• Published 20th Sep 2015
  • 21,886 Views, 1,783 Comments

Precious Blood - DisneyFanatic23

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, their leader being a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a pure heart.

  • ...

It Is Not The Fashion

The first thing Fluttershy noticed the next morning was the scent of burning flesh. Opening her eyes, she saw Discord's eagle arm sizzling across her chest. Discord was sleeping contently beside her, not seeming to notice that he was roasting in the morning light.


"Hmm?" he moaned in response.

Fluttershy wiggled out of his grasp. "The sun!"

"Huh?" he said, snapping up. "What?"

"The sun!" she cried, pointing to the open window.

Looking down at himself, he shrieked. Fluttershy sprang from her bed while Discord ducked beneath the covers. Rapidly, she shut the window and drew the curtains.

"Thank goodness," she said, panting in relief.

"Phew!" Discord heaved, cautiously peering out from under the blankets. "That was a close one! A second longer and I would've been a goner!"

Fluttershy gasped when she saw the various burn marks adorning his face and arms and the charred holes in his shirt.

"Are you alright?" she asked, rushing to him.

"Don't worry about me," he said with a shrug. "I'm a fast healer." He smirked slyly at her. "Though it wouldn't hurt if you kissed and made it all better."

He held out his scorched claw. Grinning, she took it in her hooves and brushed her lips against the wound. Discord sighed in satisfaction.

"You know, I think my lips got the worst of it."

"Discord!" Fluttershy laughed at his puckered lips.

"Fine!" he groaned. "It was my tongue."

She chuckled as she shook her head. "I'm starting to think you're not actually hurt."

"Oh, I am!" he said with a wink. "I'm just taking advantage of the situation!"

Her smile wavered as she examined his injuries.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I…I was just so frightened that…that I'd lost you."

"Hey," he said, ruffling her mane. "You can't get rid of me that easily."

"What are you still doing here anyway? You should've left hours ago!"

He shrugged. "I just couldn't stay away from you, darling."

"Well," she murmured, running her hooves over his scorches. "I don't see how you're going to be able to get home now."

"Looks like I'm stuck here then," he said with a smirk. "What do you think we should do?"

"Well I'm going to have to go to breakfast soon and…"

When she looked up, his eyes were locked on her lips.


Slowly, he raised his claw to her face and gently pulled it towards his.


Coco Pommel's voice alerted them and their heads snapped to the door as the maid knocked on it.

"Are you awake?"

Fluttershy squeaked in panic. "You can't be here!"

"Relax," Discord whispered. "She's not going to come barging in…"

"Domnişoară, is some pony in there?"

"Hide!" Fluttershy hissed.

Discord yelped as he was shoved off the bed and hastened to the wardrobe.

"Ouch!" he cried out as a hanger poked him in the eye. "It's kind of cramped in here!"

"Hush!" Fluttershy pleaded. "Just stay here! I'll get her to leave!"

Shutting the wardrobe, she rushed to the door and smoothed out her skirts before opening it. She greeted the maid with a smile.

"Bună dimineaţa, Coco!"

The earth mare glanced curiously past her mistress. "I thought I heard voices."

"V-Voices?" Fluttershy asked innocently.

"Yes. Something about…hiding?"

"Hiding? Oh, I was…" She stammered as she thought up a quick lie. "I w-was talking to…a bird! Yes! There was a bird at my window and you know how my aunt hates having animals in the house! Oh, please don't tell her I had a bird in here, Coco!"

"Oh!" Coco said, sighing in relief. "Of course not, domnişoară! For a minute I thought you had a…"

"A what?" Fluttershy squeaked, glancing nervously at the wardrobe.

"Oh, never mind. Do you need help dressing for breakfast, my lady?"

"No thank you! I can handle it myself! Thank you though!"

She slammed the door and turned around to see Discord standing over her, making her shriek.

"Can I help you with getting dressed?" he asked mischievously.

Narrowing her eyes, she lightly pushed him aside. "No, you may not!"

"Only kidding!" he said, holding up his paw and claw. "I'll just stand in the corner over there."

And so he did. Once Fluttershy was certain his back was towards her, she went to her wardrobe to fetch her stockings and undergarments.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble I'd be in if any pony knew I had a stallion in my room?" she asked as she slid her black stockings onto her rear hooves.

"I'm not exactly a stallion," Discord said with a shrug.

"You're still a male."

"So? If any pony walked in I could make them forget."

"Suppose they didn't walk in. Suppose they were listening at the door. Suppose my aunt was out there right now!"

"I can hear outside the door. No pony's there."

Turning his head slightly, he glanced over his shoulder.

"No peeking!"

"Sorry!" he said, snapping his head back to the wall.

He heard Fluttershy grunt in frustration.

"Although you could help me with one thing."

"Can I look then?"

"You might as well. I'm decent enough."

He turned around to see her in her undergarments, her hooves struggling to reach the laces of her corset.

"I can never get this thing on properly!"

Fortunately, Discord had the right appendages for this task. Trying not to stare, he went to work on her corset.

"I never fully understood why mares wear these things."

"Auntie Starlight says they," she gasped as he tightened the strings, "keep…our…figure!"

"But you look perfectly fine without one! Besides, the girls tell me they're dreadfully uncomfortable."

"Oh, but it's customary."

"You know what I think?" Discord said, settling his head on her shoulder so she could see his sly grin. "Ditch the corset for the day!"

"I couldn't do that!" Fluttershy said in appalment. "My aunt would notice!"

"What's she going to do? Look down your bodice to make sure you're wearing it?"

She glanced down at the constricting corset. "I don't know…"

"Fine. Who needs to breathe, anyway? I know I don't."

"It is uncomfortable…"

"It's settled then!" Discord piped as he ripped the corset off her body. Feeling exposed, Fluttershy wrapped her hooves around herself. "We'll go crazy today! What's next?"

"Well," Fluttershy said with a gulp. "There's the crinoline…"

He cocked an eyebrow. "The what now?"

She brought a bell-shaped steel cage out of the wardrobe. "It's for the skirt."

"That thing's supposed to go around your waist?" Discord asked, pointing at the cage with wide eyes.

"Mmm-hmm. Then comes the camisole, which goes over the corset, or my chemise in this case, then comes the petticoat which protects the skirt from the hoop…"

"And then comes the dress?"

"No. Then comes another petticoat and then…"

Discord smacked himself in the forehead. "Do you mares dress like this all the time? Even in the summer?!"


He shook his head. "No wonder Rainbow dresses like a stallion!" Decidedly, he held up his paw and claw. "That's it. Under no circumstances am I letting you go out in that deathtrap you call an ensemble!"

With a snap of his talons, a sangria red gown appeared on Fluttershy. Looking down, she realized she felt strangely comfortable, not feeling the usual pinch and scrape of the crinoline. Lifting her skirts, she saw that the cage was gone, yet the dress kept its perfect bell shape.

"What did you do?" she asked in bewilderment.

"It's an illusion," Discord explained giddily. "Now you can be comfortable, yet still fashionable! Though if you ask me, you don't need to dress to impress." He knelt down and murmured sincerely, "You're already impressive as you are."

Touched by this gesture, Fluttershy raised her head towards his. Discord closed his eyes and leaned forward.

"Lady Fluttershy?"

She did not waste a second as she shoved Discord back into the closet, making him shriek.

"Sorry!" she hissed before turning her attention to the door. "Come in!"

The door opened by magic and she was surprised by who entered.

"Count Trenderhoof! W-What are you doing here?"

"I simply came to inquire for you," he said as he casually traced his hoof along her vanity. "We're all waiting for you in the dining room."

"Oh, yes!" Fluttershy said, putting on a smile. "I was just on my way! I just need to choose my jewelry."

Discord pushed the wardrobe open a crack. He couldn't see the count's face, but noticed his brown hoof inspecting Fluttershy's jewelry.

"Perhaps I can help you," Trenderhoof said, eyeing the sun pendant. "Phew!" he heaved, taking out a handkerchief to pat his forehead, which lacked perspiration. "A bit warm today."

Lowering the cloth in his hoof, he inched it cautiously towards the necklace.

"Oh, thank you!" Fluttershy said, snatching up the necklace. "I was looking for that!"

Trenderhoof mentally cursed himself, but forced a grin.

"Oh, you wouldn't mind helping me put this on, would you?"

He recoiled as she held the pendant out towards him, but said through his teeth, "It would be my pleasure, domnişoară."

He used his magic to levitate it around her neck, but even that was a strain on his brain.

"Didn't the Count Discord give this to you?"

"Mmm-hmm," Fluttershy said as she faced him again.

"I see," Trenderhoof said with a nod. "My sister tells me the two of you are a very…congenial towards each other."

"W-What do you mean?"

He took a step towards her. "Sunset tells me that you and the count are…engaged?"

Fluttershy blushed as she stepped back. "No, no. I mean…we've talked about it, but…"

"Oh, but surely you are," he said, still advancing towards her. "After all, you've been alone with him on at least one occasion."

She stiffened. "I…I don't know what you're…"

"I heard from the servants that the other night when you went to visit him, your escorts abandoned you to…well, what the riffraff sneaks off to do all the time, leaving you alone with the count."

Unsure what to say, she gulped.

"I must say, domnişoară, I did not take you for that sort of mare."

Discord clutched the closet door so hard that he pierced the mahogany. That wretched stallion was not only getting awfully close to his beloved, but he was outright calling her a harlot! He was about ready to jump out and slash his throat when Fluttershy's voice stopped him.

"Begging your pardon, your lordship, but it is strange that you should accuse me of fornication, when you were the one who came into my private bedchamber, knowing full well I was alone! I suggest you leave before some pony accuses you of the same crime!"

The hidden draconequus couldn't help but grin with pride at his love's boldness, while Trenderhoof stared at the mare in surprise. Nevertheless, he smiled politely.

"My apologies, domnişoară," he said with a bow. "I shall take my leave now. But before I do, my sister and I were thinking of going into town today, as we have yet to see its sights. Perhaps you would accompany us later for a little tour?"

While Fluttershy still felt insulted, it would be rude to turn down Trenderhoof's invitation, so she did a small curtsy and replied, "It would be my honor, my lord."

Once the count was gone, Discord fell out of the wardrobe and onto the floor with a yelp. He looked up at Fluttershy as she giggled.

"I don't like him."

"Jealous, are we?" she said teasingly.

He stood up and grinned down at her. "Not with the way you handled yourself there! What happened to the frightened little pegasus I met in the woods?"

She shrugged. "I suppose you really are an influence on me." Then she shook her head suddenly. "You can't stay here all day, Discord. Sooner or later, some pony's bound to find out about you. We've got to get you home somehow."

"You may be right." Discord stroked his beard in thought. "Usually in this situation, the girls get the black carriage to shield me from the sun. But I can't do that without some pony seeing me leave the house."

"What if you turned into an animal?" Fluttershy suggested. "What's the smallest thing you can change into?"

"Either a bat or a snake." He gasped. "That's it!"

He explained his plan and Fluttershy agreed that it was the sneakiest way. She went to her writing desk and started on a letter.

"But who should we address this to?" she asked as she slipped the paper into an envelope. "Some pony's sure to ask why I'm writing to one of your servants rather than yourself."

"Oh, just address it to me," Discord said, waving his paw. "One of the girls is bound to open it regardless. Trust me, they're as curious as cats."

Without warning, the door slammed open and Discord whizzed under the bed.

"Fluttershy!" Starlight hollered, holding up a feisty Angel. "What was this doing in the parlor?"

Fluttershy smiled nervously. "He, um…must've snuck out of my room and…"

"If you weren't my niece, I'd have you clean up the mess he made yourself!" She tossed the rabbit into the room. "Just don't let it happen again or he's out!"

The door shut and Angel glared furiously up at Fluttershy and then at Discord when he crawled out from under the bed. The bunny squeaked accusations at the draconequus.

"No, no, Angel!" Fluttershy insisted. "It's not what you think!"

Discord growled to quiet him down.

"Well, I must go now, Discord," she said as she licked the envelope closed. "I'll send this to your castle at once. Just stay hidden until one of the girls comes."

Before she could leave, Discord leaned his paw against the door and smirked. "I'll see you again tonight though, won't I?"

She smiled and brought his face down to give him one last kiss. "Only if you promise not to keep me waiting."

Their eyes didn't leave each other until she was gone, leaving Discord with a furious rabbit.

"So, little Angel Bunny, what do you do for fun around here?"

"Blech!" Sunset gagged as she stepped in a substance of indeterminable origin. "Bullarest is much cleaner than this pigsty!"

She, Trenderhoof, Bulk Biceps and Fluttershy were walking down the streets of Zebiu. Sunset and Trenderhoof had their forelegs entwined, although the latter had offered his to Fluttershy. The unicorn mare's horn was busy as she flapped a fan in her face and held a parasol over her head.

"Well, this is the town square," Fluttershy told them. "This is where many performers come."

Sure enough, the cobblestone square was overrun with dancers, musicians and magicians. Just a few meters away from them a unicorn stallion was playing his guitar while his daughter danced with a tambourine.

"You have so many gypsies here," Trenderhoof said, shaking his head in disgust. "Don't your police have any competence?"

"Romane," Fluttershy murmured.


Fluttershy spoke louder and firmer. "They prefer to be called Romane."

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Let's get out of here before they go for our purses."

"Just a moment."

Fluttershy diverged from her entourage momentarily towards the father-daughter pair. Before Trenderhoof could protest, she tossed three coins into their hat.

"Mulțumim, domnişoară," the Romane mare said with a curtsy. "May Celestia bless you."

"You too," Fluttershy said, holding out her sun pendant to emphasize her sincerity.

"My lady!" Trenderhoof called. "Come back here!"

Returning the dancer's curtsy, Fluttershy trotted back to her companions.

"That was not very wise," the count said, "giving your money to those gypsy thieves."

"They are not thieves," she said. "They earned that money."

"They would've robbed you blind while you were distracted. Gypsies can't be trusted."

"They are Romane, but thank you for your concern. However," Fluttershy said as she showed him her purse, which was still full, "it seems it was not required in this case."

Trenderhoof watched with his mouth agape as the pegasus mare trotted ahead. Bulk was trying to hide his smirk. Sunset made no effort.

"Some pony grew a spine," she said. "I'll give her that."


Fluttershy turned upon hearing her name and saw a familiar face racing up to her.

"Scootaloo!" she greeted, kneeling down to the young filly.

"You remember me?" Scootaloo said.

"How could I forget? You were the one who told me about the…" She glanced around and whispered, "You know."

"I see you're well protected," the filly said, pointing at her necklace. "No vampire's a match for Celestia's power. That might be why they burn up in the…"

Scootaloo grew quiet when Fluttershy's companions approached them, her attention particularly focused on Trenderhoof.

"Is this urchin bothering you, domnişoară?" he said, waving his hoof. "Run along now, little one."

"It's alright, Count Trenderhoof," Fluttershy assured him. "Scootaloo's a friend of mine."

"You know its name?" Sunset exclaimed in appalment.

"Don't be rude." She turned back to Scootaloo. "How have you been?"

"Err, great," the filly stammered, her eyes not leaving the count. "I bought some hot buns with the bits you gave me. I was so hungry though that I ate 'em up right away."

Fluttershy examined her clothes. "Isn't that the same dress you wore last time I saw you?"

"Oh, yeah," Scootaloo said, looking down at herself. "It's the only dress I have. Had to turn it inside-out it was getting so dirty."

"Why don't you just wash it?" Sunset huffed.

The filly narrowed her eyes at her. "I don't even have a bed. You think I have a washboard?"

"Where are your parents?" Fluttershy asked in concern.

She shrugged. "Dad left when I was a bay. Mom died not too long ago. But it's okay, I mean Pony Joe down at the tavern lets me sleep on his floor if I do a little cleaning and stuff, and I get enough bits to eat at least once a day."

The mare's heart ached as she heard this, and opened to the little beggar girl. Fluttershy smiled as an idea occurred to her.

"We simply must get you some new clothes!"

"What?!" Trenderhoof and Sunset gasped.

"Aw, you don't have to do that, domnişoară," Scootaloo said modestly.

"Oh, but it'll be winter soon," Fluttershy insisted, laying a hoof on her shoulder. "You'll need a fresh set of clothes to keep you warm."

The filly grinned hopefully. "You really mean it?"

"You helped me once. Now I'll do something for you."

"Gee. You're real nice."

"Domnişoară," Trenderhoof said with a nervous laugh, "I must urge you to reconsider! This gypsy…"

"Is but a poor, starving filly!" Fluttershy finished firmly. "The least we can do is get her something proper to wear!"

Scootaloo glanced anxiously at the trio. "They're…coming with us?"

"Don't worry about them. They're good ponies." She looked back at them. "You don't mind coming along, do you?"

Trenderhoof had his reservations, but nevertheless he put on a smile. "If it is that important to you, my lady, then we shall help you with this…charity case."

"Good. Come on, Scootaloo. The boutique's not far from here."

"Boutique?" Scootaloo said. "Hey, I'm all for getting new clothes, but don't go turning me into a lady! Oh, it works for you Fluttershy, but it's just not me!"

Fluttershy chuckled. "I'm sure we can find something suitable for your taste."

She led the filly down the street while her guests reluctantly followed.

"Are we seriously doing this?" Sunset whispered to Trenderhoof.

"With Count Discord as our competition," he replied in a murmur, "we need to win her favor any way we can."

"I don't trust that filly, not just because she's a gypsy. Didn't you see that look she gave us? She suspects something. Those horrid gypsies always do. Plus she's wearing garlic."

"Don't worry. If she becomes suspicious, I'll send the Dazzlings after her tonight. Unless you'd rather have her, darling."

She snorted. "I don't go for the taste of filthy gyp—hey!" She cried out as a mare bumped into her and kept moving. "Watch where you're going, insolent peasant!"

Rolling her eyes, the mare mumbled, "Overindulgent aristocrat."

Sunset snapped around. "What did you call me?!"

"Let it go, darling," Trenderhoof said, holding her back. "She's not worth our time."

She hadn't seen the peasant's face, for it was mostly hidden behind her violet kerchief. Twilight had already forgotten the rude noblemare she had run into, for she was too focused on her task. She had been quite annoyed upon receiving Fluttershy's letter dictating that Discord had accidentally slept in at her mansion. How could her master have been so careless?

It did, however, give her the opportunity to see Zecora.

She knocked on the witch's door, quickly so the hanging garlic would not sting her.

"Come in, my dear," said the zebra's voice. "I am in here."

Being granted her invitation, Twilight opened the door and found Zecora at her table, stringing garlic bulbs into a necklace.

"I'm guessing you heard about the new vampire coven in town."

The zebra looked up at her and nodded. "I know all your methods and styles. The recent deaths fit none of your profiles. Have you come to assure me of this? Or is there something else amiss?"

"Two things, actually," Twilight said, coming forward but refusing to sit near the wretched bulbs. "First, I tried the locator spell you taught me to find the Sirens who, by the way, are part of this visiting coven, but I get nothing more than a blurry image."

"That was expected," Zecora said. "You are affected, skilled though you are, by your thoughts, which muddle your mind, giving you squat. Something has created distraction, and prevented the extraction of what you desire to know. But what did your vision show?"

The unicorn cringed. "That's the other thing. I think I've been cursed."

Zecora cocked her head. "A vampire who is…cursed? You think you are the first?"

"I mean besides the obvious! I think some pony's put a spell on me! This vampire I met in the woods has been giving me these dreams!"

"Dreams?" the zebra said, her eyebrows rising.

"Erotic dreams! Unnatural dreams! They're more like nightmares, actually!"

"Did you not tell me that all dreams are absent, till the vampire meets the one for whom they are meant?"


Zecora smiled. "Then there is your solution. No reason for confusion."

"No, no, no!" Twilight exclaimed, slamming her hoof on the table. "You don't understand! The vampire I keep dreaming about is a mare!"

The zebra's grin disappeared and she was silent.

"It has to be a spell! She's toying with me! Why? I don't know! Maybe she doesn't want me finding her singing friends and is trying to distract me!"

"Or perhaps, if I am not mistaken, that the dreams have been awakened by the meeting of this mare." Zecora smirked slyly. "And she is the one with whom you must share…"

"Wait," Twilight said, stiffening at the witch's look. "Oh no. No, no, no! You can't be suggesting that she and I…"

The zebra shrugged. "Why should I question the workings of Fate? We have no control over who is our true mate."

The vampire stared at her and then laughed. "Oh, I get it! You're joking! Did she talk you into this? Or is this your own doing?" Her laughter died when Zecora did not immediately confess. "No. Just…no! There is no way that me and her…that she and I are…she's a mare for crying out loud!"

"Twilight Sparkle, you must accept the path that's given. Surely you can see that you are driven to…"

She grabbed the front of the zebra's dress and pulled her across the table. Her eyes were reddening as they pierced through the witch's soul.

"I am not destined to be with a mare! I'm not destined to be with anybody! I thought I was, but the love of my life was slain before we could be together! Even if I'm meant to love again, it would not be with a mare! Especially not her!"

Her hooves were sizzling, and Twilight had to let the witch go when she finally noticed her garlic necklace. Greatly insulted, Zecora sat back down with a huff.

"You are so caught up in the past, although your future is bright and vast, that you refuse to move forward, and as a result heading toward a path of death and destruction. Don't fall prey to this seduction."

"I won't," Twilight growled. "Which is I'm not going to give into Phoenix's tricks. She's not going to stop me from finding and destroying the Sirens."

The zebra shook her head sadly. "So young, so hurt. It's not too late to divert from this endless and dangerous road. Unfortunately, I am not the one to goad."

The unicorn groaned in annoyance. "Thanks for nothing."

Turning on her hoof, she stomped out of the witch's hut, even more frustrated than she was before she came.

"Oh, domnişoară!" Sassy Saddles exclaimed when Scootaloo came out from behind the screen. "It is so you!"

The filly, who was now all nice and clean, gazed down unsurely at her ensemble, which was a dark blue velvet gown decorated with lace.

"Ugh, it's so itchy!" she said, tugging at the collar and looking up at Fluttershy. "Do you rich mares really wear this stuff all the time?"

Fluttershy grinned awkwardly. "Apparently so."

"Sorry, lady," Scootaloo said to the dressmaker. "It's nice and all, but it's not really…me. Plus I'm not really a fan of blue."

"But this isn't blue!" Sassy insisted. "This is zaffre!"

The filly blinked. "Is that even a word?"

"Perhaps we should find something simpler," Fluttershy suggested.

"But this is the latest fashion!" said the unicorn.

"I don't wanna be fashionable," Scootaloo snorted. "I just wanna keep warm! And not be scratching my skin all the time."

Sassy Saddles rolled her eyes. "I'll see if I have anything in the back."

Even though she hadn't asked, the filly followed her into the workshop. She gasped when she saw a particular gown on a mannequin, looking just her size.

"What about that one?"

Sassy looked at the gown in question. "That? That dress is incomplete. We still have to pin the pattern down."

"Can I try it on?"

"But it isn't finished…"

"Please?" Scootaloo begged, opening her eyes as widely and pleadingly as she could.

While the filly's gaze did not sway her, Sassy could not deny that the customer was always right, so she allowed her to try it on.

"Thank you for helping me with this," Fluttershy told the dressmaker while Scootaloo changed.

"It is nothing," Sassy said with a bright smile. "I'm always willing to help with the less fortunate."

"And thank you for letting her use your bathing tub."

"Yes, well, can't get dirt on the gowns now, can we?"

"It's a perfect fit!" Scootaloo exclaimed as she hopped out from behind the screen.

She did a twirl to show off the gown. It was orange, darker than her fur, and though it was simple with no intricate pattern, Fluttershy had to admit it suited her. Sassy led the filly to the mirrors and she spun around to observe herself from all angles.

"I love it!" she said, running her hooves along the fabric. "What's this made of? It's soft."

"It's just plain cotton," Sassy replied.

"It's warm too! It's perfect! Can I wear it out?"

"Certainly. Lady Fluttershy, you can pay up front."

When the dressmaker left, Fluttershy took a moment to watch Scootaloo. She looked so happy in her new dress and was probably feeling like a new princess. The thought made her smile. But she also seemed agitated. She was looking back at Fluttershy's companions, who were browsing through the shop, keeping a safe distance from the mirrors.

"Domnişoară," Scootaloo whispered.

"You can call me Fluttershy, sweetie," the mare assured her.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

The filly gestured for her to come closer and lowered her voice further. "Those three ponies, they are not what they seem."

"Oh," Fluttershy giggled, knowing who she was referring to. "Don't mind them. They may not be the most agreeable ponies, but they are harmless."

"That's just the thing. I get this weird feeling when I'm around them. They can't be trusted."

"It's alright, Scootaloo. I know they are a bit…prejudiced, but I'll make sure they stay polite."

"No, you don't get it! They're not even…"

"My lady!" Trenderhoof called. "Doamnă Saddles here is wondering when you're going to pay."

"I'll be right there!" Fluttershy took Scootaloo's hoof. "Come on. Let's pay for your dress so we can get lunch."

Scootaloo was about to protest, but she could feel Trenderhoof's suspicious gaze on her. It wouldn't be wise to warn Fluttershy while he and his posse were around. Their hearing was too sharp. Did he recognize her from the tavern? Was he aware of what she had witnessed? Did he suspect that she knew what he was?

Fluttershy would be safe as long as she wore the charm, but Scootaloo figured she herself should take refuge with Zecora tonight. No home was better protected than hers.

"Ha!" Discord said as he slammed down his cards to reveal two kings and three queens. "Royal flush! Beat that!"

Angel smirked and dropped his four aces into view.

"What?! But how…? I was cheating too!"

The rabbit let out a series of sharp squeaks, as if he were snickering. Discord narrowed his eyes.

"I demand a rematch, you little devil!"

But he paused when he heard voices coming down the hall. Angel, with his keen rabbit ears, heard them too.

"You sure you'll find your earring in here, domnişoară?" said a voice which Discord recognized to belong to the maid who had come earlier.

"Lady Fluttershy specifically said in her letter that she had left it on her vanity table," said a more familiar voice which was Twilight's.

"Quick!" Discord whispered hastily to Angel. "Spread the cards around so it looks like you were making mischief!"

The rabbit huffed at the idea of him getting into trouble, but seeing that there was no other alternative, he began making a mess of their game while Discord slid under the bed.

"I'll just be a minute," Twilight said as the door was opened.

"Oh, goodness!" Coco gasped when she saw Angel in the middle of the card pile. She rushed to pick up the bunny. "What is the matter with you today, Angel? First that mess in the parlor and now this?"

"You know how playful animals can be," Twilight said as she pretended to search the vanity. "Hmm, I can't seem to find my earring."

"It must be on the floor somewhere," the maid said as she struggled to keep the rabbit still. "Silly Angel could have knocked it over."

"Yes, good idea!"

Twilight scanned the floor until she came to the bed. When she was certain Coco wasn't looking, she set down her basket. A red snake with yellow eyes, whom she knew to be her master, slithered inside, concealing himself beneath a white cloth. Smiling, Twilight picked up the basket and then withdrew from it a pearl earring.

"Found it!" she said, showing it to the maid. "I'll just let myself out."

"Take care, domnişoară!" Coco called before scolding the rabbit. "You're going to get me sacked one of these days!"

As Twilight trotted down the hall, she glanced around and lifted the basket to her eyelevel.

"That was very reckless of you, Master! You could've been caught!"

Discord poked his scaly head out. "But I didn't."

"And to be in Fluttershy's bedchamber all night! It's just shameful!"

"Oh please, we didn't do anything!" He paused. "Alright so maybe we kissed a lot but we didn't go any further than that!"

"Nevertheless, you need to be more careful! If this happens again, I might not be able to come to your…"

She stopped suddenly, her eyes going wide. Looking all around, she sniffed the air.

"What is it?" Discord asked.

"Strange," she muttered. "I thought I…" She shook her head. "Never mind. Let's just get back to the castle before your transformation wears off."

After lunch and a trip to the marketplace, Fluttershy and Scootaloo parted ways at the town square. Trenderhoof, Sunset and Bulk were waiting a few meters away, the count keeping a close eye on the filly.

"You sure this is enough?" Fluttershy asked as Scootaloo examined the burlap sack of food.

"It's more than enough! I won't go hungry again! Well, at least for a week."

Scootaloo now wore her new gown and a purple shawl which Fluttershy had also bought for extra warmth. She still had her red kerchief to cover her head and her garlic necklace. She made a mental note to get a fresh one from Zecora later.

"You've been awfully nice to me, Fluttershy," she said sweetly.

"I wish there was more I could do for you," Fluttershy said sadly. "But Auntie wouldn't allow me to take you home."

"Aw, I'll be okay. I still got my corner at the tavern."

"But should you need anything else, anything at all, my house is over there."

Scootaloo gawked at the house she was pointing to. "That really big mansion?! I knew you were rich, but gosh!"

"Yes. Just knock on the door and ask for me."

"Sure thing, and should you ever be in a fix, just whistle like this!"

Putting her hoof in her mouth, she blew out a long shriek.

"I'll remember," Fluttershy said with an amused smile.

The filly's face then grew serious as she glanced nervously at Trenderhoof's crew. "You be careful, okay Fluttershy?" She pointed to her sun pendant. "Keep this close to you, even when you sleep."

"Don't worry about me, Scootaloo. I'm worried about you. Will you be getting enough food?"

"Hey, I'm used to being on the streets, even when Mom was alive."

The mare frowned in concern. "How old are you, Scootaloo?"

"Ten. Eleven in a few weeks."

This surprised Fluttershy. The girl was so small. She hadn't taken her to be any older than eight.

"Well," Scootaloo said with a shrug, "I best be off. Thanks for all your help, Fluttershy. This was the best day ever!" She surprised the mare again with a hug. "If I had a new mom, I'd want her to be just like you!"

Fluttershy was touched by this statement and happily returned Scootaloo's embrace. It was a warm feeling, holding the filly in her hooves. The poor thing was so small, so dear. Fluttershy wanted to take her home and ensure that she was properly taken care of, if her aunt wasn't so against Romanes.

"See you around?" Scootaloo said as she drew away.

"Yes," Fluttershy said, waving. "See you! And take care of yourself!"

"I will!"

Casting one last cautious glance at Trenderhoof, the filly galloped off and Fluttershy returned to her companions.

"You have a way with children, I see," Trenderhoof observed.

"I…hadn't really thought about it," Fluttershy said, looking back to where Scootaloo had gone.

"Great," Sunset grunted. "Now that the urchin's gone, can we please go back to the house? All this charity work's making me nauseous."

As they walked back to the mansion, Fluttershy's thoughts lingered on her day with Scootaloo. She had never spent much time with foals, having been cooped up in Starlight's mansion all her life. Clothing and feeding Scootaloo hadn't been that different from taking care of Angel, only she had been able to talk back. She was a delightful little filly and for a moment, Fluttershy had felt like a mother.

That was when she came to a startling realization. She had never been quite certain of what she wanted, like whether or not she wanted to get married as her aunt so desired. Even with her recent relationship with Discord, she hadn't been sure if marriage was something she wished to pursue. Now she wanted something, something that most mares yearned for at her age, something that, upon reflection, could be problematic.

She wanted foals.

Author's Note:

Bună dimineaţa = "Good morning" (can't remember if I've done that one already)

I had to look up how Victorian women dressed. Not sure how that would work for ponies actually.