• Published 27th Sep 2015
  • 3,531 Views, 159 Comments

Button's Date With Silver Spoon - TheOneAJ

I'm on a date with the 2nd most popular girl in school, and I don't want to be.

  • ...

Chapter 14; Why Wouldn't We?

We sat at our local coffee shop, Sugarcube Corner, for over an hour before Diamond Tiara showed up. After Silver Spoon and I made sure our friends were up to speed, all we could do was sit and drink.

As for Silver Spoon, after she sent a text asking Diamond Tiara to meet us here, all she did was look at her phone every thirty seconds while she rested her head on my shoulder. I tried to tap her foot and cheer her up, but each time, I was met with no response.

The others weren’t in too high of spirit either. Apple Bloom played with her phone while Rumble twirled his drinking straw, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo sat close to each other while Scootaloo slowly sipped on her tea.

Then, a few minutes before Diamond Tiara showed up, Scootaloo threw her hands up and said, "Are we really just going to let him get away with this? It's not frikin fair!"

Sweetie Belle was too tired to even look up. "Scootaloo—"

"No,” Scootaloo continued, “it's not right! We shouldn't just let him get away with this! We need to do something, fight fire with fire!"

"You know," Silver Spoon said, tapping a finger on her chin, "I was just thinking of copying and pasting a picture of, say... Tray making out with a guy to blackmail him."

Scootaloo looked at Silver Spoon with an evil grin. "Go on."

I looked horrified to see Silver Spoon smirking. "You'd be amazed just how many pictures I have of him kissing his muscles. I could Photoshop him kissing a guy and—"

"And who would that guy be?" I asked. “You’re not saying we humiliate someone else just to get get back at Tray?

Scootaloo shrugged and flopped back into her girlfriend’s embrace. "Meh, good point. Bit to harsh even for me taste."

"Oh yeah?" Silver Spoon asked, her wicked smile more radiant than ever. "I'll just pull some guy from the internet or from another school." She looked excitedly at her cell phone. "Oh yes, in fact, I can even have one—hey!" She cried as I covered her phone. "What's your deal?"

"My deal?" I fumed, "My deal!” I took a moment to breath. What about you? I don't want you to fall back on their level, Silver.” I rubbed my head. “You showed me that you can be a bett—"

We were interrupted by the shop’s doorbell. Turning to the door, we saw Diamond Tiara walk in. She looked to Silver Spoon, then at me, wrinkled her nose, and stormed off.

"I'll be right back," Silver Spoon said as she chased after her.

We wait for a couple minutes, until Rumble said, "That could have gone—”

A loud, “WHAT?” Boomed throughout the cafe. Then, Diamond Tiara rushed in towards us, and in a hushed scream shouted, "If you say anything to anyone—"

Silver Spoon put herself between us. “Dia, they are not the problem. You can trust them to keep a secret.”

Diamond Tiara glared. “Yeah, well, now you got something against me, so what do you want?”

For a moment, it looked like Rumble was about to say something. But, even if it wasn't going to be humorous, Apple Bloom put a stop to it with just one look.

I, on the either hand, sighed and said, “Look, you have every reason to be pissed, but you have bigger problems than us right now.”

Diamond Tiara crossed her arms. “Like what?”

Twiddling her thumbs, Silver Spoon said, “Tray found out as well.”

At first, Diamond’s eyes began to twitch, “You backstabbing little—”

“It wasn’t my fault!” Silver Spoon said in tears. “He… Well, what matters is, he wants you to ask him out and be his girlfriend.”

I had never seen Diamond Tiara scared before. Threatened, maybe, but never scared. Her skin began to pale as her breathing became noticeably heavier. “He…I.. you…” She fell into a seat “Ugh! You see, Sil, this is just what happens when you play nice and associate with retarded—”

Silver Spoon stomped her foot. “Don’t you call any of them that! Besides,” she bit her lips, then, a smile spread across her face that made my skin crawl. “I already have a plan to end this.” There was a gleam in her eyes. “You remember Dustin? Same deal, only this time we don’t show off Tray making out with a guy, just make him—”

Having enough, I jumped from my seat and grabbed Silver Spoon’s arm. “Can I have a quick word, alone?”

Before she could answer, I dragged her to the outdoor tablets, which were conveniently unoccupied. Once we came to a stop, she looked at me, eyes like daggers, and asked, “What?”

“What?” I questioned back. “I don’t know, how about you wanting to sink to Tray’s level just to beat him?”

“Ugh,” she said, “why are you so against it? He deserves it. Besides, it's just one picture, he’ll back off, leave us alone and—”

“What’s wrong?” My eye began to twitch. “What’s wrong is that it’s not right! I thought you didn’t want to be that type of person anymore!”

My response shocked her. She stopped, looked at me concerned for a moment, and then said, “Well I… Do you have any better ideas?”

I was unable to answer her.

“Thought so.” She sighed and rubbed her forehead. “Look, I… I can’t take it, Button, okay? Maybe none of the teasing or harassment got to you today, but you know what? It did to me! All I could think of all day was, ‘how can I make them stop?' 'How can I get them back and show them not to mess with me?’ It was sickening, alright, but it’s what I’ve always done.” She took a breath. “And now, one of my best friend is going to be ruined, not just at school, but with her family as well, if we don’t play dirty.”

I answered. “I… I didn’t know it bother you that much.” I looked away. “I mean, I…” I grunted. “Nevermind. Believe me, more than anything, I want to get Tray back too.”

Eyes narrowed, she pushed her glasses into her face. “So, like, what’s the problem?”

I thought on that for a moment. What would be the problem? I mean, it wasn't like we didn't say mean things about Tray already. Besides,no one was going to see the picture Silver Spoon would create... Hopefully. Either way, while Tray said he would leave us alone, a part of me knew that was nothing stopping him from telling me to break up with Silver Spoon, or to do any less wicked things while he had the upper hand. Maybe just this once—

“Oh don’t worry,” Silver Spoon assured me, “like, I won’t use anyone important. I’ll just take some loser from the yearbook, maybe one of those chess kids no one—”

I quickly pointed my finger at her. “See, that’s why! Did you even hear what you just said? We can’t sink to Tray’s level. You can’t! I don't want you to become something ugly!”

She looked angry at first, but then, as she fought for the words to say, her body began to shake. “Well, I… Too bad, that’s reality!” She crossed her arms and looked away from me. “I’m sorry, Button, but being nice has never worked out for me, and it never leads to anything good. I don't like it any more than you do, but it works.” She pushed her glasses into her face. “Besides, can you name me one time someone’s good deed lead to anything nice?”

I thought for a moment, till I looked at her with a tired expression, and said, “It gave me the chance to get to know you, the real you.”

She was taken aback by that, remembering that the only reason I had asked her out was because I was being a hero for Sweetie Belle.

We didn’t speak, and a part of me just wanted to push her away. While I was able to handle teasing from strangers, the idea over the week of how friends, my girlfriend—that I originally never wanted—could behave had begun to send me into a spiral.

Silver Spoon broke the silence. “Button, are you alri—”

“I’m fine!” My eyes widened as she jumped back. “Sorry, I just… Sorry. Is it wrong to say this is all very stressful to me?”

She didn’t say anything.

I took a seat in one of the chairs.

She began to sit next to me when I said, “If it’s alright, can I just have a moment alone please?”

“Oh, um, okay.” She slowly made her way inside, leaving me to my thoughts.

I heard Silver Spoon sniffle as she headed back inside, but my head was hurting too much for me to do anything about it. My vision began to blur, and suddenly, anything around me started to become too loud. All I could do was to place my head on the table and block out the world.


A couple of minutes later, I felt someone nudge my shoulder. It might not have been fun, but I was enjoying myself more alone than with the stressful company of friends. My loneliness didn’t think of ways to hurt people.

With a moan, I lifted myself up to see who it was. “Hey, I’m—” I gasped when I saw it was Diamond Tiara. Averting eye contact I said, “Oh, hi.”

“Hi,” she said back

Being in a sour mood, I said the first thing that came to mind. “Come to call me a retard or something?”

She puffed, but answered. “Not this time.” Taking a seat next to me, she said, “Though, I have something to ask. Do you really like Silver Spoon?”

I made a circle on the table with my finger. “We’re dating, aren’t we?”

She kicked my knee. “Man up, will you? All I want to know is how much you care about my friend? Cause she seems to care an awful lot about you!”

I clenched my fist and looked at her. “You didn’t seem to care about her today.”

Her expression weaken. “Maybe, but even if it was twisted, all I have ever done was for her. Trying to get everyone to tease her so you’ll break up, I was thinking of her reputation.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, I’m sure she’d be very proud you made people pick on us all day.”

She groaned. “Alright, so I didn't think it completely through.”

I gave her a curious look.

“It is complicated, but I suppose since it’s already out to you, a lot of it is from the fact that I have a crush on her.” She closed her eyes and nodded her head. “That doesn’t matter anymore though, what does is her." She opened her eyes. "When she came back inside on the verge of crying, unable to look at me from whatever you two were yelling about, I realized what I had to do.” She took in a deep breath. “If I… If I agree to go out with Tray, will you promise to always be there for her? Make sure that she’s happy, and treat her the way she deserves?”

My mouth dropped. “Of course, I really do care about her, but really? You’re just going to agree to his commands?”

“What other choice do I have?” She spoke in a slow deep monotone. “Besides it’s the best outcome for everyone. I’ll be the most popular girl in school without question, you and Silver Spoon will be happy.”

Moved by her sincerity, I said, “But you won’t.”

She glared at me. “What do you know about me, huh? Do you know what my parents would do if they found out I like girls? Or worse, do you know what they would think if they thought I was weak?”

I took a breath. “I…I…”

“Didn’t think so.” She stood up. “So just keep Sil happy, and I’ll make sure you and your friends are left alone.”

I couldn’t let it end there. “So you’re just going to let people like Tray get away with whatever they want?”

She kept her back to me, hand clenched.

“Just don’t give a damn what happens.” I challenged. "Maybe it won’t turn out well, but it works! I’m sure most of your so called ‘friends’ said it got really old and frustrating when they couldn’t get a rise out of me today. Who’s to say anyone would even believe Tray? And your family… I wish I could say what will happen, but you can’t truly believe they would hate you just for being a les—”

She whipped around, almost hitting me with her purse. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stop there!” Breathing heavily, she headed towards the parking lot. “Thanks for the chat, but just don’t worry about me anymore, okay? It will make all of your friend’s lives easier.”

With that, she was gone. But before she completely left my view, I caught one last glimpse of her face as her tears started to ruin her massacre.

As I stared, I felt a hand slip into mine. Looking behind me, I saw everyone looking at me with sad and depressed faces.

I squeezed Silver Spoon’s hand back. “Don’t suppose you’d be up to playing some video games at my place? I think I could use some company.”

Author's Note:

So originally, I was going to have Diamond Tiara be the foil and full antagonist for this story since it really wouldn't work if everyone became a good guy. However, this was all planed out before lost mark, but since i had half the story done before then I went with what I had. Then, after watching lost mark, I began to wonder, well what if I did this and that and would that work?
I'm sure diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon are going to continue to be nonredeemable bullies in other fan works, but I don't mind, there's nothing wrong with it, though I do admit I loved it when I felt sympostic for DT in the show (even if a part of me felt it would have worked better if it had been Silver Spoon in her place instead).
Still can't wait to see the resonance I get for what I did here and plan for the next chapter, and come on, people, only 45 more likes to go to 100! :party: