• Published 27th Sep 2015
  • 3,531 Views, 159 Comments

Button's Date With Silver Spoon - TheOneAJ

I'm on a date with the 2nd most popular girl in school, and I don't want to be.

  • ...

Chapter 10, Cool as Ice

I’d say the worst part of that class hour wasn’t how many times I got hit in the head by spit-wads, or the ever looming gloom that Tray and his friends seemed to cast on me. Instead, the worst part was knowing that Silver Spoon felt as if she couldn’t walk into class without ridicule and that she was too scared to deal with the stress our date had caused her.

For a moment, I considered just ending whatever I had with Silver Spoon, thinking that was the kinder option. Even if she was hurt, at least it would have meant she wouldn’t become a target of her friends.

I bit my pencil as the time ticked by, waiting for the bell to ring or for Silver Spoon to respond.

Then, right at the end when we were given free time to study, my phone vibrated, and I got a message from her.

‘Free to hang out tonight? Maybe help me out for a test?’

Sweetie Belle held her chin as she looked at the text. “Guess she just wanted your brains after all.”

I shot a glance at her. “Sweetie! I—”

Her face was fighting back a smirk before she realized I thought she was serious. “Oh, I mean… Hey, I’m done with that!” She sighed dreamily. “I do remember all those nights I helped Scootaloo with her math homework before we became a couple.” She giggled.

I shook my head. “Yeah, well, in all seriousness Sweetie, I’m worried about her.” I looked at Tray, who saw me and gave me a glare.

I turned back to Sweetie Belle.

“Hey, he’s a jerk,” she assured, “and Silver Spoon clearly likes you, and that’s all that should matter.”

I sighed. “Yeah, she is something.”

Going back to the text, I sent Silver Spoon, ‘Sure, want to come over to my place? Any ideas on how we shall get there if you have a car and I have a bike?’

She responded, ‘I’ll take care of it, just meet me by the vending machines after class?’

I answered, ‘Sure.’ Knowing that they were on the far side of the school by the locker rooms, where people like Tray and Silvers friends would not be.

The bell rang shortly after.

“Want me to tag along?” Sweetie Belle offered as we held our seats, waiting for Tray and his friends to leave.

“I think I’ll be fine.” I looked behind myself, only to see Tray and his friends still seated, staring at us. “Besides, weren’t you and Scootaloo going to do something tonight?”

“Not necessarily...”

I raised a eyebrow. “Your family getting any more used to the idea of you dating Scootaloo?

She leaned into her seat. “I guess. Mom and Rarity seemed to be interested in Scootaloo last night. Dad… well, he just doesn’t talk a lot. Then again, he wasn’t too thrilled when Rarity started dating either, so you never know.”

“Indeed," I nodded my head to the back, "and I’m pretty sure they’re waiting for me to leave.”

Sweetie Belle frowned, then leaned in towards me and whispered, “On three, you make a dash for it, I’ll block their path, get to Silver Spoon.”

“Oh, um… okay.” I smiled. “Thanks.”

She gripped onto her backpack. “Don’t thank me yet. Ready? 1…2…3!”

Being smart, I didn’t run towards the door, but I quickened my pace to put as much distance between me and Tray’s friends as possible before they got past Sweetie Belle. Though, how she was supposed to stop them was anyone’s guess, all I cared about was getting to Silver Spoon.


I found her hunched behind the vending machine, phone in hand, fidgeting between having the phone on and off. Once she saw me, she put it away, jumped up, then pulled me into her hiding spot with a hug.

“Are you alright?” I asked hugging back

“No.” she pulled away and straightened her glasses. “I… grr! I’m such a coward.”

I put a hand on her elbow. “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. To be honest, I was a little scared to walk into chemistry myself.”

She lowered her head. “I know. I’ll come clean soon but,” she placed her hand on her elbow, “just for a little while?”

I sighed. “Alright, but if I may, I think we should get going. Sweetie Belle’s holding off Tray, so we don’t have a lot of time.”

“Yeah,” she grabbed my arm and pulled, “we should head out.”

With a burst of speed, we made our way out the back of the school.

“Well look who’s looking cute today?” Someone said before we could get halfway across the parking lot.

Faces cringed, we turned to see Diamond Tiara, phone in hand, snickering at us.

I could feel Silver Spoon’s hand shaking.

“Ugh, what do you want?” I challenged. “Don’t you have a crown to make sure your inflated head will fit?”

Diamond Tiara's face began to boil. “Well, at least I’m not the, cool one.” She began to laugh.

Before I could think of something else to say at whatever that was suppose to mean, I was hit by a cold, wet mass of ice water.

Screaming as some of the water hit her, Silver Spoon’s pulled away from me. We then looked behind us, were two large guys were laughing their asses off as more and more students, most of them popular kids, gathered.

“Oh wow,” Diamond Tiara said, laughing the loudest, “that took a lot longer than Sil and I planned, but it was so worth it.”

I rubbed my eyes several times. “Wha—”

“Button,” I heard Silver Spoon plea, “don’t listen to them. I didn’t—”

I opened my eyes to see Tray’s arm wrapped around Silver Spoon’s waist, already starting to squeeze on her ass.

“It’s alright, babe,” he said, “we got him, you can drop the act.”

Tears began to streak down her face as she fought his touch. “I swear, Button, I did—”

She never got a chance to finish. I had already rushed forward, and gave Tray a fierce right uppercut that sent him to the ground.

Nobody spoke after that. Even Tray seemed a little stunted by what had just happened as he laid on the ground.

Eventually, Tray picked himself up, and I began to back off as he looked at me.

“Yeah, whatever, retard.” He reached for Silver Spoon’s hand.

She slapped it away, then looked at me.

Anger rising, I took a deep breath, then reached my hand out to her. “Come on, we better get to my place if we want to get my notes dry for our study date, don’t you agree, Silver?” I gave her a wink and a smile.

She stared at me, baffled, but wasted no time in taking my hand.

“You know what,” she took a deep, long, breath, “boyfriend,” everyone else gasped, “let’s get going.”

We started to walk away, only to have Diamond Tiara block out path.

“You can’t be serious?” Diamond Tiara challenged.

Silver Spoon adjusted her glasses. “More so than I have ever been. Now if you’ll excuse us.”

We pushed past her friends and made it to the car, when Diamond Tiara shouted, “Fine, whatever, you slut!”

I glared at her.

Then Silver Spoon’s hand tightened around mine.

"Can we please just go?" she asked me.

I nodded. "Sure thing.” But before we did, i turned to the judgmental crowd. “What? If you have nothing better to do with your lives than to make fun of people in order to feel better, that’s fine, go ahead! I got better things to do with mine.”

We reached Silver Spoon's car, and we hopped inside.

“You’re making a big mistake!” Tray said as his hand gripped the car door.

“Scratch it and you’re paying for it.” Silver warned him.

He backed off and Diamond Tiara moved in. “Hey, this was all your idea.” The car powered on. “If you want to waste weeks of planning just to run off with poindexter here and throw away everything we’ve worked for, go ahead, and don’t think I’ll miss you! I don’t need you!” For a moment, I caught a tear running down Diamond Tiara’s face.

Silver Spoon shook her head at her then looked away. “Really? Weeks? It was one night, and all I did was make sure you wouldn’t ruin my date.”

We pulled away, while Diamond Tiara’s mouth hung open.

“Fine!” the diva shouted as we pulled away. “Just don’t think you’ll be invited to parties anymore!” We drove as Diamond Tiara said that, the school disappearing in the distance. Soon, it became my wet backpack, Silver Spoon, the road, and I.

“Are you okay?” She asked, still a little shakey.

“I’m fine,” I began to rummage my bag. “Doesn’t seem like anything got badly soaked,” I looked up at the streets. “Take a right here.”

She made the turn.

I sighed and looked at her with a small smile. “I thought you were incredible back there.”

She slammed her foot on the pedal at the next stop sign. “You do? Well, I didn't know you had that in you with Tray.”

"Neither did I," I said while my fist started to feel sore. "Guess I take on from action hero's.

She giggled then started at the road. “Though I’m pretty sure I’ve just committed social suicide and I’ll never be able to go to school again.”

I rubbed her shoulder. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ll beg for your forgiveness tomorrow.”

We pulled up to my house, and just sat

I stared at her for a bit before I said, “Um, Silver?”


I put my fingers between her's. "I'm sorry if I ever had any doubt in you, but now, you have my complete trust. Thanks for not humiliating me back there when you had the chance."

She processed it for a bit, before saying, “Button, I… did I mention you’re amazing?”

I shrugged. “You could do it more often.”

She narrowed her eyes, then lightened my mood with a laugh. “Alright, so, I um…” she began to fidget with her hair. “I guess it’s time to meet your mother?”

I nodded. “Oh yeah.” My eyes widened. “I mean, I guess I should let her know.” I went to my phone, and sent her a message. “Mind if we wait here for a bit?” I squeezed her hand. “and, um, I wouldn’t mind if we kissed again.”

She looked down and blushed heavily. "Sure, if you’re okay with it.”

I nodded. “I am, you’re my girlfriend after all.”

Her head snapped towards me. “Girlfriend, huh?”

My face flushed. “I mean, I guess, um—”

My phone binged.

‘Sure thing, I’ll be home in a while. No funny business ;)’

I chuckled at that, assuming she was being funny and turned back to Silver Spoon. “She says we can go in, assuming we don’t try anything funny.”

She rolled her eyes, and began to exit before I grabbed her arm. “Though… would you like to be my girlfriend, officially?”

While there were still a few things I was sure I would have to deal with down the line, I knew now that I wanted to be with Silver Spoon.

“Of course,” she said , and then booped my nose, “after all that, of course I want to be, my brave little boyfriend.” She gave me a kiss. “Now come on, I want to relax my beating you in a few Brothersmack rounds.”

I was smiling dumbfounded, then it hit me what she called me and I chased after her. “Hey! It is so on!”

She laughed all the way into the house.

Author's Note:

wow, November has flown by. Not sure if i'll be able to get this fic completed by then, if for no other reason than because I don't want to push my pre-readers to hard, I still hope to have the rough draft done by then, so expect a lot more chapters soon