wear that necklace, or dangerous, night-lurking thugs who aren't repelled by such charms?"

She could not find an argument. So, keeping a close eye on her unconscious servant, she followed the disguised vampire out of the alley and into the street.

There was a long, awkward silence as Discord kept glancing at Fluttershy, while she kept glancing between him and Party Favor. Eventually, she got up the courage to speak.

"W-Why…why did you let me go?"

He turned and locked eyes with her, getting lost for a moment in their blue-green depths. Again, he hesitated on how much he should tell her. Would she even believe him?

He decided on this safe yet truthful answer: "You are very beautiful."

He couldn't help but smile as he watched the color in her cheeks change. She turned from him, her mane falling over her eye.

"I'm serious," he insisted. "I may be a vampire, but destroying a gorgeous creature like you would be…such a waste."

Fluttershy cleared her throat and stepped to the side, putting some distance between herself and Discord.

"So, uh…you are a draconequus? A vampire who's not made but…born?"

He frowned. "Yes. What…else have you heard about me?"

She bit her lip. "I, uh…I'd rather not say." She turned to him as something else occurred to her. "What you did to those thieves…why…why didn't you do that to me? You spared me but you didn't…make me forget."

She was sharper than he had taken her to be. It was almost as if she suspected there was something he wasn't telling her and was backing him into a corner, forcing him to spill it.

"I…" he gulped. "I wanted you to…remember me."

She cocked her head curiously. "Why?"

"Which way is your house?"

They had gotten to a fork in the road. Fluttershy pointed to the left and they continued on their way.

"Why would you want me to remember you?" she asked again. "I mean you told me not to tell any pony, and I haven't, but…you couldn't have known for sure I wouldn't."

"Where do you live exactly?" Discord quickly inquired.

"Oh. I live in the town square."

"Good. We're almost there."

Fluttershy was only now realizing the danger in letting him know where she lived. Then again, they'd been walking for a while and he hadn't attacked her yet, but that could've just been because of the garlic. His behavior was quite curious, though. Every time she asked him why he had spared her last night or why he had saved her just now, he would hesitate and appear uncomfortable. With every minute, he was becoming less like a menacing vampire and more like a shy school colt.

"Here we are," Fluttershy said when they arrived in the town square.

Discord raised an eyebrow as she trotted toward a grand, purple mansion. "This is your home?"

"I live with my aunt, the Lady Starlight Glimmer."

He stared at her with wide eyes. "The Lady Starlight Glimmer is your aunt? Then that makes you…the Lady Fluttershy."

She stopped in her tracks. "How do you know who I am?"

"Every pony knows who you are," he replied hastily. "You're nobility."

She nodded. "Yes, I suppose you're right. I just didn't expect you to…never mind."

Discord carefully levitated Party Favor off his back and onto the mansion's doorstep.

"Are you going to…make him forget too?" Fluttershy questioned.

"I don't think we have to worry," Discord said with a shrug. "From the shock he received, he'll probably pass me off as a hallucination."

They were silent for a long while.

"Um…" Fluttershy stammered, looking down at her hooves. "Thank you for, um…you know."

"My pleasure," Discord whispered, not taking his eyes off her.

She blushed slightly. "You…you still haven't told me who…"


She turned at her aunt's voice. She could hear her hoofsteps inside, storming to the door. Fluttershy looked back at Discord, but he had vanished, and Party Favor was starting to come to.

"Fluttershy!" Starlight gasped as she opened the door. "Where have you been?! And…what's happened to Party Favor?!"

The stallion groaned as he sat up and rubbed his temple. "Ugh, my head…"

Starlight looked at Fluttershy with wide eyes. "What happened?!"

"Uh…" Fluttershy uttered, glancing around. "We, uh…we ran into some thieves and…"

"Thieves?! Fluttershy, I warned you not to stay out too late! How much did they steal?!"

"Nothing. I mean…Party Favor managed to fight them off but…he got knocked unconscious. I…I couldn't wake him so…I dragged him back."

Her aunt blinked down at the stallion. "You fought off a bunch of thugs?"

Party Favor shrugged. "I guess?"

Discord was hidden on a rooftop, in his true form, watching the scene in amusement. He smiled in awe at Fluttershy's cleverness.

"Fluttershy," he whispered to himself, sighing dreamily.

It was a beautiful name. It sounded like the gentle flap of a butterfly's wing. He couldn't imagine a name that would suit the pretty, delicate mare any better.

But he wouldn't reveal his own name to her. No, not yet. Now that he knew the mare's identity, he had devised the perfect plan to properly get better acquainted with her and to eventually win her favor.

"I'll see you soon, my love," he whispered before changing into a bat and disappearing into the night.

Author's Note:

It's been a tough week, with mid-terms and the impending hurricane (luckily, we're not getting the worst of it here). Also, there was a lot to put in this chapter.

Don't hate me for that Twilight reference. That was just for laughs.

The part where Discord is thinking about Fluttershy in his coffin was inspired by an anonymous poem "There Is a Lady Sweet and Kind."

In case you haven't guessed, the thugs were Caballeron and his henchponies.