• Published 27th Sep 2015
  • 3,531 Views, 159 Comments

Button's Date With Silver Spoon - TheOneAJ

I'm on a date with the 2nd most popular girl in school, and I don't want to be.

  • ...

Chapter 6; A Real Date?

“Hey, wait up!” Rumbled called, racing to keep up. “I don’t see why any of this would be a bad thing, I mean, what am I missing?”

“It’s s’okay,” Apple Bloom patted his shoulder, “I’m just as lost too.”

I groaned. “I said someplace private.”

They nodded, and I just kept moving forward, with my hands in my pockets.

While I wished Rumble hadn’t tagged along, I found that there was no way out of it. Apple Bloom had demanded answers for me asking Silver Spoon out, and nothing I did could get Rumble to leave. Not that I knew of a lot of nice ways to say 'go away,' but I still wished I didn’t have to tell him of all people.

“Um, sure,” Rumble said rather nervously, “though, you’re starting to worry me here, dude.”

Scootaloo shot him a mean stare. “You know, no one asked you to come along!”

“Scoots!” Apple Bloom said.

Scootaloo stepped back, and Sweetie Belle caught her. “I’m, um…”

“It’s okay,” Sweetie Belle whispered into her ear as she slipped a hand into her’s.

Scootaloo smiled as Rumble’s eyes widened.

“Wait a minute!” He pointed at them, “You two—OW!”

Apple Bloom pulled her arm back. “Sorry, but I have a feeling they don’t want that public.”

The girls pulled apart and blushed brightly as they tried to avoid contact.

“Okay, Rumble,” I explained, “do you really want to tag along? Seriously, you don’t have to.”

Rumble threw his hands in the air. “Come on! Really, Button?” He walked up to me. “I’m your friend, and this is a big deal for you.” He placed his hands on his head. “I won’t tell anyone, promise, but will you just trust me?”

Trust, I cringed at the word.

It wasn’t as if I couldn’t trust people. I just had a hard time with it. While I had been able to tell Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo about my asexuality, that was because Sweetie Belle had trusted me with something personal already. For that matter, I’d worked with Sweetie Belle before, and I…


“Yeah, Button, aren’t we ya’ll friend?” Apple Bloom asked.

I looked up at all four of them. They were looking at me with wide smiles and worried eyes before I realized we were all about to hang out outside of school together. By definition, once I stepped outside the school parking lot, we’d all be hanging out. We’d no longer just be acquaintances.

“I…” we’d reached the edge of the parking lot, and I sighed as we crossed over. “Sure.”

“I promise not to tell, whatever this is all about,” Rumble encouraged.

I nodded. “Yeah, and,” I smiled at him, “thanks.”

“My pleasure. Now, would you please tell me why you don’t seem pleased to be on a date with Silver Spoon?”

I laughed. “Well, all joking aside, and apart from how mean she is, the thing is…”


“So,” Rumble began as he sipped on his soda in my living room. “You’re asexual. Yet, before you found out, your doctor told you to tell a single girl she’s attractive, who happened to be Silver Spoon? Then you helped Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo get together. Then, when Diamond Tiara almost forced them into the open, you asked Silver Spoon out to humiliate yourself to drawn attention away from them? And she said yes?”

I nodded. “Pretty much.” I sipped on my tea, “It’s been one of those weeks for me.”

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow as she patted Charlie’s head. “So, this happens often?”

“What?” I said. “No, I was… Never mind, the joke failed.”

While sitting backwards in her seat, Scootaloo said, “Right, so now that we got these two caught up and in an oath of silence, can we talk about what we’re going to do about Silver Spoon?”

Sweetie Belle sat her juice done and glared. “What do you mean?”

Scootaloo explained. “I mean, isn’t it obvious? Clearly the only reason she didn’t just embarrass him then and there was because she wants to set him up and humiliate him on the date.”

Apple Bloom rubbed her head. “Really, Scoots?”

Sweetie Belle huffed and crossed her arms. “I’m sure she’s—”

“She’s right,” I said, leaning back and sipping on my tea. “Though, I do give Silver Spoon credit for putting a good act.”

Sweetie Belle stared at me. “Button–”

“Sweetie, it’s okay,” I placed my hands behind my head and leaned back into the couch. “I mean, I wished she’d just get it over with, but I don’t mind. Besides as long as the attention is drawn away from you two, then I've done my job. After all, it's not like I won't be expecting her to haze me.” I looked up at them, darting back and forth from there various forms of confused expressions. “What?”

“You’re not serious?” Scootaloo said.

“I think he is.” Apple Bloom added.

Sweetie Belle's hands met her lips. “Button, no! You’ve done so much already!”

“What’s he going to do, turn her down?” Rumble pointed out. “Fake or not, if he didn’t show up, he’d just look like the bad guy by standing her up.”

Apple Bloom raised a finger. “Well that’s a… good point.”

He chuckled. “Thanks, I can be smart from time to time, you know.”

Apple Bloom giggled.

I shook my head. “Yeah, else I…” my stomach began to churn.

Since I didn’t care, I hadn’t worried about the date. Now, thanks to Rumble pointing out that little detail, I saw I really had no choice now. If I stood up Silver Spoon, I would look like the bad guy, so there was really no way out.

“I don’t like this,” Sweetie Belle murmured, “he shouldn’t have to do it if he doesn’t want to.”

I raised my head up. “Sweetie, I… well, I want to do this.”

“You do?” they all said in unison, even Rumble.

“Well… yeah,” I nodded, and put on a smile. “Okay, maybe not with Silver Spoon, but look at it this way; This might be the only time I ever get to go on a date. Sure, it might not last long, but this way, no matter what happens to me, I can say that I at least tried while in high school.”

Scootaloo grinned evilly. “Oh yeah, and then, like, when she eggs you, you can be like, ‘meh, I saw this coming, and I was like, expecting more. Then we can egg her!”

Sweetie Belle crossed her arms and shook her head. “Remind me again why I’m in love with you?”

Scootaloo began to count on her fingers. “Because I’m hot, confident, we’re the best of friends, you lov… Wait! What?”

Sweetie Belle’s face glowed bright red. “Um, I mean… eep! Wait, no, I…I…”

“Just make out already!” Rumble teased.

Apple Bloom rewarded him with a punch to the shoulder. “Can’t you be mature for once?”

Rumble rubbed his shoulder. “Hey, I’ll have you know, I have to babysit my cousins at least once a week. So I can be mature!”

Apple raised her eyebrow. “Yeah, and Ah have to work on a farm every day!”

In another conversation, Scootaloo explained to Sweetie Belle. “Anyways, I’m not saying we should stoop to her level, but a tub of ice-water in the right place—”

Sweetie Belle huffed and turned her back on Scootaloo. “I can’t believe you!”

Scootaloo stomped her foot. “Oh, look at you, acting so proud, when you know you want to use Button to get revenge on Silver Spoon just as much as I do.”

Sweetie Belle gasped. “I don’t like Silver Spoon either! But I don’t want to—”

“Oh, you’re softer than a marshmallow, you know that, right?” Scootaloo challenged.

Sweetie Belle’s mouth twisted. “Take that back!”

At the same time, Apple Bloom and Rumble were going at it.

“I’m not saying farm work is easy.”

Apple Bloom crossed her arms. “Ya just did.”

Rumble rubbed his head. “Fine, but it can’t be that hard.”

Apple Bloom snickered. “Yeah, ya’ll wouldn’t last one day with your, itty bitty gamer arms.”

He flexed an elbow. “I can lift a bundle of hay.”

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. “It’s called, a bushel.”

Sweetie Belle’s and Scootaloo’s conversation was going less than well.

“Marshmallow, marshmallow.”

“Ugh,” Sweetie Belle moaned, “ever since we started dating, you’ve been acting cocky.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Like when?”

“How about last night when you tried to impress me by telling those guys to bug off when they walked by.”

Scootaloo began to sweat. “They were trying to hit on us! Besides, you liked it.”

Sweetie Belle began to blush.

Scootaloo snickered. “Knew it.”

Sweetie pouted, “But it was still rude and—”

“Um, guys?” I said.

They all stopped and looked at me, I shrank back into my seat. Was this what having friends was like? It made me question if this was even worth it, until Scootaloo sighed and turned to Sweetie Belle.

With a sigh, she said, “Alright, so maybe I acted a bit immature.”

Sweetie Belle crossed her arms. “A bit?”

Scootaloo huffed. "Or a lot..."

Sweetie Belle giggle. “It’s okay.” She ran a hand across Scootaloo’s cheek. “Maybe I was a bit too sensitive as well.”

Rumble grinned at the sight, before he quickly looked back to me and said, “Right, sorry Button, you were saying?”

I blinked. “Um, well, I…” I shook my head. “Okay, so back to my date with Silver Spoon, and… well, I guess the reason I have you guys here is… How do you do a date?”

They looked quizzically at me for a moment, before Rumble stood up. “Well first off, from my experience—”

“And what experience is that?” Apple Bloom teased.

Rumble glupped. “Well, um,” he sat down next to me and wrapped an arm around me, “So what do you want to know?”

Charlie picked his head off of Apple Bloom's lap and growled.

“Charlie, easy, it’s okay,” I assured him, “these are my… friends,” I sighed, then looked up at them with a smiled. “Well, alright, if you guys really want to help, what's the first thing you should do once the date starts?”


“Do I really need different cloths just for a date?” I asked while we sat around my game station.

It had been an hour. By then, we hadn’t really done much about the date. My friends agreed to tag along wherever we went to be there for me if the worst happened. Though, Scootaloo insisted we wouldn’t get past the parking lot. Throughout it all, I began to have a panic attack. So we switched. Instead to play some first person shooter games.

Problem was, I only own two controllers, so only two of us could play. So, for the moment, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were going at it. While Sweetie Belle, Rumble and I were discussing what I should wear.

Rumble clasped his hands together. “Button, I don’t mean to offend you, but you don’t have a history of wearing the best clothes.”

“Okay, so I may not dress the… best,” my eyes looked up at my propeller hat, “but it’s not like I care that much.”

“Oh absolute,” Apple Bloom nodded as the game ended, “ but ya’ll the one who wanted to treat this as a real date. So that means we’ll need to clean ya up a bit.”

Scootaloo scratched her head. “Yeah, I mean,” she lifted up her baggy jeans, “I wasn’t going to go on my first date with Sweetie in this thing.”

I groaned, not seeing fashion as the most important thing in the world since it took away time from homework and video games.

Then again, so was doing all this. “Fine! What do you have in mind?”

“I got a few things I can lend you,” Rumble offered, “I think we’re about the same size.”

“Give or take a few less muscles,” Apple Bloom muttered.

“Yeah, I…” Rumble stopped. “Hey!”

Apple Bloom laughed her ass off.

“Oh, it’s on!” Rumble declared as he jumped down to the controller. “May I!”

Scootaloo handed him the controller. “Be my guest.”

“Alright, game on.”

The game started.

“Game on!” Apple Bloom declared.

We watched on.

“They sure make a nice pair,” Sweetie Belle whispered.

I blinked. "Huh? Don't tell me she likes—"

"Shh!" They both commanded.

After I was quited, Scootlaoo glanced to our friends. “Guess they’re okay,“although, why—”

“Button?” We jumped a little when we heard my mom call for me as she opened the door.

I looked at the clock, and realized just how long we had been going at this.

“You home? I need some help with—” She walked into the living room where we had all been playing. “Oh my! I mean,” she blinked a few times to set down her grocery’s. “But… Button I… I um, wasn’t told you’d have… friends over.” She tried to look disappointed, but failed to hide her smile.

I simply rubbed my neck. “Er, sorry, I mean, I didn’t—”

“No, no, it’s okay. Just, um,” she looked around, “maybe you could have, let me know,” we saw what looked to be a tear. “Can I get you kids anything? Drinks, snacks?’

“That sounds—” Rumble began before Apple Bloom cut him off.

“Actually, we all were about ta leave.”

Rumble blinked. “We were?”

Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened. “Oh, yes.” She tugged on Scootaloo’s arm. “We were going to have dinner with my family tonight, and don’t want to be late.”

I raised an eyebrow at them. “Already?” I looked at my mom from the corner of my eyes as I looked at them. “You mean?” I pointed back and forth between them. “You’ll be okay—”

“Yes, I’ll be fine,” Sweetie Belle confirmed as she squeezed Scootaloo’s arm. “Sooner the better. Plus, I’ll talk to my sister about your attire for tomorrow night. She knows a few things about fashion.”

“Tomorrow night?” My mom asked.

My skin crawled as Sweetie Belle began to panic.

“I’ll…” I looked nervously between Sweetie Belle and my mom, “explain in a bit, mom.”

“Alright,” Rumble said, “that’s fine, but why do I have to leave?”

“Cause,” Apple Bloom said, arms crossed behind her back, feet kicking, “I thought I’d give ya a chance ta show ya muscles off.”


Apple Bloom shot him an evil grin. “Unless ya afraid to get dirty at the farm.

Rumble jerked away and placed his hands on his hips. “Hey, Rumble doesn’t back down from a challenge!” He banged on his chest.

Apple Bloom chuckled as her face glowed red. “Well see, tough guy.”

As she walked off, he shot me a nervous glance.

I shrugged. “You’ll be fine,” I then whispered, “isn’t this why you tagged along anyways?” I gave him a wink

He began to heat up. “You know, maybe—”

“Ya coming?” we heard Apple Bloom call.

He turned around, looked at her, she looked at him with a wide bright smile.

“Yeah,” he grinned stupidly. He began to walk forward, only to stop and turn back to me. “Anyways, I…” he rubbed his hands together, then said, “I promise, not to tell anyone about,” he worriedly looked to my mom, “you know.” He ran two of his fingers across his lips.

I grinned “Yeah, and thanks, Rumble. TF tonight after this is over? If you survive?”

Rumble closed his eyes and shook his head. “Yeah, yeah, take care.” He grabbed his backpack and raced after Apple Bloom.

Once they were gone, Sweetie Belle asked, “So, you think he’ll be alright?”

“Oh she’ll destroy him,” Scootaloo confirmed. “What does she see in him anyways?”

Sweetie Belle titled her head. “He seems sweet, and not bad looking.” She looked wide eyed at her girlfriend. “Anyways,” she walked up to me and pulled out a notepad. “Give me a call if you need anything, Button.” She then wrote some numbers down and handed it to me.

“Um, okay,” I said, holding the piece of paper.

“Great.” She nodded and gave me a quick hug. “I’ll see you tomorrow!”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo nodded, “take care, Button.”

With the slam of a door, it became just Charlie, my mom, and I.

“So,” my mom asked, “did you have fun?”

“Yeah.” I responded as Charlie walked up and nuzzled my arm.

She made her way back outside to get the rest of the groceries. "What was that about tomorrow night?"

"Well, I... I sort of have a date..."

My mother's eyes enlarged as it looked as if she was bound to exploded with joy. "Oh, really? Who? Was one of them that girl you often talk about?”

My face reddened. “Mom!”

“Sorry,” my mother flushed, “but a mother needs to know these things.”

I sighed. “Yeah.” With that, I realized what I was about to tell her. Though..." I lowered my head and stuck my hands into my pockets.

This was my mom, and as much as it hurt, I didn’t want to hide any of this from her. While I had some trouble trusting her as much as anyone. I still cared for her. Plus, I owed her much for how I behaved as a kid. What it would do to her, was anybody’s guess.

“You see…”


We sat at the dinner table, food long gone, as my mother digested everything I had told her. At first, she didn’t believe me. Then I showed her the book, told her a little more about how it made sense to me, and then she just sat there, really quiet like.

“Mom,” I eventually asked, “you okay?”

She placed a hand to her head. “I just… I mean, you sure? It could just be a phase—”


She flinched. “Alright, alright!" She bit her lips. "So you’re really not into girls, or boys?”

I nodded. “Yeah... I hope you’re not mad.”

Mom gave a light sigh. “Oh, Button, I’m never mad at you.”

I shrank into my seat.

She gave me a smile. “This may be a little new to me, but I promise, if it makes you happy, then I can live with it. You’re my son, and I love you.”

I shot her a half smile as I rubbed Charlie's head. “Thanks, mom. I love you too.”

She then scratched her chin. “Though, you sure you’re not demisexual?”

I groaned, but answered, “I think I’m ace, but, maybe.”

Mom nodded. “Yes, though, what about this date then? Don’t take this the wrong way, but how did you get one? With you being asexual and all?” Her eyes began to beam. “Who is she?” She gasped. "I bet it is that Sweetie girl!”

I chuckled nervously. “Um, that’s kind of an even funnier story, if… if you don’t mind.”

She leaned on the table, resting her head in her arms. “I’m all ears.”


“That was very brave of you,” Mom complimented after I told her about how I ended up on a date with Silver Spoon. “But you do realize that there is no way I’m letting you do this.”

My pupils shrank “What? Mom—”

“Button,” she rubbed her hand on her head, “I don’t mind a lot of things about you.” She ran both her hands through her hair. “I love you very much. So can you explain to me how I can just stand by and let you get hurt like that?”

I lowered my head. “I… look. People are counting on me. I won’t get hurt, because I know what’s coming. Besides, I already went over this with my… friends. If don’t show, I’ll just look like the bad guy for standing her up.

She raised a finger. “That’s,” she lowered said finger, “a good point.” She lowered her head onto the table.

I looked at Charlie for a moment, then walked up to my mom. “Hey, it’s okay. Besides, I… sort of want this. I might not be into dating, but I’ve always wanted to go on at least one. Worst come to worse, she and her friends will get it over with quickly. Though, maybe we’ll get a bit into the date. This way I can say that I at least gave it a try in high school.” I, hesitantly at first, rubbed her back. “Also, even without that little detail, I’m doing this for Sweetie Belle and my friends. What more could one ask for?”

Mom lifted her head up and shook it. “Some days, Button.” She took a moment to breath. “So, where do you plan to take this, Silver Spoon, out on your date?”

“I… didn’t really plan for it.” Even with the gang over, we mostly just talked about how a date should work. How to look and act, and how to dress nicely. “She kind of just asked if tomorrow night would work, and I said sure.”

Mom nodded her head. “Did you at least get a number or contact information from her.”

I bit my lip.


“Hey! I didn’t think she’d say yes!” I began to fidget. “If anything, I wish she just shot me down then and there. Though,” I thought, “maybe I can find her online?”

Mom nodded. “Sounds like a good idea. Why don’t you log onto your laptop and see if we can find her?”

I nodded, and we made our way to my bedroom

Once I turned on my laptop, we looked around for a bit, till we were able to find her home page online.

“My,” mom complimented, “she sure can make a home page.”

“Yeah,” I said, tilting my head as I looked at the screen.

It was rather flashy, but not so flashy that it hurt the eyes. It was a page that looked like it took hours to put together. All around, next to her status updates, she had what looked like professional shots of herself and some of her friends. Around them, there would be various icons that were animated. Some simply bobbled and spun, but a few, such as a pony, ran, then jumped over a fence. A few even celebrated as fireworks exploded around it. Others would do things that I didn’t even think could be done with a computer.

“Right,” I said a moment later, when I tore my eyes away from the dancing spoons to her mail icon.

I typed; 'Hey, Silver Spoon, it’s Button Mash, I forgot to ask, when do you want to go on our date tomorrow, and where would you like to go?'

A send click later, and the message was on its way.

“Guess we just wait,” I said as I leaned into my chair.

“Sounds good.” Mom took a seat on my bed. “Though, do you have any ideas of what you’d like to do if she gives you options?”

“Well, Rumble said a place for dinner could be nice. But Scootaloo said—”

I then heard a slight whimper. Our attention was drawn as I saw Charlie stumble in the room.

“Oh, Charlie, you slowpoke. What took you so long?” I got up to lead him inside to his favorite corner of the room for him to lay down. “That’s a good boy.”

My mom looked at us funny. “Um, Button. I know you don’t like to talk about it, but,” she paused, “you do know Charlie’s an old dog? And, dogs don’t live forever? I’m not saying now, but,” she rubbed her hands, “he is getting weaker, and, well, what do you think?”

I looked at her as the words processed in my mind while I rubbed my chin.

There was a bing from the laptop. “Oh, good, she responded!”

Mom looked to protest, but she decided to put it on hold now that we had my future dates attention.

It read; ‘Button my love so glad you contacted me. Miss u so much.’ <3 I rolled my eyes an imagined she was typing this with her friends around to snicker. ‘After School work? We could go 2 the mall, grab a bite, and see a movie? I’ll drive.’

I shot a glance to my mom. “That´s alright?”

My mom gave a nervous nod. “I… I guess that will be okay.”

We didn’t move, till I said. “It will be okay, mom. At least I can’t get my heart broken.”

“Yeah, but I…” she glanced down, then looked up at me. “Alright. I trust you then.”

I quivered, and went to the keyboard to type, a mischievous gleam in my my eyes. ‘Sure thing, beautiful Silver, and might I say, I love your profile page, just adds an extra layer to how incredible you are with all the detail you put into it.’

With a chuckle, I sent it.

“No sexy or hot in there?” Mom asked as she caught onto my mischief for playing along.

I shrugged. “Eh, not my thing. Even in an act.”

There was a bing. 'Sure thing, hotie, see you soon! <3’

My mom sighed. “Guess that’s that.”


“… So, you need anything else?”

“I’m good,” I said slowly.

“Okay, just, you will be careful, right?”

I nodded. “Of course, mom.”

I winced as she pulled me into a hug. however, with out protest, I allowed her to smother me. It took away the fear I had, not knowing what was going to happen, but willing to do it anyways.

“My boy,” she messed up my hair, “growing up so fast.”

“Aw, mom!”

She chuckled. “Alright, well, don’t stay up late playing video games.”

I nodded. “Okay, mom.”

She then left, and I was alone to play some TF2 to relax till I had to go to bed. But before I could change the page on my screen, there was another bing. I was tempted to just leave it be, but decided to look at the message in case it was important.

'Did you really mean that about my home page?’

It caught me a little off guard. Exspecting whatever else she would have said to me to fall along the lines of taunts or flirts to get me ‘hyped’ for the date. Still, my fingers found their way to the keyboard, where I hesitantly typed,

‘Yeah, I love the detail you put into some of the animation icons. Must have taken a lot of time.’

That, or whoever’s time she paid to make it.

I laughed at my own humor and opened a new page to get my game started as I waited for her response. Curious to see where this went.

My curiosity was reward when Silver Spoon replied, ‘Thank you, it could take about six hours when I first started. I telmor l8er by!’

‘Okay.’ I replied.

There was nothing more after that, even after I left the page open for the rest of the night.


“Alright,” mom confirmed the next morning, “you’ll let me know where you are at all times?”

“I will, mom.” Backpack ready, phone fully charged, and nothing to do but to walk out the door.

Charlie was lying down by my leg while my mother was standing by trying to figure out if there was anything else I needed. “Okay, so…”

I sighed.

“You know, you could still back out. I’m sure a simple excuse of, ‘something came up last second,’ would do wonders.” she suggested.

I trembled a bit. “Thanks, but, no. I want to do this. Besides, “I unzipped my backpack and pulled out a towel and winked, “I got it covered.”

“Alright, just... let me know if you need an early pick up. Don’t forget to at least act mature! You’re the better person.”

I nodded. “I will.” I then bent over and rubbed Charlie’s head. “Will you make sure Charlie gets food, water, and is let out if I don’t make it back home by seven?”

She held her hands together. “Sure thing.”

We stood there for a moment, neither of us eager to have me step out that door. Although, time moved on, and I had no other option but to go to school.

“I’ll see you later, thanks, mom,” I said as I raced to my bike, and took off.

“Don’t forget your manners, open the door for her first, and remember to say excuse me if you burp!” Mom called out to me as I raced away. “Second thought, just eat slowly so you don’t burp at all!”

I chuckled as I made my way out of ear range.


When I made it to school, it was nothing but silence and stares as I parked my bike. No one said anything, but I could feel everyone at the school watching me. I walked up to the school doors— without bumping into Silver Spoon—where a few girls saw me, looked, whispered something, then acted like they hadn’t seen me.

Keeping a low profile, I walked into first hour class, where Rumble was waiting for me, arms laying on his desk with bags under his eyes.

“Hey,” he looked up to me without moving his arms, “went well with your mom?”

I sat down next to him. “Pretty good, actually. If anything, she tried to talk me out of it with a sick day or sudden family reunion.”

He slowly raised an arm. “Good to… OH!”

I laughed. “Went well with Apple Bloom I take it?”

He glared at me.

“Hey, you didn’t have to follow me after school.”

He rolled his eyes. “Oh please, I didn’t mind.” He rolled his head to the side to face me. “She more or less put me to work once we got to the farm.”

“Sounds like a lot of trouble just for a girl.”

He smiled. “I thought so too, but then we took a break. When we did, we just talked. Thought I’d take a page out of your book by treating her nicely. Found out, we’re both really into football, hockey, and we even share a knack for building things.”

I started at him. “Building things?”

“Oh yeah. Don’t let the guys know, but I’m really into building blocks and things like wood shop. She is too. Showed off some of her birdhouses she’s built.” He tried to reach for his backpack, but gave up. “I also brought some of my own creations to show off to her later today.”

“That’s nice and… wait, what’s this about a page out of my book?”

He shrugged. “Hey, if not calling a girl sexy can get you a date with Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon, then why jinx my chances with your friend?”

I rubbed my head. “Oh stop it! You know this isn't a real date, right?”

He shrugged as best as he could. “Maybe, maybe not. But you’re all anyone has been talking about.”

I slumped into my seat. “I suppose that was the idea.”

“I mean that in a good way. Though, I suppose results will vary. I heard Snips tried hitting on Diamond Tiara after you asked Silver Spoon out… didn’t end well. Then Pipsqueak tried, only by saying she had a beautiful face. She still told him off, but reports are in that she did blush.”

I covered my face with my hands. “Oh, I am a dead man.”

With a groan, Rumble lifted up one of his arms and placed it on my back. “Hey, if it means anything, you’re my hero.”

I rolled my eyes, but gave a legit smile. “Thanks, man.”

He nodded. “Though… now that we’re friends, um, is there any chance you´d want to hang out with me and the guys this weekend? Or maybe just play some games at one of our houses or the arcade?”

“Well,” I thought for a moment, “you know what, if Apple Bloom doesn’t kill you, maybe we could do something… pal.”

He shot up and threw his fist into the air. “Yes! About time too!” He paused for a moment, looked at his arms, then screamed in pain.


Thanks to my new best friend, the talking around the other guys in class was minimized as Rumble told them I was saving my strength for the date tonight. I still had to talk a little, but for the most part, I was left in peace. Though, it occurred to me that most of the space people were giving me had more to do with Silver Spoon’s threat more than anything else. Although, thinking about it, I couldn’t get my mind off the fact that she was on the yearbook staff. Not that I thought—or cared if—she was a cheerleader, but a yearbook editor didn’t seem to fit with what I assumed her personality was.

It was something I would have to put on hold, as I heard a familiar voice shout to me, “Button, ya have a second?”

I looked up to see Apple Bloom all by herself in the halls.

“Sure,” I replied, nervously looking around as I approached her. “What’s up?”

“First all, ya doin’ alright?”

I rubbed my neck. “Yeah, been's quite.”

She chuckled. “Ah bet. Anyways, that’s not what Ah wanted to talk to ya about.”

“Um, okay?”

She took in a deep breath and rubbed her head. “Right, so how can you get someone ta ask ya out?”

I blinked. “What?”

She rubbed her head. “Well, it’s about Rumble. I had fun messin’ with him yesterday, and when Ah wasn’t, we had fun. Ah know he has a crush on me, but, not once did he try ta ask me out. Ah mean," she twirled a strand of hair, "I liked that he didn’t try anything funny, but I’d wish he just ask me.”

“Hey now, Bloom,” I comforted, “first off, and I hope this doesn’t come across in a bad way, but why Rumble?"

She rubbed her chin. “Well, we share a wood shop class, and he’s funny, not to bad lookin’, and we have a lot in common.” She blushed. “Anyways, I don’t mind how he tried ta impress me last night, but he didn’t have to almost get himself killed for me.”

I backed up a little, not sure on how literally she meant that. “Yeah, he was pretty sore this morning. Though, between you and me, all he talked about in english was how much he enjoyed his time with you.” She flushed. “But, why don’t you just ask him out then? No reason why you just can’t.”

Her face flustered. “Well, Ah… Ah mean… Ah don’t know, and, Ah…”

Was it really that hard to ask someone out on a date? Then again, I was not one to talk, considering the dilemma I had faced before Sweetie Belle before we discovered our identities. If I had tried to ask her before then, it would have only made things awkward between us, and possibly ruined any friendship we had. It now made sense why people would be impressed by me. Though the only reason I had acted so confident with Silver Spoon was because I wasn’t her friend and had nothing to lose if it went badly.

“Nevermind!” I interjected.

The bell rang.

“I know you two will work out. See you at lunch?”

“Kay.” she nodded. “Oh, and Button?”

I looked at her. “Yeah?”

“Ya’ll awesome. Don’t forget that?”

I looked around nervously. “Um, thanks.”

She smiled at me. “Anyways, see ya.”

Up until lunch, the word ‘awesome’ kept echoing throughout my mind.


“That bad then?” I asked Scootaloo as we—myself, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Rumble and Sweetie Belle—sat on the field bleachers to avoid attention.

While nothing bad had happened, I couldn't go anywhere without someone either saying good luck or how awesome I was. Or just acted like I wasn’t there. Keeping any comments—good or bad—to themselves while everyone stared at me.

“I wouldn’t say It was, that, bad.” Scootaloo answered, holding onto her sobbing mess of a girlfriend.

“Yes it was!” Sweetie Belle cried. “They’re going to disown me. I know it!”

Scootaloo hugged Sweetie Belle tighter. “Oh please! Your sister seemed okay with us.”

Sweetie Belle sniffled “She fainted when we held hands to ‘demonstrate!’”

“Yes... but she recovered and gave her blessing! What about your dad? He didn’t say much?”

Sweetie Belle sobbed. “He’s just getting over the shock! Once he gets composed, he’ll lock me up, and I’ll never see you again!”

Scootaloo groaned. “You don’t know that. What about your mom? She couldn’t stop smiling. Even said she called it.”

Sweetie Belle paused for a moment, before she erupted into a stream of tears. “She was just acting! I know it, AND IT WAS EMBARRASSING!”

Apple Bloom covered her ears. “Okay, OKAY! Chill girl, I’m with the majority of this, you're overthinking it.”

Sweetie Belle's cried turned into sniffles. “I know,” she whimpered, “but it… but I just know dad’s not pleased his little girl is a gay.”

Scootaloo smacked her forhead. “Oh for...." She coughed. "Anyways, please! If he’s upset, I’m sure it’s more because of the fact that his daughter is dating a rebel like me rather than you being a lesbian.”

She put emphases on 'lesbian, while Sweetie Belle muttered, "Sorry, but I… I…” she turned the waterworks back on, “I WANT THEM TO LOVE ME! WA!”

Rumble rubbed his head. “Ugh, is having a girlfriend always like this?” He shrank into his seat as Apple Bloom cast him a glare.

“I bet having a boyfriend ain't that fun either,” she slouched

He rubbed his shoulder. “Well I…” he nervously looked at Apple Bloom, “I, um…” He flustered.

I slapped my forehead. “Dude!” I said, giving a nudge.

Rumble stuttered. “What I mean is…” He took a deep breath, and composed himself. Standing up, and putting on a smile despite the pain I knew still ran through his body. “I had fun last night with you, Bloom, want to hang out together sometime?”

Apple Bloom’s face reddened, she then smirked. “You mean, like another hay liftin’ contest?”

Pupils shrinking, Rumble shook his head as he restored his moxie. “If you want to. Or I mean…” He paused, “well, maybe we could do something tomorrow night? After everything with Button is done?” He tried not to look nervous when he said, “Maybe we could make it a... A date?”

Sweetie Belle stopped crying as we all looked at Rumble.

Apple Bloom, red as an apple, said, “Wh—, Ah… meep!” she blinked a few times, before Scootaloo said;

“Oh for the love of, it’s about time you two!”

Apple Bloom shot her a glare, before, with a gleeful smile, raced to Rumble, took one of his hands, and said. “Yes!”

“Gah!” Rumble cried in agony as his arm was being lifted.

“Sorry.” Apple Bloom said as she let go. “But don’t worry, the pain goes away after the first week.”

He blinked. “First week?”

“Yeah, no offense, Rumble, but if we’re going ta be dating, ya need a little muscle ta impress my family.”

“Wh—, What?” His legs began to get woozy. “I… wait, so that was a yes to the date at least?”

She giggled. “Of course, you dunderhead! I had fun last night.”

He blushed. “Yeah.” He scratched his head, then gave her a mischievous smile. “I mean, we can do dinner, my treat. I wouldn’t mind a little more of that farm work. After all,” he slowly flexed a newly forming muscle on his arm. “I think I could dig it.”

She giggled. “Good boy.”

We heard the bell ring.

“See ya then.” She then flicked her hair, so it sailed across Rumble’s face, and made her way back to school.

“Well, that was fun,” I said, “but did you guys get the clothes for my date tonight?”

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle nodded as we headed towards the school, “I was able to get Rarity’s input before the big news.”

“And I was able to bring the wardrobe,” Rumble added. “All in my locker ready to go.”

I smiled. “Thanks.”

Sweetie Belle added, “You still don’t have to do this.”

I crossed my arms. “Nope. Still going to happen.” I looked at Rumble. “Though I guess it will be yesterday’s news when people hear you asked Apple Bloom out.”

Rumble stuttered, “I… um,”

Scootaloo gripped his arm. “Yeah, but a few things first.”

“Scoots!” Sweetie Belle warned.

Scootaloo released him. “Fine.” She went to her girlfriend. “I still got my eyes on you.” She then pointed from her eyes to him. “Though, whatever you did last night, keep it up, you’re already showing promising results.”

Rumble chuckled nervously. Once the girls walked ahead a little, he whispered to me, “You know, I think I’m starting to get a little envious of your asexuality.”

I cringed, but choose to lighten up at the chosen words. “Oh we’ll see about that after tonight.”


The hours came and went, and soon, I was in the last class of the day.

...Where to start? How about when Silver Spoon walked in.

Not wanting to walk into a full class of students staring at me, I raced to chemistry to be the first inside.

I wanted to avoid it, but I knew one way or another—much like the date—I had to do this.

At first, it was just a few students who filled in and stared at me. Then, it was Silver Spoon, with her friends, looking distressed till she eyed me, and put on a smile as she walked towards me.

“Hey,” she said, hands held together in front of her.

My breaths deepened as my anger began to boil. “Hi, Silver.” My sensitive hearing caught onto her friends giggling behind us.

“Anyways,” she said pushing in her glasses, “we still good for right after school?”

“Um,” I mentally slapped myself, “Yeah. Actually, I wanted to dress into something nice first, but I’ll meet you in the parking lot right after, okay?”

She gave off a small cough, before her eyes widened and she frowned. “Oh, I mean,” she quickly put on a fake smile, “don’t be late, handsome.” She ran her hand over my arm, and made her way to her desk.

I looked around at her friends, who were giving me the thumbs up with evil smiles on their faces.” I turned around, but kept the corner of my eyes on them for a moment. When they thought I couldn’t see them, they snickered and began to compliment Silver Spoon. When I snapped my head back at them, there thumbs went back into the air as Silver Spoon took her seat next to them. Her head facing downwards, and maybe it was the light bouncing off her glasses, but it looked like she was... sad.

“Don’t let her get to you.” Sweetie Belle said, sitting down next to me.

With a sigh, I said, “I’m not, mostly. And no, I don’t regret it, nor am I backing out,” I told Sweetie Belle before she could protest. “It’s just like getting a shot. Putting it off won’t do it. The sooner the better.”

“Alright. But thanks again, Button, it means a lot.”

My palms began to moisten. "I know, Sweetie, I know.”


Class ended, and when it did, everyone filed out as chaotically as any class would. Backpacks pre-packed, darting at the bell, and I was no exception. Being more upfront in the class, Sweetie Belle and I were able to make it out ahead of Silver Spoon. All I wanted was to get to the locker rooms, change, and get this date over with. We made our way through the school, passed by several more people who shouted ‘good luck’ to me, and made it to the edge of the smaller boy’s locker room. The girls and Rumble were already there waiting.

"Alright,” Scootaloo said, cracking her knuckles, “you ready to do this?”

I lowered my head. “Yeah.”

Rumble stomped his foot onto the ground. “I didn’t hear you! You’re about to go on a date with one of the most popular girls in this school! For noble reasons I might add. So, are you ready!”

I jumped a little, straighten myself, breathed, and then my eyes glimmered as I forced out a loud, “Yeah.”


I flexed my arms, then bleated out. “YEAH!”

“Ya, let’s get movin,” Apple Bloom interjected, “ya got the clothes, Rumble?”

There was a pause.

“Oh, um, yeah,” he said while getting a little red. “Let’s go!

Alone in the locker room, the girls separated by just a door, I said, “So, you got a real date with Apple Bloom?”

“Don’t we have a date to get, you, ready for?”

I nodded, and he handed me some pants and pointed to a stall I walked into.

A moment later, I emerged. “How do I look?”

He put his finger on his chin and looked at me up and done. “Not bad. Just need a little help with the hair.”

I groaned. “Do I have to?”

“Yeah, but we can let the girls do that.“ He dragged me to a mirror where he straightened out a few wrinkles where he could.

I stared at myself.

For some reason, I had thought I was going to be dressed up in a business suit or a tux. While I didn’t dress horrible, even I could admit I didn’t have the best fashion sense. I wore a rather clean pair of jeans with what looked to be a rather high priced collared shirt. Still, what I saw was, well, it wasn’t what I liked to wear, but I looked nice enough to go on a date I suppose. At least it wasn’t too flashy.

Rumble patted me on the shoulder. “Looking good, man.”

“You sure you don’t mind lending me these? They're likely going to get covered in egg yolk.”

He waved a hand. “Nothing I’m sure a quick wash can’t fix. Besides, this might make her feel guilty about doing anything like that to you.”

I shook my head. “Thanks.” I reached for the door, then pulled back. “And, um, thanks for… you know, everything. Helping and wanting to be my friend even if I never seemed that interested.”

He chuckled. “It was no problem at all, I knew you’d warm up eventually. Plus, I’m getting a beautiful girlfriend out of this.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Beautiful, huh? I though Diamond Tiara was the hottest girl in school? Also, don’t you need to go on a date first before you can call her a girlfriend?”

His eyes derped. “I suppose. Hey, the hottest girl thing might be true too, but I’d still take Apples over Diamonds any day. Now quit stalling!”

We headed back into the hallway where our friends were waiting.


“Alright,” Apple Bloom said looking over me, “so you got the plan of if you make it as far as the mall. A little window shopping wherever she wants to, then dinner, then a movie at five? Anything we’re missing?”

“Nope,” I confirmed, “though, you all got it that you won’t try anything, that you’ll just be there, hidden in the background?”

Scootaloo nodded. “Promise.” She squeaked when Sweetie Belle gave her a nudge. With a blush, she pulled her hands out from behind her back. “Pinkie promise,” she muttered.

“Good,” Sweetie Belle rewarded with a kiss. “Though, you ready, Button?”

I stared straight ahead at the doors to the parking lot. “No. Just like getting a shot.”

A hand gripped my shoulder.

“Well, thanks again for doing this,” Sweetie Belle comforted, “I’ll be ready for whatever may come my way tomorrow.”

I squeezed and removed her hand from my shoulder. “No problem at all, friend.” I gave her a soft smile, let go, and walked away. “Just remember, distance! Or she’ll be on to me!” I added.

They waved me off, wished me well—and muttered under their breaths how doomed I was—till I reached the door.

One last breath, one last chance to get out of this, I pushed the doors open and headed outside. Where Silver Spoon, by herself, car running, was already waiting for me.

Author's Note:

a big thanks to [url=file:///C:/Users/andrew/Pictures/%5E5F69684DAE11C6F7F74EDA74376832876470671ADB501AC7B3%5Epimgpsh_thumbnail_win_distr.jpg]gordo for the new cover art